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Asti Asokawati
Abstrak :
Isu perubahan iklim telah menjadi topik yang sering dibicarakan pada saat ini. Salah satu dampak dari perubahan iklim adalah meningkatnya intensitas kejadian cuaca ekstrem, salah satunya kejadian hujan ekstrem. Kejadian ekstrem ini terjadi karena tingginya tingkat evaporasi air laut yang menyebabkan tingginya tingkat presipitasi dan berpotensi mengakibatkan bencana di lokasi tertentu khusunya yang berbatasan langsung dengan laut. Banten berbatasan langsung dengan Samudera Hindia dan Laut Jawa memiliki kerentanan yang relatif tinggi terhadap fenomena hujan ekstrem. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian adalah klasifikasi kejadian hujan ekstrem berdasarkan indikator hujan ekstrem Zhang dan Feng serta BMKG menjadi empat klasifikasi yaitu R50, R75, R100, dan R125 yang kemudian dianalisis menggunakan metode analisis deskriptif. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa hujan ekstrem umumnya terjadi di wilayah yang memiliki elevasi yang relatif tinggi dengan kelas lereng yang relatif curam dan umumnya hujan ekstrem terjadi pada musim hujan.
The issue of climate change has become a topic that is often discussed nowadays. One of the impacts of climate change is increasing the intensity of extreme weather events, one of which extreme rainfall events. Extreme events occur due to the high rate of evaporation that causes high rate of precipitation and potentially leads to disaster in some area, especially the areas that directly face the ocean. Banten Province directly adjacent to Java Sea and Hindian Ocean and relatively has a high vulnerability to extreme rainfall. The method used in the study is the classification of extreme rain events based on indicators of extreme rain Zhang and Feng along with BMKG into four classifications, namely R50, R75, R100, and R125 were then analyzed using descriptive analysis. The results showed that the extreme rainfall generally occurs in areas that have a relatively high elevation with a relatively steep slope class and extreme rainfall generally occurs during the rainy season.
Depok: Fakultas Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam Universitas Indonesia, 2014
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Rizki Ahmad Ibrahim
Abstrak :
Dampak perubahan iklim terhadap dinamika atmosfer selama beberapa dekade terakhir telah mempengaruhi terjadinya peningkatan fenomena cuaca ekstrem di berbagai wilayah dunia. Fenomena cuaca ekstrem, khususnya hujan ekstrem merupakan penyebab utama dari berbagai kejadian bencana hidrometeorologis seperti banjir, tanah longsor dan erosi tanah. Pemahaman menyeluruh terhadap bahaya hujan ekstrem merupakan hal penting yang perlu dilakukan dalam upaya pengelolaan sumber daya air terkait ancaman perubahan iklim. Melalui investigasi spasial dan temporal - berdasarkan perhitungan indikator ekstrem WMO, meliputi aspek frekuensi, persistensi, absolut maksimal, dan rata-rata per kejadian - penelitian ini mengungkap kecenderungan hujan ekstrem di Jabodetabek (Jakarta-Bogor-Depok-Tangerang-Bekasi) periode 1983-2012. Analisis dilakukan dengan menggunakan uji statistik Mann-Kendall yang telah banyak diaplikasikan oleh para pakar klimatologi dalam mendeteksi suatu kecenderungan iklim. Hasil perhitungan menunjukkan bahwa secara spasial hujan ekstrem cenderung tinggi pada wilayah selatan Jabodetabek yang merupakan topografi perbukitan-pegunungan untuk jumlah kejadian dan rentang hari hujan; dan tinggi pada wilayah tengah hingga utara yang merupakan topografi landai hingga dataran rendah untuk nilai maksimal dan rata-rata kedalaman. Pola temporal hujan ekstrem cenderung mengikuti pola curah hujan tahunan, dan perubahan temporalnya cenderung positif dengan indikasi peningkatan aktivitas muson barat.
