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Hasil Pencarian

Ditemukan 18 dokumen yang sesuai dengan query
Joviana Henza
"Adanya pertumbuhan signifikan dalam sektor industri tekstil – kain dan pakaian
jadi di Indonesia yang sangat pesat memengaruhi impor dan ekspor nasional.
Kemudian, terjadi lonjakan impor dalam sektor industri tekstil – kain dan pakaian
jadi menyebabkan adanya kerugian serius dan/atau ancaman kerugian serius.
Sehubungan dengan hal tersebut, penelitian ini menganalisis pengaturan tindakan
pengamanan (safeguards) sesuai dengan ketentuan WTO. Selain itu, penelitian ini
juga menganalisis penyelidikan dalam pemberitahuan G/SG/N/8/IDN/23-
G/SG/N/10/IDN/23 dan G/SG/N/6/IDN/36 mengenai tindakan pengamanan yang
akan diambil oleh Pemerintah Indonesia. Selanjutnya, analisis ini menggunakan
metode yuridis tindak dengan menganalisis data sekunder. Indonesia sebagai salah
anggota negara dalam WTO telah menandatangani Perjanjian WTO yang di
dalamnya termasuk mengenai Perjanjian Tindakan Pengamanan (Safeguards).
Ketentuan Tindakan Pengamanan sesuai dengan Perjanjian Pengamanan
menyebutkann adanya beberapa syarat untuk pengenaan Tindakan Pengamanan
yang tertera pada Pasal 4.2(b) Perjanjian Pengamanan. Indonesia telah
mengundangkan Keputusan Presiden No. 84 Tahun 2002 tentang Tindakan
Pengamanan Industri dalam Negeri dari Akibat Kebijakan Impor.Tindakan
pengamanan didefinisikan sebagai tindakan “darurat” sehubungan dengan
peningkatan impor produk tertentu. Dalam kedua pemberitahuan tersebut dapat
dipahami bahwa tindakan pengamanan sementara yang diambil adalah untuk
mengatasi kerugian serius yang dideritas industri dalam negeri.
Kata kunci: impor, tindakan pengamanan, tekstil, WTO
......A significant growth in the textile-fabric and apparel industry sector in Indonesia
rapidly affecting national imports and exports. Thus, when there was a surge in
imports in the textile industry sector - fabrics and apparel, which causing serious
losses and / or the threat of serious losses. Hence, this study analyzes safeguards in
accordance with WTO provisions. In addition, this study also analyzes the
investigations in the notification of G / SG / N / 8 / IDN / 23-G / SG / N / 10 / IDN
/ 23 and G / SG / N / 6 / IDN / 36 regarding the security measures that will be taken
by the Government of Indonesia. Furthermore, this analysis uses the follow-up
juridical method by analyzing secondary data. Indonesia as a member of the WTO
has signed a WTO Agreement which includes the Safeguards Agreement.
Safeguard provisions in accordance with the Safeguard Agreement states that there
are several conditions for the imposition of Safeguard Measures as stated in Article
4.2 (b) of the Security Agreement. Indonesia has promulgated Presidential Decree
No. 84 of 2002 concerning Domestic Industry Safeguards from the Impact of
Import Policies. Safeguards are defined as an "emergency" measures in connection
with the increase in imports of certain products. In both notifications it is
understood that the temporary safeguards are being taken to overcome serious
losses suffered by the domestic industry.
