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Ditemukan 10 dokumen yang sesuai dengan query
Nindya Sekar Anandarri
"Sampah plastik hasil dari sektor Fast Moving Consumer Goods merupakan salah satu sumber masalah sampah di Indonesia yang berdampak pada terciptanya banyak polusi yang menggangu kehidupan laut dan udara. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk melihat pengaruh logo dan teks ramah lingkungan pada produk air mineral terhadap intensi membeli konsumen. Metode eksperimen pada penelitian ini menggunakan desain eksperimen 2x2 factorial within subject. Penelitian ini menggunakan vignette gambar sebagai stimulus yang yang mewakili eco-label logo dan teks. Intensi membeli diukur menggunakan alat ukur dari Posavac et al. (2004) dengan jumlah item satu. Jumlah partisipan penelitian ini sebanyak 138 konsumen yang berdomisili di Indonesia dengan rentang usia 18-25 tahun. Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa terdapat perbedaan yang signifikan pada intensi membeli konsumen saat melihat produk air mineral yang diberikan logo ramah lingkungan dan yang tidak diberikan logo
(F(1, 137)= 81.243, p <0,05, η²p = 0.372), terdapat perbedaan intensi membeli konsumen saat melihat produk yang diberikan teks ramah lingkungan dan yang tidak diberikan teks ramah lingkungan pada produk air mineral (F(1, 137)= 94.372, p <0,05, η²p = 0.408), dan terdapat pengaruh keberadaan logo ramah lingkungan terhadap intensi membeli konsumen tergantung pada keberadaan teks ramah lingkungan pada produk air mineral (F(1, 137)= 6.178, p <0,05, η²p = 0.043). Dapat disimpulkan bahwa pengunaan hanya logo dan hanya teks memiliki efek yang besar dan pengunaan logo dan teks secara bersamaan memiliki efek yang kecil untuk memprediksi intensi membeli konsumen pada produk air mineral jika dibandingkan dengan air mineral tanpa logo dan teks. Dari hasil penelitian ini, diharapkan dapat menjadi manfaat untuk bidang pemasar atau perusahaan untuk mempertimbangkan penggunaan logo dan teks ramah lingkungan dalam memproduksi produksi produk ramah lingkungan.

Plastic waste resulting from the Fast Moving Consumer Goods sector is one of the sources of waste problems in Indonesia which has an impact on the creation of a lot of pollution that interferes with marine and air life. The purpose of this study was to examine the effect of environmentally friendly logos and texts on mineral water product on consumers' purchase intention. The experimental method in this study uses a 2x2 factorial experimental design in subject. This study uses a vignette image as a stimulus that represents the eco-label logo and text. Purchase intention was measured using a measurement tool from Posavac et al. (2004) with the number of items one. The number of participants in this study was 138 consumers who live in Indonesia with an age range of 18-25 years. The results showed that there was a significant difference in the purchase intention of consumers when they saw mineral water products that were given an environmentally friendly logo and those that were not given a logo (F(1, 137)= 81,243, p < 0.05, ²p = 0.372), there were differences consumer purchase intention when viewing products that are given environmentally friendly text and those who are not given environmentally friendly text on mineral water products (F(1, 137)= 94,372, p < 0.05, ²p = 0.408), and there is an effect of the presence of an environmentally friendly logo on consumer purchase intention depends on the presence of environmentally friendly text on mineral water products
(F(1, 137)= 6.178, p < 0.05, ²p = 0.043). It can be concluded that the use of only logos and only texts has a large effect and the use of logos and texts together has a small effect on predicting consumer purchase intention for mineral water products when compared to mineral water without logos and texts. From the results of this study, it is expected that it can be a benefit for the field or corporate marketers to consider the use of eco-friendly logos and texts in producing eco-friendly products.
