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Martin, Gary J.
London: Chapman and Hall, 1995
581.63 MAR e
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Lasma Dyna Faryda Mahulae
Abstrak :
Penelitian etnobotani konservasi kemenyan (Styrax spp.) oleh etnik Batak di Desa Pusuk I, Sumatera Utara telah berlangsung selama enam bulan. Penelitian bertujuan untuk memperoleh informasi terkait pengetahuan lokal etnik Batak dalam menjaga keberadaan kemenyan (Styrax spp.) dan memanfaatkannya secara berkelanjutan serta untuk mengetahui keberadaan populasi kemenyan di hutan Desa Pusuk I. Penelitian dilakukan dengan pendekatan etnobotani dan ekologi. Metode yang digunakan meliputi wawancara, observasi partisipatif dan analisis vegetasi. Penentuan lokasi penelitian dilakukan secara purposive. Melalui hasil penelitian, diketahui bahwa etnik Batak di Desa Pusuk I mengenal dua spesies kemenyan yaitu Styrax paralleloneurum dan Styrax benzoin. Namun, spesies yang dibudidayakan dan dimanfaatkan sebagai komoditas ekspor ialah S. paralleloneurum. Etnik Batak di Desa Pusuk I terbukti memiliki pengetahuan lokal dalam menjaga keberadaan S. paralleloneurum dan memanfaatkannya secara berkelanjutan. Pengetahuan lokal tersebut ditemukan dalam proses pembudidayaan kemenyan, dimulai dari pemilihan bibit, pemeliharaan, penyadapan dan juga pemanenan getahnya. Hasil penelitian juga menunjukkan kondisi kemenyan, tepatnya S. paralleloneurum, yang masih menjadi spesies paling dominan di hutan Desa Pusuk I, ditandai dengan INP paling tinggi, baik di tingkat semai, pancang, tiang maupun pohon.
Research on ethnobotany of Kemenyan (Styrax spp.) conservation by Batak Ethnic in Pusuk I Village, North Sumatera, was conducted on six months. The study aims to obtain information about indigenous knowledge of Batak Ethnic on keeping Kemenyan?s existence and using that plant sustainably, also to know Kemenyan?s population existence in Pusuk I forest. Research was done using ethnobotany and ecology approach. The methods used were interview, participatif observation, and vegetation analysis. Research?s location chosen purposively. The results showed that Batak Ethnic in Pusuk I Village, North Sumatera knew two species of Kemenyan that is Styrax paralleloneurum and Styrax benzoin. But, species that Batak Ethnic cultivate and use as an export commodity is S. paralleloneurum. Batak Ethnic proven had indigenous knowledges on keeping Kemenyan?s existence and using that plant sustainably. That indigenous knowledges was found in Kemenyan?s cultivation, starts from the seed selection, maintenance, tapping and harvesting the sap. The result also showed that Kemenyan still be a dominant species in Pusuk I forest, marked with Kemenyan?s Importance Index Values that highest in seedling, sapling, poles and tree stage.
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Jakarta: UI Publishing, 2019
583.55 AST
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Dian Komara
Abstrak :
Tesis ini membahas tentang komunikasi museum sebagai bagian dari fungsi museum. Aspek penting dalam komunikasi museum yaitu sumber pesan, saluran dan penerima pesan. Studi kasus yang digunakan adalah Museum Etnobotani Indonesia. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian yang bersifat deskriftif dengan pendekatan kualitatif. Dimulai dengan gambaran kondisi pameran museum sebagai salah satu komponen komunikasi museum dalam menyalurkan pesan. Kemudian analisis sajian koleksi saat ini dipandang dari sudut analogi strukturalisme linguistik. Analisis kondisi pameran tersebut menghasilkan gagasan penyusunan koleksi yang mengacu pada alur pameran. Alur cerita pameran merupakan salah satu bagian penting dalam proses komunikasi untuk memahami pesan museum secara keseluruhan. Komunikasi melalui salah satu program edukasi museum yang dikaitkan dengan teori pendidikan dapat membatu efektifitas dalam penyampaian pesan. ...... The focus of the thesis is about communication as a part of the museum's function. The important aspects of museum communication is the source message, channel and receiver. Indonesian Ethnobotanical Museum is the case study for this research. This research is a descriptive study with qualitative approach. Begins with an overview of the condition of the museum exhibition as one component of museum communication in a channel message. Later analysis of the current collection presentation in light of analogical linguistic structuralism. Analysis conditions resulted in the preparation of the exhibition refers to a collection of exhibits story line. Story line is one important part of the communication process to understand the message museum as a whole. Communication through one museum education program associated with the theory of education can assist in the effective delivery of the message.
