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Sri Wuryanti
Abstrak :
Latar balakang. Sekitar 75% kanker leher rahim datang ke rumah sakit dalam stadium lanjut. Terapi utama kanker serviks stadium lanjut adalah radioterapi. Kombinasi terapi radiasi dengan kemoterapi ternyata tidak menghasilkan respons terapi yang lebih baik, tetapi bahkan menimbulkan efek samping yang lebih berat dibandingkan terapi radiasi saja. Perubahan pola makan saat ini, diduga berpengaruh pada respons terapi. Rasio asupan Polyunsaturated Fatty Acids (PUFA) n-6 : n-3 sekitar 1-2 : 1 dapat melawan pertumbuhan kanker. Beberapa publikasi melaporkan bahwa PUFA n-3 (AL n-3) mempunyai efek pro-apoptosis, anti-inflamasi, anti-proliferatif dan anti-angiogenik. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui apakah suplementasi nutrisi tinggi PUFA bersamaan dengan terapi radiasi dapat meningkatkan respons tumor pada kanker serviks stadium lanjut. Metode. Penelitian ini merupakan Randomized Clinical Trial, double blind pada pasien kanker serviks stadium lanjut, jenis karsinoma sel skuama yang hanya mendapat terapi radiasi di Departemen Radioterapi, Rumah Sakit Cipto Mangunkusumo (RSCM), Jakarta. Subjek penelitian diambil secara konsekutif, melalui randomisasi dibagi dua kelompok, yaitu kelompok perlakuan dan kontrol. Selama radiasi subjek penelitian mendapat suplementasi nutrisi mengandung isokalori dan isoprotein dengan rasio AL n-6 : n-3 = 1,27 : 1 dan kontrol. Selama perlakuan dilakukan evaluasi setiap lima kali radiasi, meliputi BB dan efek samping radiasi akut. Parameter yang dinilai adalah respons klinis, respons histopatologis serta perubahan kadar PGE2 dan VEGF serum. Hasil. Sebanyak 31 subjek dari 45 subjek dapat menyelesaikan penelitian. Sebelum perlakuan, status sosio-demografi, pola asupan AL n-6 dan n-3, status gizi dan klinis tidak didapatkan perbedaan bermakna. Setelah perlakuan, didapatkan penurunan kadar PGE2 serum pada kelompok perlakuan, sedangkan kelompok kontrol mengalami kenaikan (p = 0,127). Penurunan kadar VEGF kelompok perlakuan lebih besar dibanding kontrol (p = 0,626). Respons klinis dan respons histopatologis kelompok perlakuan lebih baik dibanding kontrol, dengan kemaknaan masing-masing p = 0,172 dan p = 0,169. Secara statistik belum didapatkan perbedaan yang bermakna pada penurunan kadar PGE2 dan VEGF serum, respons klinis dan respons histopatologis, tetapi didapat kemaknaan klinis yang nyata pada kelompok perlakuan dibanding kontrol. Analisis statistik gabungan dari respons klinis, respons histopatologis, kadar PGE2 dan VEGF serum didapatkan respons tumor total yang bermakna (p = 0,048). Kesimpulan. Suplementasi nutrisi tinggi PUFA dengan rasio asam lemak n-6 : n- 3 = 1,27 : 1 pada kanker serviks stadium lanjut bersama terapi radiasi memberikan respons tumor total yang lebih baik.;
Background . Approximately 75% of uterine cervical cancer came to the hospital in an advanced stage. Primary therapy of advanced cervical cancer is radiotherapy. The combination of radiotherapy with chemotherapy did not give better outcomes, but even cause more severe side effects than radiotherapy. Changes in dietary intake at this time, are supposed to influence the response to therapy. The ratio of n-6 to n-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFA) about 1-2: 1 can fight cancer growth. Several publications stated that n-3 PUFA has pro- apoptotic effect, anti-inflammatory, anti-proliferative and anti-angiogenic. This study aimed to examine whether radiotherapy combined with daily nutritional supplements enriched PUFA enhance tumor response in advanced cervical cancer. Method. This study was a double-blind Randomized Clinical Trial (RCT) in patients with advanced squamous cell cervical cancer, received radiation only as control group, and those who received nutritional supplementation containing isocaloric and isoprotein with ratio of n-6 : n-3 PUFA = 1.27: 1 as treatment group. This study was performed in the Department of Radiotherapy Dr. Cipto Mangunkusumo General Hospital (RSUPNCM), Jakarta. Evaluation was done every five times radiation, including Karnofsky Perfomance Scale, body weight and side effects of acute radiation. Parameters assessed were clinical and hematological response, histopathological response and changes in the levels of PGE2 and VEGF serum, Results. A total of 31 subjects from 45 subjects participated the study completely. Prior to treatment, socio-demographic status, patterns of n-6 and n-3 PUFA, clinical and nutritional status were analyzed, no significant differences were noted. After treatment, a decrease in serum PGE2 levels in the treatment group was found, while in the control group increased (P = 0.127). VEGF in the treatment group declined higher than controls (P = 0.626). Treatment group showed significant better clinical response and histopathological responses compared to the control group (p = 0.172 and p = 0.169). No significant differences were found in the reduction of PGE2 and VEGF serum levels, clinical response and histopathological response, although from clinical standpoint there is a better significant response in the treatment group than the control. The combined statistical analysis of clinical response, histopathological response, PGE2 and VEGF serum levels obtained total tumor response (P = 0.048). Conclusion. Nutritional supplementation enriched PUFA (ratio of n-6: n-3 PUFA = 1.27 : 1) in advanced