Depok: Fakultas Psikologi Universitas Indonesia, 2022
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Haryo Santoso
"Forest destruction in Indonesia has become a very serious problem and global concern. Eco-labels aim to combat illegal logging, illegal trading, and forest conversion. Eco-labeling in the furniture industry is slower in Indonesia than in competing countries such as China and Vietnam, where China has reached more than 1000 Chain of Custody (CoC) certification industrial units and Vietnam 238 units, while Indonesia has achieved only 78 units. But eco-labeling is perceived as a pressure on the international trade of the furniture industry. This study examines how the furniture industry in Central Java and Yogyakarta understands eco-labeling and what efforts the industry is making. Eco-labeling has a positive impact on the industrial environment and sustainable forestry, and it increases credibility/corporate image, market share, and profit. But not all buyers demand eco-labeling, so some companies deal with eco-labeling either by applying for certification or by looking for buyers that do not require the eco-label. Buyers who do not require the eco-label result in companies having less motivation to seek CoC certification. Other views about eco-labeling in the industry are also counterproductive, producing further obstacles to eco-label certification. Eco-labeling is often understood as unfair competition from developed countries, implemented as a barrier to entry into trade, and as inconsistent with The General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT)/The World Trade Organization (WTO). Eco-labeling is often considered a new form of colonialism rather than an instrument of environmental management."
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Haryo Santoso
"Forest destruction in Indonesia has become a very serious problem and global concern. Eco-labels aim to combat illegal logging, illegal trading, and forest conversion. Eco-labeling in the furniture industry is slower in Indonesia than in competing countries such as China and Vietnam, where China has reached more than 1000 Chain of Custody (CoC) certification industrial units and Vietnam 238 units, while Indonesia has achieved only 78 units. But eco-labeling is perceived as a pressure on the international trade of the furniture industry. This study examines how the furniture industry in Central Java and Yogyakarta understands eco-labeling and what efforts the industry is making. Eco-labeling has a positive impact on the industrial environment and sustainable forestry, and it increases credibility/corporate image, market share, and profit. But not all buyers demand eco-labeling, so some companies deal with eco-labeling either by applying for certification or by looking for buyers that do not require the eco-label. Buyers who do not require the eco-label result in companies having less motivation to seek CoC certification. Other views about eco-labeling in the industry are also counterproductive, producing further obstacles to eco-label certification. Eco-labeling is often understood as unfair competition from developed countries, implemented as a barrier to entry into trade, and as inconsistent with The General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT)/The World Trade Organization (WTO). Eco-labeling is often considered a new form of colonialism rather than an instrument of environmental management."
Depok: Faculty of Engineering, Universitas Indonesia, 2016
UI-IJTECH 7:5 (2016)
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Nikmah Fajriyah Azzahrah
"Peningkatan sampah plastik yang berasal dari produk Fast Moving Consumer Goods berkaitan erat dengan perilaku konsumsi masyarakat. Salah satu upaya untuk menanggulangi hal tersebut adalah dengan menggunakan bahan ramah lingkungan yang ditandai dengan pemberian label ramah lingkungan. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk melihat bagaimana pengaruh jenis label ramah lingkungan berupa logo dan teks pada kemasan air mineral terhadap persepsi konsumen mengenai kualitas. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode eksperimen within subject dengan menggunakan vignette gambar sebagai stimulus. Persepsi konsumen mengenai kualitas. diukur menggunakan alat ukur yang dikembangkan oleh Erdem dan Swait (1998). Diperoleh sebanyak 135 partisipan yang berusia 18-25 tahun di Indonesia. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa kehadiran logo (F(1,134) = 157.446, p< 0.001, η²p = 0.540) dan teks (F(1,134) = 127.229, p< 0.001, η²p = 0.487) ramah lingkungan pada kemasan air mineral berkontribusi secara signifikan terhadap persepsi konsumen mengenai kualitas. dengan large effect size yang berarti kehadiran logo dan teks memiliki pengaruh yang besar terhadap persepsi konsumen mengenai kualitas. Selain itu, ditemukan bahwa produk dengan kombinasi penggunaan logo dan teks ramah lingkungan membuat konsumen mempersepsikan kualitas produk ramah lingkungan tersebut paling baik (F(1,134) = 19.269, p< 0.001, η²p = 0.126) dengan medium effect size yang berarti memiliki pengaruh yang sedang terhadap persepsi konsumen mengenai kualitas. Dapat disimpulkan bahwa penggunaan logo dan teks ramah lingkungan dapat memengaruhi bagaimana konsumen mempersepsikan kualitas dari suatu produk. Hasil dari penelitian ini menyarankan perusahaan agar mempertimbangkan untuk menghadirkan label ramah lingkungan berupa logo dan teks ramah lingkungan untuk meningkatkan perceived quality konsumen.

