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Reza Yuniar Sandi
Abstrak :
Konsumsi energi pada sektor bangunan  mengkonsumsi sekitar 40% dari total konsumsi energi di dunia. Di Indonesia, sektor bangunan bertanggung jawab terhadap 50% konsumsi energi dari seluruh sektor dan lebih dari 70% konsumsi listrik secara keseluruhan Sementara itu potensi penghematan energi pada sektor bangunan di Indonesia bisa mencapai 10-30%. Sektor perkantoran merupakan salah satu penyumbang konsumsi energi terbesar pada sektor bangunan, sementara 50% dari energinya dikonsumsi pada beban penghawaannya. Pada penelitian ini saya mencoba untuk mengoptimalkan dan mereduksi beban penghawaan pada bangunan perkantoran (PIP2B) dengan tujuan koservasi dan efisiensi energi bangunan melalui strategi pada selubung bangunan (dinding, jendela dan ventilasi). Studi kasus kantor Pusat Informasi Pengembangan Pemukiman dan Bangunan (PIP2B) di Makassar. Metode penelitian menggunakan metode keseimbangan termal dengan menganalisis penghawaan yang dibebankan pada alat penghawaan bangunan (Air Conditioner), strategi pengendalian iklim mikro dan mengganti material (dinding, jendela dan ventilasi), sehingga dapat mereduksi beban penghawaan bangunan sesuai target dan standar yang akan dicapai sebesar 10-30% dalam efisiensi energinya. Hasil penelitian menunjukan beban penghawaan bangunan dari panas radiasi pada kondisi temperature terendah dan tertinggi sebesar 126,07 – 234,79 kW dengan nilai persentase 50% dibanding jenis beban penghawaan lainnya. Strategi konservasi dan efisiensi energi dilakukan sehingga dapat mereduksi beban penghawaan sebesar 66-62% pada kondisi terendah dan tertinggi, sehingga penghematan energi mencapai 17-19% dari total beban energi bangunan. Kata kunci : Konservasi, Efisiensi, Energi, Bangunan, Beban Penghawaan, Selubung Bangunan.
Energy consumption in the building sector consumes around 40% of total energy consumption in the world. In Indonesia, the building sector is responsible for 50% of energy consumption from all sectors and more than 70% of overall electricity consumption while the potential for energy savings in the building sector in Indonesia can reach 10-30%. The office sector is one of the biggest contributors to energy consumption in the building sector, while 50% is from energy consumption to its burden. In this study, I tried to optimize and reduce the burden of building on office buildings (PIP2B) with the purpose of building conservation and energy efficiency through a strategy on the building envelope. Case study of the Office of Settlement and Building Development Information Center (PIP2B) in Makassar. The research method uses a balance method by analyzing approved air conditioning, a micro-conservation control strategy and replacing materials (walls, windows and ventilation), so as to reduce building awareness according to the target and the standard that will be needed is 10-30% in energy efficiency. The results showed the building load from radiation heat at the lowest and highest temperatures 126.07 - 234.79 kW with a percentage value of 50% compared to other types of load load. The conservation and energy efficiency strategies can reduce the cost of airing by 66-62% at the lowest and highest costs, thus saving energy reaching 17-19% of the total energy load of the building.
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Bakhrul Ulum
Abstrak :
Excellence in skilled operation is vital for the efficiency of geothermal power plants. Mount Salak geothermal power plant unit 1-2-3 has consistently produced no less than 180 MWe to the Java-Bali grid since its first commercial operation in 1994, with an equivalent availability factor (EAF) average of 96%. Owing to this long operation period, power plant efficiency must be improved for the sustainable production of electricity. In this study, energy and exergy analysis has been undertaken to ascertain the amount of energy that is used in the power plant’s current condition, and to determine the plant’s overall system losses. Research was carried out by collecting data relating to temperature, pressure, and mass flow rate. Data were analyzed using the control volume to assess the thermal and mass balance and ascertain the value of exergy. Analysis was conducted theoretically and compared with results calculated by Engineering Equation Solver (EES) software. The results showed that from 1069.90 MWe in steam energy entering the system, the total amount of exergy was 302.42 MWe. Mount Salak geothermal power plant unit 1-2-3 had an overall first law efficiency of 16.75% and an overall second law efficiency of 59.27%. The greatest losses - 27.84% of the total exergy - were in the condensers. This was caused by the quality of cooling water entering condensers, which was in turn a result of cooling tower performance. Results suggest that turbine unit 1 should be investigated further to determine causes of decreased capacity.
