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Ditemukan 27 dokumen yang sesuai dengan query
Kaligis, Otto Cornelis, 1942-
Jakarta: O.C. Kaligis & Associates, 2001
324.2 KAL p
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Indonesia, 1995
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
"Tulisan ini membahas tentang gangguan (disrupsi) yang terjadi pada Partai Golkar di Pemilu 2019 sejak dibentuknya relawan Golkar-Jokowi (Gojo). Pengaruh relawan Gojo terhadap rekrutmen politik tidak berdampak langsung karena Gojo dibentuk tidak berdasarkan perintah partai. Gojo mempengaruhi rekrutmen Partai Golkar sebelum Komisi Pemilihan Umum (KPU) menetapkan caleg. Relawan Gojo memanfaatkan media sosial untuk memperkenalkan bakal caleg Golkar dengan instrumen relawan. Sedangkan terhadap perubahan kampanye Partai Golkar, relawan Gojo memberikan dampak karena Golkar lebih kreatif memanfaatkan media sosial dengan memanfaatkan dukungan terhadap Jokowi. Dengan adanya Relawan Gojo maka kampanye-kampanye Partai Golkar lebih cepat dan dinamis, karena tidak lagi melalui jenjang organisasi. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode kualitatif dengan pendekatan studi kasus. Konsep yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah konsep disrupsi Francis Fukuyama dan konsep pelembagaan Samuel P. Huntington. Temuan dari tulisan ini, lahirnya Gojo di Partai Golkar awalnya mendapatkan respon negatif dari beberapa kader karena menjadi hal baru di internal partai. Namun, pergerakan Gojo mampu memperkenalkan Golkar lebih cepat dan lebih baik dari infrastruktur kekuasaan yang sudah ada. Dari perubahan yang dibuat oleh Gojo terhadap rekrutmen dan kampanye Partai Golkar. Perubahan terhadap pola kampanye lebih terlihat dibandingkan rekrutmen politik.

This paper discusses the disturbances that have occurred to the Golkar Party in the 2019 Election since the formation of the Golkar-Jokowi (Gojo) volunteers. The influence of Gojo volunteers on political recruitment did not have a direct impact because Gojo was formed not based on party orders. Gojo influenced the recruitment of the Golkar Party before the General Elections Commission (KPU) determined the candidates. Gojo volunteers use social media to introduce prospective Golkar candidates with volunteer instruments. As for the changes to the Golkar Party's campaign, Gojo volunteers had an impact because Golkar was more creative in using social media by taking advantage of support for Jokowi. With the Gojo Volunteers, the Golkar Party's campaigns are faster and more dynamic, because they no longer pass through the organizational level. This study uses a qualitative method with a case study approach. The concepts used in this research are the disruption concept of Francis Fukuyama and the institutionalization concept of Samuel P. Huntington. The findings from this paper, the birth of Gojo in the Golkar Party initially received a negative response from several cadres because it was a new thing within the party's internal structure. However, the Gojo movement was able to introduce Golkar faster and better than the existing power infrastructure. From the changes made by Gojo to the recruitment and campaign of the Golkar Party. Changes to campaign patterns are more visible than political recruitment."
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Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Indonesia, 2022
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Hanta Yuda AR
"Penelitian ini dilatarbelakangi penurunan perolehan suara Partai Golkar di Pemilu 2009 yang cukup signifikan (7,13 persen), yaitu dari 21,58 persen di 2004 menjadi 14,45 persen di 2009. Padahal Partai Golkar di Pemilu 2009 juga mewarisi infrastruktur dan jaringan organisasi yang sangat kuat seperti pada pemilu sebelumnya (Pemilu 2004). Potensi-potensi itu mestinya dapat menjadi modal dasar bagi Partai Golkar di Pemilu 2009 untuk mempertahankan kemenangan 2004. Karena itu, penelitian ini dilakukan untuk mencari jawaban mengapa perolehan suara Golkar menurun signifikan di Pemilu 2009, kendatipun mewarisi jaringan infrastruktur organisasi yang kuat dan tingkat institusionalisasi yang baik, dan faktor-faktor apa yang menyebabkan penurunan itu.
