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Horney, Karen
New York: W.W. Norton, 1945
616.852 HOR o
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Agustien Bayu Ristanti
Abstrak :
Latar Belakang: Halusinasi verbal auditori (HVA) adalah pengalaman mendengar suara tanpa stimulus eksternal dan sering dikaitkan dengan skizofrenia. HVA diperkirakan terjadi sebagai akibat dari ucapan internal yang disalahartikan sebagai bagian dari sumber eksternal karena gangguan pemantauan persepsi verbal pada orang dengan skizofrenia (ODS). Penelitian sebelumnya telah menyatakan bahwa ada aktivitas otot bicara ketika pasien skizofrenia berhalusinasi. Hingga saat ini, penelitian serupa belum pernah dilakukan di Indonesia. Tujuan: Untuk mengetahui hubungan antara halusinasi auditorik verbal dengan kejadian bicara internal yang digambarkan oleh aktivitas elektromiografi otot perioral. Metode: Penelitian ini menggunakan teknik potong lintang dan responden dengan HVA dipilih sebagai sampel dengan menggunakan teknik consecutive sampling. Kriteria inklusi adalah pasien skizofrenia dengan halusinasi auditorik verbal yang berobat di Poliklinik Jiwa dr. Cipto Mangunkusumo berusia antara 19 - 59 tahun. Dalam penelitian ini, responden yang sehat juga dimasukkan sebagai kelompok kontrol. Aktivitas otot perioral pada masing-masing responden akan direkam dengan elektromiografi selama fase istirahat dan HVA tanpa artikulasi. Pada responden sehat, aktivitas otot perioral dicatat dengan membaca tanpa artikulasi. Analisis data bivariat dilakukan dengan menggunakan uji Wilcoxon dengan nilai p < 0,05 menggunakan SPSS ver. 20. Hasil: Sebanyak 13 dari 21 responden dengan HVA sebagian besar berjenis kelamin laki-laki (61,9%) dengan rentang usia 18-25 tahun (38,1%) dan memiliki skor 2 (57,1%) pada skala uji P3 PANSS Wilcoxon. menunjukkan perbedaan yang signifikan (perbedaan: 0,0550mV, p=0,009) antara hasil aktivitas otot perioral awal dan hasil aktivitas otot perioral selama HVA. Selain itu, hasil uji chi-square antara HVA dan internal speech menunjukkan hubungan yang signifikan dengan p=0,007. Kesimpulan: Hasil analisis menunjukkan bahwa terdapat hubungan yang signifikan antara hasil aktivitas otot dasar perioral dengan hasil aktivitas otot perioral saat terjadi HVA. Hasil ini membuktikan bahwa pembicaraan internal terjadi selama halusinasi ......Background: Auditory verbal hallucinations (HVA) are experiences of hearing sounds without external stimuli and are often associated with schizophrenia. HVA is thought to occur as a result of internal speech being misinterpreted as part of an external source due to impaired monitoring of verbal perception in people with schizophrenia (ODS). Previous studies have suggested that there is speech muscle activity when schizophrenic patients hallucinate. Until now, similar research has never been conducted in Indonesia. Objective: To determine the relationship between verbal auditory hallucinations and internal speech events described by electromyographic activity of perioral muscles. Methods: This study used a cross-sectional technique and respondents with HVA were selected as samples using a consecutive sampling technique. Inclusion criteria were schizophrenic patients with verbal auditory hallucinations who were treated at the Mental Polyclinic of dr. Cipto Mangunkusumo is between 19 - 59 years old. In this study, healthy respondents were also included as a control group. Perioral muscle activity in each respondent will be recorded by electromyography during the resting phase and HVA without articulation. In healthy respondents, perioral muscle activity was recorded by reading without articulation. Bivariate data analysis was performed using the Wilcoxon test with a p value <0.05 using SPSS ver. 20. Results: A total of 13 of the 21 respondents with HVA were mostly male (61.9%) with an age range of 18-25 years (38.1%) and had a score of 2 (57.1%) on the P3 PANSS test scale. Wilcoxon. showed a significant difference (difference: 0.0550mV, p=0.009) between baseline perioral muscle activity results and perioral muscle activity results during HVA. In addition, the results of the chi-square test between HVA and internal speech showed a significant relationship with p=0.007. Conclusion: The results of the analysis showed that there was a significant relationship between the results of perioral muscle activity and the results of perioral muscle activity during HVA. These results prove that internal speech occurs during hallucinations
Depok: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2019
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Reardon, Kathleen Kelley
New York: Currency and Doubleday, 2001
658.409 REA s
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Abstrak :
The notion of abgeles is known in a vector space equipped with an inner product,but not well estabilished in a vector space equipped only with a norm.....
