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Manurung, Ria
Abstrak :
Pada hakekatnya, rumah bagi manusia mempunyai fungsi sebagai tempat perlindungan fisik dan perlindungan psikologi atas tekanan dari dunia luar serta wadah kegi atan manusia. Kebutuhan manusia akan rumah semakin meningkat seiring dengan pertambahan penduduk. Sementara itu ketersediaan lahan yang sesuai untuk perumahan bersifat terbatas. Akibatnya sering ditemui terutama di daerah perkotaan, perumahan didirikan di daerah permukiman yang tidak memenuhi syarat untuk suatu tempat tinggal. Kondisi mutu lingkungan yang rendah ini membuat penghuni berusaha meninggalkan lingkungan tersebut dan mencari tempat permukiman yang memiliki tingkat keamanan dan kenyamanan yang lebih baik. Pada umumnya usaha perpindahan ini terjadi pada masyarakat yang ekonominya sudah baik. Menyadari keadaan ini, maka pemerintah berupaya membangun perumahan-perumahan dengan kondisi lingkungan yang baik untuk membantu dan memenuhi kebutuhan masyarakat akan perumahan. Namun tidak semua kebutuhan itu dapat terpenuhi. Dengan bantuan pihak pengembang maka masyarakat semakin mempunyai kemudahan dalam usaha pemilikan rumah dengan mutu lingkungannya dapat memenuhi syarat hidup yang sehat. Seiring dengan tingginya permintaan atas perumahan maka terjadi peningkatan pembangunan perumahan. Namun bagi pihak pengembang swasta, pembangunan perumahan mewah menjadi prioritas dibandingkan dengan pembangunan perumahan sederhana. Hal ini disebabkan minat masyarakat terhadap pemilikan perumahan mewah oukup tinggi. Tingginya permintaan masyarakat terhadap perumahan mewah sebagai akibat terjadinya pergeseran pandangan masyarakat terhadap fungsi rumah. Fungsi rumah tidak hanya dilihat sebagai tempat tinggal, wadah aktivitas maupun perlindungan psikologis semata, tetapi masyarakat saat ini melihat rumah sebagai suatu alat prestise dan sebagai pendukung terjadinya suatu kegiatan bisnis bagi sebagian orang serta sebagai investasi. Selain itu penilaian terhadap rumah tidak dilihat hanya dari bentuk fisik rumah, namun yang terutama adalah letak dan fasilitas lingkungan serta kondisi sosial penghuninya. Adanya kondisi seperti ini menimbulkan kepemilikan rumah yang dibangun para pengembang didominasi oleh orang-orang yang mempunyai kemempuan ekonomi tinggi. Akibatnya banyak ditemui saat ini permukimam eksklusif. Di Rotamadya Medan, pemilikan perumahan eksklusif ini terlihat adanya kecenderungan terdapat pada golongan masyarakat tertentu yaitu orang Cina. Hal ini terjadi karena secara umum etnik ini mempunyai kemampuan daya beli yang cukup tinggi dibandingkan dengan masyarakat pribumi. Kondisi seperti ini menimbulkan adanya kesenjangan sosial di antara masyarakat yang dapat mengarah kepada terjadinya konflik antar etnik akibat munculnya kecemburuan sosial di dalam masyarakat. Sementara itu Kotamadya Medan dikenal sebagai masyarakat yang majemuk yang rawan terhadap perpecahan antara anggota masyarakat. Ini disebabkan tidak adanya etnis yang dominan di kota ini. Untuk itu integrasi sosial di antara masyarakat mempunyai peranan penting untuk menghindari terjadinya suatu konflik. Integrasi sosial bagi sebagian orang diasumsikan dapat terjadi di lingkungan permukiman, di mana proses ini terjadi bila adanya interaksi di antara etnis yang berbeda, adanya tingkat sosial yang sama dan mempunyai pengalaman hidup yang sama. Di samping hat di atas, factor persepsi suatu etnis terhadap lingkungan sosialnya sangat mempengaruhi berlangsungnya proses integrasi sosial. Dengan adanya permukiman eksklusif dengan penghuni yang se-etnis tentunya dapat mengakibatkan terhalangnya kegiatan integrasi sosial tersebut. Kondisi ini bagi sebagian orang dikhawatirkan akan menghambat proses integrasi sosial yang selama ini telah dimulai seperti melalui kegiatan pembauran sosial. Berkaitan dengan asumsi tersebut maka penelitian ini dilakukan dengan tujuan untuk melihat ada tidaknya pengaruh lingkungan perumahan terhadap persepsi orang Cina terhadap dirinya dan lingkungannya, serta mengukur seberapa jauh pengaruh lingkungan perumahan ini membawa pengaruh terhadap tingkat persepsi masyarakat. Selain itu hasil penelitian bertujuan untuk melihat bagaimana keberhasilan kegiatan pembauran di Kotamadya Medan. Untuk itu, hipotesis yang dikemukakan di dalam penelitian ini adalah ada pengaruh lingkungan perumahan mewah terhadap persepsi atau integrasi sosial masyaraka t . Penelitian ini dilakukan di Perumahan Setia Budi Indah I Recamatan Medan Selayang, dengan alasan perumahan ini merupakan perumahan mewah yang pertama sekali ada di Kotamadya Medan dan jumlah penghuni perumahan antara pribumi dan etnik Cina berimbang. Sifat penelitian yang dilakukan adalah deskriptif analisis dengan jenis penelitan studi kasus. Pengambilan sampel dilakukan dengan cara stratified propotional random sampling, dengan jumlah sampel keseluruhan adalah 150 Kepala Keluarga atau 20% dari populasi. Pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan wawancara, observasi dan penyebaran angket. Analisis data, dilakukan dengan menggunakan teknik analisis korelasi product moment untuk uji hipotesis dan analisis tabulasi silang antara indikator variabel lingkungan perumahan dengan indikator variabel persepsi masyarakat. Juga dilakukan tes signifikansi dengan teknik Chi-Square test untuk melihat signifikan asosiasi antara indikator variabel lingkungan perumahan dan indikator variabel integrasi sosial. Berdasarkan hal analisis dan pembahasan dapat diperoleh kesimpulan : 1. Ada pengaruh lingkungan perumahan pada persepsi masyarakat yang dapat mempengaruhi integrasi sosial. 