Untuk menganalisa penyebab penurunan perolehan suara Golkar tnt, menggunakan teori institusionalisasi partai dari Vicky Randall dan Lars Svasand; faksionalisme partai menurut Paul G Lewis, Belloni dan Andrew Nathan; teori oligarki Robert Michels, partai terkartelisasi dari Kartz dan Mair, serta teori kepemimpinan dari Andrew Hedrewood. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode kualitatif, sedangkan teknik pengumpulan data melalui kajian literatur, analisis dokumen resmi organisasi Partai Golkar dan hasil survei lembaga independen, serta wawancara mendalam dengan sembilan narasumber dari internal dan ekstemal Partai Golkar yang mengetahui dan memahami dinamika internal Golkar. Sementara teknik analisis data menggunakan deskriptif analitis.
Temuan dari penelitian ini menunjukkan tingkat institusionalisasi Partai Golkar diukur dari empat dimensi Randall dan Svasand cukup baik dan relatif kuat. Kekuatan Golkar dalam beberapa dimensi institusionalisasi yang selama ini diyakini menjadi faktor penyebab kemenangan Golkar di Pemilu 2004, ternyata gagal mengantarkan Golkar sebagai pemenang di Pemilu 2009, dan justru mengalami penurunan suara cukup siginifikan. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan ada empat faktor internal penyebab penurunan perolehan suara Partai Golkar itu: (1) kegagalan Partai Golkar mengelola faksionalisme internal; (2) problem kaderisasi dan penyimpangan dalam rekrutmen internal; (3) kepemimpinan internal yang kurang mengakar ke bawah dan dampak kekeliruan komunikasi politik; serta (4) krisis identitas ideologi partai. Keempat faktor internal inilah menjadi penyebab utamanya. Selain itu juga dipengaruhi faktor ekstemal yang gagal diantisipasi Golkar: (1) rasionalitas dan persepsi publik yang merugikan posisi politik Golkar sebagai bagian dari pemerintahan; (2) efek strategi politik pencitraan yang massif dilakukan Partai Demokrat; (3) kehadiran Gerindra dan Hanura sebagai partai pecahan Golkar; serta (4) sistem suara terbanyak yang gagal diantisipasi Golkar.
Implikasi teoretis menunjukkan bahwa tingkat institusionalisasi yang baik menurut Randall dan Svasand memang mendukung daya tahan suatu partai untuk tetap hidup dalam jangka panjang, tetapi dalam konteks jangka pendek tidak otomatis menjadi faktor penentu kinerja elektoral dan kemenangan suatu partai di pemilu, jika partai tersebut gagal mengelolanya. Dinamika dan karakteristik faksionalisme di Golkar, serta dampaknya terhadap soliditas internal berimplikasi pada penurunan perolehan suara di Pemilu 2009 mengokohkan teori Paul G Lewis, Belloni, dan Andrew J. Nathan tentang faksionalisme.

The background of this particular research was that the decline in the number of votes secured by the Golkar Party in the 2009 elections was quite significant (7.13 percent), from 21.58 percent in 2004 to 14.45 percent in 2009, even though the Golkar Party in the 2009 elections also inherited the organizational infrastructure and network that were still very strong as in the previous elections (the 2004 elections). The Golkar Party actually had the potential to capitalize on these to retain the 2004 victory. There upon, this research was conducted to seek answers as to why Golkar's number of votes significantly dropped in the 2009 elections, despite the fact that it inherited the organizational infrastructure and network that were strong and it had a good level of institutionalization. The research was conducted to find what factors that had caused the downturn.
To analyze the causes of this decline in the number of Golkar's votes, the author utilizes the theories of party institutionalization by Vicky Randall and Lars Svasand; of party factionalism by Paul G Lewis, Belloni and Andrew Nathan; of party oligarchy by Robert Michels; of party cartel by Kartz and Mair, and of leadership from Andrew Hedrewood . This research applied qualitative methods. Data collections were conducted through a literature review, the analysis on official documents of the Golkar Party and independent surveys, as well as in­ depth interviews with nine internal and external resource persons who know and understand the internal dynamics of the Golkar Party. The data analysis technique was descriptive analysis.