Depok: Faculty of Engineering, Universitas Indonesia, 2017
UI-IJTECH 8:7 (2017)
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Muhammad Rizqi
Abstrak :
Tingkat efisiensi penggunaan energi di Indonesia masih rendah, hal ini tentu saja menjadi masalah yang serius. Oleh karena itu harus ada upaya konservasi energi. Teknologi sistem CCHP Combined Cooling, Heating and Power pada bangunan hotel merupakan salah satu jawaban dari tantangan tersebut yang dibahas dalam penelitian ini. Dalam penelitian ini dilakukan perbandingan antara pemakaian energi pada sistem eksisting listrik dari jaringan PLN/konvensional dengan sistem CCHP berdasarkan analisis teknis dan ekonomi pada hotel referensi. Selain itu juga akan dianalisis mengenai skema pengaplikasian sistem CCHP, yaitu sistem CCHP dibangun sendiri oleh pihak hotel atau melakukan kerjasama dengan ESCO melalui model bisnis BOT selama 10 tahun. Sistem CCHP disimulasikan dengan perangkat lunak berbasis analisis termodinamika dan konservasi energi dengan dasar desain FEL Following the Electric Load. Hasilnya sistem CCHP mampu menghemat konsumsi energi primer sebesar 45,98 dibandingkan sistem eksisting. Sehingga akan terjadi penghematan biaya pengeluaran energi oleh pihak hotel. Pengaplikasian sistem CCHP pada hotel referensi dengan pembangunan sendiri akan memberikan keuntungan secara keekonomian dengan nilai NPV Rp 8.333.856.481, IRR 25,93 dan payback period 9 tahun. Sementara jika pembangunan dilakukan melalui skema kerjasama BOT dengan ESCO selama 10 tahun, dengan tarif energi flat sebesar Rp 1.402,75/kWh, maka akan mendapatkan keuntungan secara keekonomian dengan nilai NPV Rp 15.993.166.682, IRR 34,89 dan payback period 7 tahun. Emisi karbon dioksida CO2 dan nitrogen oksida NOx yang dihasilkan oleh sistem CCHP lebih sedikit 39 untuk emisi CO2 dan 75 untuk emisi NOx jika dibandingkan dengan sistem eksisting.
Level of efficiency of energy use in Indonesia is still low, it is of course become a serious problem. Therefore, there must be energy conservation efforts. CCHP Combined Cooling, Heating and Power system technology is one of the answers to these challenges that is discussed here. In this study a comparison between the energy consumption in existing system from PLN electricity network conventional and CCHP system based on technical and economic analysis at the reference hotel. In addition, the scheme will also be analyzed regarding the application of CCHP system, by developing its own system of CCHP by the hotel or cooperating with the ESCO through BOT business model for 10 years. CCHP system is simulated with software based analysis of thermodynamics and energy conservation with the basic design of FEL Following the Electric Load. As a result primary energy consumption saving from CCHP system is 45,98 compared to the existing system. So that there will be cost savings in energy expenditure by the hotel. CCHP system application in a reference hotel with its own development will provide the economic benefits with a value of Rp 8.333.856.481 NPV, IRR 25,93, and a payback period of 9 years. Meanwhile, if the construction was done through BOT scheme with ESCO cooperation for 10 years, with flat energy rate of Rp 1.402,75 kWh, then it will get the economic benefits with a value of Rp 15.993.166.682 NPV, IRR 34,89 and a payback period of 7 years. Emissions of carbon dioxide CO2 and nitrogen oxides NOx generated by CCHP system less 39 of CO2 emissions and 75 for NOx emissions when compared with existing systems.
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2016
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Abstrak :
Indonesia adalah negara dengan pemeluk agama islam terbesar di dunia, sebesar 87.2% dari total penduduknya adalah muslim. Masjid memiliki peran fisik maupun sosial yang penting sebagai pusat aktivitas umat muslim. Hal ini menyebabkan pertumbuhan jumlah bangunan masjid di Indonesia yang meningkat secara pesat. Masjid secara umum dibangun dengan ukuran ruang yang besar dan megah sehingga meningkatkan kemungkinan penggunaan pencahayaan buatan yang berlebih. Studi ini mengeksplorasi pola titik lampu serta tipe lampu yang berbeda yang diaplikasikan pada ruang utama masjid dengan bentuk plafon yang berbeda beserta kaitannya dengan efisiensi energi. melalui simulasi, studi ini menggunakan tiga bentuk plafon masjid yang berbeda sebagai studi kasus, yaitu masjid al-Falah dengan plafon kubah, masjid al-Musyawarah dengan plafon limas dan Masjid Sunda Kelapa dengan plafon datar. Ketiga bentuk tersebut merepresentasikan bentuk plafon masjid yang secara umum digunakan masjid di Indonesia. Menggunakan simulasi software DIALux, studi ini bertujuan untuk: (1) menemukan tipe dan konfigurasi pencahayaan buatan yang paling efisien pada masing-masing masjid dengan tiga bentuk plafon yang berbeda; serta (2) menemukan bentuk plafon masjid yang paling efisien untuk masing-masing tipe dan konfigurasi pencahayaan yang berbeda. Studi ini menghasilkan panduan dasar mengenai konfigurasi pencahayaan yang efisien pada bentuk plafon masjid yang berbeda-beda.