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Pengetahuan dan Budaya Universitas Indonesia, 2013
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Wika Mardhiyah
Abstrak :
Pengembangan manfaat tumbuhan obat dimulai dengan mengumpulkan informasi dari pengetahuan lokal yang dimiliki berbagai etnis. Salah satu etnis yang unik di Indonesia adalah etnis Minangkabau yang berasal dari Nagari Tuo Pariangan karena memiliki sistem matrilineal. Berdasarkan survey pendahuluan diketahui bahwa sebagian besar tumbuhan obat di Nagari Tuo Pariangan dibudidayakan di pekarangan. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengkaji pengetahuan tradisional masyarakat mengenai tumbuhan obat dan potensi pekarangan sebagai kawasan konservasi. Penelitian dilaksanakan selama sembilan bulan pada bulan Januari sampai September 2019. Pengambilan data etnobotani dilakukan dengan wawancara semiterstruktur pada 7 orang informan kunci dan 46 orang responden umum. Pengambilan data etnoekologi pekarangan dilakukan dengan analisis vegetasi pada 30 buah rumah. Data etnobotani diolah dengan menghitung Use Value (UV), Index of Cultural Significance (ICS), dan Relative Frequency of Citation (RFC). Data etnoekologi diolah dengan menghitung Indeks Nilai Penting (INP), Indeks Keanekaragaman (H), Indeks Kemerataan (e), dan Kekayaan Spesies (DMg). Analisis data dilakukan secara statistika deskriptif. Masyarakat memanfaatkan 139 spesies tumbuhan obat yang tergolong ke dalam 110 genus dan 59 famili. Tumbuhan obat digunakan untuk mengobati 73 jenis penyakit yang dikelompokkan menjadi 10 kategori. Curcuma longa, Kalanchoe laciniata, Zingiber officinale, dan Orthosiphon aristatus merupakan tumbuhan obat dengan UV, ICS, dan RFC yang tinggi. Sebagian besar tumbuhan obat menurut masyarakat memiliki UV, ICS, dan RFC yang termasuk ke dalam kategori rendah sehingga perlu dikonservasi. Masyarakat menanam 197 sepesies tanaman di pekarangan, termasuk ke dalam 148 genus dan 67 famili. Jumlah spesies tanaman terbanyak ditemukan di pekarangan Jorong Pariangan (117 spesies), sementara persentase tanaman obat tertinggi ditemukan di pekarangan Jorong Guguak (65,6%). Indeks keanekaragaman, kemerataan, dan kekayaan spesies tanaman obat di pekarangan yang tergolong tinggi membuktikan bahwa masyarakat Nagari Tuo Pariangan menanam cukup banyak spesies tanaman obat. Pekarangan dapat dimanfaatkan sebagai kawasan konservasi tanaman obat.