The rise of plastic waste caused by Fast Moving Consumer Goods is strongly related to consumer behavior. An effort to overcome this problem lies within the usage of eco-friendly materials that are identified by giving them eco-labels. This study examines how types of eco-labels in the form of logos and text on mineral water’s packaging affect consumer’s perceived quality. The method used for this study is the within-subject experiment by using image vignettes as a stimulus. Perceived quality is measured using the measurement developed by Erdem and Swait (1998). This study samples 135 participants aged 18-25 in Indonesia. Results show that the presence of an eco-friendly logo (F(1,134) = 157.446, p< 0.001, η²p = 0.540) and text (F(1,134) = 127.229, p< 0.001, η²p = 0.487) on mineral water packaging significantly contribute to consumer perceived quality with a large effect size, indicating that the presence of an eco-friendly logo and text have a large effect towards consumer perceived quality. This study also finds products with a combination of the use of eco-friendly logo and text made consumers perceived quality of these eco-friendly products is the best (F(1,134) = 19.269, p< 0.001, η²p = 0.126) with a medium effect size, indicating that it has a moderate effect towards consumer perceived quality. It can be conclude that the usage of an eco-friendly logo and text may affect how consumers perceive the quality of a product. The results of this study suggests that company should consider the usage od eco-labels in the form of an eco-friendly logo and text to increase the consumers perceived quality."
Depok: Fakultas Psikologi Universitas Indonesia, 2022
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Qasthalani Ananda Yudadi
"Tingginya kesadaran masyarakat untuk menjaga kelestarian alam menyebabkan perubahan perilaku pembelian masyarakat (consumer purchase behavior) menjadi lebih ramah lingkungan. Dalam hal ini, green marketing dinilai sebagai cara yang inovatif bagi perusahaan untuk memperoleh keunggulan kompetitif sekaligus kesuksesan. Tren green marketing dapat ditinjau dari industri kosmetik, dimana brand kosmetik yang menerapkan praktik green marketing diperkirakan akan mengalami pertumbuhan di masa depan. Namun, masih terdapat pula konsumen di Indonesia yang belum sadar akan pentingnya membeli produk ramah lingkungan (green product) sehingga diperlukan green marketing tools, seperti eco-label, eco-brand, dan environmental advertisement agar bisa mengkomunikasikan green product, khususnya kosmetik ramah lingkungan (green cosmetics) secara lebih intens. Oleh sebab itu, penelitian ini berupaya meneliti pengaruh eco-label, eco-brand, dan environmental advertisement terhadap consumer purchase behavior pada konsumen di Jabodetabek dari salah satu brand kosmetik yang mengadopsi ketiga green marketing tools tersebut, yakni Oasea. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kuantitatif dengan teknik penarikan sampel berupa non-probability purposive sampling. Sampel dalam penelitian ini sebanyak 100 responden. Kemudian data diolah menggunakan teknik analisis regresi berganda melalui software IBM SPSS Statistics versi 25. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa seluruh hipotesis diterima. Secara parsial, eco-label, eco-brand, dan environmental advertisement memiliki pengaruh yang positif dan signifikan terhadap consumer purchase behavior.

