Nastiti Ekasari
Abstrak :
Latar belakang: Industri Baja dan Aluminium terbukti mempengaruhi kejadian Metal Fume Fever akibat banyaknya pajanan debu logam yang dihasilkan dari teknik pengelasan, pemotongan logam berat. Banyak kandungan metal berbahaya dalam industri baja dan Aluminium yang dapat berpontensi menimbulkan keluhan Metal Fume Fever ketika pekerja terpajan fume dan gas yang dihasilkan dalam proses industri. Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk menganalisa kejadian Metal Fume Fever pada pekerja industri baja dan Aluminium, serta faktor yang mempengaruhinya. Banyaknya keluhan flu like syndrome yang dialami pekerja yang ingin ditelaah apakah ini termasuk Metal Fume Fever terkait pajanan debu logam di lingkungan pabrik.Metode: Penelitian cross sectional dilakukan pada pekerja pabrik baja dan Aluminium di Cibitung. Data yang diperoleh dari wawancara dan kuesioner, anamnesis dan pemeriksaan fisik, serta pemeriksaan kadar debu logam di lingkungan pabrik. Dalam menegakkan diagnosa Metal Fume Fever digunakan tujuh langkah diagnosis okupasi.Hasil: Pada penelitian ini didapatkan pengukuran kadar debu logam Al,Cr,Fe,Pb di bawah NAB. Dan dari 63 pekerja, terdapat 27 pekerja 42,8 yang mengalami Metal Fume Fever. Pada penelitian ini terdapat beberapa variabel yang diteliti antara lain variabel umur, patuh APD, riwayat merokok dan masa kerja. Dari empat variabel tersebut, variabel umur >40 tahun yang lebih berisiko untuk terjadinya Metal Fume Fever. OR: 6,49, p= 0,018, 95 CI=1,38-30,42 Kesimpulan: Pada penelitian ini didapatkan pengukuran kadar debu logam Al,Cr,Fe,Pb dibawah NAB namun demikian proses produksi terus berlangsung dan pekerja terus menghirup debu logam juga terkait dengan proses sensitisasi dan imunitas pekerja yang berhubungan dengan keluhan Metal Fume Fever. Didapatkan juga bahwa variabel umur >40 tahun lebih berisiko untuk terjadinya Metal Fume Fever.Kata kunci: Metal Fume Fever, debu logam
Background: Steel and aluminum industry proven influential to the occurrence Metal Fume Fever due to the large exposure to metal dust generated from welding technique, cutting heavy metals. Many hazardous metal content in the steel and aluminum industries which may cause Metal Fume Fever symptoms when workers exposed to fume and gas produced in industrial processes. This study was conducted to analyze the incidence of Metal Fume Fever among steel and aluminum industry workers, and the factors that influence it. The number of complaints flu like syndrome experienced by workers who wish to be explored whether this includes Metal Fume Fever associated metal dust exposure. Methods The cross sectional study was conducted on the steel and aluminum factory workers in Cibitung. Data obtained from interviews and questionnaires, the anamnesis and physical examination and also inspection of metal dust levels in the factory environment. In the diagnosis of Metal Fume Fever, use a seven step diagnosis of occupational. Results In this study, measurement of metal dust Al, Cr, Fe, Pb below the TLV. And of 63 workers, there are 27 workers 42.8 with Metal Fume Fever. In this study, there are several variables studied include age, obedient PPE, smoking history and tenure. Of the four variables, the variables age 40 years who are more at risk for the occurrence of Metal Fume Fever. OR 6,49, p 0,018, 95 CI 1,38 30,42 Conclusion In this study, measurement of metal dust Al, Cr, Fe, Pb under NAB however, the production process continues and workers continue to inhale metal dust is also related to the process of sensitization and immune related complaints worker Metal Fume Fever. It was found also that the variables age 40 years are more at risk for the occurrence of Metal Fume Fever. Keywords Metal Fume Fever, metal dust
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