The findings of this study indicate the level of institutionalization of the Golkar Party that was measured using the four dimensions introduced by Randall and Svasand. The institutionalization was well and relatively strong. The Golkar's strength in some dimensions of institutionalization was believed to have been a victorious factor in the 2004 elections, but it had failed to deliver Golkar as the winner in the 2009 elections. It had even experienced a significant decline in the number of votes. The results of this study indicate that there were four internal factors causing a decrease in number of votes garnered by the Golkar Party: (1) the failure of the Golkar Party to manage internal factionalism, (2) the problems of caderization and internal recruitment, (3) the internal leadership that was less rooted at the grassroots level stemming from the impact of erronious political communications; and (4) the ideological identity crisis within the party. The four internal factors were the main causes. The decline in the number of votes was also influenced by sundry external factors that were failed to be anticipated by Golkar: ( 1) rationality and public perception that the Golkar Party was part of the ruling government, (2) the effect of the massive strategy of political imaging by the Democratic Party, (3) the presence of Gerindra and Hanura as Golkar's splinter parties, and (4) the most number of votes system that was failed to be anticipates by Golkar.
The theoretical implications indicate that the level of institutionalization according to both Randall and Svasand will indeed support the durability of a party to survive in the long run, but in the context of the short term it will not automatically become the deciding factor of electoral performance and the victorious factor of a party in elections, if the party fails to manage it. The dynamics and characteristics of factionalism in the Golkar party had an impact on the internal solidity, thereby causing the decline in the number of votes in the 2009 elections. This fact confirmed the theory of Paul G Lewis, Belloni, and Andrew J. Nathan about party factionalism."
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Depok: Universitas Indonesia, 2011
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Aulia A. Rachman
Jakarta: Pusat Studi Agama dan Peradaban, 2007
324.2 AUL c (1)
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Moh. Rizky Godjali
Penelitian tesis ini dilatarbelakangi oleh fakta politik yang menunjukkan kemampuan Partai Golkar di Kabupaten dan Kota Serang dalam meraih suara yang relatif stabil dari Pemilu 1999 hingga Pemilu 2014. Partai Golkar di Kabupaten dan Kota Serang muncul sebagai partai yang berhasil menempatkan kadernya pada posisi strategis di lembaga legislatif dan eksekutif daerah dalam momentum Pemilu dan Pilkada. Strategi politik Partai Golkar di kedua wilayah ini terletak pada kekuatan struktur dan kemampuan memanfaatkan kultur politik lokal masyarakatnya. Penelitian dilakukan dengan tujuan untuk mengetahui strategi politik dan usaha Partai Golkar mengembangkan struktur politik, serta kemampuan Partai Golkar memanfaatkan kultur politik lokal di masyarakat dalam rangka mempertahankan dan meningkatkan perolehan suara pada Pemilu 2014 di Kabupaten dan Kota Serang.
Sebagai alat bantu analisa kajian ini dipakai pendekatan pelembagaan partai politik dan budaya politik. Konsep pelembagaan partai politik sebagaimana dikemukakan Huntington, serta Vicky Randall dan Lars Svasand digunakan dalam mengkaji kekuatan struktur sebagai instrumen yang berpengaruh terhadap strategi politik Partai Golkar. Sedangkan teori budaya politik yang digagas Almond dan Verba dijabarkan dalam upaya menjelaskan kondisi kultur politik lokal masyarakat di Kabupaten dan Kota Serang. Kemampuan Partai Golkar untuk menggunakan budaya politik lokal menjadi elemen determinan dalam upaya mempertahankan dan menguatkan perolehan suara pada Pemilu 2014.
Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif. Jenis penelitian bersifat deskriptif analitis. Pengumpulan data dilakukan berdasarkan wawancara mendalam (indepth interview) dengan pengurus DPD II Partai Golkar Kabupaten/Kota Serang, akademisi, dan tokoh jawara serta ulama di wilayah Serang. Telaah dokumentasi juga dilakukan sebagai sumber data.