The impact of climate change on the dynamics of the atmosphere over the last few decades has affected an increase in extreme weather phenomena in different regions of the world. Extreme weather phenomena, in particular extreme precipitation events are the main cause of various hydrometeorological disasters such as floods, landslides and soil erosion. Thorough understanding of the dangers of extreme precipitation is an important thing that needs to be done in water resources management efforts related to the threat of climate change. Through spatial and temporal investigation - based on WMO extreme indices calculations covering aspects of frequency, persistence, absolute maximum, and average per event - this study reveals the trends in extreme precipitation in Greater Jakarta (Jakarta-Bogor-Depok-Tangerang-Bekasi) during the period 1983-2012. The analysis is done by using the Mann-Kendall statistical test, which has been applied by many climatologist experts in detecting a climate trend. The results showed that the spatial pattern of extreme precipitation tends to be high in the southern reigon of Greater Jakarta which is a hilly-montainous topographic area, in terms of aspects of the number of events and span of rainy day; and high in the central to the north region which is a lowland-sloping topographic area, in terms of aspects of the maximum value and the mean depth. The temporal pattern tends to follow the pattern of annual rainfall, and the overall changes tend to be positive with indications of increased activity of the west monsoon.;
Universitas Indonesia, 2014
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Helga Stan-Lotter
Abstrak :
Several novel aspects of extremophiles are covered in this book, the focus is firstly on unusual and less explored ecosystems such as marine hypersaline deeps, extreme cold, desert sands, and man-made clean rooms for spacecraft assembly. Secondly, the increasingly complex field of applications from extremophile research is treated and examples such as novel psychrophilic enzymes, compounds from halophiles, and detection strategies for potential extraterrestrial life forms are presented.
New York: Springer, 2012
eBooks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Djanggola, Achmad Muttaqin
Abstrak :
Jumlah kerugian pada masa yang akan datang diestimasi berdasarkan frekuensi terjadinya klaim dan rata-rata jumlah klaim yang terjadi pada periode sebelumnya. Jumlah nilai estimasi tidak akan pernah sama, meskipun kerugian masa lalu diakibatkan risiko yang sama. Hal ini dikarenakan terjadinya kejadian ekstrim pada ekor distribusi. Oleh karena itu diperlukan suatu cara dalam mengestimasi potensi kerugian yang akan datang. Estimasi ini berkaitan dengan dengan penentuan nilai atas suatu variable tertentu yang melampaui suatu tingkat probabilita tertentu. Ukuran yang lazim di digunakan adalah Value at Risk (VaR). EVT adalah metode dalam mengukur suatu risiko yang sifatnya ekstrim. PT XYZ menghadapi potensi kerugian risiko operasional namun tidak memiliki metode pengukuran risiko yang akurat. Penelitian ini mencoba menerapkan Metode Extreme Value Theory ? Peaks over Threshold sebagai alternative dalam menetukan nilai ekstrim. Data yang digunakan adalah data klaim asuransi kesehatan PT. XYZ dengan periode 1 Januari 2007 hingga 31 Desember 2008. Hasil uji backtesting dengan periode 1 Januari 2009 hingga 31 Desember 2009 menunjukkan metode tersebut dapat digunakan sebagai alternatif pengukuran risiko operasional bagi PT. XYZ.
The future annual loss burden is estimated on the basis of predicted claims frequency and predicted average individual claim amount. Total estimated value will never be the same, although past losses caused by the same risk. This is because the occurrence of extreme events on the tail distribution is therefore needed a way of estimating the potential losses that will come. This estimate relates to the determination of the value of a certain variable exceeds a certain level of probability. The size of the prevalent use is Value at Risk (VaR). EVT is a method for measuring the risk of an extreme nature. PT XYZ faces potential losses from operational risk but does not have an accurate method of measuring risk. These papers apply Extreme Value Theory Method - Peaks over Threshold as alternative in extreme determine the value. The data used is health insurance claims data PT. XYZ with the period of January 1, 2007 until December 31, 2008. Backtesting test results with the period of January 1, 2009 until December 31, 2009 shows the method can be used as an alternative operational risk measurement for PT.XYZ.