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Aurelia Audrey Gunawan
Abstrak :
Inner courtyard merupakan salah satu strategi desain pasif dalam arsitektur tropis yang berkelanjutan. Hadirnya sebuah inner courtyard pada bangunan hunian di daerah urban dengan iklim tropis warm-humid menjadi ruang terbuka di tengah padatnya bangunan dengan keterbatasan lahan, untuk mencegah peningkatan suhu lingkungan. Inner courtyard dimanfaatkan sebagai ruang bagi pengudaraan pasif yang memanfaatkan kondisi iklim lingkungan, sehingga dapat meminimalisir konsumsi energi yang menghasilkan emisi karbon dan urban heat island. Skripsi ini akan membahas bagaimana inner courtyard dapat meregulasikan temperatur udara, kelembaban udara, serta aliran udara dalam menciptakan kenyamanan termal. Posisi sebuah inner courtyard dalam hunian berpengaruh penting dalam memberi akses masuknya aliran udara dari luar bangunan, dan menyesuaikan dengan orientasi bagunan untuk menciptakan shading terhadap cahaya matahari. Selain itu, geometri dari inner courtyard berupa bukaan pada area dinding dan atap, juga perbedaan elevasi memiliki dampak yang signifikan terhadap cross ventilation dan stack effect yang terjadi pada bangunan. Dengan menganalisis posisi dan geometri inner courtyard, penulis akan meninjau efek termal yang terjadi pada bangunan hunian dalam mencapai kenyamanan termal. ......The inner courtyard is one of the passive design strategies in sustainable tropical architecture. Implementing an inner courtyard in residential buildings creates an open space, especially in tropical warm-humid urban areas where buildings are dense and space is limited. The inner courtyard acts as a space that supports passive cooling by taking advantage of environmental climatic conditions. Moreover, such cooling strategy is achieved with little to no energy consumption, which averts the increase in environmental temperature while maintaining the risks for carbon emissions and urban heat islands. This thesis aims to discuss how inner courtyards are utilized to regulate air temperature, air flow, and humidity in creating thermal comfort. The first subject of scrutiny is regarding the positioning. The positioning of an inner courtyard in a housing can be exploited to allow airflow from the outside to access the building. Additionally, by strategically considering and adjusting the position of the inner courtyard in relation to the building’s orientation, shading from direct sunlight can be provided. The second aspect this thesis aims to investigate is regarding the geometry. The geometry of the inner courtyard in the form of openings and leveling have a significant impact on cross ventilation and the stack effect that occurs in the building. By analyzing the position and geometry of the inner courtyard, the author will review the thermal effects that occur in the building in achieving thermal comfort.