2. Ada hubungan yang signifikan antara lingkungan perumahan dengan persepsi atau integrasi sosial. 3. Perubahan kondisi fisik dan kondisi sosial sebagai variabel lingkungan perumahan mempengaruhi persepsi masyarakat. Besarnya pengaruh perubahan faktor luas rumah terhadap integrasi masyarakat adalah 53,44% atau 3 kali lebih besar dari pengaruh perubahan faktor letak rumah (17,22%) atau 2 kali lebih besar dari pengaruh perubahan faktor aktivitas penghuni perumahan (26,21%).
The Influence Of Housing Environment Towards The Perception Of Ethnic Chinese On Him/Herself And His/Her Environment (A case study of ethnic chinese in Setia Budi Indah housing estate Selajang Sub-district, Medan City). Content In essence, a home to man has the function as physical protection site and psychological protection against pressures from the outside world and a place of human activities. Human needs for housing is ever increasing in line with population growth. In the meantime, land availabilitywhich is proper for housing settlement is limited. As a result, especially in urban areas, one often come across the establishment of housing settlement which do not meet the requirements of a place to live in. The condition of this low quality environment makes the inhabitants trying to leave such an environment and look for settlement areas that have a better level of security and comfort. In 3 general, this moving endeavours occurred in a community where its economy is already good. Realizing this condition, therefore, the government endeavours to construct housing with a proper environmental condition to assist and meet the community needs for housing. However, not all needs can be met. With the help of developers, hence, the community has increasing facilities in their efforts to own a home with an environmental quality that meet the requirements of healthy living. In line with the high demand for housing, hence an in-crease in housing construction took place. However, for the part of the private developers, luxurious housing construction became a priority compared with simple housing construction. This is because the community interest towards luxurious housing ownership is sufficiently high indeed. The high community demand towards luxurious housing came about as a result of the occurrence of changing community views towards the function of a home. The function of a home is not only looked upon as a living quarter, activity place as well as psychological protection only, but the community at present look upon a home as a tool of prestige and as a support towards becoming a business activity for some and as investment for others. In addition, the assessment towards a home, it is not looked upon only from the physical construction, but, particularly the location and environmental facilities as well as the social condition of the inmates. The presence of a condition like this, brought about housing ownership which are constructed by developers becoming dominated by people who have high economic cap-abilities. The result is that at present, many exclusive living settlements can be found..In the city of Medan, this exclusive housing ownership tendency can be seen among a certain community group, namely chinaman. This occurred because in general, this ethnic group has sufficient buying capacity compared to the indigenous community. A condition like this brought about social gaps between communities that can lead to conflict between ethnic groups due to social jealousy in the community. The city of Medan is known as a multiple community, sensitive towards discord between community members. This is caused by the fact that there is no ethnic group that is dominant in the city. Hence, social integration among the community has an important role in evading the occurrence of a conflict. Social integration for some people is assumed that it could occur if there is interaction between different ethnic groups, the presence of equal social level and possess similar living experiences so that a common perception came into being towards communal living. With the presence of an exclusive housing settlement, the inmates of whom are of the same ethnic group, certainly, may result in blocking social integration activities. This