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Hasnan Habib
"Latar belakang: Difagia atau gangguan menelan merupakan gejala yang dapat memperburuk morbiditas dan mortalitas pasien yang mengalaminya baik yang bersifat mekanik maupun neurogenik. Keluhan ini sering ditemui pada poli rawat jalan THT RSCM terutama di poli THT divisi Bronkoesofagologi. Sampai saat ini belum ada instrumen yang bersifat patient reported outcome untuk skrining disfagia, sehingga dalam penelitian ini dilakukan adaptasi kuesioner EAT-10 ke bahasa Indonesia. Kuesioner ini dirancang untuk menilai keparahan gejala disfagia yang sudah banyak digunakan di berbagai negara yang sudah diadapatasi ke bahasa masing-masing negara.
Tujuan: Mengetahui validitas dan reliabilitas kuesioner EAT-10 versi bahasa Indonesia serta mengetahui nilai kepositifan EAT-10 versi bahasa Indonesia terhadap pemeriksaan FEES.
Metode: Pasien-pasien dengan gejala disfagia atau gangguan menelan yang terlebih dahulu didiagnosis dengan pemeriksaan FEES yang datang ke poli THT divisi Bronkoesofagologi. Pemeriksaan FEES dengan serat optik lentur untuk melihat kriteria objektif secara struktur anatomi dan gerakan refleks menelan daerah orofaring, kemudian dilakukan anamnesis dan diminta untuk mengisi kuesioner EAT-10 yang sudah diadaptasi ke bahasa Indonesia dengan metode WHO. Uji validitas dilakukan dengan uji korelasi spearman correlation coefficient, dianggap signifikan bila nilai p<0,05. Uji reliabilitas dengan konsistensi internal mencari nilai Cronbach α di atas 0,6 untuk masing-masing dan keseluruhan pertanyaan.
Hasil: Penelitian melibatkan 50 subjek yang memenuhi kriteria inklusi. Kuesioner EAT-10 ini memiliki nilai p dan korelasi yang signifikan (0,00) untuk setiap pertanyaan walaupun pada pertanyaan keenam yaitu “rasa sakit saat menelan” memiliki kekuatan korelasi yang lemah (0,408). Kuesioner ini juga memiliki Cronbach α di atas 0,6 untuk masing-masing pertanyaan (0,9) dan memiliki kepositifan 80% terhadap pemeriksaan FEES.
Kesimpulan: Instrumen EAT-10 versi bahasa Indonesia telah diadaptasi lintas budaya (transcultural), valid dan reliabel sebagai instrumen untuk menilai gejala pada disfagia serta memiliki nilai kepostifan yang baik terhadap pemeriksaan FEES.

Backround: Disphagia or swallowing disorder is a symptom that can exacerbate the morbidity and mortality of patients who experience it, both mechanical and neurogenic type. This complaint is often found in the RSCM ENT outpatient clinic, especially in the ENT polyclinic Bronchoesophagology division. Until now there was no patient reported outcome instrument that used for screening of dysphagia, so in this study an adaptation of the EAT-10 questionnaire to Indonesian version was carried out. This questionnaire is designed to assess the severity of dysphagia symptoms which have been widely used in various countries that have been adapted to the language of each country.
Objective: To determine the validity and reliability of the Indonesian version of the EAT-10 questionnaire and also to determine the positivity value between EAT-10 Indonesian version towards FEES examination.
Methods: Patients with symptoms of dysphagia or swallowing disorders diagnosed by FEES examination who came to the ENT Bronchoesophagology outpatient clinic and has been diagnosed with dysphagia by FEES examination. First of all FEES examination objectively evaluate anatomical structure and swallowing reflex in the oropharynx, then anamnesis was carried out and asked to fill out the EAT-10 questionnaire which had been adapted to Indonesian using the WHO method. The validity test was carried out using the Spearman correlation coefficient test. It was considered significant if the p value <0,05. The reliability test with internal consistency looks for a Cronbach α value above 0,6 for each and all questions.
Results: The study involved 50 subjects who met the inclusion criteria. This EAT-10 questionnaire has a significant p-value (0,00) and correlation for each question even though the sixth question “pain when swallowing” has a weak (0,408) correlation strength. This questionnaire also has a Cronbach α above 0,6 for each question (0,9) and has 80% positivity value towards FEES examination.