Temuan penelitian sampai pada kesimpulan bahwa aspek strategi politik Partai Golkar dengan penekanan pada penanaman doktrin nilai perjuangan Partai Golkar, proses pembinaan kader partai dan upaya merespon harapan dan tuntutan konstituen, merupakan kunci mengapa Partai ini berhasil meraih suara di Serang. Di samping itu, pada aspek kultur, Partai Golkar memanfaatkan pengaruh kelompok ulama/kiai melalui diantaranya yakni, pembinaan terhadap pondok pesantren dan membina hubungan dengan kelompok jawara. Kedua kelompok ini, diyakini memiliki pengaruh yang signifikan dalam masyarakat di Serang.
Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa Partai Golkar di wilayah Serang melakukan institusionalisasi kepartaian sesuai teori pelembagaan partai politik dari Huntington, serta Vicky Randall dan Lars Svasand. Berdasarkan pada kajian penelitian, kondisi budaya politik masyarakat di wilayah Serang ialah budaya politik subyektif (kaula) seperti yang diungkapkan Almond dan Verba.

This thesis examines how the ability of the Golkar Party in the District and City of Serang won votes on the elections of 1999 to 2014. The election victory of the Golkar Party in the region rooted in the strength of the structure and the capacity of the Party by using the local political culture. The study was conducted to see a political strategy of Golkar in utilizing local political culture in the society which was increasing the number of votes in the 2014 election.
As a tool of analysis used several theories of political parties and political culture. The concept of institutionalization of political parties as stated by Samuel Huntington, Vicky Randall and Lars Svasand trained in assessing the stratagem of the Party. On the other hand, the theory of political culture initiated by Gabriel Almond and Verba is also particularized to explain a condition of political culture and the local community in this region.
This study used a qualitative approach by type of research is descriptive analytic. Data collection is done by in-depth interviews (depth interview) with the DPD Golkar Party II District / City of Serang, scholars, and charismatic leaders in the region of Serang. Examine documentation was also conducted as a data source.
The findings of this study came to a conclusion that the Golkar strategy of which is surrounding doctrine value of Golkar, the party cadre formation process and the efforts to respond to the expectations and demands of the constituents, of which the Party won the vote in the region. Though cultural aspect, the Party was using the influence of the ulama / kiai through-among other things, guidance to the Islamic boarding school (Pesantren) and dealings with the Jawara (Local Bossism). All of the points are assumed give a significant influence in society particularly to increase the votes of the elections of 1999 to 2014. This research reaffirms Huntington and Vicky Randall and Lars Svasand on political party institutionalization. Based on the research study, the political culture of society in district and city of Serang is a subjective political culture (kaula) as stated by Almond and Verba., This thesis examines how the ability of the Golkar Party in the District and City of Serang won votes on the elections of 1999 to 2014. The election victory of the Golkar Party in the region rooted in the strength of the structure and the capacity of the Party by using the local political culture. The study was conducted to see a political strategy of Golkar in utilizing local political culture in the society which was increasing the number of votes in the 2014 election.
As a tool of analysis used several theories of political parties and political culture. The concept of institutionalization of political parties as stated by Samuel Huntington, Vicky Randall and Lars Svasand trained in assessing the stratagem of the Party. On the other hand, the theory of political culture initiated by Gabriel Almond and Verba is also particularized to explain a condition of political culture and the local community in this region.
This study used a qualitative approach by type of research is descriptive analytic. Data collection is done by in-depth interviews (depth interview) with the DPD Golkar Party II District / City of Serang, scholars, and charismatic leaders in the region of Serang. Examine documentation was also conducted as a data source.
The findings of this study came to a conclusion that the Golkar strategy of which is surrounding doctrine value of Golkar, the party cadre formation process and the efforts to respond to the expectations and demands of the constituents, of which the Party won the vote in the region. Though cultural aspect, the Party was using the influence of the ulama / kiai through-among other things, guidance to the Islamic boarding school (Pesantren) and dealings with the Jawara (Local Bossism). All of the points are assumed give a significant influence in society particularly to increase the votes of the elections of 1999 to 2014. This research reaffirms Huntington and Vicky Randall and Lars Svasand on political party institutionalization. Based on the research study, the political culture of society in district and city of Serang is a subjective political culture (kaula) as stated by Almond and Verba.]"