condition, for some, is the cause for concern in that the social integration process which has been started like activities of social assimilation will be hampered. In relation to the assumption stated above, thence, this study was carried out with the objective to see whether or not there is housing environment influence towards the perception of chinese on themselves and their environment, as well as gauging in how far this housing settlement environment brought influence upon the level of community perception. In addition, the result of the study will show how successful) the assimilation process is in the city of Medan. The hypothesis in this study is that there is housing environment influence towards perception or social integration. This study was conducted in Setia Budi Indah Housing Estate, Selayang Medan Sub-district. The reason for taking this site was that the housing settlement is the first luxurious one of its kind in Medan city and the number of inhabitants between indigenous and chinese are balanced. The nature of study is descriptive, the type of which is case study. The sample taken was stratified proportional random sampling, the grand total of which is 150 heads of family for 20% of the population. Data collection took place by interview, observation and enquette distribution. Data analysis was carried out by using correlation analysis technique, moment product for hypothesis testing and cross tabulation analysis between housing environment variable indicators and community perception variable indicators. Significant tests were also carried out by using the Chi-square technique, to see the association significance between housing environment variable indicators and social integration variable indicators. Based on the analysis results and discussion the conclusion obtained included : 1. There is housing environment influence on the social integration. 2. There is significant association between housing environment and community perception. 3. Physical and social condition changes as housing environment variables influenced community perception. The magnitude of influence of the size of the house factor towards the community perception is 53.44% or three times larger than the in fluence of the location of the house factor (17.22%) or twice as large as the influence of housing inmates activity factor change (26.21%).
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Mohammad Mulyadi
Abstrak :
A city with a multicultural society allows the social processes of ethnicity, either associative or dissociative. Especially in the city of Bandung, the dynamics of social processes of ethnicity between Chinese ethnic and Sundanese ethnic have ups and downs. Based on the idea, the purpose of this study is to describe how the associative and dissociative social process of Chinese ethnic and Sundanese ethnic in Bandung? The research design uses a qualitative approach with case study model. The location of the research was conducted in Bandung. This research produced a description of social relations practices that are associative in the form of cooperative relations if there is a common interest, while in the form of accommodation occurs if the Chinese ethnic embraces Islam. The social process in the form of assimilation and amalgamation can be seen in the field of culture. Meanwhile, social processes that indicate competition, rivalry, and social conflict (dissociative) start from the perspective of stereotypes, prejudices and discriminatory.
Jakarta: Kementerian Dalam Negeri RI, 2017
351 JBP 9:2 (2017)
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Heri Kusmanto
Abstrak :
Bangsa Amerika adalah bangsa imigran, berbagai ragam manusia berdatangan dari segala penjuru dunia, hidup dan menetap di Amerika, serta menimbulkan banyak perbedaan dan persoalan penyesuaian antara yang satu dengan yang lain. Perbedaan antar kelompok etnik terutama disebabkan oleh perbedaan kebudayaan seperti perbedaan sistem nilai, keyakinan, dan gerak isyarat pergaulan (gestures) untuk menunjukkan suatu perasaan atau sikap (Sowell, 1989:386). Perbedaan-perbedaan itu mengakibatkan pertikaian-pertikaian antar kelompok etnik, sekalipun pertikaian juga sering terjadi karena masalah-masalah lain yang menyangkut kepentingankepentingan social dan ekonomi. Meletusnya kerusuhan rasial di Los Angeles pada tahun 1992 mencerminkan bahwa masalah konflik antar kelompok etnik di Amerika Serikat masih merupakan masalah-masalah yang sangat rawan. Para penduduk kulit putih percaya bahwa pertentangan akan lenyap jika pendatang baru atau penduduk pribumi Indian melebur kedalam masyarakat yang lebih dominan, dengan kata-lain kelompok-kelompok .minoritas harus menanggalkan nilai-nilai hidup mereka sendiri dan memakai nilai-nilai orang kulit putih Protestan (WASP). Pendekatan tradisional yang sangat kaku untuk mengatasi perbedaan-perbedaan ini terkenal sebagai Anglo Conformity yang.
