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Ditemukan 8 dokumen yang sesuai dengan query
Palmer, Marilyn
London: Routledge, 1998
609 PAL i
Buku Teks SO  Universitas Indonesia Library
Buchanan, Robert Angus
Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1972
338.094 2 BUC i
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Cowie, Sarah E.
New York: Springer , 2011
303.33 COW p (1)
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Palmer, Marilyn
Abstrak :
The Council for British Archaeology was the first organisation to champion the cause of 'Industrial Archaeology', over 50 years ago. Since the term 'Industrial Archaeology' was first used by the CBA in the late 1950s, the landscape of our industrial towns and cites has changed beyond recognition. Our industrial heritage is all around us, but many of the structures are severely threatened by modern development. This has recently been recognised by English Heritage with the publication of their Industrial Heritage at Risk list. Britain has long been recognised as the cradle of the industrial revolution, and buildings and monuments from industries as diverse as brewing to china clay extraction can be found around the UK. This book considers not only the industries themselves but also the power that drove them, the transport network that distributed the products, and the houses in which the workforce lived.
New York: English Heritage, 2012
609 PAL i
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Lia Nuralia
Abstrak :
Penelitian ini mengkaji tentang Situs Perkebunan Karet Cisaga di Kabupaten Ciamis, Provinsi Jawa Barat, tahun 1908 ndash;1972, melalui metode penelitian arkeologi dengan teknik pengumpulan data berupa survey permukaan observasi lapangan , studi pustaka, arsip kolonial, dan wawancara. Sebagai kajian historis arkeologis dilakukan metode penelitian kualitatif dengan pendekatan symbolic meaning Ian Hodder, menggunakan beberapa konsep ilmu-ilmu sosial. Ada empat konsep yang dipakai, yaitu: 1 structure concept, 2 boundedness concept, 3 landscape concept, dan 4 non-verbal communication concept. Situs perkebunan merupakan situs industri masa kolonial yang masih bertahan sampai sekarang dan banyak meninggalkan jejak sejarah dan budaya di masa lalu. Kajian dilakukan terhadap warisan industri perkebunan berupa data fisik material culture dan nonfisik immaterial culture/social . Data fisik berupa data hasil survey permukaan, yaitu bangunan/fitur rumah tinggal, kantor, pabrik, dan bangunan lainnya dan artefak mesin-mesin pabrik lama, perlengkapan kantor, alat-alat sadap karet, alat-alat makan, dan lain-lain . Data nonfisik berupa data pustaka buku-buku, laporan penelitian, disertasi, tesis, dan skripsi , hasil wawancara informasi sejarah, budaya, aktivitas industri dan keseharian pekerja perkebunan , dan arsip kolonial foto-foto lama, besluit, indische staatsregeling, regerings almanak . Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa data fisik dan nonfisik tersebut menjadi ldquo;kode budaya rdquo; cultural code yang menjelaskan makna dan nilai-nilai kolonial, sebagai cerminan aktivitas industri di masa lalu dengan kehidupan sosial masyarakat pendukungnya. Beberapa kode budaya fisik di antaranya: bentuk dan gaya arsitekur bangunan, jenis dan fungsi bangunan, pola/struktur bangunan dalam permukiman emplasemen, tata ruang dalam rumah tinggal, serta artefak perkebunan. Kode budaya yang bersifat nonfisik di antaranya: istilah-istilah lama yang masih digunakan, pola organisasi atau struktur perkebunan, gaya hidup masyarakat perkebunan, gaya berbusana, aktivitas keagamaan dan pendidikan, serta pemanfaatan waktu luang hiburan dan olah raga .Kata Kunci: Situs Perkebunan Karet Cisaga, Arkeologi Industri, Kode Budaya Kolonial.
This study describes Cisaga Rubber Plantation in Ciamis Regentschap, West Java Province, in 1908 1972, through the methods of archaeological research with data collection techniques such as surface survey observation , literature, colonial archives, and interviews. As a historical archaeological studies conducted qualitative research methods with symbolic meaning Ian Hodder approach, using some of the concepts of the social sciences. There are four concepts used, namely 1 structure concept, 2 boundedness concept, 3 landscape concept, and 4 non verbal communication concept. Site is the site of industrial estates colonial period that still survived until now and left many traces of history and culture in the past. Studies conducted on the industrial heritage estate in the form of physical data material culture and non physical data immaterial culture social . Physical data such as survey data surface, that is building features houses, offices, factories and other buildings and artifacts the old factory machinery, office equipment, rubber tapping tools, cutlery, etc. other . Data nonphysical form of a data library books, research reports, dissertations, and theses , interviews information on the history, culture, industrial activities and daily lives of plantation workers , and the colonial archives old photos, besluit, indische staatsregeling, almanac regering . The results showed that the data of the physical and nonphysical being kode budaya cultural code that explains the meaning and values of colonial, as a reflection of industrial activity in the past by supporting community social life. Some codes physical culture among them the shape and architectural style of the building, the type and function of the building, the pattern structure of the building in the settlements emplacement, layout in the residence, as well as artifacts plantations. Non physical cultural codes of them the old terms are still used, the pattern of organization or structure of the plantation, the plantation community lifestyle, style of dress, religious and educational activities, as well as the utilization of spare time entertainment and sports . Keywords Cisaga Rubber Plantation Site, Industrial Archaeology, Colonial Culture Code
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Eva Ismariati
Abstrak :