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2022
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Yohanes Berchman Adyapaka Apatya
Abstrak :
Permanent Magnet Synchronous Motor PMSM merupakan motor yang mampu memenuhi tuntutan untuk unjuk kerja yang optimal. Kehandalan, efisiensi tinggi, high power density, small, dan high speed adalah kemampuan yang mampu dicapai oleh motor jenis PMSM. Oleh karena menariknya issue ini, berbagai penelitian mencakup motor PMSM banyak dilakukan oleh berbagai kalangan. Pada penelitian ini, fokus peneliti adalah mampu menghasilkan rancangan motor Permanent Magnet Synchronous Motor 12 slot dan 8 pole. Motor yang dirancang adalah motor dengan tipe outer rotor. Dimensi luar motor ditentukan sesuai dengan aplikasi dari motor yang dirancang dalam penelitian ini fixed dimension. Bahan pertimbangan dalam penelitian ini adalah proses pembuatan yang sederhana dan murah serta kemudahan mencari material konstruksi motor.Pada penelitian ini telah berhasil dirancang motor PMSM dengan tipe outer rotor 750 rpm dengan keluaran daya 26,39 kW dengan effisiensi 98,2 serta motor tipe inner rotor 750 rpm dengan daya keluaran 26,15 kW dengan effisiensi 98.
Permanent Magnet Synchronous Motor PMSM is a motor capable of meeting the demands for optimal performance. Reliability, high efficiency, high power density, small, and high speed is the ability that can be achieved by PMSM type motor. Because of this interesting issue, various studies include many PMSM motors conducted by various circles. In this study, the focus of the researcher is able to produce the design of Permanent Magnet Motor Synchronous Motor 12 slot and 8 pole. The motor designed is a motor with outer type rotor. The outer dimensions of the motor are determined according to the application of the motor designed in this study fixed dimension . Materials considerations in this study is a process of making a simple and cheap and easy to find motor construction materials.In this research has successfully designed PMSM motor with 750 rpm outer rotor type with power output of 26.39 kW with 98.2 efficiency and 750 rpm inner rotor type motor with output power of 26.15 kW with 98 efficiency.
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2017
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Wednesson Lawijaya
Abstrak :
Cerobong adalah struktur yang tinggi yang terdiri dari Inner Flues dan Windshield. Mekanisme tahan gempa struktur ini dapat diraih dengan memasang Tie Rods dan Elastomeric Rubber Bearing. Fokus dari riset ini adalah menganalisa efektifitas Tie Rods dalam mengurangi dampak gempa terahadap struktur Inner Flues. Hasil memperlihatkan bahwa variasi kekakuan Tie Rods tidak berdampak siknifikan terhadap respon struktur windshield. Struktur Inner Flue tidak berfungsi sebagai Tuned Mass Damper karena massa-nya relatif sangat ringan. Tetapi, Tie Rods sangat mempengaruhi respon Inner Flues. Respon Inner Flues yang optimal adalah pada saat kekakuan Tie Rod?s berkurang seiring bertambahnya ketinggian struktur tersebut.
Chimney is a tall tubular structure consisting inner flue and windshield. Its Earthquake resistance mechanism can be achieved by installing elastomeric rubber bearings and Tie Rods. The focus of this research is to analyze the effectiveness of Tie Rods in reducing seismic impact to the inner flues. The results show that the change in Tie Rods? stiffness variation does not affect the response of the windshield. Inner Flue does not function as tuned mass damper as its mass is relatively small. But Tie Rods strongly affect Inner Flues? responses. Inner Flues responses are optimal when Tie Rod?s stiffness is varied increasingly down through the lower elevation of the structure.
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Dhika Narendra Bhaskara
Abstrak :
Work stress merupakan sebuah fenomena yang telah lama menjadi tantangan bagi dunia perusahaan/organisasi di seluruh dunia. Work stress dipahami dapat mengurangi kinerja dari tingkat individu pekerja hingga perusahaan/organisasi. Karenanya, segala upaya untuk mengurangi tingkat work stress para pekerja menjadi penting. Salah satu upaya yang dapat dilakukan adalah penerapan workplace spirituality. Penelitian kuantitatif ini bertujuan untuk melihat pengaruh dari dimensi-dimensi workplace spirituality yakni inner life, meaningful work, dan sense of community terhadap work stress para pekerja. Penelitian ini melibatkan 130 pekerja dari Unit Transfusi Darah Palang Merah Indonesia Provinsi DKI Jakarta untuk mengisi kuesioner penelitian yang sudah disusun sesuai kebutuhan penelitian. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukan bahwa ketiga dimensi workplace spirituality yakni inner life, meaningful work, dan sense of community berpengaruh secara negatif terhadap work stress para pekerja.