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UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Eca Lacantika
"Partai Golkar merupakan partai politik dengan basis pendukung terbesar di Indramayu. Hal tersebut tercermin dari jumlah dewan Partai Golkar yang mendominasi dalam DPRD Indramayu selama berturut-turut periode kepengurusan. Sama seperti empat periode sebelumnya, Partai Golkar kembali mengusung kandidat cabup dan cawabup tanpa berkoalisi pada Pilkada Indramayu 2020, yakni Daniel Mutaqien Syafiuddin dan Taufik Hidayat. Sejak pertama kali pilkada dilaksanakan di Indramayu, kandidat usungan Partai Golkar selalu berhasil memenangkannya dengan mendulang suara mayoritas penduduk. Akan tetapi, pada Pilkada Indramayu 2020, Partai Golkar kalah memenangkan kompetisi. Skripsi ini meneliti tentang bagaimana faksionalisme yang terjadi dalam DPD Partai Golkar Indramayu berpengaruh terhadap kegagalan Daniel-Taufik dalam Pilkada Indramayu 2020.
Tujuan penelitian ini adalah mengetahui bagaimana faksionalisasi internal menyumbang faktor kegagalan memenangkan Partai Golkar pada Pilkada Indramayu 2020 yang merupakan wilayah basis pendukungnya. Fenomena ini dikaji menggunakan kerangka teori faksionalisme dari Boucek. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode penelitian kualitatif dengan teknik wawancara mendalam.
Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa faksionalisme degeneratif yang terjadi dalam DPD Partai Golkar Indramayu membawa dampak-dampak negatif seperti kemunduran partai, disintegrasi partai, dan melemahnya legitimasi partai yang pada akhirnya berimplikasi pada kekalahan Daniel-Taufik sebagai kandidat usungan Partai Golkar dalam Pilkada Indramayu 2020.
Kata Kunci: Pilkada, Faksionalisme, Partai Golkar, Indramayu

The Golkar Party is the party with the largest supporters in Indramayu. That is reflected with its domination in the number of Golkar Party boards that dominate the Indramayu legislature. Just like the previous four periods, the Golkar Party has again brought up  candidates without forming a coalition in the Indramayu Local Leaders Election 2020, namely Daniel Mutaqien Syafiuddin and Taufik Hidayat. Since the first Local Leaders Election was held in Indramayu, the Golkar Party candidates have always managed to win the competition by gaining the majority of the population's votes. However, in the Indramayu Local Leaders Election 2020, Golkar Party lost the competition. This study attempts to answer the problem of How did the factionalism in the Regional Leadership Council of the Golkar Party in Indramayu affect the failure of Daniel-Taufik in the Indramayu Local Leaders Election 2020.
The purpose of this study is to find out how internal factionalization contributed to the failure of the Golkar Party in the Indramayu Local Leaders Election 2020 which is the area of its support base. This study case is analysed using the theoretical framework of Boucek's factionalism. This study uses qualitative research methods with in-depth interview techniques.
This study results show that the degenerative factionalism occurred in the Regional Leadership Council of the Golkar Party in Indramayu brought negative impacts such as party decline, party disintegration, and weakening of party legitimacy which ultimately had implications for Daniel-Taufik's defeat as the candidate for the Golkar Party in the Indramayu Local Leaders Election 2020.