Depok: Fakultas Eknonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Indonesia, 2010
UI - Tesis Open  Universitas Indonesia Library
Sarutte Atsawaraungsuk
Abstrak :
This article discusses the development of the online sequential circular extreme learning machine (OS-CELM) and structural tolerance OS-CELM (STOS-CELM). OS-CELM is developed based on the circular extreme learning machine (CELM) to enable sequential learning. It can update a new chunk of data by spending less training time to update the chunk than the batch CELM. STOS-CELM is developed based on an idea similar to that of OS-CELM, but with a Householder block exact inverse QR decomposition (QRD) recursive least squares (QRD-RLS) algorithm to allow sequential learning and mitigate the criticality of deciding the number of hidden nodes. In addition, our experiments have shown that given the same hidden node setting, STOS-CELM can deliver accuracy comparable to a batch CELM approach and also has higher accuracy than the original online sequential extreme learning machine (OS-ELM) and structural tolerance OS-ELM (STOS-ELM) in classification problems, especially those involving high dimension datasets.
Depok: Faculty of Engineering, Universitas Indonesia, 2017
UI-IJTECH 8:4 (2017)
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Nurul Qamilah
Abstrak :
Pemanasan global telah menganggu sistem iklim global dan menyebabkan meningkatnya frekuensi dan intensitas kejadian iklim ekstrim. Hujan ekstrim merupakan salah satu indikasi terjadinya kejadian iklim ekstrim. Dampak akibat terjadinya hujan ekstrim di sebagian wilayah Indonesia menimbulkan bencana alam, salah satunya bencana longsor. Indonesia yang sebagian wilayahnya berupa daerah perbukitan dan pegunungan, menyebabkan sebagian wilayah tersebut menjadi daerah yang rawan kejadian longsor. Kebumen merupakan salah satu wilayah yang dinyatakan termasuk wilayah dengan kejadian longsor tinggi. Berdasarkan banyaknya titik kejadian longsor membuktikan bahwa wilayah Kabupaten Kebumen merupakan salah satu wilayah yang tergolong rentan terhadap kejadian longsor. Melalui pendekatan Modeling GIS melalui Tools SINMAP diperoleh bahwa wilayah Kabupaten Kebumen yang berpotensi longsor terluas terdapat di Kecamatan Rowokele dengan luas 60% dari total wilayah yang berpotensi tinggi. Hasil pemodelan SINMAP kemudian dilakukan validasi berdasarkan titik kejadian longsor yang ada dan selanjutnya wilayah yang potensi dianalisis dengan Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP), sehingga diperoleh bahwa wilayah yang dinyatakan rentan tersebar pada 149 desa, dengan desa yang memiliki rentan tinggi tersebar di 6 desa yaitu Desa Kebakalan, Desa Kajoran, Desa Kalirejo, Desa Clapar, Desa Logandu, dan Desa Wadasmalang atau 4,02% dari total wilayah yang dinyatakan rentan terhadap longsor. Terkait dengan perubahan iklim, maka kerentanan wilayah terhadap longsor sehubungan dengan perubahan Iklim terbagi atas sebaran kerentanan longsor berdasarkan rerata frekuensi hujan ekstrim yang terus meningkat sepanjang tahun dengan intensitas hujan ekstrim >20 kejadian tersebar di Desa Sawangan. Untuk sebaran kerentanan longsor berdasarkan tren hujan ekstrim dengan tingkat rentan tinggi dan nlai tren mengalami kenaikan dengan r > 0,4 terdapat di Kecamatan Sempor.
