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Ditemukan 17 dokumen yang sesuai dengan query
Charmaz, Kathy
Singapore: Sage , 2014
300.1 CHA c (1);300.1 CHA c (2)
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Locke, Karen
London: Sage, 2001
658.403 LOC g
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Proctor, Tony
London: Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group, 1999
658.403 PRO c
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Strauss, Anselm L.
Newbury Park: Sage, 1990.
300.72 STR b
Buku Teks SO  Universitas Indonesia Library
Sabi`ah Khairi
Abstrak :
Salah satu penyebab anemia adalah kekurangan nutrisi. Kondisi anemia dalam kehamilan merupakan kondisi yang berisiko dan menjadi penyebab tidak langsung kematian ibu. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah mengembangkan konsep tentang proses pengambilan keputusan pemenuhan kebutuhan nutrisi ibu hamil anemia. Metode kualitatif dengan pendekatan grounded theory digunakan dengan 25 partisipan yang diperoleh melalui metode theoretical sampling di wilayah Kabupaten Lombok Timur, NTB. Melalui analisis data tematik diperoleh konsep kegagalan memutuskan dalam memenuhi kebutuhan nutrisi selama kehamilan. Pengambilan keputusan, baik oleh suami atau diri sendiri yang gagal memenuhi kebutuhan nutrisi dipengaruhi oleh berbagai faktor. Hasil penelitian ini menyarankan agar petugas kesehatan meningkatkan edukasi secara lebih intensif terkait nutrisi dan anemia dalam kehamilan, melibatkan partisipasi suami dan keluarga dalam edukasi dengan tetap memperhatikan aspek sosial budaya.

Failure in Deciding A Nutrition Requirement During Pregnancy: A Grounded Theory Study among Anemic Maternal Women. One of the causes of nutritional deficit is anemia. Anemia in pregnancy indirectly causes maternal mortality. This study aimed to develop a concept of decision-making in fulfilling the needs of nutrition in pregnant mothers with anemia. A grounded theory approach was applied involving 25 participants recruted through a theoretical method sampling in the East Lombok district. Through a thematic analys it was founded that there was a failure relating concept in decision making to meet nutrition requirement during pregnancy. There are several factors affect decisions made both by husbands and pregnant woman which were lead to failure. The finding recommends the care providers to improve health education regarding the importance of adequate nutrition for pregnant women and to involve husband and family during education proces while constantly respects social cultural aspects.
STIKes Yarsi Mataram ; Fakultas Ilmu Keperawatan Universitas Indonesia, 2013
610 JKI 16:2 (2013)
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Putri Mahardika
Abstrak :
Perempuan usia subur dengan histerektomi memiliki kebutuhan secara fisik, psikologis, sosial, spiritual, dan kultural yang berdasarkan hal-hal yang dirasakan setelah mengalami histerektomi. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui kebutuhan secara holistic pada perempuan usia subur dengan histerektomi. Penelitian ini menggunakan studi kualitatif grounded theory. Dalam penelitian ini  terdapat 6 partisipan perempuan usia subur post histerektomi, enam orang suami partisipan, anggota keluarga, dan tiga orang tenaga kesehatan. Penelitian ini dilakukan di Provinsi Sumatera Barat dengan kebudayaan minang yang menganut matrilineal. Didapatkan tujuh tema hasil penelitian yang membentuk konsep kebutuhan holistik pada perempuan usia subur dengan histerektomi. Adapun kebutuhan pada perempuan usia subur dengan histerektomi yang ditemukan yaitu  kebutuhan mengatasi masalah seksual dan nyeri, kebutuhan diperhatikan orang terdekat, kebutuhan untuk beraktivitas dan mendapat dukungan dari lingkungan, kebutuhan untuk meningkatkan hubungan dengan tuhan dan penerimaan diri, kebutuhan kepercayaan dari lingkungan dan nilai-nilai masyarakat untuk menerima dirinya. Disimpulkan bahwa kebutuhan pada perempuan usia subur dengan histerektomi tidak hanya secara fisik dan psikologis tetapi juga kebutuhan sosial, spiritual, dan kultural. Maka tenaga kesehatan perlu mengetahui pengkajian dalam memahami kebutuhan holistic pada perempuan usia subur dengan histerektomi.