cervical cancer receiving radiotherapy gives better total tumor response.;Background . Approximately 75% of uterine cervical cancer came to the hospital in an advanced stage. Primary therapy of advanced cervical cancer is radiotherapy. The combination of radiotherapy with chemotherapy did not give better outcomes, but even cause more severe side effects than radiotherapy. Changes in dietary intake at this time, are supposed to influence the response to therapy. The ratio of n-6 to n-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFA) about 1-2: 1 can fight cancer growth. Several publications stated that n-3 PUFA has pro- apoptotic effect, anti-inflammatory, anti-proliferative and anti-angiogenic. This study aimed to examine whether radiotherapy combined with daily nutritional supplements enriched PUFA enhance tumor response in advanced cervical cancer. Method. This study was a double-blind Randomized Clinical Trial (RCT) in patients with advanced squamous cell cervical cancer, received radiation only as control group, and those who received nutritional supplementation containing isocaloric and isoprotein with ratio of n-6 : n-3 PUFA = 1.27: 1 as treatment group. This study was performed in the Department of Radiotherapy Dr. Cipto Mangunkusumo General Hospital (RSUPNCM), Jakarta. Evaluation was done every five times radiation, including Karnofsky Perfomance Scale, body weight and side effects of acute radiation. Parameters assessed were clinical and hematological response, histopathological response and changes in the levels of PGE2 and VEGF serum, Results. A total of 31 subjects from 45 subjects participated the study completely. Prior to treatment, socio-demographic status, patterns of n-6 and n-3 PUFA, clinical and nutritional status were analyzed, no significant differences were noted. After treatment, a decrease in serum PGE2 levels in the treatment group was found, while in the control group increased (P = 0.127). VEGF in the treatment group declined higher than controls (P = 0.626). Treatment group showed significant better clinical response and histopathological responses compared to the control group (p = 0.172 and p = 0.169). No significant differences were found in the reduction of PGE2 and VEGF serum levels, clinical response and histopathological response, although from clinical standpoint there is a better significant response in the treatment group than the control. The combined statistical analysis of clinical response, histopathological response, PGE2 and VEGF serum levels obtained total tumor response (P = 0.048). Conclusion. Nutritional supplementation enriched PUFA (ratio of n-6: n-3 PUFA = 1.27 : 1) in advanced cervical cancer receiving radiotherapy gives better total tumor response., Background . Approximately 75% of uterine cervical cancer came to the hospital in an advanced stage. Primary therapy of advanced cervical cancer is radiotherapy. The combination of radiotherapy with chemotherapy did not give better outcomes, but even cause more severe side effects than radiotherapy. Changes in dietary intake at this time, are supposed to influence the response to therapy. The ratio of n-6 to n-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFA) about 1-2: 1 can fight cancer growth. Several publications stated that n-3 PUFA has pro- apoptotic effect, anti-inflammatory, anti-proliferative and anti-angiogenic. This study aimed to examine whether radiotherapy combined with daily nutritional supplements enriched PUFA enhance tumor response in advanced cervical cancer. Method. This study was a double-blind Randomized Clinical Trial (RCT) in patients with advanced squamous cell cervical cancer, received radiation only as control group, and those who received nutritional supplementation containing isocaloric and isoprotein with ratio of n-6 : n-3 PUFA = 1.27: 1 as treatment group. This study was performed in the Department of Radiotherapy Dr. Cipto Mangunkusumo General Hospital (RSUPNCM), Jakarta. Evaluation was done every five times radiation, including Karnofsky Perfomance Scale, body weight and side effects of acute radiation. Parameters assessed were clinical and hematological response, histopathological response and changes in the levels of PGE2 and VEGF serum, Results. A total of 31 subjects from 45 subjects participated the study completely. Prior to treatment, socio-demographic status, patterns of n-6 and n-3 PUFA, clinical and nutritional status were analyzed, no significant differences were noted. After treatment, a decrease in serum PGE2 levels in the treatment group was found, while in the control group increased (P = 0.127). VEGF in the treatment group declined higher than controls (P = 0.626). Treatment group showed significant better clinical response and histopathological responses compared to the control group (p = 0.172 and p = 0.169). No significant differences were found in the reduction of PGE2 and VEGF serum levels, clinical response and histopathological response, although from clinical standpoint there is a better significant response in the treatment group than the control. The combined statistical analysis of clinical response, histopathological response, PGE2 and VEGF serum levels obtained total tumor response (P = 0.048). Conclusion. Nutritional supplementation enriched PUFA (ratio of n-6: n-3 PUFA = 1.27 : 1) in advanced cervical cancer receiving radiotherapy gives better total tumor response.]