Conclusion: The Indonesian version of the EAT-10 instrument has been adapted cross-culturally, is valid and reliable as an instrument for assessing symptoms of dysphagia and also has a good positivity value towards FEES examination
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2023
UI - Tugas Akhir  Universitas Indonesia Library
Randi Dias
"Latar belakang: Disfagia merupakan salah satu tanda yang dapat menggambarkan hipofungsi oral pada lansia. Kondisi ini biasanya tidak diperhatikan dan tidak disadari oleh lanjut usia (lansia) serta keluarganya, akibatnya menyebabkan kecacatan dan kematian. Eating Assesment Tool (EAT-10) merupakan alat ukur pemeriksaan awal/skrining terhadap keluhan disfagia. Namun, alat ukur tersebut belum tersedia dalam Bahasa Indonesia. Penelitian hubungan faktor usia, jenis kelamin, pendidikan, dan jumlah penyakit sistemik terhadap disfagia pada lansia masih terbatas sehingga perlu diteliti lebih lanjut. Tujuan: Penelitian ini untuk mendapatkan EAT-10 berbahasa Indonesia (EAT-10-ID) sebagai alat skrining disfagia yang valid dan reliabel pada lansia. Selanjutnya dianalisis hubungan antara faktor sosiodemografi dan jumlah penyakit sistemik dengan disfagia serta mengetahui faktor yang paling berperan terhadap disfagia. Metode: Dilakukan adaptasi lintas budaya EAT-10 dengan metode translate-backward translate. Selanjutnya dilakukan uji validitas dan reliabilitas EAT-10-ID, dianalisis hubungan antara usia, jenis kelamin, pendidikan dan jumlah penyakit sistemik dengan disfagia serta dianalisis faktor yang paling berperan terhadap disfagia pada 121 responden laki-laki dan perempuan berusia ≥ 60 tahun yang mampu berkomunikasi secara lisan atau tulisan dengan bahasa Indonesia. Hasil: Validitas isi dan validitas muka EAT-10-ID terpenuhi dengan baik. Reliabilitas konsistensi internal baik (Cronbach's alpha=0,896) dan reliabilitas konsistensi eksternal sangat baik (ICC =0,935). Hasil uji validitas konvergen menunjukkan nilai yang baik antara EAT- 10-ID dan kualitas hidup (GOHAI) (r =-0,449; p=0,000). Selain itu, EAT-10-ID memiliki hubungan dengan 3 Oz Water Swallow Test sebagai alat ukur gejala klinis disfagia (p=0,00) yang berarti EAT-10-ID memiliki validitas konstruk yang baik dalam membedakan responden yang memiliki risiko dan tidak berisiko disfagia. Titik potong EAT-10-ID yang menunjukkan individu memiliki disfagia dengan skor 3 dengan nilai sensitivitas 94,7% dan spesifisitas 97,1%. Dari keempat variabel yang dianalisis, usia (OR=2,023) dan jumlah penyakit sistemik (OR=2,261) memiliki hubungan bermakna dengan disfagia (p ≤0,05) serta merupakan faktor yang paling berperan terhadap terjadinya disfagia Kesimpulan: EAT-10-ID merupakan alat ukur yang valid dan reliabel untuk pemeriksaan awal/skrining disfagia dengan titik potong 3. Usia dan jumlah penyakit sistemik merupakan faktor yang paling berperan terhadap terjadinya disfagia.

Introduction: Dysphagia is one of the signs that can describe oral hypofunction in the elderly. This condition is usually not noticed nor realized by the elderly and their families, resulting in disability and death. The Eating Assessment Tool (EAT- 10) is an initial examination/screening tool for dysphagia complaints. However, this measurement tool is not yet available in the Indonesian language. Studies on the relationship between age, gender, education, and the number of systemic diseases towards dysphagia in the elderly are still limited, so further research is needed. Objective: To obtain a valid and reliable EAT-10 in the Indonesian language (EAT-10-ID) as a dysphagia screening tool in the elderly and to analyze the relationship between sociodemographic factors and the number of systemic diseases with dysphagia and find out which factors contribute the most to dysphagia. Method: A cross-cultural adaptation of EAT-10-ID was carried out using the backward-translation method. The EAT-10-ID was given to 121 male and female respondents, aged ≥ 60 years who were able to communicate in Indonesian both orally and in writing in order to test for validity and reliability. Subsequently, the EAT-10-ID was analyzed for the relationship between age, sex, education, and the number of diseases with dysphagia. Moreover, factors that contributed the most to dysphagia were also analyzed. Results: The EAT-10-ID had achieved good content validity and face validity. Internal consistency reliability was good value (Cronbach's alpha=0.896) and excellent external consistency reliability (ICC =0.935). The convergent validity test showed a good value between EAT-10-ID and quality of life (GOHAI) (r = -0.449; p= 0.000). In addition, the EAT-10-ID showed a correlation with the 3 Oz Water Swallow Test as the clinical symptom measurement tool for dysphagia (p=0.000), meaning that the EAT-10-ID had a good construct in distinguishing respondents whether they risk having dysphagia or not. The EAT-10-ID cut off score of 3 which indicated an individual had dypshagia, sensitivity value of 94.7% and specificity value of 97.1%. Of the four variables analyzed, age (OR=2.023) and number of systemic diseases (OR= 2,261) had a significant relationship with dysphagia (p ≤0.05) and was the most contributing factor to dysphagia. Conclusion: The EAT-10-ID with cut off score of 3 is a valid and reliable measurement tool for the initial examination/screening of dysphagia. The age and number of systemic diseases are the factors that contribute the most to the occurrence of dysphagia."