Women of childbearing age with hysterectomy have physical, psychological, social, spiritual, and cultural needs based on things that are felt after experiencing a hysterectomy. This study aims to determine the needs holistically for women of childbearing age with hysterectomy. This research uses qualitative grounded theory. In this study there were 6 female participants of childbearing age post hysterectomy, six participants' husbands, family members, and three health workers. This research was conducted in West Sumatra Province with a Minang culture that embraced matrilineal. There are seven themes of research results that form the concept of holistic needs for women of childbearing age with hysterectomy. The needs of women of childbearing age with hysterectomy are found, namely the need to deal with sexual and pain problems, the need to pay attention to the closest person, the need to move and get support from the environment, the need to improve relationships with God and self-acceptance, the need for trust in the environment and values community to accept him. It was concluded that the needs of women of childbearing age with hysterectomy were not only physically and psychologically but also social, spiritual, and cultural needs. So health workers need to know the assessment in understanding holistic needs for women of childbearing age with hysterectomy.

Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Keperawatan Universitas Indonesia, 2019
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Esti Budi Rahayu
Abstrak :
Intra Uterine Fetal Death (IUFD) atau kematian janin merupakan salah satu dari peristiwa kehilangan yang menimbulkan respon berduka, bahkan jika berkepanjangan respon tersebut dapat menjadi bersifat patologis sehingga menimbulkan dampak negatif baik fisik maupun psikologis ibu. Sementara belum ada penelitian yang spesifik tentang respon dan koping ibu dengan IUFD tersebut. Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan menggunakan desain penelitian kualitatif dengan pendekatan grounded theory. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengembangkan suatu konsep tentang respon dan pola koping ibu dengan IUFD. Jumlah partisipan yang berpartisipasi dalam penelitian ini sampai dengan terjadi saturasi data sebanyak 7 orang. Prosedur sampling yang digunakan adalah purposive sampling. Prosedur pengumpulan data menggunakan teknik wawancara dan observasi. Analisis data dilakukan dengan menggunakan langkah – langkah analisis Hutchinson (2001 dalam Streubert & Carpenter, 2003). Hasil penelitian menunjukkan tiga bentuk respon ditunjukkan oleh ibu dalam menjalani proses berduka yaitu menolak untuk menerima kehilangan, tawar menawar dan kesedihan yang mendalam. Ibu melakukan berbagai upaya dalam bentuk koping yang adaptif dan maladaptif. Ibu dengan IUFD dalam berespon dan membentuk koping terhadap peristiwa kehilangan dipengaruhi oleh faktor internal dan eksternal. Rekomendasi untuk pelayanan keperawatan agar menjadikan hasil penelitian sebagai pedoman dan strategi dalam memberikan asuhan keperawatan khususnya dukungan kepada ibu dengan IUFD. Rekomendasi juga ditujukan pada penelitian selanjutnya agar menggunakan partisipan yang lebih banyak
Intra Uterine Fetal Death (IUFD) is loss of fetus that consider as a grieving loss event of the mother. Prolonged reactions following a fetal loss or gradually increase in intensity overtime are labeled as pathological grief process and it can potentially have a negative impact on physical and mental health on mother. This research is using a qualitative research design with grounded theory method. The aim of this research is to develop a concept of mother’s response and coping mechanism with IUFD. Mothers who involved to this research until saturated data processes and participating as participant are 7 people. Sampling procedure utilized is purposive sampling. Collecting data procedures using in-depth interview techniques and observationall. Data analyzing using the Hutchinson (2001) cited in Streubert & Carpenter, 2003). Research result shown that the grief responses of mothers with IUFD consist of the three levels, those are denial, bargaining and circumstantial sadness. Some of them used an adaptive coping mechanism while another group used a maladaptive coping mechanism. Internal and external factors influence the response and coping mechanism that they used. Research recommended to nursing professionals to used this result as a guidance and strategy in giving support in nursing care to mothers with IUFD, further research with more participants are also recommended.