UI - Disertasi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Fatma Sari
Abstrak :
Fatty Acid Alkanolamide FAAA merupakan senyawa amida yang banyak digunakan dalam industri kimia, kosmetik, maupun otomotif. Senyawa ini memiliki sifat ldquo;deterjensi rdquo;karena memiliki molekul amphiphilik. Amphiphilik adalah suatu molekul yang sekaligus memiliki gugus hidrofilik dan gugus lipofilik dimana bagian polar yang suka akan air hidrofilik dan bagian nonpolar yang suka akan minyak/lemak lipofilik . Karena sifatnya, FAAA dapat berperan sebagai surfaktan. Surfaktan adalah bahan aktif permukaan senyawa yang tepat untuk bertindak sebagai agen pengemulsi, deterjen, pelumas, dan sebagainya Sejumlah surfaktan berbasis sintetis atau minyak bumi dikenal beracun bagi hewan, ekosistem dan manusia dan dapat meningkatkan difusi kontaminan lingkungan lainnya. Maka surfaktan jenis FAAA masih sangat diperlukan untuk menghasilkan surfaktan yang murah, ramah lingkungan dan biodegradable dari sumber terbarukan.Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mensintesis senyawa amida dari reaksi antara trigliserida dan diethanolamina. Sumber trigliserida yaitu minyak kelapa sawit, minyak kelapa, minyak kedelai, dan minyak castor dan variasi katalis yaitu KOH dan NaOH. Dari hasil analisis FTIR, senyawa amida yang terbentuk memliki panjang gelombang yang tidak jauh berbeda dengan hasil terbaik adalah 1618 cm-1, dari hasil GC ndash;MS terbaik terbentuk senyawa dietanolamida laurat dengan luas area 31,20 , dengan kemiripan 93 .
Fatty Acid Alkanolamide FAAA is an amide compound widely used in chemical, cosmetic and automotive industries. This compound has a detergency property because it has an amphilic molecule. Amphilic is a molecule that also has a hydrophilic group and a lipophilic non polar member. Because of its nature, the FAAA can act as a surfactant. Surfactants are the surface active substances of the right compounds to act as emulsifying agents, detergents, lubricants, etc. A number of synthetic or petroleum based surfactants are known to be toxic to animals, ecosystems and humans and can increase the diffusion of other environmental contaminants. Hence, the surfactant of FAAA type environmentally friendly and biodegradable surfactant from renewable sources. This study aims to synthesize amide compounds from reaction between triglyceride and diethanolamine. The sources of triglycerides are palm oil, coconut oil, soybean oil, and castor oil and catalyst variations are KOH and NaOH. From the FTIR analysis result, the amide compound formed has a wavelength that is not much different from the best result is 1618 cm 1, the best result of GC MS is the compound diethanolamide laurate with the area of 31,20 , with 93 similarity.