PLTU Mantung merupakan pembangkit listrik bertenagakan uap pertama diAsia Tenggara. PLTU ini dibangun oleh pemerintah kolonial Belanda untuk meningkatkan hasil dari kegiatan penambangan timah di Belinyu. Kehadiran PLTU Mantung membawa banyak perubahan signifikan, tidak hanya pembaharuan mesin-mesin penambangan yang menggunakan uap sebagai sumber energi tetapi juga turut berperan dalam perekrutan pekerja tambang secara besar-besaran. Kehadiran PLTU Mantung tidak hanya membawa perubahan dari segi pembaharuan teknologi penambangan timah akan tetapi kegiatan penambangan timah tersebut pada akhirnya membentuk suatu pola kehidupan sosial, yang jika dikaji dari sudut pandang Marxisme ialah, kehidupan sosial antara majikan dan buruh. Pembagian kelas sosial tersebut terlihat dari pola tata letak bangunan serta pembagian wilayah yang diperuntukan bagi majikan dan buruh. Kehidupan sosial majikan dan buruh diteliti berdasarkan tinggalan-tinggalan arkeologis yang merepresentasikan dua golongan tersebut.


Mantung steam power plant is the first steam-powered plant in Southeast Asia. Mantung steam power plant was built by the Dutch Colonial government to improve the results of tin mining activities in Belinyu. The presence of Steam Power Plant Mantung bring many significant changes, not only the renewal of mining machines that use steam as an energy source but also played a role in the recruitment of mine workers on a large scale . The presence of Steam Power Mantung not only bring changes in terms of technology renewal tin mining but the tin mining eventually form a pattern of social life, which if examined from the standpoint of Marxism is, social life between owners and workers. The division of social class is evident from the pattern of the layout of the building and zoning that is intended for owners and workers. Social life by owners and workers researched by archaeological remains representing two classes.

Fakultas Ilmu Pengetahuan dan Budaya Universitas Indonesia, 2014
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Muhammad Fajri
Abstrak :
Sawahlunto adalah wilayah yang berkembang karena adanya kegiatan produksi penambangan batubara. Penambangan batubara di wilayah ini sudah dilakukan sejak jaman pemerintahan Belanda tepatnya pada tahun 1892. Penelitian ini terfokuskan kepada bangunan-bangunan berupa rumah tinggal dan fasilitas yang ada sebagai bangunan penunjang. Berdasarkan hasil analisis didapatkan penggolongan masyarakat yang bekerja di Sawahlunto. Masyarakat itu adalah golongan kelas atas, menengah dan bawah. Mereka memiliki ciri-ciri tersendiri yang dapat dilihat berdasarkan pemukimannya dan pola keletakannya
Sawahlunto is a growing area because of the coal mining production activities. The production of coal in this area has been done since the days of the Dutch government in 1892 to be exact. Research was focussed to buildings such as houses and building facilities there as a supporter. Based on the analysis results obtained classification society working in Sawahlunto. The Society is upper classes, middle and bottom. They have distinctive characteristics that can be seen by settlements and patterns of the location of that buildings.
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Muhammad Nurul Fajri
Abstrak :
Skripsi ini membahas tentang sistem pengelolaan air waterleiding pada masa kolonial awal abad 20 di Batavia. Bertujuan untuk mengetahui alur produksi, distribusi, dan konsumsi air bersih beserta dampak sosial dan ekonomi sistem tersebut pada tatanan sosial masyarakat Batavia. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan arkeologi industri yang mengutamakan hubungan keruangan antar data. Hasil penelitian menjelaskan cara kerja sistem waterleiding. Penelitian ini juga memberikan hasil bahwa sistem waterleiding memberikan nilai ekonomi pada air serta memunculkan kelas-kelas sosial di Batavia. ...... This undergraduate thesis discusses waterleiding systems in the colonial era in the early 20th century Batavia. Aims to determine the flow of production, distribution, and consumption of clean water as well as the social and economic impact of the system on the social order Batavia society. This study uses the approach that prioritizes industrial archeology spatial relations between data. The results of the study explains how the system works waterleiding. This study also gives the result that the system waterleiding economic value on water and raise the social classes in Batavia.
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Pengetahuan dan Budaya Universitas Indonesia, 2014
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library