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Elizabeth Greffiana Chandra
Abstrak :
Nama : Elizabeth Greffiana ChandraNPM : 1206260330Program Studi : Profesi ApotekerJudul : Praktik Kerja Profesi di Direktorat Jenderal Kefarmasian dan Alat Kesehatan Kementerian Kesehatan Republik Indonesia Periode Bulan Mei Tahun 2017 Praktik Kerja Profesi di Direktorat Jenderal Kefarmasian dan Alat Kesehatan Kementerian Kesehatan Republik Indonesia bertujuan agar calon apoteker mampu memahami peranan, tugas dan tanggung jawab apoteker di instansi pemerintahan yaitu Direktorat Jenderal Kefarmasian dan Alat Kesehatan; memiliki pengetahuan tentang tupoksi instansi-instansi pemerintahan di bidang farmasi; memiliki wawasan, pengetahuan, keterampilan, dan pengalaman praktis melakukan pekerjaan di pemerintahan; serta memiliki gambaran nyata tentang permasalahan kefarmasian di pemerintahan. Adapun Tugas Khusus yang diberikan berjudul lsquo;Pengkajian Program Kerja Subdirektorat Analisis Farmakoekonomi Terkait Penyusunan Pedoman Teknis Analisis Farmakoekonomi di Fasilitas Kesehatan rsquo; yang bertujuan agar calon apoteker mampu mengetahui dan memahami tujuan pembuatan Pedoman Teknis Analisis Farmakoekonomi di Fasilitas Kesehatan serta menganalisis kesesuaian antara program kerja Pembuatan Pedoman Teknis Analisis Farmakoekonomi di Fasilitas Kesehatan ini dengan tugas pokok dan fungsi Subdirektorat Analisis Farmakoekonomi. Kata Kunci : Apoteker, Direktorat Jenderal Kefarmasian dan Alat Kesehatan, Kemenkes RI, Analisis Farmakoekonomi, Praktik KerjaTugas Umum : x 39 halaman 8 lampiran Tugas Khusus : iv 13 halaman 1 gambar, 1 tabel Daftar Acuan Tugas Umum : 2 2015 ndash; 2017 Daftar Acuan Tugas Khusus : 4 2015 ndash; 2017
Name Elizabeth Greffiana ChandraNPM 1206260330Study Program Apothecary ProfessionTitle Internship at Directorate General of Pharmaceutical and Medical Devices The Ministry of Health Republic of Indonesia Month Period May 2017 Profession Internship at Directorate General of Pharmaceutical and Medical Devices The Ministry of Health Republic of Indonesia aims for pharmacy student to understand the role, duties and responsibilities of pharmacists in government institution, especially Directorate General of Pharmaceutical and Medical Devices have knowledge about government task and function in pharmacy field have the insight, knowledge, skills, and practical experience of working in government institutions and has a real picture of pharmaceutical problems in the government institutions. The Special Task entitled lsquo Pengkajian Program Kerja Subdirektorat Analisis Farmakoekonomi Terkait Penyusunan Pedoman Teknis Analisis Farmakoekonomi di Fasilitas Kesehatan rsquo aims for pharmacy student to know and understand the purpose of making Technical Guidance of Pharmacoeconomics Analysis in Health Facility as well as to analyze suitability between this work program of making Technical Guideline of Pharmacoeconomics Analysis at Health Facility with the main task and function of Sub Directorate of Pharmacoeconomics Analysis. Keywords Pharmacist, Directorate General of Pharmaceutical and Medical Devices, The Ministry of Health Republic of Indonesia, Pharmacoeconomic Analysis, InternshipGeneral Assignment x 39 pages 8 appendices Specific Assignment iv 13 pages 1 pictures, 1 tables Bibliography of General Assignment 2 2015 ndash 2017 Bibliography of Specific Assignment 4 2015 ndash 2017
Depok: Fakultas Farmasi Universitas Indonesia, 2017
UI - Tugas Akhir  Universitas Indonesia Library
Intan Arafah
Abstrak :
Pelaksanaan Praktek Kerja Profesi Apoteker di Direktorat Jenderal Kefarmasian dan Alat Kesehatan Kementerian Kesehatan bertujuan untuk memahami peranan, tugas, dan tanggung jawab apoteker di pemerintahan terutama pada Direktorat Penilaian Alat Kesehatan dan PKRT. Pada Direktorat Penilaian Alat Kesehatan dan PKRT memiliki tugas melaksanakan perumusan dan pelaksanaan kebijakan, penyusunan norma, standar, prosedur, dan kriteria, dan pemberian bimbingan teknis dan supervise, serta pemantauan, evaluasi, dan pelaporan di bidang penilaian alat kesehatan dan perbekalan kesehatan rumah tangga sesuai dengan ketentuan peraturan perundang-undangan. Jenis pelayanan publik yang dilakukan di Direktorat Penilaian Alat Kesehatan dan PKRT adalah Surat Keterangan dan Registrasi Alat Kesehatan, Produk Diagnostik Invitro dan PKRT.