Development of the benefits of medicinal plants begins with gathering information from local knowledge held by various ethnic groups. One of the unique ethnic groups in Indonesia is the Minangkabau ethnic originating from Nagari Tuo Pariangan because it has matrilineal system. Based on preliminary surveys it is known that most of the medicinal plants in Nagari Tuo Pariangan are cultivated in the yard. The purpose of this study is to examine the traditional knowledge of community about medicinal plants and the potential of yard as a conservation area. The research was conducted for nine months from January to September 2019. The collection of ethnobotanical data was carried out by semistructured interviews with 7 key informants and 46 general respondents. Ethnoecological data was collected by analyzing vegetation in 30 houses. Ethnobotanical data was processed by calculating the Use Value (UV), Index of Cultural Significance (ICS), and Relative Frequency of Citation (RFC), while ethnoecological data is processed by calculating the Importance Value Index (INP), Diversity Index (H), Evenness Index (e), and Species Richness (DMg). Data analysis was performed by descriptive statistics. The community utilizes 139 species of medicinal plants belonging to 110 genera and 59 families. Medicinal plants are used to treat 73 types of diseases which are grouped into 10 categories. Curcuma longa, Kalanchoe laciniata, Zingiber officinale, and Orthosiphon aristatus are medicinal plants with high UV, ICS, and RFC. Most of the medicinal plants according to the community have UV, ICS, and RFC which are included in the low category, so it needs to be conserved. The community planted 197 species in the yard, including 148 genera and 67 families. The highest number of plant species was found in Jorong Pariangan (117 species), while the highest percentage of medicinal plants was found in Jorong Guguak (65.6%). Index of diversity, evenness, and richness of medicinal plants in the yard which are classified as high prove that Nagari Tuo Pariangan community plant quite a number of medicinal plants. The yard can be used as conservation area for medicinal plants.
Depok: Fakultas Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam Universitas Indonesia, 2019
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Rani Nur Aini
Abstrak :
Pengetahuan lokal mengenai pemanfaatan tumbuhan pangan oleh masyarakat etnis Karo di Desa Semangat Gunung belum sepenuhnya terdokumentasi. Sementara itu, pengaruh budaya lain yang masuk dapat mengancam keberadaan pengetahuan lokal masyarakat. Pendekatan etnobotani dilakukan untuk mendokumentasikan pengetahuan lokal masyarakat mengenai pemanfaatan tumbuhan pangan. Data diperoleh melalui wawancara semistruktural dan terbuka, observasi partisipasi, dan skoring kepada masyarakat lokal. Analisis data dilakukan dengan pendekatan kualitatif, yaitu mengelompokkan tumbuhan pangan berdasarkan kategori guna dan pendekatan kuantitatif, yaitu analisis LUVI, ICS, dan FL. Hasil penelitian diperoleh 109 spesies tumbuhan pangan dimanfaatkan oleh masyarakat, yang dikelompokkan menjadi pangan utama, pengganti pangan utama, sayuran, buah-buahan, bumbu, pangan adat, kudapan, minuman, dan pembungkus makanan. Nilai LUVI tertinggi berupa pangan utama, nilai ICS tertinggi berupa tualah (Cocos nucifera), dan nilai FL tertinggi diperoleh 92 spesies.
Utilization of food plants by the society of Karo ethnic in Semangat Gunung village have not documented yet. The influence of other ethnic cultures that infiltrate to Semangat Gunung village can threaten the local knowledge of its society. Ethnobotanical approach is used to document the local knowledge of the society about food plants utilization. The data were obtained by open-ended and semistructural interview, participant observation, and scoring. The data analysis were carried out by categorizing food plant species based on their use and quantitatively by measuring LUVI, ICS, and FL. The food plant species that used by the society is 109 species. It categorized into 9 subcategory, they are the staple food, alternative staple foods, vegetables, fruits, spices, indigenous foods, snacks, drinks, and food warps. The highest LUVI is staple food subcategory, the highest ICS is tualah (Cocos nucifera), and the highest FL amounts to 92 species.