Key Words: Local Leaders Election, Factionalism, Golkar Party, Indramayu
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Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Indonesia, 2022
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Burhan Agung Swastiko
"Penelitian ini hendak mengetahui strategi sayap perempuan partai politik yaitu Kesatuan Perempuan Partai Golongan Karya (KPPG) dalam mendorong keterwakilan perempuan di Partai Golongan Karya pada pemilihan umum legislatif 2014. Dengan diakuinya KPPG dalam landasan formal AD/ART Partai Golkar pada 2009 sebagai organisasi sayap yang bertugas menjadi sumber rekrutmen perempuan Partai Golkar baik untuk kepengurusan maupun pencalegan pada Pemilu Legislatif 2014. Namun, meskipun jumlah pengurus perempuan Partai Golkar mengalami kenaikan akan tetapi angka keterwakilan perempuan Partai Golkar dalam parlemen tidak mengalami kenaikan. Pijakan teoritis penelitian ini yaitu politik kehadiran dari Anne Philips, strategi partai politik dalam meningkatkan representasi perempuan dalam politik dari Joni Lovenduski, teori proses rekrutmen dari Pippa Norris, dan teori lainnya yang terkait penelitian. Peneliti menggunakan metode kualitatif dengan pendekatan wawancara dan studi dokumen.
Hasil temuan dalam penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa dengan adanya peraturan perundang-undangan tentang afirmasi, KPPG berusaha memanfaatkannya untuk meningkatkan keterwakilan perempuan di internal Partai Golkar. Strategi yang dilakukan KPPG untuk meningkatkan keterwakilan perempuan dalam kepengurusan adalah membuat program Desa Dasa Karya dan berusaha memasukkan perempuan di dalam peran-peran strategis dalam kepengurusan Partai Golkar. Sedangkan strategi untuk meningkatkan keterwakilan perempuan dalam pencalonan legislatif Partai Golkar pada Pemilu Legislatif 2014 adalah dengan membuat kebijakan 'One Gate Policy', mengawal nomor urut caleg perempuan, memberikan pendampingan dan pembekalan terhadap caleg-caleg perempuan, dan menjalin kerjasama dengan sayap-sayap perempuan lintas partai. Namun terdapat faktor-faktor yang menghambat strategi KPPG. Faktor-faktor tersebut adalah aturan Partai Golkar, struktur Partai Golkar yang didominasi laki-laki, rekrutmen yang oligarki, tipe kepemimpinan ketua umum Partai Golkar, kepemimpinan internal KPPG, motivasi dan kapabilitas kader perempuan, serta internal KPPG yang tidak fokus mengangkat isu perempuan. Sehingga implikasi teoritis yang muncul bahwa meskipun partai politik membuka kesempatan kepada perempuan untuk berkarir dalam dunia politik tetapi partai politik tetap tidak menyediakan jalan bagi perempuan untuk memasuki posisi yang berpengaruh dalam politik. Perempuan minim posisi strategis di dalam partai politik dan posisi strategis juga sulit diraih oleh perempuan.

This study discussed about the strategies of womens movements in political party that is Golongan Karya Womens Union in encouraging womens representation in the Golongan Karya (Golkar) Party in 2014 Legislative Elections. With the recognition of KPPG in the formal basis of Statutes and Bylaw Golkar's Party in 2009 as an organization who has duty to become a source of women recruitment for Golkar Party both for stewardship and scrutiny in the 2014 Legislative Election. However, although the number of women members of Golkar Party has increased, Golkar Partys female representation in parliament has not increased. The theoretical basis of this research is political presence from Anne Philips, the strategy of political parties in increasing womens representation in politics from Joni Lovenduski, the theory of the recruitment process from Pippa Norris, and other theory related to this study. This study uses a qualitative method with interview and document study approach.
Findings in this study indicated that with the existence of legislation concerning affirmations, KPPG has utilized the legislation to increase womens representation within Golkar Party. The strategy carried out by KPPG to increase women's representation in the management by establishing Desa Dasa Karya program and including women in the strategic roles in the Golkars management. While the strategy to increase the womens representation in Golkar Party legislative nomination in the 2014 Legislative Election is establishing One Gate Policy, guarding the serial numbers of female candidates, providing assistance and debriefing for female candidates, and establishing the cooperation with cross-party womens wings. However, there are factors that inhibit the strategies from KPPG. The factors such as: the rules in Golkar Party, the men-dominated structure, the oligarchy recruitment, the General Chairmans leadership type, KPPG internal leadership, the motivation and capability of women cadres, as well as internal KPPG does not focus on raising womens issues. So, the theoretical implications appeared that eventhough the political parties has given opportunities for women to pursue careers in politics, the political parties still not yet provide a path for women to take an influential positions in politics. The lack of womens strategic positions in political parties also strategic positions are difficult for women to achieve.
