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Emy Trisniawaty
Abstrak :
Penelitian ini berfokus pada sistem inovasi nasional yang merupakan interrelasi dan interdependensi dari beberapa elemen, yaitu pemerintah sebagai pengambil kebijakan dan fasilitator, universitas sebagai pusat akademik dan penelitian, dan industri perputaran bisnis dari penerapan inovasi atau hasil pengembangan dan penelitian, serta elemen pendukung lainnya, yaitu penyandang dana. Elemen-elemen ini merupakan unsur penting yang harus bersinergi, artinya memiliki hubungan yang kuat dalam membentuk jaringan kerja sehingga dimungkinkannya peningkatan dan pengembangan inovasi sehingga dapat mengurangi hambatan dalam melakukan terobosan-terobosan baru dari hasil inovasi yang dilakukan. Penelitian ini termasuk penelitian kualitatif. Obyek penelitian ini merupakan informan yang representatif yaitu Kementerian Negara Riset dan Teknologi, Institut Pertanian Bogor, dan PT Indofood Sukses Makmur Tbk. Pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan wawancara mendalam, sedangkan analisis dilakukan dengan merujuk pada pendapat para informan dan konsep sistem inovasi nasional serta konsep model triple helix. Dari analisis terhadap hasil wawancara, disimpulkan bahwa Kemampuan menghasilkan invensi dan inovasi di Indonesia sangat rendah, di antaranya karena kurangnya jumlah peneliti yang handal, sangat terbatasnya dana riset untuk kegiatan penelitian dan pengembangan, dan tidak sinerginya kinerja lembaga-lembaga yang terkait, yaitu pemerintah, universitas, dan industri serta lembaga-lembaga penyandang dana penelitian. Oleh karena itu, tesis ini menganalisis sistem inovasi nasional di Indonesia dengan menggunakan model triple helix (studi kasus Kementerian Negara Riset dan Teknologi - Institut Pertanian Bogor - PT Indofood Sukses Makmur Tbk), sebagai bentuk interaksi antara Akademik - Bisnis - Government (pemerintah) (ABG) dalam konteks sistem inovasi nasional guna memacu inovasi industri.
The focus of this study is Innovation system which describes the interrelation and interdependent from many compound such as government as policy makers and facilitator, university as academic center and research, and industry as business circle which apply innovation or research results from R&D institute. Another element is economic domain (funding). These elements are important compound which must have good relation and create networks. So, the enhancement and development of innovation from research result can be built and the obstacle in making new breakthrough from innovation can be decreased. The objects of this study are informants who have responsibility in their fields, such as Kementerian Negara Riset dan Teknologi, Institut Pertanian Bogor, and PT Indofood Sukses Makmur Tbk. This research is qualitative descriptive. The data was collected by means of deep interview, and analysis was done by refer to opinion from informants, the concept of national innovation system, and the concept of triple helix model. The following are the research results: the ability top produce invention and innovation in Indonesia is very low, mostly because, amongst other things, the lack of reliable researcher, very the limited research fund to carry out R&D, and there is very limited interaction between related institutions, namely government, university, industry, and funding institutions. Therefore, this study will examine the national innovation system in Indonesia with the triple helix model (case study among Kementerian Negara Riset dan Teknologi - Institut Pertanian Bogor - PT Indofood Sukses Makmur Tbk) as three-party partnership performances among Academic - Business - Government (ABG) in national innovation system to develop innovation of industry.
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Abstrak :
Bridging different institution within the Indonesian agency for agricultural research and development (IAARD) system and bringing various programs into one focus objective in dissemenation of agriculture technology is a novel approach to acclerate dissemination process....
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Ray Septianis Kartika
Abstrak :
Regional autonomy demands a creative and innovative local government. This paper sees the creativity of local government in preparing the roadmap. Basically, the readiness of local government in preparing SIDa roadmap is the overall condition of local government to understand the potential of the area in determining thematic roadmap. Some things that should be prepared by the local government is to prepare the regulation and mapping of SIDa personnel. Through this study, it comprehensively describes the stages that must be taken into account by the stakeholders in the region. The method used the explorative descriptive method. The results of the study are identified (1) Local Government readiness in preparing the SIDa roadmap by preparing the legal basis, coordinating with R & D institutions, integrating provincial and district/city programs, and preparing SIDa documents, (2) Elements prepared by the Provincial Government: Establishing TEAM Coordination Province, Identification of potency of local superior commodity, human resource identification, feasibility test, and identification of innovation of regency / city, (3) obstacles encountered in preparing SIDa roadmap are: still strong sectoral ego coordination team of province especially university and low commitment of local government Districts/municipalities in the implementation of innovation, the absence of SIDa actors in the implementation level of private sector/business world, budget allocation for innovation at various SKPD, and implementation of coordination team not yet run properly.