Fakultas Ilmu Keperawatan Universitas Indonesia, 2008
UI - Tesis Open  Universitas Indonesia Library
Yuke Ardhiati
Abstrak :
Kehadiran ide "Arsitektur Panggung" merupakan visualisasi ideologi Penguasa melalui karya arsitektur terdorong oleh trilogi hasrat, intervensi, dan rasa seni. Di Indonesia terwujud sebagai ekspresi kekuasaan Soekarno 1960-an menjadi ruh tergubahnya karya arsitektur "Projek Mercusuar"di Jakarta. Teori "Arsitektur Panggung" sebagai Arsitektur Non Material yaitu "sesuatu‟ yang tak teraga mendahului fisik material Arsitektur memiliki karakteristik sebagaimana konsep Khora. Sejumlah data metafisik berdasar data kesejarahan menunjuk bekal Soekarno Muda sebagai arsitek, politisi, dan penulis naskah drama tonil yang memampukannya di saat menggaungkan Nation Pride melalui karya arsitektur. Fenomena serupa di mancanegara ditampakkan pada arsitektur warisan Adolf Hitler di Jerman, Joseph Stalin di Soviet Uni, Kubitchek di Brazilia dan Mao Tze Dong di Cina, serta Nehru di India. Akan tetapi bekal pengetahuan tacit kearsitekturan khas Timur yang dipadukan dengan Barat yang dimiliki Soekarno telah membedakannya dengan Penguasa lainnya. Soekarno telah memberi warna kehadiran ide "arsitektur panggung" dengan pesona ke-Indonesia-an khas Jawa Kuno berupa ornamentik yang dilekatkan pada bangunan Arsitektur Modern, telah membedakannya dengan Hitler ketika menggubah gaya Fuhrer, Stalin ketika menggubah Gothic Stalinist, Kubitcheck dalam menggubah Ibukota Brazilia, Nehru ketika menggubah Chandigarh ataupun ketika China menggubah diri sebagai "Paris dari Timur". Melalui penelitian Grounded Theory dan cara pengamatan fenomenologis pada sepilihan karya arsitektur "Projek Mercusuar" melalui pengamatan visual, pengalaman keruangan, serta penghimpunan data metafisik yang dipertautkan keterhubungannya secara hermeneutik- interpretatif terungkap adanya proses memutu dalam kehadiran arsitektur. Ketika urutan demi urutan keruangan juga dipertautkan tersingkap adanya kesepadanan struktural yang membingkai ruh dan raga dari ide "Arsitektur Panggung" gagasan "Arsitek" Soekarno sebagai ekspresi kesepadanan pengetahuan arsitektural dan jiwa dramaturgi yang melingkupinya.
The presence of the idea of "Architecture Stage" is a visualization of the Ruler through the architectural work as his ideologies are driven by trilogies of his passion, his intervention and his sense of art. In Indonesia Soekarno manifested his ideologies as his expression in the 1960‟s with the architectural masterpiece known as the "Project‟s Lighthouse" in Jakarta. The theory of the "Architecture Stage" was found as part of a "Non-material Architecture‟, that is "something‟ regarded as an intangible architecture that precedes the materiality with similar characteristics as the concept of space " Khora. Some of the metaphysical data as historical archives was collected through the historical of event, starting from young Soekarno as an Architect, Politician, and the Playwright of drama tonil, which empowered him in echoing the Nation‟s Pride ideology through his works and architectural masterpieces. The same phenomena abroad was revealed in the architectural legacies of Adolf Hitler in Germany, Joseph Stalin in the Soviet Union, Kubitchek in Brazilia, Mao Tze Dong in the People‟s Republic of China, and Nehru in India. However, there are different types in Indonesia. Soekarno‟s architecture tacitly expressed architectural knowledge in the manner of "Eastern meets Western‟, resulting in a combination of differences between them. Soekarno has given "color‟ as sense of presence in the ideas of the "Architecture Stage". Combining the charm of the Indonesian culture by exploring Ancient Javanese form, Soekarno distinguished his architectural style by attaching building ornamentation to Modern Architecture. This was done at a time when Hitler was composing his architectural style, when Stalin was composing the Stalinist Gothic, when Kubitcheck was designing the capital city of Brazilia, when Nehru was composing Chandigarh and when Shanghai, China was declared as the "Paris of the East‟. By using the "Grounded Theory‟research method, which refers to Glaser and Strauss, phenomenological observations are noted in several architectural works concerning the "Project‟s Lighthouse" in Jakarta in the 1960‟s. Through visual observation and spatial experiences as well as metaphysical data collection, the idea of connectedness was found. Through a Hermeneutic-Interpretive method, the process of deriving quality from an architectural presence is revealed. By connecting the spatial sequences in architecture, Tugu Nasional, known as the "Project‟s Lighthouse" reveals the structural equivalence of the spirit as the body and soul of the idea of an "Architecture Stage." This was Soekarno‟s idea as an expression of his architectural knowledge with his dramaturgy representation. Soekarno composes the idea of a "Soekarnoestic Architecture Stage" as the metaphor for representing himself as the "Stage of Indonesia".