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Depok: Fakultas Hukum Universitas Indonesia, 2020
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
"Membanjirnya produk tekstil impor ilegal ke dalam pasar domestik selama ini telah mempengaruhi kinerja industri tekstil. Produk impor ilegal telah menguasai lebih dari 50 persen dari konsumsi domestik telah mempengaruhi harga tekstil di pasar domestik yang juga menyebabkan distorsi terhadap struktur pasar dalam negeri. Mengingat industri TPT merupakan industri yang berbasis ekspor maka dalam penelitian ini akan diteliti pengaruh posisi persaingan domestik terhadap kemampuan ekspor industri tekstil dan produk tekstil dan juga melihat faktor apa saja yang dapat mempengaruhi kemampuan ekspor industri TPT Indonesia. Hasil regresi menunjukkan bahwa posisi persaingan domestik tidak mempengaruhi ekspor industri TPT Indonesia. Artinya perubahan pada pangsa pasar domestik yang dapat merubah struktur pasar seperti masuknya produk impor ilegal tidak dapat mempengaruhi aktivitas ekspor industri TPT Indonesia. Jadi keberadaan produk tekstil impor ilegal di pasar domestik akan mempengaruhi perusahaan domestik karena tidak mudah memindahkan tujuan pasar dari domestik ke pasar internasional melalui aktivitas ekspor. Selain itu faktor yang berpengaruh positif terhadap ekspor industri TPT Indonesia adalah bahan baku impor dan slack yang dimiliki oleh perusahaan. Sedangkan produktivitas pekerja juga berpengaruh terhadap ekspor industri TPT namun pengaruh negatif yang disebabkan oleh tingginya upah pekerja.
The overflow of illegal textile imports to domestic market is hampering textile industry performance. The illegal import that has dominate more than 50 percent of domestic consumption is affecting price in domestic market and also create distortion in domestic market structure. The focus of this research is determine the effect of domestic competitive position and other factor on the export of textile industry in Indonesia. The regression result shows that domestic competitive position has no effect on export of textile industry. It means changes in domestic market share that effect domestic market structure like overflow of illegal textile imports has no correlation on export activity on textile industry. In other word the illegal textile imports in domestic market will burden domestic firm because hard for domestic firm to change their market objective from domestic market to international market. While another factors that has positive effect on textile export is import of production inputs and slack variable of firm. The productivity of labor worker also effect on export of textile Industry in Indonesia but it has negative effect because of higher labor cost."
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Depok: Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Indonesia, 2009
UI - Skripsi Open  Universitas Indonesia Library
Bayu Pradana Bagja Kusumah
Garam merupakan salah satu komoditi yang sudah memiliki status strategis di
Indonesia, pemanfaatan dari garam bukan hanya sekedar untuk konsumsi melainkan
dapat digunakan juga sebagai bahan baku untuk berbagai macam industri. Jika dilihat dari
sisi iproduksi, igaram iIndonesia imemiliki itren iyang icenderung imenurun ipada isetiap
itahunnya isementara desakan kebutuhan garam selalu meningkat. Kondisi tersebut yang
mencadi pemicu lahirnya kebijakan impor garam. Berbagai persoalan dihadapi dalam
memenuhi kebutuhan garam nasional. Untuk itu pemerintah menetapkan program
swasembada garam yang ditargetkan akan tercapai pada tahun 2019 berdasarkan
keterangan dari Kementerian Koordinator Bidang Kemaritiman.
Penelitian ini dilakukan guna menganalisis mengenai mungkinkah Indonesia
dapat mencapai swasembada garam pada tahun 2019? Dengan menggunakan data time
series dalam kurun waktu 2001 hingga 2017. Variabel pada sisi impor adalah: harga
garam impor, iharga igaram inasional, iproduksi igaram inasional, ikurs inilai itukar,
ikebutuhan igaram inasional, ijumlah ipenduduk dan produk domestik bruto. Sementara
variabel pada sisi produksi dalam negeri adalah; luas area lahan tambak garam, tenaga
kerja tambak garam dan curah hujan. iMetode iyang idigunakan iadalah ianalisis
ideskriptif idan imodel ikuantitatif iError iCorrection iModel i (ECM) iuntuk imelihat
ipengaruh idalam ijangka ipanjang idan ijangka ipendek.