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Garin Faras Hamdani
Abstrak :
Produksi dari kegiatan agrikultura sangat bergantung akan ketersediaan sumber daya fosfor yang berperan penting bagi pertumbuhan tanaman. Penggunaan pupuk fosfor berkonsentrasi tinggi telah menjadi praktik terus-menerus yang dapat mengancam cadangan fosfor yang merupakan sumber daya yang tidak dapat diperbaharui. Namun di sisi lain, fosfor merupakan salah satu polutan utama dalam perairan yang pada akhirnya mengakibatkan tingginya kandungan fosfor pada lumpur di Instalasi Pengolahan Air Limbah (IPAL). Pemulihan fosfor dari lumpur aktif IPAL kemudian menjadi opsi potensial yang dapat dilakukan untuk mengembalikan ketersediaan fosfor di dunia. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah menganalisis efisiensi pemulihan fosfor dari lumpur aktif melalui proses fermentasi. Didapatkan hasil bahwa fermentasi dapat melepaskan fosfor terlarut dengan nilai tertinggi pada hari ketiga percobaan, yaitu sebesar 39,12 mg/L atau setara dengan 6% dari fosfor total dalam sampel. Nilai tersebut masih berada di bawah efisiensi pelepasan fosfor pada umumnya yang mungkin diakibatkan oleh tingginya kandungan logam pada sampel. Sehingga diperlukan pre-treatment pada sampel agar efisiensi pelepasan fosfor meningkat, salah satu caranya adalah melakukan fermentasi asam. Produksi Volatile Fatty Acid (VFA) dari lumpur aktif melalui proses fermentasi juga dicari tahu sehingga diketahui proses fermentasi dapat memproduksi VFA sebesar 1483,216 mg/L. Nilai tersebut berada pada rentang produksi VFA yang umumnya terjadi melalui fermentasi lumpur aktif. ......Production from agricultural activities is highly dependent on the availability of phosphorus resources which play an important role for plant growth. The use of high concentrations of phosphorus fertilizers has been an ongoing practice that can threaten phosphorus stocks which are non-renewable resources. But on the other hand, phosphorus is one of the major pollutants in waters which eventually results in high phosphorus content in the sludge at the Waste Water Treatment Plant (WWTP). Phosphorus recovery from WWTP activated sludge then becomes a potential option that can be carried out to restore phosphorus availability in the world. The objective of this study is to analyze the efficiency of phosphorus recovery from waste activated sludge through anaerobic fermentation process. It was found that fermentation can release dissolved phosphorus with the highest value on the fourth day of the experiment at 39.12 mg/L which is equivalent to 6% of the total phosphorus in the sample. This value is still below the efficiency of phosphorus release in general, which may be due to the high metal content in the sample. So that pre-treatment of sludge is needed so that the efficiency of phosphorus release increases, one method that is well suited to do is to conduct acid fermentation. Volatile Fatty Acid (VFA) production from activated sludge through the fermentation process was also investigated, and it was found that the fermentation process could produce VFA of 1483.216 mg/L. This value is within the range of VFA production that generally occurs through activated sludge fermentation.
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2024
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Karina Mandala
Abstrak :
Reaksi esterifikasi antara glukosa dengan asam lemak dapat menghasilkan ester asam lemak-glukosa. Pada penelitian ini, asam lemak diperoleh dari reaksi hidrolisis minyak kelapa sawit yang dijual dipasaran. Reaksi esterifikasi dilakukan secara enzimatik menggunakan katalis lipase Candida rugosa E.C. terimobilisasi pada nanopartikel Fe3O4-Kitosan. Nanopartikel Fe3O4- Kitosan disintesis dengan metode kopresipitasi kemudian dilakukan karakterisasi dengan FTIR (Fourier Transform Infra Red), XRD (X-Ray Diffraction), dan EDS (Energy Dispersive X-Ray Spectroscopy). Imobilisasi lipase Candida rugosa pada nanopartikel Fe3O4-Kitosan menggunakan metode ikat silang dengan glutaraldehida sebagai agen pengikat silang. Hasil imobilisasi dilakukan uji aktivitas dan persen loading. Persen loading imobilisasi lipase yang diperleh adalah 62,20% dan aktivitas hidrolisis lipase terimobilisasi sebesar 6,18 U/mL dan aktivitas spesifiknya sebesar 2,65 U/mg serta efisiensi imobilisasi sebesar 34,54%. Dari hasil optimasi esterifikasi diperoleh persen konversi optimum sebesar 3,70 % dengan kondisi reaksi pada suhu 35°C , ratio glukosa : asam lemak 1 : 90, dan waktu reaksi selama 16 jam dan 40% massa enzim terimobilisasi.