The high level of public awareness of preserving nature has led to changes in consumer purchasing behavior to become more environmentally friendly. In this case, green marketing is considered an innovative way for companies to gain competitive advantage and success. However, there are still consumers in Indonesia who are not yet aware of the importance of buying green products, so green marketing tools are needed, such as eco-labels, eco-brands, and environmental advertisements in order to communicate green products, especially green cosmetics more intensely. Oasea is one of the cosmetic (skin care) brands that applies eco-labels, eco-brands and environmental advertisements. The aim of this research is to analyze the influence of eco-labels, eco-brands, and environmental advertisements on consumer purchase behavior. This research uses a quantitative approach and survey methods on Oasea consumers in Jabodetabek aged at least 18 years with a sample size of 100 people. The research results show that partially each of eco-label, eco-brand, and environmental advertisement has a positive and significant effect on consumer purchase behavior. Research also reveals that eco-labels, eco-brands, and environmental advertisements simultaneously have a positive and significant effect on consumer purchase behavior."
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Administrasi Universitas Indonesia, 2024
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Dyah Rusty Indriani
"Pandangan manusia telah bergeser seiring dengan meningkatnya kepedulian terhadap lingkungan, sehingga menimbulkan tuntutan bagi pelaku bisnis untuk memberikan solusi dalam menghadapi berbagai permasalahan lingkungan melalui pengembangan green product. Eco-label sebagai jaminan mutu green product merupakan isu di dunia bisnis dan perdagangan global saat ini. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh eco-label terhadap kesadaran mahasiswa untuk membeli green product. Variabel-variabel yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah eco-label awareness, attitude towards the environment, belief in environment-friendly buying, eco-label knowledge, eco-label availability, attention towards eco-label, dan purchase intention. Dengan menggunakan Structural Equation Modeling, diperoleh bahwa variabel belief in environmentfriendly buying, eco-label knowledge, dan attention towards eco-label memiliki pengaruh langsung terhadap purchase intention, sementara variabel eco-label awareness dan eco-label availability hanya menunjukkan pengaruh tidak langsung terhadap purchase intention.

The society's viewpoint has shifted along with the increasing concern for the environment, causing the rise of demand for the businessman to provide a concrete solution to deal with the current environmental problems through the development of green products. Eco-label, as a quality assurance of green products, has been a global trade-related issue for years. This research aims to determine the effect of eco-labels on students? awareness to purchase green products. The variables used in this research consist of eco-label awareness, attitude towards the environment, belief in buying environment-friendly, eco-label knowledge, eco-label availability, attention towards eco-label, and purchase intention. Using Structural Equation Modeling, some of key findings from the data analysis are highlighted: belief in environment-friendly buying, eco-label knowledge, and attention towards eco-label show a direct influence on purchase intention, while eco-label awareness and eco-label availability only show the indirect effect on purchase intention.
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2014
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Carissa Andani
"Skripsi ini membahas mengenai pengaruh green marketing terhadap green purchase behavior pada konsumen Fore Coffee di Jakarta. Penelitian ini juga bertujuan untuk melihat dimensi yang paling berpengaruh dari green marketing terhadap green purchase behavior. Dimensi-dimensi yang terdapat dalam green marketing adalah eco-brand, eco-label, dan environmental advertisement. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode kuantitatif dan Teknik pengambilan sampel purposive. Pada penelitian ini sampel yng diambil sebanyak 100 responden yang berdomisili di Jakarta, pernah membeli Fore Coffee, dan mengetahui Fore Coffee sebagai produk yang ramah lingkungan. Hasil dari penelitian ini membuktikan bahwa green marketing mempunyai pengaruh terhadap green purchase behavior sebesar 58.1% dan 41,9% lainnya dipengaruhi oleh faktor lain yang tidak diteliti oleh peneliti. Pada penelitian ini juga terlihat bahwa dimensi dari variabel green marketing yang memiliki pengaruh terbesar terhadap green purchase behavior adalah environmental advertisement.