UI - Disertasi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Bryant, Antony
Abstrak :
The book is addressed to investigators with some knowledge of and familiarity with research methodswho are keen to learn more about the grounded theory method [GTM]. The method is located against general research issues, such as the nature of doctoral and other research, discussions on epistemology and ontology, and the initial motivations for undertaking a specific research project. The key features of GTM are discussed and exemplified using numerous examples taken from several of the authors many successful PhD students. The focus is on distinguishing the core and essential features of the method, from those that can be regarded as accidental. The authors concept of Methodological Sensitivity is introduced to explain how insightful research is often dependent on researchers adapting one or more methods to their specific project and context. The grounded theory method is illustrated through several examples taken from PhD theses supervised by the author; also the derivation of a grounded theory is drawn from more than 100 published GTM papers. The book includes chapters devoted to discussions of the concept of abduction and abductive logic, now seen as central to GTM, set against an overview of different forms of reasoning-i.e. induction and deduction. Other chapters include personal accounts of GTM-in-use by four successful PhD candidates and a guide that summarizes ways in which issues around GTM can be taken into account and addressed both by researchers (not only PhD students) and by assessors and evaluators (PhD examiners, journal editors, reviewers, and those refereeing research proposals).
Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2017
eBooks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Keiko Aaliya Hernowo Putri
Abstrak :
Perkembangan teknologi memberikan dampak positif terutama dalam industri keuangan, terbukti transaksi keuangan semakin bergeser ke arah digital. Banyak perusahaan menciptakan dompet digital atau bank digital sebagai solusi keuangan. Dengan kondisi 48% masyarakat Indonesia tidak memiliki rekening bank padahal tingkat penetrasi pengguna smartphone sudah di angka 67,88% menjadi peluang kolaborasi bagi Bank Jago dan Gojek untuk meningkatkan inklusi keuangan di Indonesia. Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk mengetahui pengalaman pengguna terhadap intensi penggunaan dari fitur hasil kolaborasi Bank Jago dan Gojek yang ditinjau dengan diffusion of innovation theory dan brand alliances. Penelitian dilakukan menggunakan mixed-method, pendekatan kualitatif dengan grounded theory dan pendekatan kuantitatif dengan PLS-SEM pada 431 responden. Pengalaman pengguna yang berhasil diidentifikasi pada tahap kualitatif adalah integration, design, flexibility, efficiency, dan financial benefit. Pada tahap kuantitatif diperoleh intention to use dipengaruhi perceived compatibility, perceived relative advantages, attitude toward alliances, dan brand trust. Adapun perceived compatibility dipengaruhi efficiency dan financial benefit, sedangkan perceived relative advantages dipengaruhi integration, flexibility, efficiency, dan financial benefit. Penelitian ini dapat menambah pengetahuan terkait inovasi kolaborasi produk digital dan dapat dikembangkan pada penelitian selanjutnya. Penelitian ini bermanfaat bagi pengembang produk digital terutama yang bergerak di bidang financial technology, masyarakat, dan pemerintah Indonesia dalam menciptakan ekosistem keuangan yang lebih baik. ......Technological advancements have had a positive impact, particularly in the financial industry, as evidenced by the increasing shift towards digital financial transactions. Many companies are racing to create digital wallets or digital banks as financial solutions. With 48% of the Indonesian population not having a bank account, despite a smartphone user penetration rate of 67.88%, this situation presents a collaboration opportunity for Bank Jago and Gojek to enhance financial inclusion in Indonesia. This research was conducted to understand user experiences and intentions regarding the collaborative features of Bank Jago and Gojek, using the diffusion of innovation theory and brand alliances as frameworks. The study employed a mixed-method approach, with qualitative analysis using grounded theory and quantitative analysis using PLS-SEM on 431 respondents. User experiences identified in the qualitative phase included integration, design, flexibility, efficiency, and financial benefits. In the quantitative phase, it was found that intention to use is influenced by perceived compatibility, perceived relative advantages, attitude toward alliances, and brand trust. Perceived compatibility is influenced by efficiency and financial benefits, while perceived relative advantages are influenced by integration, flexibility, efficiency, and financial benefits. This research contributes to the understanding of collaborative innovation in digital product development and can be further expanded in future studies. Moreover, it provides valuable insights for digital product developers, Indonesian society and government in creating a better financial ecosystem.
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Komputer Universitas Indonesia, 2023
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
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