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Ditemukan 4 dokumen yang sesuai dengan query
Tarigan, Jenny Sari
Abstrak :
Buta warna merupakan suatu ketidakmampuan atau penurunan kemampuan untuk mengenali warna baik pada warna tertentu buta warna partial atau seluruh warna buta warna total dalam kondisi pencahayaan yang normal. Ketidakmampuan mengenali warna ini dapat berpotensi menyebabkan berbagai kesulitan bagi para penderitanya dalam kehidupan sehari-hari maupun dalam lingkup yang lebih khusus. Sistem pendeteksi warna ini merupakan aplikasi perangkat lunak untuk membantu mengatasi masalah penderita buta warna dalam mengenali warna. Metode pengembangan sistem yang digunakan untuk membangun aplikasi ini adalah Waterfall sebagai perancangan sistem. Pengujian dilakukan pada user acak baik buta warna maupun berpenglihatan normal. hasil akhir dari penelitian ini adalah terciptanya sebuah aplikasi tes buta warna yang sesuai dengan metode Ishihara yang dapat digunakan dengan tingkat keberhasilan pengenalan 100%.
Medan: Polimedia Negeri Medan, 2018
338 PLMD 21:1 (2018)
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Sofiar Agusta
Abstrak :
Salah satu gangguan yang terjadi pada mata adalah buta warna. Buta warna adalah suatu keadaan dimana seseorang tidak dapat membedakan warna tertentu yang bisa dibedakan oleh orang dengan mata normal. Seseorang yang menderita buta warna dapat disebabkan oleh kelainan sejak lahir atau akibat penggunaan obat-obatan yang berlebihan. Buta warna umumnya diderita oleh laki-laki, sedangkan wanita hanyalah sebagai gen pembawa/resesif.Penelitian ini bertujuan memudahkan user, dokter maupun pelayanan kesehatan dalam melakukan tes buta warna secara massal, dengan membuat suatu program berbasis visual basic 6.0 . Metode: membandingkan hasil tes buta warna yang dilakukan secara konvensional menggunakan Instrumen pengujian tes buta warna otomatis menggunakan software berbasis visual basic dengan perangkat bantuan berupa notebook dan tablet. Kesimpulan: 1) sistem otomatisasi tes buta warna dapat berfungsi dengan baik dalam melakukan tes buta warna secara otomatis, 2) sistem otomatisasi tes buta warna ini user friendly dan mudah digunakan.
One of the disruption of the eye is color blind. Color blindness is a condition in which a person can not distinguish certain colors that can be distinguished by a person with normal eyes. A person suffering from color blindness can be caused by abnormalities since birth or due to the use of excessive drugs. Color blindness is generally suffered by men, while women are just as gene carrier / recessive.This study aims to facilitate users, physicians and health care in performing the color blind test mass, to create a program based on visual basic 6.0. Methods: compare the color blind test results conducted using conventional Ishihara test book with color blindness test automation system using visual basic-based software with the help of notebook and tablet form. Conclusions: 1) the color blind test automation systems can function well in a color blind test automatically, 2) the color blind test automation system is user friendly and easy to use.;One of the disruption of the eye is color blind. Color blindness is a condition in which a person can not distinguish certain colors that can be distinguished by a person with normal eyes. A person suffering from color blindness can be caused by abnormalities since birth or due to the use of excessive drugs. Color blindness is generally suffered by men, while women are just as gene carrier / recessive.This study aims to facilitate users, physicians and health care in performing the color blind test mass, to create a program based on visual basic 6.0. Methods: compare the color blind test results conducted using conventional Ishihara test book with color blindness test automation system using visual basic-based software with the help of notebook and tablet form. Conclusions: 1) the color blind test automation systems can function well in a color blind test automatically, 2) the color blind test automation system is user friendly and easy to use.;One of the disruption of the eye is color blind. Color blindness is a condition in which a person can not distinguish certain colors that can be distinguished by a person with normal eyes. A person suffering from color blindness can be caused by abnormalities since birth or due to the use of excessive drugs. Color blindness is generally suffered by men, while women are just as gene carrier / recessive.This study aims to facilitate users, physicians and health care in performing the color blind test mass, to create a program based on visual basic 6.0. Methods: compare the color blind test results conducted using conventional Ishihara test book with color blindness test automation system using visual basic-based software with the help of notebook and tablet form. Conclusions: 1) the color blind test automation systems can function well in a color blind test automatically, 2) the color blind test automation system is user friendly and easy to use., One of the disruption of the eye is color blind. Color blindness is a condition in which a person can not distinguish certain colors that can be distinguished by a person with normal eyes. A person suffering from color blindness can be caused by abnormalities since birth or due to the use of excessive drugs. Color blindness is generally suffered by men, while women are just as gene carrier / recessive.This study aims to facilitate users, physicians and health care in performing the color blind test mass, to create a program based on visual basic 6.0. Methods: compare the color blind test results conducted using conventional Ishihara test book with color blindness test automation system using visual basic-based software with the help of notebook and tablet form. Conclusions: 1) the color blind test automation systems can function well in a color blind test automatically, 2) the color blind test automation system is user friendly and easy to use.]
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Muhammad Irfan Amrullah
Abstrak :
Metode daltonization merupakan salah satu metode image enhancement yang dapat membantu persepsi citra bagi orang-orang yang memiliki buta warna merah. Proses daltonization adalah sebuah proses untuk mengubah warna pada citra menjadi warna yang dapat dibedakan oleh orang-orang yang memiliki buta warna. Pada penelitian ini algoritma daltonization diaplikasikan terhadap berbagai kategori citra berwarna, yaitu Ishihara Test, objek sehari-hari, dan permainan komputer. Pada penelitian ini, kami mengimplementasikan optimisasi pada algoritma daltonization dan membandingkan hasilnya dengan algoritma sebelum dioptimisasi. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan berdasarkan dari nilai ∆E color difference algoritma hasil modifikasi berhasil dalam membuat perbedaan warna pada citra bagi orang-orang yang memiliki buta warna merah dibandingkan algoritma awal. Selain itu, berdasarkan nilai Mean Opinion Score (MOS) dengan skala Absolute Category Rating (ACR) performa dari algoritma-algoritma ini terbagi dua. Algoritma daltonization hasil modifikasi meraih nilai lebih tinggi untuk responden yang memiliki buta warna merah total atau Protanopia. Untuk responden yang memiliki buta warna merah parsial atau Protanomali, algoritma daltonization yang telah dioptimisasi masih menemui kendala dalam meningkatkan kualitas citra objek sehari-hari dan permainan komputer, namun sudah berhasil membantu mereka dalam membedakan citra Ishihara Test. ......Daltonization is one methods that is helpful in aiding color image perception for people with red color vision deficiency (CVD). Daltonization is a process to change colors in an image to colors that can be differentiated by people with CVD. In this study, a previously proposed daltonization algorithm was applied to various types of images, i.e., Ishihara Test, daily life objects, and game screenshots. The daltonization algorithm was then optimized and its results were compared to the daltonization algorithm before being optimized. The results showed that based on ∆E color difference, the optimized daltonization algorithm was successful in increasing the color differences to a notable difference for people with red CVD compared to its initial version. Furthermore, the results by Mean Opinion Score (MOS) and Absolute Category Rating (ACR) scale showed that the optimized daltonization algorithm obtained a higher score, meaning it was preferred by respondents with full red CVD or Protanopia. For respondents with partial red CVD or Protanomaly, the optimized algorithm met difficulties in enhancing the daily life objects and game screenshots images, but was effective in helping them to differentiate colors in Ishihara Test images.
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Komputer Universitas Indonesia, 2021
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library