Esterification reaction between glucose and fatty acid could produce glucose-fatty acid esters. In this study, fatty acid was synthesized from hydrolysis reaction of palm oil. Esterification reaction was carried out enzymatically using immobilized Candida rugosa lipase EC. on Fe3O4-chitosan nanoparticles. Fe3O4-chitosan nanoparticles was synthesized using co-precipitation method and was characterized using FTIR (Fourier Transform Infra Red), XRD (X-Ray Diffraction), and EDS (Energy Dispersive X-Ray Spectroscopy). Candida rugosa lipase was immobilized on Fe3O4-chitosan nanoparticles using cross-linking method with glutaraldehyde as cross linker. Loading percentage of immobilized lipase was 62,20%. Hydrolysis activity of immobilized lipase was 6,81 U/mL, the specific activity was 2,65 U/mg and the immobilization efficiency was 34,54%. From this optimization study of esterification, the highest fatty acid conversion percentage was obtained using 1 : 90 ratio of glucose : fatty acid, 16 hours reaction time, immobilized lipase 40% of substrate’s mass, and at temperature 35°C. The highest fatty acid conversion percentage was 3,70%.
Depok: Fakultas Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam Universitas Indonesia, 2014
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Anisa Yuniastuti
Abstrak :
Corrosion is a degradation process of metal quality due to chemical reaction between metal and their environment. One of the methods widely used to control corrosion is using corrosion inhibitor. Imidazoline is used as an organic corrosion inhibitor because it has good adsorption characteristic, can make a protector film on carbon steel surface, and has hydrophobic sites. In this research, imidazoline derivatives from triethylenetetramine (TETA) were successfully synthesized with various fatty acid i.e. stearic (SA), oleic (OA), and linoleic acid (LNA), yielded TETA-SA, TETA-OA, TETA-LNA, respectively, using MAOS (Microwave Assisted Organic Synthesis) method with variation of reaction times. The optimum yield of TETA-SA was obtained at 9 minutes reaction time (89.12%), TETA-OA at 13 minutes (98.79%), and the optimum mass for TETA-LNA was obtained at 9 minutes (1.7023 g). The as-synthesis of TETA-SA from MAOS method had been compared with reflux and Dean Stark methods with xylene as solvent and it was obtained that the highest percentage yield came at 13 hours reaction time for both reflux (96.83%) and Dean-Stark (97.27%) methods. The as-synthesis imidazolines then were identified using thin layer chromatography (TLC), melting point test, and further characterized using UV-Vis, FTIR, 1H-NMR, and LC-MS/MS instruments. Corrosion inhibition activity was measured by varying the concentration of all as-synthesis compounds (100, 200, 300, 400, and 500 ppm) in various concentration of NaCl (1%, 3%, and 5%) by cyclic voltammetry method using potentiostat then processed using Tafel polarization method to obtain percentage of inhibition efficiency (%IE). The results from corrosion inhibition activities, showed the highest %IE were obtained at 500 ppm of TETA-SA, TETA-OA, and TETA-LNA with %IE of 84.54%, 85.63%, and 89.26% (1% NaCl); 66.82%, 70.98%, and 75.23% (3% NaCl); and 52.30%, 54.18%, and 60.19% (5% NaCl), respectively. These results revealed that the more double bonds in hydrocarbon chain of imidazoline, the higher %IE will be produced. In line with increasing NaCl concentration in the environment, %IE will be decreased; but imidazoline derivatives still had their activities as corrosion inhibitor towards carbon steel.  Therefor, it can be suggested that imidazoline derivatives can be used as corrosion inhibitor on carbon steel in high salinity of sea water.
Korosi adalah suatu proses penurunan kualitas logam karena adanya reaksi kimia antara logam dengan lingkungannya. Salah satu metode untuk mengendalikan korosi yaitu dengan menggunakan inhibitor korosi. Imidazolin digunakan sebagai inhibitor korosi organik karena memiliki karakter adsorpsi yang baik, dapat membentuk lapisan pelindung pada permukaan logam, dan memiliki lapisan hidrofobik. Pada penelitian ini telah berhasil disintesis tiga senyawa turunan imidazolin dari reaksi antara TETA (trietilentetramina) dengan variasi asam lemak, yaitu asam stearat (AS), oleat (AO), dan linoleat (ALN), berturut-turut yaitu TETA-AS, TETA-AO, dan TETA-ALN menggunakan metode MAOS (Microwave Assisted Organic Synthesis) dengan variasi waktu reaksi. Persen yield optimum dari senyawa TETA-AS didapatkan pada waktu reaksi 9 menit (89,12%), TETA-AO 