Global warming disturbing the global climate system and causing increased frequency and intensity of extreme climate events. Extreme of rain is an indication the occurrence of extreme climate events. Impacts due to the occurrence extreme rainfall in some parts of Indonesia caused natural disasters, one of the landslides. Indonesia that partly in the form of hilly and mountainous regions, causing most of the territory into areas prone to landslide. Kebumen is one of the areas declared to including areas with a high incidence of landslides. Based on the number of points landslide prove that Kebumen district is one of the region that are vulnerable to landslide. Through the GIS Modeling approach of through Tools SINMAP obtained that the district of Kebumen potentially there are the largest landslide in the district with an area Rowokele 60% of the total area of high potential. The modeling results SINMAP then validated by a point landslide existing and further areas of potential analyzed with Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP), to obtain that areas declared to vulnerable scattered in 149 villages, the village has a vulnerable high spread in 6 villages namely Kebakalan, Kajoran Village, Village Kalirejo, Clapar Village, Village Logandu and Wadasmalang village with a total area 5.71% of the total areas declared to vulnerable landslides. Related climate change, the vulnerability of the region to landslides in connection with climate change consists of the distribution of landslide vulnerability based on the average frequency of extreme rainfall that is continued to increase throughout the year with extreme rainfall intensity> 20 events spread in the District Sawangan. For the distribution of landslide vulnerability by extreme rainfall trends with high levels of vulnerable and value of trend has increased with r> 0.4 there are in the district Sempor.
Depok: Fakultas Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam Universitas Indonesia, 2016
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Deki Satria
Abstrak :
ABSTRAK Perkembangan aplikasi mobile pada saat ini meningkat dengan sangat cepat. Hal ini menambah peluang pasar yang lebih bagi pengembang aplikasi. Usability, merupakan salah satu faktor yang harus diperhatikan dalam pengembangan aplikasi mobile. Namun pada kenyataannya, kurangnya usability produk menjadi salah satu faktor yang mempengaruhi seseorang untuk menghapus aplikasi yang telah mereka pasang dalam perangkat mereka. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengembangkan sebuah metode yang mengutamakan usability dari sistem yang dikembangkan. Penelitian ini bersifat penelitian kualitatif menggunakan metode Delphi sebagai metode untuk mendapatkan saran dari Ahli. Hasil dari penelitian ini adalah sebuah metode kombinasi dari WISDM dan Extreme Programming yang berhasil menaikkan nilai usability sistem yang dihasilkan. Kuesioner System Usability Scale digunakan untuk menilai usability tersebut. ..... ABSTRACT Mobile application was greatly increased in number. This growth added greater market opportunity for the developer of mobile application. Usability is one factor which needs to be considers by the developer in order to create better application for the user. lack of usability became one factor which made the user uninstall their application. The goal of this research is to develop a method to develop a better usability for mobile application. This research is qualitative research using Delphi as tools to capture the expert judgment of the proposed methodolgy. The result of this research is combination of Extreme Programming and WISDM which increase the usability of the application. The usability of the application assessed using System Usability Scale.
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Komputer Universitas Indonesia, 2018
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Wohlin, Claes, editor
Abstrak :
This book contains the refereed proceedings of the 13th International Conference on Agile Software Development, XP 2012, held in Malmö, Sweden, in May 2012. The topics covered include general aspects of agility, agile teams, studies related to the release and maintenance of software, and research on specific practices in agile and lean software development. They are complemented by four short papers capturing additional aspects of agile and lean projects.
Berlin: [, Springer-Verlag], 2012
eBooks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Hegghammer, Thomas
Abstrak :
Al-Qaida and Islamic State continue to captivate the world with their extreme violence. While much attention has been given to the operations and doctrines of jihadi groups, this is the first book to explore their culture. Using a wealth of primary sources, the authors examine what goes on inside these organizations and what daily life is like for the foot-soldiers. They show that Islamist militants have a rich aesthetic culture and do much more than fight and train. Life in a jihadi group is in fact filled with poetry and music, and fighters spend time on surprising things like dream interpretation and weeping. Readers will discover an entirely new perspective on radical Islamists: that despite their reputation as macho men, they value humility, artistic sensitivity, and displays of emotion. Cultural practices are essential for understanding the jihadi worldview and may shed important new light on decision-making and recruitment processes in extremist groups. This original book will interest anyone in academia, government, or the general public who is intrigued by the appeal and resilience of the jihadi movement.
United Kingdom: Cambridge University Press, 2017
eBooks  Universitas Indonesia Library
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