Hasil ipenelitian menunjukan Swasembada garam yang ditargetkan oleh
pemerintah pada tahun 2019 akan sangan sulit dicapai, mengingat kebutuhan garam
nasional yang semakin meningkat dengan tidak diiringi oleh pertumbuhan produksi
dalam negeri yang sangat signifikan. Dari sisi produksi garam nasional dalam jangka
panjang, variabel tenaga kerja garam tambak memiliki, luas area lahan tambak garam
memiliki pengaruh positif dan signifikan, sementara itu untuk curah hujan imemiliki
ipengaruh inegatif idan isignifikan. iDalam ijangka ipendek imenunjukan hasil yang sama
yakni curah hujan memiliki pengaruh yang negatif dan signifikan, sedangkan tenaga kerja
garam tambak dan luas area lahan tambak memiliki pengaruh positif dan signifikan. Dari
sisi permintaan impor garam dalam jangka panjang, variabel harga garam impor dan
jumlah penduduk memiliki pengaruh yang negatif dan signifikan, untuk harga garam
nasional, kebutuhan garam nasional, nilai tukar, produksi dalam negeri dan produk
domestik bruto memiliki pengaruh positif dan signifikan. Dalam jangka pendek hanya
produk domestik bruto yang memiliki pengaruh negatif dan signifikan, sementara itu
kebutuhan garam nasional, harga garam nasional dan produksi garam nasional
menunjukan pengaruh yang positif dan signifikan.

Salt is one of the commodities that already has a strategic status in Indonesia, its
use is not only for daily consumption but also as an industrial raw material. Indonesian
salt production has a trend that tends to decrease while the need for salt commodities is
increasing. Needs not accompanied by domestic production inventories require a salt
import policy to meet domestic salt consumption. Various problems are faced in meeting
national salt needs. For this reason, the government sets a salt self-sufficiency program
which is targeted to be achieved in 2019 based on information from the Coordinating
Ministry of Maritime Affairs.
This research was carried out to analyze about is it possible that Indonesia can
achieve salt self-sufficiency in 2019? Using time series data in the period 2001 to 2017.
Variables on the import side are: imported salt prices, national salt prices, national salt
production, exchange rate, national salt requirements, population and gross domestic
product. While the variables on the domestic production side are; area of salt ponds, salt
farm labor and rainfall. Thei imethod iused iis idescriptive ianalysis iand iquantitative
error correction model (ECM) model to see the effects in the long and short term.
The results show that salt self-sufficiency targeted by the government in 2019 will
be difficult to achieve, given the increasing national salt demand not accompanied by
very significant growth in domestic production. In terms of national salt production in
the long run, the variable salt farm laborers have, the area of salt farm land has a positive
and significant influence, while for rainfall ihas ia inegative iand isignificant ieffect. iIn
ithe ishort iterm, ithe isame iresults ishow that irainfall ihas ia inegative iand isignificant
ieffect, while the labor of salt ponds and the area of ponds have a positive and significant
effect. In terms of demand for import of salt in the long term, the variable price of
imported salt and population has a negative and significant effect, for national salt prices,
national salt requirements, exchange rates, domestic production and gross domestic
product has a positive and significant effect. In the short term, only gross domestic
product has a negative and significant influence, while national salt needs, national salt
prices and national salt production have a positive and significant ef"
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Depok: Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Indonesia, 2019
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Yuni Budiastuti
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Niken Larasati Abimanyu
"Penelitian ini membahas mengenai dampak indikator kemudahan berusaha terhadap ekspor dan impor Indonesia dengan periodisasi waktu dari tahun 2015 hingga 2020. Variabel dependen pada penelitian ini adalah nilai ekspor dan nilai impor Indonesia terhadap 100 (seratus) negara trading partner. Metode yang digunakan adalah regresi data panel statis menggunakan random effect model. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa skor rata-rata indikator kemudahan berusaha Indonesia secara keseluruhan berpengaruh positif dan signifikan terhadap ekspor dan impor. Selain itu, indikator starting a business berdampak positif terhadap impor. Measurement pada indikator trading across borders yang mengukur proses logistik kegiatan ekspor berpengaruh positif terhadap ekspor sedangkan measurement yang mengukur proses logistik kegiatan impor berpengaruh positif terhadap impor. Perbaikan skor indikator kemudahan berusaha diperlukan untuk mengurangi waktu dan biaya yang menjadi penyebab tingginya trade cost pada proses logistik kegiatan ekspor dan impor.