13 menit (98,79%), dan massa opimum untuk TETA-ALN diperoleh pada menit ke 9 (1,7023 g). Hasil sintesis senyawa TETA-AS dengan metode MAOS telah dibandingkan dengan metode refluks dan Dean Stark dalam pelarut xylena dan diperoleh % yield tertinggi pada waktu reaksi 13 jam untuk refluks (96,83%) dan Dean-Stark (97,27%). Terhadap hasil reaksi dilakukan identifikasi dengan menggunakan kromatografi lapis tipis (KLT) dan uji titik leleh, selanjutnya dilakukan karakterisasi menggunakan instrumen UV-Vis, FTIR, 1H-NMR, dan LC-MS/MS. Uji aktivitas inhibisi korosi dilakukan dengan memvariasikan konsentrasi seluruh senyawa hasil sintesis (100, 200, 300, 400, dan 500 ppm) serta variasi konsentrasi NaCl (1%, 3%, dan 5%) dengan metode siklik voltametri menggunakan potensiostat yang kemudian diolah menggunakan metode polarisasi Tafel untuk memperoleh nilai persen efisiensi inhibisi (%EI). Dari hasil pengukuran, diperoleh bahwa nilai %EI tertinggi berada pada konsentrasi 500 ppm dari senyawa TETA-AS, TETA-AO, dan TETA-ALN dengan nilai %EI berturut-turut 84,54%; 85,63%; dan 89,26% (NaCl 1%); 66,82%; 70,98%; dan 75,23% (NaCl 3%); serta 52,30%; 54,18%; dan 60,19% (NaCl 5%). Hasil uji aktivitas dalam menginhibisi korosi menunjukkan bahwa semakin banyak jumlah ikatan rangkap pada rantai hidrokarbon senyawa turunan imidazolin, semakin tinggi pula nilai %EI yang dihasilkan. Seiring dengan bertambahnya konsentrasi larutan NaCl dalam lingkungan akan menurunkan nilai %EI, namun senyawa turunan imidazolin masih memiliki aktivitas sebagai inhibitor korosi pada baja karbon. Sehingga diharapkan senyawa turunan imidazolin dapat digunakan sebagai inhibitor korosi pada baja karbon dalam perairan laut dengan kadar garam yang tinggi.
Depok: Universitas Indonesia, 2019
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Nita Noriko
Abstrak :
Identifying sources of renewable energy is extremely important. The potential of Tetraselmis sp. in biodiesel production was investigated using a completely randomized design with four treatments. Tetraselmis sp. was cultured on media containing different concentrations of nitrate there are 2 mM and 15 Mm and s 25 ? and 35 ? salinity. The treatments namely are (N2S25), (N2S35), N15S25) and (N15S35). Analysis of the fatty acid content using gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GC-MS). The results showed that the highest growth occurred in culture that contained 15 mM of nitrate and 35 ? salinity. The lowest growth occurred in culture containing 2 mM of nitrate and 25? of salinity. The highest lipid content was found in cultures containing 2 mM of nitrate and 25? salinity, it is 34.83%. Seven fatty acids were detected in culture containing 2 mM of nitrate and 25? salinity namely myristic acid (4.02%), palmitic acid (40.59%), palmitoleic acid (29.06%), stearic acid (0.95%), oleic acid (12.52%), gamma-linolenic acid (2.56%), and arachidonic acid (9.38%). Four fatty acids palmitoleic acid (8.99%), palmitic acid (37.34%), oleic acid(44.89%), and stearic acid (8.78%) were detected in 2 mM of nitrate with 35? salinity. The fatty acids have potential to be used as raw material for biodiesel production.

Efek Nitrat dan Salinitas terhadap Mikroalgae Air Laut Tetraselmis sp. sebagai Bahan Biodiesel. Sumber energi terbarukan perlu diteliti. Penelitian untuk mengetahui potensi Tetraselmis sp. untuk biodiesel dilakukan menggunakan Rancangan Acak Lengkap pada 4 perlakuan. Tetraselmis sp. Mikroalgae dikultur pada medium yang mengandung nitrat dan salinitas pada beberapa formula yaitu 2 mM25? ( N2S25), 2 Mm 35? (N2S35), 15 mM 25? (N15S25), serta15 mM35? (N15S35). Kandungan asam lemak dari Tetraselmis sp. diuji menggunakan Gas Chromatography-Mass Spectrometry (GC-MS). Hasil menunjukkan pertumbuhan tertinggi terjadi pada kultur N15S35, sedangkan pertumbuhan terendah terjadi pada kultur N2S25. Kandungan lipid tertinggi ditemukan pada Tetraselmis sp yang dikultur pada medium N2S25 yaitu 34.83%. Hasil penelitian terhadap asam lemak menunjukkan adanya 7 jenis asam lemak dari Tetraselmis sp yang dikultur pada N2S25 yaitu asam myristic (4.02%), asam palmitic (40.59%), asam palmitoleic (29.06%), asam stearic (0.95%), asam oleic (12.52%), asam gamma-linolenat (2.56%),dan asam arachidonic acid (9.38%). Sementara itu pada Tetraselmis sp yang dikultur pada kultur N2S35 terdeteksi 4 jenis asam lemak, yaitu: asam palmitoleic (8.99%), asam palmitat (37.34%), asam oleic (44.89%), dan asam stearic (8.78%). Asam-asam lemak tersebut berpotensi untuk dijadikan bahan pembuatan biodiesel.