Jakarta: Kementerian Dalam Negeri RI, 2017
351 JBP 9:1 (2017)
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Henry Virza
Abstrak :
Persetujuan Multilateral Agreement on Trade Related Aspect Of intellectual Property Right (TRW's) merupakan salah satu upaya untuk membantu promosi bagi berlangsungnya inovasi teknologi dan pengalihannya serta penyerapan teknologi demi kepentingan kemajuan ilmu pengetahuan dan teknologi. TRIPs memberikan perlindungan global terhadap aplikasi-aplikasi teknologi melalui Hak Kekayaan Intelektual (HKI). Indonesia sebagai anggotanya berkewajiban menyesuaikan peraturan perundang-undangan nasional dibidang HKI dengan persetujuan internasional tersebut. Dengan diberlakukannya persetujuan mengenai TRIPs maka dunia penelitian yang diselenggarakan oleh lembaga penelitian dan pengembangan (litbang) dan universitas menempatkan pemasyarakatan dan sosialisasi HKI pada prioritas utama. Dengan begitu para peneliti akan membuat penelitian-penelitian yang berorientasi HKI. Dalam penelitian ini dibahas dampak dari pemberlakuan TRIPs terhadap Sistem Inovasi Nasional di Indonesia serta menentukan langkahlangkah strategis yang dapat ditempuh oleh para pelaku dan elemen yang terkait dengan Sistem Inovasi Nasional khususnya lembaga litbang dan Industri farmasi di Indonesia. Akses akan teknologi yang dibutuhkan oleh industri akan dibatasi oleh peraturan HKI internasional. Untuk itu lembaga penelitan di Indonesia perlu mempunyai sumberdaya manusia yang memahami HKI sehingga analisa HKI dapat dilakukan sebelum suatu penelitian dimulai, untuk menyusun strategi agar produk yang akan dihasilkan sesedikit mungkin mengandung komponen yang dipatenkan dan memfasilitasi agar produk yang dihasilkan dapat dikembangkan di lapangan. Teori yang mendukung penelitian ini adalah teori Globalisasi, Inovasi Teknologi, Ekonomi Pasar, dan Strategi Pemasaran Global. Teori Globalisasi menjelaskan aspek ekonomi, faktor pemicu dan tahapan globalisasi. Dalam Inovasi Teknologi, penelitian ini menggunakan proses inovasi teknologi, keunggulan kompetitif dan sistem inovasi nasional. Ekonomi Pasar meliputi hak kekayaan intelektual. Sedang pada Strategi Pemasaran Global dibahas mengenai strategi pengembangan produk global. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah analisis deskriptif dengan melalui studi literatur dari mass media, website dan sumber tertulis lainnya serta wawancara dengan instansi yang terkait dengan penelitian ini. Penelitian ini menyimpulkan bahwa pemberlakuan perjanjian TRIPs adalah saiah satu faktor yang mendukung peningkatan inovasi teknologi lokal. Kinerja dan komersialisasi hasil litbang dan interaksinya dengan sektor industri ditentukan dengan indikator peningkatan jumlah aplikasi paten dan jumlah pendapatan royalti di suatu negara. Indikator-indikator ini belum dapat digunakan di Indonesia karena masih sedikitnya industri yang menerapkan paten domestik dalam proses produksinya. Melalui tesis ini, peneliti ingin menekankan peran lembaga litbang dalam memperkuat jaringan dan interaksinya dengan sektor industri dimana akan meningkatkan akses ke teknologi baru dan komersialisasi hasil litbang. Juga menekankan perlunya lembaga litbang memelihara siklus hidup proses inovasi teknologi.
Multilateral Agreement Implementation of Trade Related Aspect of Intellectual Property Rights (TRIPs) Impact on National Innovation System. Case Study: Interaction of Research Institution and Pharmaceutical IndustryMultilateral Agreement on Trade Related Aspect of Intellectual Property Rights (TRIPs) is one of the efforts to promote the ongoing and transfer of technology innovation for the development of science and technology. TRIPs gives the global protection for the technology applications through Intellectual Property Right (IPR). Indonesia as the country member is obliged to arrange its laws in the field of IPR complied with the international agreement. With the implementation of TRIPs, researches done by the R & D institutions and universities have placed the socialization of IPR as top priority. This way will result IPR oriented researches. In this research implementation of TRIPS impact on Innovation National System is discussed to appoint the strategic moves that can be done by the actors and elements related with Innovation National System especially R & D institutions and pharmaceutical industries in Indonesia. Access on technology needed by the industry will be limited by international IPR laws. In order to set up the strategy that result the minimum patent component product and to allow the development of the product, Research institutes in Indonesia must have the human resources that comprehend IPR which will conduct the IPR analysis prior starting the research. Theories that support this research are theories in Globalization, Technology Innovation, Market Economy, and Global Marketing Strategies. Theory in globalization is described in the aspect of economy, trigger factor, and its staging. In technology innovation, this research is using the theory for technology innovation process, competitive advantage, and national innovation system. Market economy is covering the Intellectual Property Right. Strategy in developing global product is defining the Global Marketing Strategies. Research method used is descriptive analysis through literature study from mass media, website, other published written sources, and interviews with institutions and firms which are related with this research. This research come to the conclusion that TRIPs agreement is one of the factors that support the increase of the local technology innovation. Performance and commercialization of R & D and its interaction with industrial sector are determined by the increase number of patent application and royalty in a country. These indicators are not applicable yet in Indonesia since a very limited number of industries that apply domestic patent in its production process. Through this thesis, researcher would like to emphasis the role of the R & D institutions in strengthen the research networking and its interaction with industrial sector which will increase the access on new technology and commercialization R & D result. Also to emphasis the need of R & D institution in maintaining the life cycle of technology innovation process.