Universitas Indonesia, 2015
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Sihotang, Vera Budi Lestari
Abstrak :
Dalam penelitian ini salah satu tugas museum baru yaitu evaluasi telah dilakukan terhadap relief yang terletak di pintu masuk Museum Etnobotani Indonesia. Kegiatan evaluasi ini mencakup analisa konteks relief, makna illustrasi pada relief, interpretasi pesan Museum Etnobotani Indonesia melalui relief, dan pameran makna illustrasi relief. Penelitian ini merupakan aplikasi dari kajian museum poetics yaitu bagaimana meneliti makna dari objek museum dan memamerkan makna dari relief. Tahap pertama dalam evaluasi ini adalah menetapkan konteks dari relief. Tahap kedua adalah dengan menentukan makna dari illustrasi pada relief melalui proses semiosis. Dalam proses ini, illustrasiillustrasi tersebut akan dianggap sebagai tanda. Setelah makna illustrasi pada relief telah diperoleh, tahap selanjutnya adalah menentukan pesan museum yang ingin disampaikan kepada pengunjung. Tahap terakhir dalam evaluasi ini adalah memamerkan makna illustrasi relief kepada pengunjung sehingga pengunjung dapat menangkap pesan yang ingin disampaikan. Dari hasil analisa dan pembahasan yang dilakukan dalam penelitian ini, dapat dikatakan bahwa relief di Museum Etnobotani Indonesia merupakan media penyampaian pesan museum. ...... In this study, evaluation as one of the tasks of the new museum has been done to relief that is located at the entrance of the Indonesian Museum of Ethnobotany. The evaluation includes analysis of the context of relief, meaning of illustration in relief, message interpretation of Indonesian Museum of Ethnobotany through relief, and exhibition of the meaning from relief?s illustration. This research is an application of poetics museum studies that examines the meaning of museum objects and exhibit the meaning. The first step in this evaluation is to establish the context of relief. The second stage is to determine the meaning of illustration in relief through the process of semiosis. In this process, the illustration would be considered a sign. Once the meaning of illustration in relief has been obtained, the next step is to define the message to be conveyed to the museum?s visitors. The last stage in this evaluation is the exhibition of illustration?s meaning so that visitors can capture the message. From the analysis and discussion conducted in this study, it can be said that the relief in the Indonesian Museum of Ethnobotany is a media that convey the museum?s message.
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Pengetahuan dan Budaya Universitas Indonesia, 2013
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Purba, Endang Christine
Abstrak :
Penelitian ?Etnobotani Masyarakat Enis Karo di Kecamatan Merdeka, Sumatera Utara? bertujuan untuk mengetahui pemanfaatan spesies tumbuhan berguna dan perbedaan pengetahuan lokal tentang pemanfaatan tumbuhan berdasarkan gender dan umur oleh masyarakat etnis Karo di Kecamatan Merdeka. Pelaksanaan penelitian dilakukan melalui pendekatan etik dan emik. Pengumpulan data dilakukan melalui wawancara terbuka dan semi terstruktur, observasi partisipatif dan diskusi kelompok fokus (Focus Group Discussion--FGD). Data tentang keanekaragaman pemanfaatan spesies tumbuhan dianalisis dengan metode LUVI (Local User?s Value Index), ICS (Index of Cultural Significance); dan data tentang perbedaan pengetahuan pemanfaatan tumbuhan brdasar gender dan umur dianalisis dengan metode UVs (Use Values), dan statistik. Terdapat 158 spesies yang termasuk dalam 61 famili yang dikenal dan dimanfaatkan masyarakat etnis Karo di KecamatanMerdeka. Seratus lima puluh delapan spesies tumbuhan tersebut dimanfaatkan untuk obat-obatan, pangan, sumber penghasilan, teknologi lokal, kayu bakar, adat/ritual/hiasan, racun/anti racun dan pewarna. Berdasarkan analisis LUVI diperoleh 60 spesies yang dianggap paling penting dan pangan sebagai kategori guna terpenting. Oryza sativa mendapat nilai ICS tertinggi yaitu 50, yang dimanfaatkan sebagai makanan pokok. Berdasarkan umur dari kelompok responden, rata-rata jumlah spesies tumbuhan yang diketahui dan dimanfaatkan dan nilai UVs pada responden umur lebih dari 50 tahun lebih tinggi dibandingkan dengan umur 30--50 tahun. Sementara itu, berdasarkan gender, rata-rata jumlah spesies tumbuhan yang diketahui dan dimanfaatkan dan nilai UVs pada responden laki-laki lebih tinggi dibandingkan dengan perempuan