Universitas Al Azhar Indonesia, Biology Department, 2015
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Sanny Ngatidjan
Abstrak :
Pola asupan makanan berlemak pada suku Minangkabau dan Sunda berbeda. Makanan berlemak berisiko meningkatkan penyakit tidak menular. Penelitian studi potong lintang ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui hubungan asupan medium chainsaturated fatty acid MC-SAFA dan long chain saturated fatty acid LC-SAFA terhadap kadar malondialdehida MDA plasma pada wanita19 ndash;50 tahun suku Minangkabau dan Sunda.Pengumpulan data asupan makanan dengan 2x24 hours food recall dan metode spekrofotometri untuk kadar MDA plasma. MC-SAFA pada suku Minangkabau 17,6 8,8 ndash;35,6 g/hari lebih tinggi bermakna dibandingkan Sunda 12,6 9,7 ndash;17,8 g/hari p=0,010 . LC-SAFA suku Minangkabau 13,2 10,0 ndash;17,3 g/hari lebih tinggi bermakna dibandingkan Sunda 10,1 7,1 ndash;14,0 g/hari p
The pattern of fatty food intake in Minangkabau and Sundanese is different. Fatty foods increase the risk of non communicable diseases. This cross sectional study was aimed to deterrmine the relationship between medium chain saturated fatty acid MC SAFA and long chain saturated fatty acid LC SAFA to mmalondialdehyde MDA levels in 19 50 years old women of Minangkabau and Sundanese. Data collection of food intake using 2x24 hours food recall and spectrophotometric method for MDA levels. MC SAFA in Minangkabau was 17.6 8.8 35.6 g day, significantly higher than Sundanese, which was 12.6 9.7 17.8 g day p 0.010 . LC SAFA of the Minangkabau was 13.2 10.0 17.3 g day, significantly higher than Sundanese, which was 10.1 7.1 14.0 g day p
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Teguh Budi Santoso
Abstrak :
Biodiesel merupakan bahan bakar alternatif yang aplikasinya pada mesin masih terkendala karena memiliki keterbatasan diantaranya stabilitas oksidasi yang rendah sehingga berpengaruh kepada kualitas penyimpanan biodiesel. Salah satu solusi untuk mengatasi masalah ini adalah dengan proses hidrogenasi parsial. Pada proses hidrogenasi parsial, FAME direaksikan dengan hidrogen dan katalis untuk memecah ikatan tak jenuh. Penggunaan katalis nikel yang disangga pada alumina (Ni/Al2O3) lebih menguntungkan karena harganya yang murah dan mempunyai aktivitas katalitik yang tinggi. Reaksi hidrogenasi parsial dilakukan pada reaktor trickle bed dengan hidrogen pada fase gas, katalis pada fase padat, dan FAME pada fase cair. Penggunaan reaktor jenis ini memiliki kelebihan yaitu jatuh tekanan yang rendah (pressure drop), kehilangan katalis yang rendah, tidak memiliki elemen yang bergerak, dan biaya perawatan yang rendah. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk merancang sistem reaktor tiga fasa dan uji kinerja reaktor trickle bed untuk hidrogenasi parsial Biodiesel. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa reaktor trickle bed berhasil memecah ikatan tak jenuh ganda (C19:2) pada rantai ikatan FAME menjadi ikatan tak jenuh tunggal (C19:1) dan ikatan jenuh (C19:0). Konversi biodiesel terbesar (8,93 %) diperoleh dengan kondisi operasi: tekanan hidrogen 7 bar, laju alir hidrogen 250 ml/menit dan laju alir biodiesel 0,667 ml/menit. ......Biodiesel is an alternative fuel whose application to the engine is still constrained because it has limitations including low oxidation stability which affects the quality of biodiesel storage. One solution to overcome this problem is the partial hydrogenation. In the partial hydrogenation, FAME is reacted with hydrogen and a catalyst to break down unsaturated bonds. The use of nickel catalyst supported on alumina (Ni/Al2O3) is more advantageous because the price is low and has high catalytic activity. Partial hydrogenation reactions were carried out on trickle bed reactor. The use of this type of reactor has advantages such as low catalyst loss, no moving elements, and low maintenance costs. The research investigated partial hydrogenation of fatty acid methyl esters in a trickle-bed reactor. The result showed that the partial hydrogenation of polyunsaturated FAMEs in a trickle bed reactor had break down the polyunsaturated bond (C19:2) on the FAME into a monounsaturated bond (C19:1) and saturated bond (C19:0) and the best conversion of polyunsaturated FAMEs is 8.93% achieved with reaction condition: H2 pressure 7 bar, H2 flow rate 250 ml/min and biodiesel flow rate 0.667 ml/min.
