Abstrak :
Penelitian ini, mengeksplorasi implemenlasi program P2W dengan
menggunakan metode kualitatif berperspektif feminis. Hasilnya, implementasi program TP-PZW yang Salah satunya melaksanakan P2W-KSS belum optimal. Pengelolaan kelembagaan, struktur organisasi TP-PZW yang berdasarkan jabatan pemerintahan menycbabkan personelnya kurang peduli akan kedudukannya dalam TP-PZW. Akibatnya, perencanazm dan pendanaan program wanita, khususnya P2W-KSS yang rujuannya menuju keluarga sehat sejahtera hanya menunggu dari atas. Tidak terjalin koordinasi padahal PZW-KSS merupakan program lintas sektoral. Kcgialan P2W-KSS dilaksanakan secara insran_ Dari segi sumber dnya manusia, pengetahuan pelaksana program sangat minim bahkan mereka tidak mengetahui kritcria lokasi binaan. Program terfokus untuk meningkatkan pendapatan keluarga sehingga laki-laid diperbolchkan ikut Serta. Parahnya, birokrat pelaksana TP-PZW dan P2W-KSS dijangkiti patologi birokrasi: paternal-isme, sikofancy, rokenisme, korupsi dan konspirasi- Al-rhimya, walaupun beberapa wanita mendapatkan pengctahuan mengenai kegiatan produktif dan pola hidup sehat, namun secara keseluruhan program belum berpihak pada wanita. Sebetulnya, baik struktur organisasi maupun kompetensi jajaran TP-P2W memiliki peluang untuk memajukan wanita di daerah_ Upaya penyadaran gender dan sosiaiisasi fungsi dan tugas lembaga TP-PQW mendesak untuk dilakukam kepada pegawai pemerintahan agar perspekctif gender dijadikan acuan pembuatan program pembangunan.
This research, which aims to explore women`s perspective on
implementation enhancement of role of women (PZW) program, applies the feminism perspective based qualitative methods. The results, implementation of enhancement of the role of women management teams (TP-P2W) and enhancement of the role of women to aim healthy and welfare family (PZW-KSS) program aren?t optimally yet. From the institutional management, structure organization of TP-P2W, which based on status at government, make the personnel don?t care about their status at the team. Because of that, planning and budgeting for women?s program, especially P2W-KSS program activities wait for central department- Then, the involved institutions don?t have coordination among them. Because of that, program activities are always implemented instantly, just for competition ot` project village of P2W-KSS. Evaluating and reporting is based
on the activities at the competition. From human resources, they don?t know how
to implement the progam and what?s criteria are used to appointing the village becoming the project location. T hey have worse gender awareness. Almost all of the program which they had make, are generating income activities, so the program isn?t priority to women. They are influenced by bureaucrat?s pathology: patemalism, sycophancy, tokenism, corrupts and conspiracy. Finally, on the impact analysis of program implementation to women, indicate that although few of women get knowledge about income generating activities and healthy life pattem, but totally the program isn?t implemented with women?s perspective yet. In fact, not only the structure organization but also the competency of TP-P2W, has widest opportunity to advancement women?s role at province and municipality or district. Therefore, the efforts to gender awareness and socialization the TP-P2W function and task must be done to public servants at province and municipality or district goverment immediately, so gender mainstreaming policy become patron to make or decide their program.
Program Pascasarjana Universitas Indonesia, 2001
UI - Tesis Membership Universitas Indonesia Library