Andi Sofinar
Abstrak :
Pembentukan free trade zone merupakan salah satu instrumen untuk memperoleh
foreign direct investment, ditengah kompetisi antar negara untuk merebut
investasi asing. Pertumbuhan ekonomi dan investasi Singapura dan Malaysia
semakin pesat, namun memiliki keterbatasan lahan sehingga menjadi peluang bagi
Batam, Bintan, Karimun sebagai free trade zone untuk memperoleh multiplier
effect. Kebijakan ini menjadi daya tarik bagi pengembangan investasi terutama di
Kabupaten Karimun. Data Badan Pengusahaan Karimun, menunjukkan pada
tahun 2007 terdapat 9 perusahaan yang berinvestasi di FTZ Karimun dengan nilai
investasi Rp.882 miliar, dan pada akhir 2015 terdapat 155 perusahaan dengan nilai
investasi Rp. 22.7 triliun. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui persepsi
investor terhadap daya tarik investasi free trade zone Karimun. Menggunakan
metodelogi penelitian deskriptif analisis dengan desk research, survey kuesioner
dan interview berisi pertanyaan tentang persepsi investor terhadap parameter daya
tarik investasi. Hasil jawaban kuesioner dan interview responden dianalisis secara
tabulasi silang, untuk melihat keterkaitan antara karakteristik investor dengan
parameter daya tarik investasi free trade zone Karimun. Berdasarkan analisis,
faktor penghambat daya tarik investasi antara lain buruknya infrastruktur, legalitas
lahan sangat minin, dan kondisi tenaga kerja lokal dengan tingkat pendidikan
rendah dan tidak memiliki keterampilan khusus. Faktor daya tarik investor untuk
berinvestasi di FTZ Karimun yakni, tersedianya fasilitas fiskal, kondisi keamanan
yang kondusif, rendahnya biaya berinvestasi, serta harapan FTZ menyeluruh di
Pulau Karimun.
The establishment of free trade zone is one of instruments to obtain foreign direct
investment, in the middle of competitions among the countries to seize foreign
investment. Singapore and Malaysia economic growth and investement increasing
rapidly, but has limitation on the land so that becomes an opportunity for Batam,
Bintan, Karimun as free tade zones to gain multiplier effect. This policy became
an attraction for investment development especially in Karimun District. Data
from Karimun Trade Zone Authority showed in end 2015 there were 155
companies with investment value Rp. 22.7 trillions. This focused research aims to
determine the perception of investors to Karimun free trade zone investment
attractiveness, using descriptive analysis research methodology with desk
research, questionnaire survey and interview containing questions about
investor?s perception to investement attractiveness. The results of questionnaire
answers and respondent?s interview are analyzed in cross tabulation, to see the
connection between investor?s characteristic and free trade zone Karimun
investment attractivesess parameter. Based on the analysis, investment
attractiveness obstacle factors are poor infrastructure, the legality of the land was
minimal, and local manpower condition with low education level and not having
certain skills. Investor?s attractiveness factors to invest in FTZ Karimun are the
availability of fiscal facility, conducive security conditon, low investment cost as
well as comprehensive FTZ expectation in Karimun Island.
UI - Tesis Membership Universitas Indonesia Library