ABSTRACT Work stress is a phenomenon that has long been a challenge for companies and organizations around the world. Studies shows that work stress can reduce not only the performance of individual worker but also the performance of the organization. Therefore, any attempt to reduce the level of work stress that the workers perceive becomes important. One effort that can be done is the implementation of workplace spirituality. This quantitative research aims to know the effects of workplace spirituality dimensions, which are inner life, meaningful work, and sense of community, towards the work stress perceived by the workers. This study involved 130 workers from the Blood Transfusion Unit of the Indonesian Red Cross in Jakarta Province giving answers to questionnaires that has been given to each and everyone of them. The results indicate that the three dimensions of workplace spirituality, which are inner life, meaningful work, and sense of community, adversely affect the work stress of the workers.
Depok: Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Indonesia, 2016
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Syamsul Rizal Baihaqi
Abstrak :
Penelitian ini membahas pengaruh tiga dimensi dari Spiritualitas di Tempat Kerja, yaitu Inner Life, Meaningful Work dan Sense of Community terhadap Stres Kerja di komunitas perawat bagian Instalasi Gawat Darurat Rumah Sakit Umum Pusat Fatmawati Jakarta. Metode pengumpulan data pada penelitian ini adalah kuantitatif dengan analisis deskriptif. Penelitian ini melibatkan 60 perawat bagian Instalasi Gawat Darurat Rumah Sakit Umum Pusat Fatmawati Jakarta. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan adanya pengaruh negatif dari ketiga dimensi Spiritualitas di Tempat Kerja terhadap tingkat Stres Kerja di dalam komunitas perawat bagian Instalasi Gawat Darurat Rumah Sakit Umum Pusat Fatmawati Jakarta sekaligus memberikan saran bagi manajemen Rumah Sakit Umum Pusat Fatmawati Jakarta dalam menurunkan tingkat Stres Kerja perawat dengan memperhatikan aspek-aspek penting dari ketiga dimensi Spiritualitas tersebut. ......This study discusses the influence of three dimensions of Workplace Spirituality, there are Inner Life, Meaningful Work and Sense of Community to Work Stress in community of Emergency nurse section, Fatmawati Jakarta Central General Hospital. Data collection method in this research is quantitative with descriptive analysis. This study involved 60 nurses of Emergency Room of Fatmawati Jakarta Central General Hospital. The results of this study indicate the negative influence of the three dimensions of Workplace Spirituality to the level of Work Stress in the nurse community of Emergency Room of Fatmawati Jakarta Central General Hospital as well as providing advice for the management of Fatmawati Jakarta Hospital in reducing the level of nurses Working Stress by paying attention to important aspects of the three dimensions of spirituality.
Depok: Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Indonesia, 2017
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Abstrak :
Aloe Vera is one of plant that can be used as food and traditional treatment. In traditional treatment, this plant has effect on healing acceleration of oral mucous ulceration. In dentistry, this plant can be used as oral mucous ulceration treatment. The aim of this research is to examine the effective dose of Aloe Vera inner leaf extract on healing acceleration of oral mucous ulceration. Twelve Sprague Dawley rats were used in this research, and divided into 2 groups, 3 rats to control group and 9 rats to treatment group. Each rat received application of hydrogen peroxide 10% to create ulceration. Control group received application of NaCl 0.9% for 3,5,7 days. Treatment group received application 6.25%, 12.5%, and 25% Aloe Vera Inner Leaf Extract for 3,5,7 days. Wound healing was observed by in histological method with light microscope, and then was scored using stages of inflammation score of Schlossberg & Ferigino and Eda. S & Fukuyama methods. Statistical analysis with Mann Whitney and Kruskal Wallis methods showed that Aloe Vera inner leaf extract 25% is the most effective concentration on healing acceleration of oral mucous ulceration (p< 0,05).
UI - Skripsi Open  Universitas Indonesia Library
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