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Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Indonesia, 2019
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Muhammad Reza Syamsuri
"Tesis ini meneliti tentang permasalahan Partai Golkar pada pemilihan kepala daerah 2015 di Kabupaten Gowa. Partai Golkar merupakan partai yang terkuat di Sulawesi Selatan dengan memiliki jaringan infrastruktur yang kuat ditandai dengan penguasaannya di sebagian besar jabatan di DPRD Sulawesi Selatan dan kemenangan pasangan calon yang diusung Partai Golkar dalam pemilihan kepala daerah sejak pemilihan kepala daerah secara langsung pada tahun 2005. Menjelang Pemilihan kepala daerah 2015 terjadi konflik internal Partai Golkar dengan adanya dualisme kepengurusan di DPP yaitu kepengurusan Aburizal Bakri dan Agung Laksono. Akibatnya, Partai Golkar mengalami sejumlah permasalahan dalam Pilkada di sejumlah daerah di Indonesia, termasuk Kabupaten Gowa. Untuk mengalisis sejumlah permasalahan Partai Golkar, penulis menggunakan teori institusionalisasi partai politik dari Randal & Svasand, teori faksionalisme elit partai politik dari Francis Boucek dan teori oligarki dari Jeffrey Winters. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode kualitatif, sedangkan teknik pengumpulan data melalui kajian literatur, analisis dokumen serta wawancara mendalam. Temuan dari penelitian ini menunjukkan terdapat tiga permasalahan yang menyebabkan sangat lemahnya pelembagaan Partai Golkar yang berdampak terhadap hasil pemilihan kepala daerah di Kabupaten Gowa. Permasalahan tersebut seperti; pertama, rekrutmen politik yang masih lemah. Proses rekrutmen Golkar dalam menentukan dan menetapkan calon kepala daerah tidak dilakukan sesuai dengan prosedur kebijakan dan aturan partai. Kedua, faksionalisme Partai Golkar yang bedampak terhadap tidak berjalannya mesin pemenangan partai secara maksimal dalam masa pemenangan kandidat akibat konflik internal dan dukungan dari kader yang terpecah. Ketiga, kepemimpinan yang personal dan oligarkis yang membuat pengambilan keputusan di partai semata-mata memberikan ruang kepada tumbuh kembangnya dinasti politik dan pertahanan jaringan kekuasaan di daerah.

This thesis examines the problems of the Golkar Party in 2015 head of regency elections in Gowa Regency. The Golkar Party is the strongest party in South Sulawesi with strong infrastructure network marked by its control in most positions in the South Sulawesi DPRD (the regional house of representative) and the victory of the candidates in the  regional head elections that was supported by the this party since direct regional elections was conducted in 2005. Closer to the regional head  election in 2015, Golkar Party faced the internal conflict with the dualism of management in the DPP (central executive board) namely the management of Aburizal Bakri and the management of Agung Laksono. As a result, the Golkar Party experienced a number of problems in the elections in the  numbers of regions in Indonesia, including Gowa Regency. To analyze the number of problems of Golkar Party, the researcher uses the theory of institutionalization of political parties from Randal & Svasand, the electoral theory of elite political parties from Francis Boucek and the oligarchic theory of Jeffrey Winters. This study uses qualitative methods, while the technique of collecting data conducted through literature review, analysis documents as well as in-depth interviews. The findings of this study indicate that there are three problems that have caused the very weak institutionalization of the Golkar Party which has an impact on the results of regional head elections in Gowa Regency. The First problem is the political recruitment is still weak. The process of Golkar recruitment in determining and assigning regional head candidates is not carried out according to party policy and rule procedures. Second, the factionalism of the Golkar Party has an impact on the failure in maximazing the the party's winning machine for its candidates due to internal conflicts and the support of cadres is divided. Third, personal and oligarchic leadership that makes decision-making in parties solely provides space for the development of political dynasties and the defense of power networks in the regions.