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Indonesia, 2004
T 13872
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Anugerah Yuka Asmara
Abstrak :
Pemerintah Kabupaten Banyuwangi menjadi kabupaten paling inovatif di Indonesia, khususnya dalam hal inovasi pelayanan kesehatan (IPK). Sama halnya dengan inovasi di pemerintah daerah lainnya, praktik IPK di Kabupaten Banyuwangi juga tidak terlepas dari tingginya peran kepala daerah. Artinya, keberlanjutan IPK di Kabupaten Banyuwangi akan dipertanyakan jika Bupati Banyuwangi saat ini tidak menjabat lagi. Studi ini merupakan pendekatan post-positivistik dengan jenis penelitian kualitatif untuk menghasilkan data deskriptif yang bertujuan untuk menjelaskan kesiapan Pemkab Banyuwangi dalam menjaga keberlanjutan inovasi melalui Sistem Inovasi Total (SIT) Ato- F. Teknik pengumpulan data dilakukan secara mixed method baik melalui kuesioner dan wawancara mendalam serta dokumentasi. Penelitian yang dilakukan sejak 1 Oktober 2018 hingga 30 Mei 2019, menghasilkan 2 (dua) temuan penelitian. Temuan pertama, kesiapan Pemkab Banyuwangi dalam berubah dapat dikatakan siap, namun kesiapan tersebut belum disertai dengan adanya kesiapan sistem inovasi yang terlembaga di dalam organisasi tersebut. Kasus IPK di Kabupaten Banyuwangi, keempat elemen SIT A-to-F tidak hadir secara utuh. Di elemen proses inovasi, Bupati Banyuwangi memainkan peran mulai dari A-to-F, namun bagaimana teknik inovasi, anggaran, waktu yang dialokasikan masih belum terdokumentasi dengan baik. Begitu pula budaya kreatif yang saat ini mulai terbentuk karena tingginya peran Bupati Banyuwangi dalam menginisiasi hal tersebut. Sementara itu, 2 (dua) elemen lainnya yaitu perencanaan strategis inovasi dan metrikinsentif inovasi masih belum ada di Pemkab Banyuwangi. Temuan kedua, untuk menjaga keberlanjutan inovasi melalui SIT A-to-F, ada faktor-faktor yang menjadi pendorong dan juga penghambat. Ada lima faktor pendorong yaitu adanya regulasi, adanya kompetisi inovasi, perekrutan sumber daya manusia unggul, keterlibatan organisasi non pemerintah, dan komitmen pimpinan organisasi. Sementara itu lima faktor penghambat yaitu belum ada program inovasi secara khusus, belum ada peraturan daerah terkait inovasi, belum ada studi-studi kebijakan terkait inovasi pelayanan publik, belum ada mekanisme insentif khusus bagi inovator, dan tingginya intervensi Bupati Banyuwangi.
Regency of Banyuwangi is the leader of all regencies in term of public health service innovation (IPK). In line with innovation practices of local governments at general, IPK practices cannot be removed from high role of a local leader of Banyuwangi. It means that sustainable IPK practice will be questioned if the recent Regent of Banyuwangi will be substituted in next period. The approach used in this study is the post-positivism with type of qualitative research to yield descriptive data, aiming to describe readiness of Regency of Banyuwangi in maintaining sustainable innovation through Total Innovation System (TIS) of A-to-F model. Data collection technique were derived by means of mixed method through questionare, depth interview and documentation as well. The duration of research time which was started from October 1st 2018 up to May 30th, 2019, yielding two study findings. First finding, readiness of Regency of Banyuwangi in context of organizational change is ready, but this readiness has not been accompanied by the readiness of an institutionalized innovation system within the organization. Case of IPK in Banyuwangi Regency, those elements of TIS A-to-F are not present completely. At innovation process element, the Regent of Banyuwangi plays role starting from A-to-F functions, but how innovation technique, fund resouces, and time are not well documented. At creative culture element, role of Regent of Banyuwangi is central in creating this culture. While, two elemens both strategic innovation planning and metricincentive of innovation are not appearing in Regency of Banyuwangi. Second finding, to maintain sustainable innovation through TIS of A-to-F model, there are supporting and hindering factors. The supporting factors are existence of regulation, existence of innovation competition, excellent human resources recruitment, involvement of nongovernment organizations, and leadership commitment. Whereas, the hindering factors are absence of special innovation program, absence of local government regulation of innovation, absence of policy and innovation studies, absence of special incentive mechanism for innovators, and high intervention of Regent of Banyuwangi.
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library