The purposes of this study are to identify the plant species perceived by Karonese of Merdeka District and determine whether gender and age have different local knowledge differences of use values of plant species. The ethnobotanical research and collection data were conducted by open and semistructured interview, observation, focus group discussion (FGD). The ethnonotanical information according to general categories of plant species uses analysed by LUVI (Local User?s Value Index), ICS (Index of Cultural Significance); and the differences in knowledge of plant based on age and gender was analysed by UVs (Use Values) dan statistic analysis. Karonese of Merdeka District use 158 plant spesies, 60 families for 8 general use categories, which in medicinal uses, food, economical plants, local technology, firewood, traditional celebration/ritual/ornaments, poisonous plants, and dye-colors. There are 60 species which considered as the most useful plants based on LUVI analysis. The ICS analysis indicated that Oryza sativa gained the highest value (50), which is used as staple food. Based on the age of respondents, the average number of plant species that are known and utilized; and value UVs on respondents aged more 50 years old higher than the age of 30--50 years old. Meanwhile, based on gender, men of Karo ethnic society in District Merdeka know more plant species than the women.;The purposes of this study are to identify the plant species perceived by Karonese of Merdeka District and determine whether gender and age have different local knowledge differences of use values of plant species. The ethnobotanical research and collection data were conducted by open and semistructured interview, observation, focus group discussion (FGD). The ethnonotanical information according to general categories of plant species uses analysed by LUVI (Local User’s Value Index), ICS (Index of Cultural Significance); and the differences in knowledge of plant based on age and gender was analysed by UVs (Use Values) dan statistic analysis. Karonese of Merdeka District use 158 plant spesies, 60 families for 8 general use categories, which in medicinal uses, food, economical plants, local technology, firewood, traditional celebration/ritual/ornaments, poisonous plants, and dye-colors. There are 60 species which considered as the most useful plants based on LUVI analysis. The ICS analysis indicated that Oryza sativa gained the highest value (50), which is used as staple food. Based on the age of respondents, the average number of plant species that are known and utilized; and value UVs on respondents aged more 50 years old higher than the age of 30--50 years old. Meanwhile, based on gender, men of Karo ethnic society in District Merdeka know more plant species than the women.;The purposes of this study are to identify the plant species perceived by Karonese of Merdeka District and determine whether gender and age have different local knowledge differences of use values of plant species. The ethnobotanical research and collection data were conducted by open and semistructured interview, observation, focus group discussion (FGD). The ethnonotanical information according to general categories of plant species uses analysed by LUVI (Local User’s Value Index), ICS (Index of Cultural Significance); and the differences in knowledge of plant based on age and gender was analysed by UVs (Use Values) dan statistic analysis. Karonese of Merdeka District use 158 plant spesies, 60 families for 8 general use categories, which in medicinal uses, food, economical plants, local technology, firewood, traditional celebration/ritual/ornaments, poisonous plants, and dye-colors. There are 60 species which considered as the most useful plants based on LUVI analysis. The ICS analysis indicated that Oryza sativa gained the highest value (50), which is used as staple food. Based on the age of respondents, the average number of plant species that are known and utilized; and value UVs on respondents aged more 50 years old higher than the age of 30--50 years old. Meanwhile, based on gender, men of Karo ethnic society in District Merdeka know more plant species than the women., The purposes of this study are to identify the plant species perceived by Karonese of Merdeka District and determine whether gender and age have different local knowledge differences of use values of plant species. The ethnobotanical research and collection data were conducted by open and semistructured interview, observation, focus group discussion (FGD). The ethnonotanical information according to general categories of plant species uses analysed by LUVI (Local User’s Value Index), ICS (Index of Cultural Significance); and the differences in knowledge of plant based on age and gender was analysed by UVs (Use Values) dan statistic analysis. Karonese of Merdeka District use 158 plant spesies, 60 families for 8 general use categories, which in medicinal uses, food, economical plants, local technology, firewood, traditional celebration/ritual/ornaments, poisonous plants, and dye-colors. There are 60 species which considered as the most useful plants based on LUVI analysis. The ICS analysis indicated that Oryza sativa gained the highest value (50), which is used as staple food. Based on the age of respondents, the average number of plant species that are known and utilized; and value UVs on respondents aged more 50 years old higher than the age of 30--50 years old. Meanwhile, based on gender, men of Karo ethnic society in District Merdeka know more plant species than the women.]