This research discusses the influence of green marketing on green purchase behavior. This research also aims to look at the most influential dimensions of green marketing to consumers buying intention. The dimensions in green marketing consist of eco-brand, eco-label, and environmental advertisement. This research uses quantitative methods and purposive sampling techniques. In this study, samples were taken from 100 respondents who live in Jakarta and consumer of Fore Coffee. The results of this study prove that green marketing has an influence on green purchase behavior at 58.1% and 41.9 % are influenced by other factors. This research also shows that dimension of green marketing variables that have the greatest influence on the green purchase behavior is environmental advertisement."
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Adminstrasi Universitas Indonesia , 2020
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Lala Berlianti Asy Asyifa

Munculnya kesadaran akan permasalahan lingkungan memicu dunia industri untuk menghadirkan konsep pemasaran yang mengedepankan isu lingkungan (green marketing). Dalam green marketing terdapat alat-alat yang digunakan untuk meningkatkan pengetahuan konsumen tentang produk ramah lingkungan. Green marketing tools terdiri dari eco-brand, eco-label dan environmental advertisement. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis pengaruh green marketing tools terhadap purchase intention pada millennial dalam pembelian produk AQUA Life di Jakarta. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode kuantitatif dan teknik pengambilan sampel purposive. Pada penelitian ini sampel yang diambil sebanyak 100 responden yang berdomisili di Jakarta, termasuk ke dalam generasi millennial (23-38 tahun) pada 2019 dan mengetahui produk AQUA Life. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa green marketing tools berpengaruh terhadap purchase intention. Pada penelitian ini juga terlihat bahwa dimensi dari variable green marketing tools yang memiliki pengaruh terbesar terhadap purchase intention adalah environmental advertisement.


The emergence of environmental problems triggers the industry to bring about the concept of marketing that emphasizes environmental issues (green marketing). In green marketing there are tools that are used to increase consumer knowledge of environmentally friendly products. Green marketing tools consist of eco-brand, eco-label and environmental advertisement. This research aims to analyze the influence of green marketing tools towards purchase intention on millennials in the purchase of AQUA Life products in Jakarta. This research uses quantitative methods and purposive sampling techniques. In this study, samples were taken from 100 respondents who live in Jakarta, millennials (23 to 38 years old in 2019) and know about AQUA Life. The results of this research prove that green marketing tools has an influence on purchase intention. This research also shows that dimensions of green marketing tools variable that have the greatest influence on the purchase intention is a environmental advertisement.


Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Administrasi Universitas Indonesia, 2020
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Aristyo Ridwan Rais
"Beberapa tahun belakangan, kesadaran masyarakat Indonesia akan kebutuhannya pada bangunan yang ramah lingkungan mulai meningkat. Salah satu indikatornya adalah dari sisi kepemerintahan. Dimana pada dua kota besar, diwakili oleh pemerintah daerahnya, Indonesia yaitu Kepemerintahan Provinsi DKI Jakarta dan Kepemerintahan Kota Bandung, telah menerbitkan peraturan daerah yang mewajibkan bagi setiap pihak yang ingin mendirikan bangunan baru, diwajibkan memiliki sertifikat bangunan hijau/ramah lingkungan atau tidak akan mendapatkan sertifikat IMB (Izin Mendirikan Bangunan). Tentunya hal ini berdampak langsung sektor-sektor yang terkait langsung, salah satunya adalah industri yang memproduksi material dan bahan bangunan. Dengan adanya peraturan tersebut, para pelaku industri material dan bahan bangunan mulai mencari cara agar produk-produk yang dihasilkan dapat diklasifikasikan sebagai material dan bahan bangunan yang ramah lingkungan. Sehingga dengan menggunakan material dan bahan bangunan yang meraka produksi, dapat dijamin bangunannya juga akan dengan mudah mendapatkan sertifikat bangunan ramah lingkungan. Melalui penelitian ini, akan dilihat faktor-faktor apa saja yang mendorong suatu perusahaan mendaftarkan produknya pada sertifikasi ecolabel. Dimana akan diteliti melalui tinajaun pustaka dengan tema terkait dan dirumuskan modelnya untuk selanjutnya dianalisis dengan metode Structured Equation Model (SEM). Hasil dari pengambilan data tersebut akan dijadikan bahan pemilihan strategi yang dihitung menggunakan metode TOPSIS dan IPA