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Muhammad Nurul Fajri
Abstrak :
Indonesia sebagai negara multikultural terintegrasi dalam semboyan Bhineka Tunggal Ika sebagai simbol persatuan. Pada kenyataannya masih ada etnis yang mengalami diskriminasi yaitu etnis Cina, hingga sekarang kitapun masih bisa melihat adanya sentimen yang diarahkan kepada mereka. Pemisahan etnis tertentu akan mengganggu ketahanan nasional. New Museum mengubah paradigma museum dari tempat pameran masa lalu menjadi tempat pendidikan dan media komunikasi untuk kepentingan masa kini dan masa depan. Etnis Cina harus direpresentasikan di museum sebagai cara untuk merangkul dan sebagai simbol pengakuan negara terhadap minoritas. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk melihat sejauh mana museum nasional Indonesia mengakomodir etnis Cina dan kendala apa yang dihadapi serta cara untuk mengatasinya. Dan juga menunjukkan sejauh mana pemerintah menggunakan museum sebagai sarana pembentuk integrasi nasional. Penelitian menunjukkan etnis Cina belum direpresentasikan karena Museum Nasional Indonesia masih terjebak dalam konsep traditional museum yang berfokus koleksi dan masa lalu. ......Indonesia as a multicultural country is integrated in the motto of Bhinneka Tungga Ika or Unity in Diversity as a symbol of unity. But now adays, there are still ethnic groups that discriminated like Chinese Ethnic as we can still see the sentiment pointed to them. The Segregation of certain ethnic will disrupt national resilience. New Museum transforms the paradigm of the museum from the place of the past exhibition into a place of education and communication media for the benefit of both present and the future. Chinese Ethnic must be represented in museums as a way to embrace and symbolize state recognition of minorities. This research aims to see the extent to which the Museum Nasional Indonesia accommodates the Chinese and what obstacles are faced and ways to overcome them. And also shows the extent to which the government uses museum as a means of forming national integration. This research shows that Chinese minority has not been represented because Museum Nasional Indonesia are still trapped in traditional museum concepts.
Depok: Sekolah Kajian Stratejik dan Global Universitas Indonesia, 2019
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Ngan, Lucille Lok-Sun
Abstrak :
The book explains how multi-generational Australian-born Chinese (ABC) negotiate the balance of two cultures. It explores both the philosophical and theoretical levels, focusing on deconstructing and re-evaluating the concept of ?Chineseness.? At a social and experiential level, it concentrates on how successive generations of early migrants experience, negotiate and express their Chinese identity. This study reveals a contrasting picture of ethnic identification.
New York: Springer, 2012
eBooks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Suryadinata, Leo
Abstrak :
Indonesia is the largest country in Southeast Asia where there is a significant number of ethnic Chinese, many of whom have played an important role. This book presents biographical sketches of about 530 prominent Indonesian Chinese, including businessmen, community leaders, politicians, religious leaders, artists, sportsmen/sportswomen, writers, journalists, academics, physicians, educators, and scientists. First published in 1972, it was revised and developed into the present format in 1978, and has since been revised several times. This is the fourth and most up-to-date version.
Singapore: ISEAS–Yusof Ishak Institute, 2015
eBooks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Hong Sien, Kwee
Abstrak :
The Kwee family is an old Indonesian Chinese family from Pasuruan, in East java, and one of a few merchant families of either Chinese or Arab ethnic origin which led successful lives in this small town in the nineteenth century. From their Chinese ancestral village, Liu Chuan in Fujian province, China, a Kwee ancestor travelled to Southeast Asia and settled in Pasuruan, probably in the eighteen century. As with many families who held important positions in the ethnic Chinese community, it also owned large homes, mostly in a mixed architectural style, called eclecticism and later in what was known as the Indies empire style. The early family history is still clouded in mystery, as not much concrete information has survived. Its descendants worked hard and prospered and dealt among economic undertakings such as sugar production, opium sales, buying and selling of property and land as well as running pawnshops.
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Pengetahuan dan Budaya Universitas Indonesia, 2017
909 UI-WACANA 18:1 (2017)
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Dewi Anggraeni
Abstrak :
Multiculturalism in Indonesia is predominantly concerned with various regional cultures in the country, which continue to exist, and in some cases, to develop andprogress. These cultures meet and interact in the context of a unitary national, Indonesian culture. There are however people who or whose ancestors originate from outside Indonesia, the major ones being Chinese and Arabs. They brought with them the cultures and mores of their lands of origin and to varying degrees integrated them into those of the places they adopted as homes. This article discusses how the Chinese who opted for Indonesian citizenship and nationality, fared and fare in Indonesia?s multicultural society, what problems slowed themin their path, and what lies behind these problems.