Depok: Fakultas Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam Universitas Indonesia, 2014
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Muhamad Nikmatullah
Abstrak :
Etnoekologi dan Etnobotani Tumbuhan Obat pada Masyarakat Baduy-Dalam di Desa Kanekes, Kecamatan Leuwidamar, Kabupaten Lebak, Banten. Telah dilakukan kajian pengetahuan pemanfaatan lanskap dan pemanfaatan tumbuhan obat pada masyarakat Baduy-Dalam. Tujuan penelitian ini mengungkapkan keanekaragaman spesies tumbuhan obat yang tersebar pada berbagai lanskap yang sudah dikenal dan dimanfaatkan oleh masyarakat Baduy-Dalam. Penelitian telah dilaksanakan pada September 2017 sampai Januari 2018. Pengambilan data menggunakan pendekatan emik dan etik melalui wawancara semi terstruktur close ended, open ended, observasi partisipatif, Focus Group Discussion FGD, analisis vegetasi dan jelajah bebas. Wawancara dilakukan pada 3 informan kunci dan 108 responden umum. Data dianalisis secara kualitatif dengan statistika deskriptif untuk menggambarkan pengetahuan lokal masyarakat dan kuantitatif dianalisis dengan menghitung nilai kultural Index of Cultural Significance, ICS, dan nilai kepentingan lokal Local User Value Index, LUVI. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian, Baduy-Dalam mengenal 7 unit lanskap, yaitu Leuweng lembur Pemukiman, Cai sungai, Huma ladang, Jami bekas ladang ditinggalkan 1 tahun, Rheuma bekas ladang ditinggalkan 3 tahun, Rheuma kolot bekas ladang ditinggalkan 7 tahun, dan Leuweng kolot hutan lindung. Lansekap yang dianggap paling penting ialah leuweung lembur pemukiman dengan nilai rata-rata kepentingan 28.8. Pada 7 lanskap ditemukan 98 spesies tumbuhan obat yang memiliki 46 kegunaan, terdiri dari 91 genus dan 46 famili. Famili terbanyak ialah Asteraceae dan Zingiberaceae. Nilai ICS dan LUVI tumbuhan obat tertinggi di Cibeo dimiliki oleh Cocos nucifera ICS=24, LUVI=2.25 untuk laki-laki muda, Cocos nucifera ICS=24 dan Kaempferia galanga LUVI=1.91 untuk laki-laki dewasa, Kaempferia galanga ICS=16 dan Cocos nucifera LUVI=1.95 untuk laki-laki tua, Psidium guajava ICS=24, LUVI=2.15 untuk perempuan muda, K. galanga dan Z. cassumunar ICS=12 dan Zingiber cassumunar LUVI=1.63 untuk perempuan dewasa, Pterocarpus indicus, Kaempferia galanga, Dinochloa scandens, Gigantochloa apus, Zingiber officinale, dan Crassocephalum crepidioides ICS=9 dan Cyrtandra pendula LUVI=1.57 untuk perempuan tua. Adapun Nilai ICS dan LUVI tumbuhan obat tertinggi di Cikeusik dimiliki oleh Cocos nucifera ICS=18, LUVI=2 untuk laki-laki muda, Cocos nucifera ICS=24 dan Cassia alata LUVI=1.35 untuk laki-laki dewasa, Cassia alata, Ageratum conyzoides, Cyrtandra pendula, Kaempferia galanga, Abrus precatorius, Mikania cordata ICS=9 dan Bridelia monoica LUVI=1.65 untuk laki-laki tua, Cocos nucifera ICS=24, LUVI=1.35 untuk perempuan muda, Kaempferia galanga ICS=12 dan Bridelia monoica LUVI=1.06 untuk perempuan dewasa, dan Gigantochloa apus, Blumea balsamifera ICS=12 dan