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2019
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Arief Nur rachmanto
Abstrak :
Diabetes melitus (DM) merupakan kondisi yang mendorong perkembangan dan progresi penyakit arteri perifer (PAP). Short Chain Fatty Acid (SCFA) memiliki peran dalam modulasi sistem imun yang merupakan komponen penting dalam patogenesis dari aterosklerosis. Peran SCFA dalam regulasi kadar glukosa dan aterosklerosis memiliki kemungkinan penggunaan SCFA sebagai upaya mencegah PAP pada pasien DM Tipe 2. Oleh karena itu, penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mencari tahu hubungan antara SCFA dengan parameter ultrasonografi pada pasien diabetes melitus tipe 2 tanpa penyakit arteri perifer ekstremitas bawah Metode: Sebuah penelitian potong lintang pada pasien diabetes melitus tanpa PAP pada selama Februari 2023 s/d Mei 2023 di Rumah Sakit Umum Pusat Nasional Cipto Mangunkusumo. Seluruh pasien dilakukan ultrasonografi pada ekstremitas bawah untuk menilai diameter, volume flow, peak systolic value, gelombang spektral, dan plak. Kemudian dialukan pemeriksaan SCFA dari feses Hasil: Terdapat 39 pasien yang diikutsertakan pada penelitian ini. Pada penelitian ini ditemukan korelasi positif sedang antara diameter SFA dengan propionat persen (r= 0,408; p= 0,025), terdapat korelasi negatif antara PSV CFA dengan total SCFA (p= 0,007), korelasi positif antara valerat persen dengan PSV PTA (r= 0,375; p= 0,041) dan PSV DPA (r= 0,379; p= 0,039), terdapat korelasi antara VF DPA dengan total SCFA (p =0.025), dan korelasi antara VF PTA dengan total SCFA (p=0,006) dan asetat absolut (p=0,038). Hasil ini dapat dipengaruhi oleh antropometri, jenis kelamin, kadar kolesterol, tekanan darah dan kadar gula darah pasien Kesimpulan: Terdapat potensi hubungan antara kadar SCFA dengan parameter ultrasonografi ekstremitas bawah. Perlu penelitian lebih lanjut dengan desain kohort dengan jumlah sampel yang lebih banyak untuk mengevaluasi efek sebab-akibat terkait hubungan SCFA dengan parameter-parameter klinis dan ultrasonografi pasien DM tanpa PAP. ......Diabetes mellitus (DM) is a condition that promotes the development and progression of peripheral arterial disease (PAD). Short Chain Fatty Acid (SCFA) has a role in modulating the immune system in the pathogenesis of atherosclerosis. The role of SCFA in the regulation of glucose levels and atherosclerosis has the possibility of using SCFA as an effort to prevent PAD in Type 2 DM patients. Therefore, this study aims to find out the relationship between SCFA and ultrasound parameters in type 2 DM patients without lower extremity peripheral artery disease. Methods: A cross-sectional study of DM patients without PAD from February 2023 to May 2023 at Cipto Mangunkusumo National Central General Hospital. All patients underwent ultrasonography of the lower extremities to assess diameter, volume flow, peak systolic value, spectral waves, and plaques. Then a SCFA examination of the stool is carried out Results: There were 39 patients included in this study. This study found a positive correlation between SFA diameter and propionate percent (r= 0,408; p= 0,025), there was a negative correlation between PSV CFA and total SCFA (p= 0,007), a positive correlation between valerate percent and PSV PTA (r= 0,375 ; p = 0,041) and PSV DPA (r = 0,379; p = 0,039), there is a correlation between VF DPA and total SCFA (p = 0,025), and a correlation between VF PTA and total SCFA (p = 0,006) and absolute acetate (p =0.038). These results can be influenced by anthropometry, gender, cholesterol levels, blood pressure and blood sugar levels of the patient. Conclusion: There is a potential relationship between SCFA levels and lower extremity ultrasound parameters. Further research is needed with a cohort design with a larger number of samples to evaluate the causal effect related to the relationship between SCFA and clinical and ultrasound parameters of DM patients without PAP.
Depok: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2023
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
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