Depok: Faculty of Humanities University of Indonesia, 2011
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Victoria Lindy
Abstrak :
Partisipasi politik etnis Tionghoa di Indonesia diredam selama Orde Baru. Populasi mereka tetap kecil di era Reformasi (setelah tahun 1998) dan berada di bawah ambang batas bawah DPR RI sebesar 4 persen. Representasi politik etnis Tionghoa diwujudkan melalui partai – partai mapan, seperti PDI-P yang bukan partai khusus orang Tionghoa. Satu alternatif etnis Tionghoa memajukan kepentingan mereka adalah melalui PSMTI. Melalui penelitian kualitatif, metode wawancara mendalam dan kerangka teori partisipasi politik Powers et. al (2016) dan pola pergerakan organisasi Tionghoa Tanasaldy (2015), penelitian ini fokus pada peran anggota PSMTI mendorong representasi politik komunitas Tionghoa melalui dukungan pada anggotanya yang menjadi caleg Pemilihan Legislatif DPRD DKI Jakarta 2019. Penelitian ini menemukan peran anggota PSMTI terbatas dukungan personal terhadap sesama berbasis kedekatan pribadi dalam bentuk dana kampanye, dukungan suara, dan menjadi relawan kampanye. Hal ini terjadi akibat larangan PSMTI terlibat politik praktis yang tercantum dalam AD/ART, yang penerapannya rancu oleh PSMTI. Di sisi lain, partai pengusung dan komunitas Tionghoa berbasis daerah memainkan peran terpenting dalam kandidasi pemenang kursi DPRD DKI Jakarta. Penelitian ini menemukan bahwa PSMTI sebagai organisasi Tionghoa terhambat dalam mendorong representasi politik caleg Tionghoa dengan tidak tersedianya wadah diskusi politik bersama anggota PSMTI, terutama menjelang pemilu. Berbeda dari teori partisipasi politik yang ada, penelitian ini menggaris bawahi peran politik PSMTI yang memformalisasikan hubungan mereka dengan pejabat partai melalui jabatan sebagai pengurus maupun anggota dewan yang sah menurut AD/ART. ......Political participation of Chinese – Indonesians was muted during the New Order. Their population has remained below Indonesia's parliamentary threshold of 4 per cent since the Reformation Era (post – 1998). Political representation of ethnic Chinese is realized through established parties like PDI-P, a party not dedicated to them. One alternative for ethnic Chinese to advance their interests is through PSMTI. Through qualitative research, in-depth interviews, the theories of political participation (Powers et al., 2016) and the movement patterns of Chinese organizations (Tanasaldy, 2015), this study focuses on the role PSMTI members play in encouraging political representation of ethnic Chinese through support for their members who are candidates in the 2019 DKI Jakarta DPRD Election. This research finds that PSMTI members’ support is limited by personal closeness in the form of campaign funds, voting support, and becoming campaign volunteers. This situation is due to PSMTI's abstention from practical politics as stated in their constitution but ambiguous in implementation. Meanwhile, political parties and regional ethnic Chinese communities play the most critical roles in the elicitabilities of DPRD DKI Jakarta winners. This study finds that PSMTI, as a Chinese community organization, faces a challenge in encouraging political representation of Chinese candidates through the availability of political discussion forums with PSMTI members significantly ahead of elections. In contrast with existing political participation theory, this study illuminates PSMTI’s political role in formalizing their relationship with party officials through administrator or board member positions legal according to their constitution.
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Indonesia, 2023
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Dewi Anggraeni
Abstrak :
For Chinese Indonesians, May 1998 is a significant historical marker, twelfth and thirteenth being two concentrated days of riots and atrocities in Jakarta, followed by more, albeit on smaller scales, in 8010, Surabaya, and a number of other cities. Destruction of properties belonging to them, and rapes of the Women, occurred. Then Indonesia witnessed the end of Suharto s rule when the president resigned on 21 May 1998. A gradual political turn around followed; Chinese Indonesians found room to move. The subsequent governments revoked restrictive regulations put in place by the New Order government, and lifted the Suppression on cultural expression by Chinese Indonesians. The situation has progressed in conjunction with Chinas rise in global economic dominance. Does Chinas increasing international profile and rising global economic dominance help Chinese Indonesians? This article seeks to find some answer to the question as it looks at the development in the big picture; how and to what extent the social perceptions of Chinese Indonesians have evolved among the mainstream population; how they perceive themselves and believe how others perceive them; and how these may influence their lives as Indonesian Citizens.
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Pengetahuan dan Budaya Universitas Indonesia, 2017
909 UI-WACANA 18:1 (2017)
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library