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Gigi Universitas Indonesia, 2023
UI - Tugas Akhir  Universitas Indonesia Library
Michael Keenan Efendi
"Latar Belakang Salah satu komplikasi yang paling sering terjadi dari stroke adalah PSD (post-stroke dysphagia). Hingga saat ini, belum banyak penelitian yang dilakukan untuk membandingkan karakteristik klinis disfagia pada pasien stroke iskemik dan hemoragik dengan kuesioner EAT-10 (eating assessment test-10) dan FEES (flexible endoscopic examination of swallowing). Oleh karena itu, penelitian ini bertujuan untuk meneliti berbagai karakteristik klinis dari disfagia pada pasien stroke dengan kuesioner EAT-10 dan FEES. Metode Data rekam medis 50 pasien stroke dengan disfagia di Poli Endoskopi RSCM diambil secara konsekutif. Jenis stroke dan lesi otak dikonfirmasi dengan melihat hasil pemeriksaan radiologi (CT scan kepala). Hasil anamnesis dan pemeriksaan FEES dicatat untuk kemudian dianalisis secara statistik. Hasil Kondisi PSD lebih banyak ditemukan pada pasien lanjut usia (62%). Pasien stroke dalam studi ini paling banyak mengalami lesi pada area supratentorial, yaitu sejumlah 60%. Hasil uji statistik menunjukkan bahwa tidak terdapat perbedaan yang signifikan secara statistik dalam karakteristik disfagia pada pasien stroke iskemik dan hemoragik berdasarkan pemeriksaan fisik dan FEES (p > 0,05). Namun, terdapat perbedaan bermakna dalam skor residu pada pasien stroke dengan lesi infratentorial dan supratentorial (p = 0,034). Kesimpulan Masalah penurunan berat badan dan nyeri saat menelan paling jarang dialami pasien stroke menurut kuesioner EAT-10. Terdapat 80% pasien stroke yang mengalami kebocoran pra-menelan dan 32% pasien yang mengalami aspirasi. Tidak terdapat perbedaan bermakna pada karakteristik disfagia antara pasien stroke iskemik dan hemoragik berdasarkan kuesioner EAT-10 dan FEES. Variabel standing secretion dialami oleh 88,9% pasien stroke lesi infratentorial. Sejumlah 50% pasien stroke lesi supratentorial tidak memiliki masalah penetrasi dan aspirasi.

Introduction One of the most frequent complications of stroke is post-stroke dysphagia. There have not been many studies conducted to compare the characteristics of dysphagia in ischemic and hemorrhagic stroke patients based on EAT-10 (eating assessment test-10) and FEES (flexible endoscopic examination of swallowing). Hence, this study aims to examine various clinical characteristics of dysphagia in stroke patients based on EAT-10 and FEES. Method Medical record data of 50 stroke patients from Poli Endoskopi RSCM were collected consecutively. Stroke types and lesions were confirmed by looking at radiological examinations. The results of history taking and FEES were written down to be analyzed statistically. Results Post-stroke dysphagia occurs more often in older patients (62%). In this study, the most prevalent location of lesions in stroke patients was lesions in supratentorial area (60%). There was no significant difference in dysphagia characteristics between ischemic and hemorrhagic stroke patients based on EAT-10 and FEES (p > 0,05). However, there was a significant difference in residual scores between stroke patients with supratentorial lesions and infratentorial lesions (p = 0,034). Conclusion Weight loss and pain during swallowing were the least problems experienced by stroke patients according to the EAT-10 questionnaire. There were 80% of stroke patients who experienced pre-swallowing leakage and 32% of them experienced aspiration. There was no significant difference in dysphagia characteristics between ischemic and hemorrhagic stroke patients based on the EAT-10 questionnaire and FEES. Standing secretion was experienced by 88.9% of infratentorial lesion stroke patients. Half of supratentorial lesion stroke patients did not have penetration and aspiration."
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2024
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library