......This study discusses the impact of the ease of doing business indicator on Indonesian exports and imports with a time period from 2015 to 2020. The dependent variable in this study is the value of Indonesia's exports and imports of 100 (one hundred) trading partner countries. The method used is static panel data regression using a random effect model. The results showed that the average score of the ease of doing business indicator in Indonesia as a whole had a positive and significant effect on exports and imports. In addition, the indicators of starting a business have a positive impact on imports. The measurement on the trading across borders indicator which measures the logistics process of export activities has a positive effect on exports, while the measurement that measures the logistics process of import activities has a positive effect on imports. Improvements in the score of the ease of doing business are needed to reduce time and costs which are the cause of high trade costs in the logistics process of export and import activities."
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Jakarta: Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Indonesia, 2022
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Rahman Hakim
"Ekspor, Impor dan sektor Keuangan merupakan kegiatan strategis dalam perekonomian terbuka. Penelitian ini mengambil periode transaksi triwulanan berdasarkan Produk Domestik Bruto (PDB) tahun 2000:Q1-2011:Q4. Melalui analisis model Vector Autoregression didapatkan hasil bahwa Data yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini stasioner pada diferensi pertama dan tidak terjadi kointegrasi, Sementara Hasil pengujian hubungan kausalitas Granger menunjukkan adanya hubungan kausalitas antar variabel.
Berdasarkan analisis impulse response function dapat dilihat bahwa shock pada setiap variabel akan menghasilkan guncangan yang sangat tajam di awal periode, namun akan stabil sampai akhir periode. Analisis Variance Decomposition menunjukan porsi penjelasan masing-masing variabel masih didominasi oleh dirinya sendiri, kecuali variabel Impor yang tetap didominasi oleh Ekspor. Dominasi ekspor dalam mempengaruhi faktor-faktor lain sangat terlihat, baik dalam mempengaruhi impor maupun jasa bank, begitu pula impor yang juga mempunyai hubungan kausalitas terhadap perbankan. Dengan kata lain, produktifitas jasa perbankan dipengaruhi secara positif oleh fluktuasi nilai transaksi ekspor dan impor sehingga peningkatan dan penurunannya dipengaruhi oleh peningkatan dan penurunan transaksi ekspor dan impor.

Export, Import and finance sector is a strategic activity in an open economy. This study takes a period of a transaction based on the quarterly Gross Domestic Product (GDP) in 2000:Q1-2011:Q4. Through a Vector Autoregression model analysis showed that data used in this study is stationary at first difference and there is no co-integration found, while Granger causality test results indicate a causal relationship between variables.
Based on the analysis of impulse response function can be seen that the shock on each variable will produce a very sharp shock at the beginning of the period, but will be stable until the end of the period.
Analysis of Variance Decomposition shows the portion of an explanation of each variable is still dominated by themselves, except Import variables which remain dominated by Export. Export dominance in influencing other factors are highly noticeable, both in imports and bank services, as well as imports also have causal relationships to the bank services. In other words, the productivity of banking services is positively influenced by fluctuations in the export and import transactions that increase and decline influenced by the increase and decrease in export and import transactions."
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Depok: Program Pascasarjana Universitas Indonesia, 2012
UI - Tesis Open  Universitas Indonesia Library
M. Hafizh Ghifari Azizi
"Perdagangan internasional adalah salah satu faktor utama yang menentukan daya saing perekonomian suatu negara di tingkat internasional (Routledge et.al., 2012). Salah satu faktor yang mempengaruhi perdagangan internasional adalah volatilitas nilai tukar (Auboin 2013). Bank Indonesia menerbitkan sebuah instrumen, yaitu Bilateral Currency Swap Agreement (BCSA), yang ditujukan untuk menjaga kestabilan nilai tukar rupiah terhadap mitra dagang utama Indonesia guna meningkatkan total perdagangan internasional Indonesia. Penelitian ini menganalisis dampak BCSA pada perdagangan internasional Indonesia. Peneliti menggunakan data perdagangan internasional pada level HS-2 terhadap 20 mitra dagang utama Indonesia tahun 2006 – 2020. Dengan menganalisis data menggunakan pendekatan ppml, didapatkan hasil bahwa BCSA secara signifikan berhubungan negatif dengan total ekspor Indonesia dan berhubungan positif dengan total impornya. Akan tetapi, secara keseluruhan, variabel ini berkorelasi positif dengan total perdagangan internasional Indonesia.