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Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Indonesia, 2018
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Tambunan, Andhika Josep Jeremia
Penelitian ini tentang keterpilihan Airlangga Hartarto menjadi ketua umum Partai Golkar secara aklamasi pada Munaslub tahun 2017 dan ini baru pertama kali terjadi di Partai Golkar pasca Orde Baru. Keterpilihan Airlangga Hartarto menunjukkan adanya pergeseran faksi Partai Golkar dari kompetitif ke kooperatif. Untuk menganalisa, penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan institusionalisme pilihan rasional dari Peters, Clarke & Foweraker, Hall & Taylor serta Shesple. Selain itu peneliti juga menggunakan teori demokrasi internal partai dari Alan Ware, Huntington dan Norris. Untuk melihat faksionalisasi, peneliti menggunakan teori faksi dari Boucek, Belloni & Beller serta Paul Lewis. Teori penyatuan elit dari Higley & Burton serta teori kepemimpinan dari Alan Ware serta Heywood. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode kualitatif dengan sumber data primer dan sekunder. Data primer didapat dari wawancara dan data sekunder diperoleh dari studi kepustakaan atau analisis dokumen. Terdapat beberapa faktor mengapa Airlangga Hartarto terpilih secara aklamasi. Peneliti memulai dari faktor pendorong dilaksanakannya Munaslub, terdapat faktor internal serta eksternal. Faktor internal, ketua umum Setya Novanto menjadi tersangka dalam kasus E-KTP sehingga terjadi kekosongan pimpinan partai. Faktor eksternal, akibat kasus tersebut, citra partai di mata publik menurun, terlihat dengan menurunnya elektabilitas. Selain itu, terdapat agenda politik Pilkada 2018 dan Pemilu 2019 yang perlu dihadapi oleh partai. Keterpilihan Airlangga Hartarto secara aklamasi ini merupakan bentuk "ekuilibrium nash". Selain itu, terdapat hubungan "mutualisme" antara kepentingan pemerintah dan Partai Golkar. Partai ini memiliki pragmatisme untuk selalu menjadi bagian dari pemerintah. Sehingga posisi Airlangga sebagai satu-satunya menteri dari Partai Golkar di Kabinet Pemerintahan Joko Widodo-Jusuf Kalla menjadi sangat berpengaruh.

This research is about Airlangga Hartarto's winning as the chairman of the Golkar Party by acclamation at the Extraordinary National Conference in 2017 and it was the first time has happened in the Golkar Party on post-New Order. It shows the shifting of faction in Golkar Party from competitive to cooperative. To analyse, this research use the rational choice institutionalism approach of Peters, Clarke & Foweraker, Hall & Taylor and Shesple. In addition, researchers also use the theory of internal democracy of party from Alan Ware, Huntington and Norris. To see factionalism, researchers used factional theories from Boucek, Belloni & Beller and Paul Lewis. The theory of the union of elites from Higley & Burton and leadership theory from Alan Ware and Heywood. This research uses qualitative methods with primary and secondary data sources. Primary data obtained from interviews and secondary data obtained from literature study or document analysis. There are several factors why Airlangga was chosen by acclamation. Researchers start from the driving factors for the implementation of the Extraordinary National Conference, there are internal and external factors. Internal factors, the chairman Setya Novanto became a suspect in the E-KTP case, and then the leadership vacancy occured in the Golkar Party. External factors, due to the case, the party's image in the public declined, seen with the decreased of electability. Additionaly, political agenda such as Pilkada 2018 and Pemilu 2019 need to be faced by the party. Airlangga's winning by acclamation is a form of "equilibrium nash". There is a "mutualism" relationship between the interests of the Government and the Golkar Party. This party has the pragmatism to always be a part of the Government. So, Airlangga's position as the only minister from Golkar Party in the Cabinet of Joko Widodo-Jusuf Kalla become very influential."
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UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
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