In recent years, Indonesian people's awareness of their needs in environmentally friendly buildings has begun to increase. Where in the two big cities, Jakarta and Bandung, represented by the local government have issued local regulations that oblige each party to build a new building, are required to have a green/environment-friendly building certificate or will not get a certificate IMB (Building Permit). Of course this has a direct impact on the sectors directly related, one of which is the industry that produces building materials. With this regulation, the building material companies began to look for ways that the products produced could be classified as environmentally friendly building materials. So by using environmentally friendly building materials, the building can also be guaranteed to get an environmentally friendly building certificate. Through this research, it will be seen what factors drive a company to register its products on Eco label certification scheme. Where will be examined through a literature review with related themes and formulated models for further analysis with the Structured Equation Model (SEM)? The results of the data collection will be used as material for the selection of strategies that are calculated using the TOPSIS and IPA methods."
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2020
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Klareza Putri Djajadiwangsa
"Meningkatnya pencemaran lingkungan serta adanya urgensi untuk meningkatkan kepedulian lingkungan masyarakat Indonesia, menyebabkan perusahaan turut berkontribusi melalui penerapan green marketing. Sementara itu, sektor kosmetik di Indonesia saat ini sedang tumbuh signifikan. Green marketing juga turut diimplementasikan pada industri tersebut dengan munculnya berbagai merek kosmetik lokal yang mengusung konsep sustainable beauty. Gen Z menjadi salah satu faktor pendorong booming-nya industri kosmetik di Indonesia. Maka, pelaku bisnis sustainable beauty perlu mengetahui faktor-faktor yang dianggap berpengaruh terhadap green purchase behavior pada Gen Z. Penelitian ini mengidentifikasi beberapa faktor yang dianggap berpengaruh, melalui survei terhadap 335 responden yang dilakukan melalui kuesioner daring dan data dianalisis menggunakan Structural Equation Modelling (SEM). Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa faktor yang mempengaruhi green purchase behavior Gen Z terhadap produk green cosmetics merek lokal adalah eco-label, PCE, environmental attitude, dan ecological affection. Penelitian ini juga menunjukkan bahwa meningkatkan ecological affection dapat dilakukan baik secara langsung melalui PCE ataupun melalui environmental attitude terlebih dahulu.

The increasing environmental pollution and the urgency to increase environmental awareness of Indonesian society, have caused companies to contribute through the implementation of green marketing. Meanwhile, the cosmetic sector in Indonesia is currently growing significantly. Green marketing is also implemented in the industry with the emergence of various local cosmetic brands that carry the concept of sustainable beauty. Gen Z is one of the driving factors for the booming cosmetic industry in Indonesia. So, sustainable beauty business players need to know the factors that are considered to have an effect on green purchase behavior in Gen Z. This study identifies several factors that are considered influential, through a survey of 335 respondents conducted through an online questionnaire and the data were analyzed using Structural Equation Modeling (SEM). The findings suggest factors that affect Gen Z's green purchase behavior towards local brand green cosmetics are eco-label, PCE, environmental attitude, and ecological affection. This research also shows that increasing ecological affection can be done either directly through PCE or through environmental attitude first."
Depok: Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisinis Universitas Indonesia, 2022
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library