"[Peningkatan jumlah lansia berkontribusi pada peningkatan penyakit degeneratif
kronis seperti diabetes melitus yang memerlukan penatalaksanaan manajemen
diri. Penelitian bertujuan untuk mengetahui arti dan makna pengalaman
manajemen diri lansia dengan diabetes melitus di Kota Depok. Penelitian
menggunakan metode kualitatif fenomenologi deskriptif dengan wawancara
mendalam pada sembilan partisipan, Hasil wawancara dianalisis menggunakan
metode Colaizzi. Penelitian mengidentifikasi 11 tema yaitu mengenali gejala
awal, pengetahuan tentang diabetes melitus, upaya terhadap respon pada
perubahan kadar gula darah, perawatan diri, faktor pendukung perawatan diri,
faktor penghambat perawatan diri, dampak diabetes melitus, upaya mengelola
dampak diabetes melitus, perubahan aktivitas, dukungan keluarga yang dirasakan,
dan kualitas hidup lebih baik.
ABSTRACTIncreasing number of older adult population have contributed to chronic
degenerative disease such as diabetes mellitus that require self management. The
aim of research were explored self management experienced of older adult with
diabetes mellitus in Depok. This research used descriptive phenomenology by indepth
interview to nine participants. Data were transcribed and analyzed using
Collaizi?s method. It identified 11 themes, consist of knowing of early
symptomps, knowledge of diabetes mellitus, responds of symptoms, self care,
support factor of self care, barrier factor of self care, impact of diabetes mellitus,
managing the impact of diabetes mellitus, activities changing, family support, and
better quality of life.;Increasing number of older adult population have contributed to chronic
degenerative disease such as diabetes mellitus that require self management. The
aim of research were explored self management experienced of older adult with
diabetes mellitus in Depok. This research used descriptive phenomenology by indepth
interview to nine participants. Data were transcribed and analyzed using
Collaizi?s method. It identified 11 themes, consist of knowing of early
symptomps, knowledge of diabetes mellitus, responds of symptoms, self care,
support factor of self care, barrier factor of self care, impact of diabetes mellitus,
managing the impact of diabetes mellitus, activities changing, family support, and
better quality of life.;Increasing number of older adult population have contributed to chronic
degenerative disease such as diabetes mellitus that require self management. The
aim of research were explored self management experienced of older adult with
diabetes mellitus in Depok. This research used descriptive phenomenology by indepth
interview to nine participants. Data were transcribed and analyzed using
Collaizi?s method. It identified 11 themes, consist of knowing of early
symptomps, knowledge of diabetes mellitus, responds of symptoms, self care,
support factor of self care, barrier factor of self care, impact of diabetes mellitus,
managing the impact of diabetes mellitus, activities changing, family support, and
better quality of life.;Increasing number of older adult population have contributed to chronic
degenerative disease such as diabetes mellitus that require self management. The
aim of research were explored self management experienced of older adult with
diabetes mellitus in Depok. This research used descriptive phenomenology by indepth
interview to nine participants. Data were transcribed and analyzed using
Collaizi?s method. It identified 11 themes, consist of knowing of early
symptomps, knowledge of diabetes mellitus, responds of symptoms, self care,
support factor of self care, barrier factor of self care, impact of diabetes mellitus,
managing the impact of diabetes mellitus, activities changing, family support, and
better quality of life.;Increasing number of older adult population have contributed to chronic
degenerative disease such as diabetes mellitus that require self management. The
aim of research were explored self management experienced of older adult with
diabetes mellitus in Depok. This research used descriptive phenomenology by indepth
interview to nine participants. Data were transcribed and analyzed using
Collaizi?s method. It identified 11 themes, consist of knowing of early
symptomps, knowledge of diabetes mellitus, responds of symptoms, self care,
support factor of self care, barrier factor of self care, impact of diabetes mellitus,
managing the impact of diabetes mellitus, activities changing, family support, and
better quality of life., Increasing number of older adult population have contributed to chronic
degenerative disease such as diabetes mellitus that require self management. The
aim of research were explored self management experienced of older adult with
diabetes mellitus in Depok. This research used descriptive phenomenology by indepth
interview to nine participants. Data were transcribed and analyzed using
Collaizi’s method. It identified 11 themes, consist of knowing of early
symptomps, knowledge of diabetes mellitus, responds of symptoms, self care,
support factor of self care, barrier factor of self care, impact of diabetes mellitus,
managing the impact of diabetes mellitus, activities changing, family support, and
better quality of life.]"