Indonesia is the largest muslim country in the world, around 87.2% of its population are muslim. Mosque, as the centre of muslim activities, has important roles for muslim’s physical and social aspects. Therefore, it causes massive addition of mosque buildings in Indonesia. Mosques are mostly built in spacious areas which increase the possibility of extravagance in lighting. This study explores the different spot sources and types of artificial lighting applied in the different type of mosque’s ceiling and its relation to the efficiency to energy. As the object this study takes three different mosques. Those are al-Falah Mosque, al-Musyawarah Mosque and Sunda Kelapa Mosque. The three mosques represent the shapes of the ceiling that generally used in the country: dome, pyramid and flat - shaped ceiling. Using the software simulation DIALux, this study aimed to: (1) find the most efficient artificial lighting types and configuration pattern that possible for different types of mosque’s ceiling shape in terms of its lux distribution quality; and (2) find which type of mosque’s ceiling shape that has the most efficient energy for each different artificial lighting types and configuration pattern in terms of lux distribution and uniformity. As the result, a basic guideline for efficient lighting configuration in different shaped ceiling mosque are proposed.
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Teten Derichar
Abstrak :
Meskipun diklasifikasikan sebagai teknologi berbiaya tinggi, udara bertekanan diterapkan dalam berbagai aplikasi industri. Sebagian besar penggunanya memiliki pengetahuan yang kurang tentang efisiensi sistem udara bertekanan, Tulisan ini bertujuan untuk meningkatkan konservasi energi pada sistem udara tekan di industri menufaktur dengan menyajikan perhitungan keekonomian peluang konservasi energi yang dapat dilakukan dan membandingkannya dengan penghematan berdasarkan hasil pengukuran setelah pelaksanaan pekerjaan konservasi energi dilaksanakan. Dengan menyajikan perhitungan penghematan yang dapat diperoleh, pengguna udara tekan akan lebih meyakini bahwa program konservasi energi yang dilakukan akan menguntungkan mereka dan dapat memicu mereka melakukan investasi untuk pelaksanaan program konservasi energi, sehingga program konservasi energi dapat dilaksanakan dengan lebih baik. Kebocoran udara yang berlebihan dan pipa distribusi udara tekan yang tidak efisien adalah salah satu penyebab meningkatnya biaya energi. Memperbaiki masalah ini akan mengurangi biaya konsumsi listrik kompresor secara signifikan. Dari hasil pengukuran diperoleh data bahwa dengan perbaikan kedua hal tersebut konsumsi energi dapat berkurang sebesar 25%. Deviasi antara hasil perhitungan dan hasil pengukuran setelah perbaikan adalah sebesar 2,75 %. ......Although classified as a high-cost technology, compressed air is applied in a wide range of industrial applications. Most of its users have insufficient knowledge of the efficiency of compressed air sistems, this paper aims to improve the energy conservation program in compressed air sistems in the manufacturing industry by calculating the savings from energy conservation opportunities that can be done and comparing them with savings from measurement results taken after the implementation of energy conservation work is carried out. By presenting the calculation of the savings that can be obtained, compressed air users will be more confident that the energy conservation program to be carried out will benefit them, thereby triggering them to make investments for the implementation of energy conservation programs, so that energy conservation programs can be implemented better. Excessive air leakage and inefficient of compressed air distribution pipes are some of the causes of rising energy costs. Fixing this problem will significantly reduce the cost of compressor electricity consumption. From the results of measurements after improvement, data were obtained that with the improvement of both factors, energy consumption can be reduced by 25 percent. The deviation between the results of the calculation of savings and the results of measurements after improvement is 2.75 percent
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2022
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Yales Vivadinar
Abstrak :