......International trade is one of the main factors that determine a country's economic competitiveness at the international level (Routledge et.al., 2012). One of the factors affecting international trade is exchange rate volatility (Auboin 2013). Bank Indonesia issued an instrument, The Bilateral Currency Swap Agreement (BCSA), which was aimed at maintaining the stability of the rupiah exchange rate against Indonesia's main trading partners to increase Indonesia's total international trade. This study analyzes the impact of BCSA on Indonesia's international trade. The researcher used international trade data at the HS-2 level for 20 of Indonesia's top trading partners in 2006 – 2020. By analyzing the data using the ppml approach, the result was that BCSA had a significantly negative relationship with Indonesia's total exports and a positive relationship with its total imports. However, overall, this variable is positively correlated with Indonesia's total international trade."
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Depok: Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Indonesia, 2022
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Cook, Thomas A.
"With billions of dollars generated annually, importing and exporting is a potentially lucrative arena for growth?and a bewildering tangle of rules and regulations. Packed with hundreds of cost-effective strategies, ready-to-use forms, and valuable checklists, the second edition of Mastering Import & Export Management explains how to efficiently?and legally?navigate the complex world of international trade.
From the big picture of pinpointing the best markets to the nitty-gritty of packing a container, this sweeping guide examines how to spot potential risks, apply quality control procedures, prepare documentation accurately, and more. This revised and updated edition addresses how best to handle recent crises like the earthquakes and tsunami in Japan, the economic downturn, or political instability in countries like Egypt, Tunisia, Bahrain, and Libya. It also covers every new compliance and security regulation."
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New Delhi: American Management Association, 2004
eBooks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Cook, Thomas A.
"With billions of dollars generated annually, importing and exporting is a potentially lucrative arena for growth-and a bewildering tangle of rules and regulations. Packed with hundreds of cost-effective strategies, ready-to-use forms, and valuable checklists, the second edition of Mastering Import & Export Management explains how to efficiently-and legally-navigate the complex world of international trade. From the big picture of pinpointing the best markets to the nitty-gritty of packing a container, this sweeping guide examines how to spot potential risks, apply quality control procedures, prepare documentation accurately, and more. This revised and updated edition addresses how best to handle recent crises like the earthquakes and tsunami in Japan, the economic downturn, or political instability in countries like Egypt, Tunisia, Bahrain, and Libya. It also covers every new compliance and security regulation, as well as evolving best practices, including: * C-TPAT guidelines * Incoterms * In-house compliance programs * Freight cost-reduction tips * Beefed-up TSA regulations * Improved technology options * President Obama's new export initiatives. It's an indispensable resource for today's complex and changing global marketplace."
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New York: [American Management Association;, ], 2012
eBooks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Johnson, Thomas E.
"In the ever-changing world of complex international rules, laws, and regulations, even seasoned export/import professionals may find themselves in unfamiliar situations. This comprehensive answer book supplies readers with a clear view of the entire process, explaining the ins and outs of shipping and insurance; currency exchange; dealing with banks; contracts; customs; and transportation. Completely revised and including 140 sample contracts, documents, and ready-to-use forms, "Export/Import Procedures and Documentation" contains up-to-the-minute information on new security procedures, the movement to Internet-based documentation, recently enacted Free Trade Agreements, increased compliance measures under the Consumer Products Safety Commission. Written in clear, everyday language and including checklists, questionnaires, and a glossary of international trading terms this trusted resource gives import/export professionals everything they need to get the job done."
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New York: [American Management Association, ], 2010
eBooks  Universitas Indonesia Library
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