Cassia alata LUVI=1.01 untuk perempuan tua. ......Ethnoecology and Ethnobotany of Medicinal Plants in Baduy Dalam Society Kanekes Village, Leuwidamar District, Lebak Regency, Banten.A study of utilization of landscape and medicinal plants has been undertaken in Baduy Dalam society. The purpose of this study is to reveals the diversity of medicinal plant species scattered in various landscapes that have been known and utilized by Baduy Dalam society. The study has been conducted from September 2017 to January 2018. Data was collected through semi structured close ended, open ended, participatory observation, focus group discussion FGD interviews, vegetation analysis and free roaming interviews. Interviews were conducted from 3 key informants and 108 general respondents. Data were analyzed qualitatively by descriptive statistics to describe local knowledges society and quantitative analyzed by calculating of Index of Cultural Significance ICS, and local user 39 s value Index LUVI. Based on research results, Baduy Dalam society recognizes 7 landscape units, namely Leuweung lembur residential area, Cai river, Huma field, Jami one year abandoned field, Rheuma three years abandoned field, Rheuma kolot seven years abandoned field, and Leuweung kolot protected forest. Leuweung lembur residential area considered the most important landscape which it has average of importance value of 28.8. It has been found 98 species of medicinal plants which is have 46 usefulness. It consists of 91 genera and 46 families. The most of families are Asteraceae and Zingiberaceae. The highest of ICS and LUVI values in Cibeo, category of young male chosen C. nucifera ICS 24, LUVI 2.25, category of adult male Cocos nucifera ICS 24 and Kaempferia galanga LUVI 1.91, category of old male Kaempferia galanga ICS 16 and Cocos nucifera LUVI 1.95, Psidium guajava category of young female chosen ICS 24, LUVI 2.15, category of adult female Kaempferia galanga and Zingiber cassumunar ICS 12 and Zingiber cassumunar LUVI 1.63, and category old female Pterocarpus indicus, Kaempferia galanga, Dinochloa scandens, Gigantochloa apus, Zingiber officinale, and Crassocephalum crepidioides ICS 9 and Cassia pendula LUVI 1.57. The highest of ICS and LUVI values in Cikeusik category young male chosen Cocos nucifera ICS 18, LUVI 2, category of adult male Cocos nucifera ICS 24 and Cassia alata LUVI 1.35, category of old male Cocos alata, Ageratum conyzoides, Cyrtandra. pendula, aempferia. galanga, Abrus precatorius, Mikania cordata ICS 9 and Bridelia monoica LUVI 1.65, category of young female Cocos nucifera ICS 24, LUVI 1.35, category of adult female Kaempferia galanga ICS 12 and Bridelia monoica LUVI 1.06 and category of old female Gigantochloa apus, Blume balsamifera ICS 12 and Cassia alata LUVI 1.01.
Depok: Fakultas Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam, 2018
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
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