Penelitian ini bermaksud untuk melihat pengaruh faktor efisiensi dan faktor pembentuk utama determinan lainnya, serta pengaruh pola pemanfaatan energi pada proses produksi manufaktur dalam membentuk tingkat konsumsi energi dan intensitas energi sektor ini pada periode 2005-2013. Pendekatan Top-down dengan metode penguraian dekomposisi telah diterapkan pada kedua data agregat di atas, dan menjelaskan bahwa determinan di balik perubahan kedua data agregat tersebut pada periode 2005-2009 adalah perubahan faktor efisiensi energi, sedangkan pada periode 2009-2013 adalah perubahan faktor struktural. Metode dekomposisi berhasil mengidentifikasi industri yang dapat memperbaiki efisiensi energi, tetapi tidak dapat menjelaskan sumber dari perubahan efisiensi energi pada tingkatan operasional yang lebih rendah. Untuk itu, pendekatan Bottom-up dilakukan agar melengkapi analisa Top-down serta memberikan penjelasan terkait sumber perubahan efisiensi di atas. Pendekatan bottom-up dilakukan dengan mengumpulkan data dari industri sampel untuk menghasilkan peta aliran energi pada peralatan pengguna energi untuk proses produksi. Peta aliran energi yang dihasilkan menjelaskan bahwa sistem pemanas mengkonsumsi 75 dari pasokan energi dan merupakan penghasil 67 dari kerugian energi sektor manufaktur. Pendekatan ini juga menjelaskan kelompok industri gula, semen serta pulp paper adalah pengguna terbesar sistem pemanas, dimana jumlah kerugian energi terbesar terjadi pada sektor industri semen yang mencapai 51 dari energi masuk. Sementara itu, industri kimia adalah pengguna listrik dan BBM terbesar namun jumlah pemanfaatan sisa panas dibawah 1 . Hasil analisa Specific Energy Consumption SEC yang dilakukan pada beberapa sektor industri menunjukkan angka SEC dari industri tersebut lebih tinggi antara 18 -42 dari angka acuan. Kombinasi pendekatan diatas telah menunjukkan fokus area untuk perbaikan efisiensi energi. ......This study intends to access the effect of the key determinants and the impact of the energy utilization behavior along the production process toward the energy consumption and energy intensity of the manufacturing sector during the period 2005 2013. The top down approach by using the decomposition method has applied on both energy consumption and energy intensity data which successfully explained the determinants of the changes in both data above during the period 2005 2009 are the energy efficiency factor, while during 2009 2013 are the change of structural factor. Decomposition method has successfully identified the industry with energy efficiency issue, but this technique cannot spots the roots of the problem at the operational levels that could only be detected by the bottom up approach. This approach has been started by collecting the data from the industry samples to produce the map of energy flow within the energy equipment. The map of energy flow shows the heating system is the largest energy users who consume up to 75 of energy supply and accountable for 67 of the energy losses from this sector. This system mainly used by sugar industry, pulp and paper, and cement industry. Meanwhile, the chemical industry is the biggest users of electricity and fuel, but they only use less than 1 of the waste heat. This study also delivers the SEC comparison analysis compared to the SEC reference. The combination of the top down and bottom up approach has helped us to identify the focus areas for energy efficiency improvement effort.
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2017
UI - Disertasi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Abstrak :
The volumes includes selected and reviewed papers from the 2nd ETA Conference on Energy and Thermal Management, Air Conditioning and Waste Heat Recovery in Berlin, November 22-23, 2018. Experts from university, public authorities and industry discuss the latest technological developments and applications for energy efficiency. Main focus is on automotive industry, rail and aerospace.
Switzerland: Springer Cham, 2019
eBooks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Abstrak :
This book is a comprehensive economic and legal study of the theoretical and practical aspects of the problems of increasing energy efficiency; self-motivation of energy saving by business entities within the framework of their corporate responsibility; regulatory mechanisms to stimulate energy conservation in the economy; civil-law regulation of foreign trade turnover of energy resources between economic entities of the Russian Federation and companies of member states of international integration associations – the CIS, EEMP, the EU and BRICS. It argues that technological energy saving plays a key role in reducing the energy intensity and increasing the energy efficiency of the economy, and substantiates the need for institutional support – including legal support for the participation of the Russian Federation – in various forms of international cooperation. Lastly, based on an analysis of current legislation, programs and recommendations, judicial and contractual practices, customs and trade procedures, it offers proposals for the developing, improving and unifying civil law regulation of obligations in the sphere of international trade in energy resources, as well as methodological recommendations for drafting foreign trade contracts in the energy sector.
Switzerland: Springer International Publishing AG, 2019
eBooks  Universitas Indonesia Library