The implementation of the Pharmacist Profession Practices in the Directorate General of Pharmaceutical and Medical Devices of the Ministry of Health aims to understand the role, duties and responsibilities of pharmacists in government, especially in the Directorate of Health Device Assessment and PKRT. In the Directorate of Health Device Assessment and PKRT has the duty to carry out the formulation and implementation of policies, the compilation of norms, standards, procedures, and criteria, and the provision of technical guidance and supervision, as well as monitoring, evaluation and reporting in the field of assessment of health equipment and household health supplies with the provisions of legislation. Types of public services conducted in the Directorate of Health Device Assessment and PKRT are Certificate and Registration of Medical Devices, Invitro Diagnostic Products and PKRT.
UI - Tugas Akhir  Universitas Indonesia Library
Dian Apriyani
Abstrak :
Praktik kerja profesi di Direktorat Jenderal Kefarmasian dan Alat Kesehatan Kementerian Kesehatan RI Periode Bulan Oktober Tahun 2017 bertujuan untuk memahami tugas dan tanggung jawab apoteker di Direktorat Jenderal Kefarmasian dan Alat Kesehatan, memiliki wawasan, pengetahuan, keterampilan dan pengalaman praktis untuk melakukan praktek kefarmasian di lembaga pemerintahan, memiliki gambaran nyata tentang permasalahan praktek kefarmasian di lembaga pemerintahan seperti Direktorat Jenderal Kefarmasian dan Alat Kesehatan, khususnya di Direktorat Pelayanan Kefarmasian. Praktek kerja profesi dilakukan selama dua minggu dengan tugas khusus yaitu ldquo;Evaluasi Penggunaan Obat di Empat Rumah Sakit Umum Daerah RSUD Wilayah Indonesia Tengah Tahun 2014-2017 rdquo;. Tujuan dari tugas khusus ini untuk mengetahui kesesuaian penggunaan obat di empat rumah sakit umum daerah wilayah Indonesia Tengah dengan Formularium Nasional dan mengetahu kelas terapi dan obat apa yang sering digunakan yang tidak sesuai Formularium Nasional.
Internship at Directorate of Pharmaceutical Services Directorate General of Pharmaceutical and Medical Devices Ministry Month Period October 2017 aims to understand the duties and responsibilities of pharmacists in government institutions of the Directorate of Pharmaceutical Services Directorate General of Pharmaceutical and Medical Devices Ministry, having the insight, knowledge, skills and practical experience to undertake pharmaceutical practice Government agencies, can also have the insight of pharmaceutical practice issues in government institutions such as Directorate of Pharmaceutical Services Directorate General of Pharmaceutical and Medical Devices Ministry, particularly in the Directorate of Services pharmacy. Practice professional work in Directorate of Services pharmacy conducted for two weeks with a special assignment is the evaluation of mediaction appliance in four public hospitals in Central Indonesia 2014-2017. This particular project aims at revealing the compatibility of medication aplliance in those hospitals with National Formulary Formularium Nasional and understanding what therapy and medication often used that do not meet the National Formulary.
UI - Tugas Akhir  Universitas Indonesia Library
Hilda Nur Aziza
Abstrak :
Praktik Kerja Profesi di Direktorat Jenderal Kefarmasian dan Alat Kesehatan Kementerian Kesehatan Republik Indonesia Periode Bulan April bertujuan untuk Memiliki pengetahuan mengenai tugas, pokok dan fungsi Apoteker dalam melaksanakan pekerjaan kefarmasian di instansi pemerintahan khususnya di Direktorat Produksi dan Distribusi Kefarmasian sesuai dengan ketentuan perundang-undangan. Direktorat Produksi dan Distribusi Kefarmasian memiliki tugas melaksananakan perumusan dan pelaksanaan kebijakan, penyusunan norma, standar, prosedur, dan kriteria, dan pemberian bimbingan teknis dan supervisi, serta pemantauan, evaluasi, dan pelaporan di bidang produksi dan distribusi kefarmasian. Direktorat Produksi dan Distribusi Kefarmasian melaksanakan beberapa fungsi di bidang produksi dan distribusi obat, obat tradisional, kosmetik, narkotika, psikotropika, prekursor farmasi, kemandirian obat dan bahan baku sediaan farmasi, dan pengamanan pangan dalam upaya kesehatan. Praktik Kerja ini dilaksanakan selama dua minggu dengan tugas khusus yang berjudul ldquo;Pengaturan Regulasi New Psychoactive Substances Di Indonesia Dan Asia Timur tujuan dari tugas khusus ini adalah untuk mengetahui peraturan hukum mengenai NPS di indonesia dan membandingkan regulasi NPS di Indonesia dengan Negara lain yaitu Jepang, Korea Selatan, Cina, Taiwan. ...... Internship at Internship at Directorate General of Pharmaceutical and Medical Devices Ministry of Health Republic of Indonesia aims to understand of the main tasks and functions of pharmacists in performing pharmaceutical practice in government ministry, especially in the Directorate of Pharmaceutical Production and Distribution in accordance with applicable laws and ethics, The Directorate of Pharmaceutical Production and Distribution has the task of carrying out policies, drafted norms, standards, procedures, and criteria, and provided technical guidance and supervision, as well as monitored, evaluation and reported in the field of pharmaceutical production and distribution. The Directorate of Pharmaceutical Production and Distribution performed several functions in the field of production and distribution of drugs, traditional medicine, cosmetics, narcotics, psychotropic substances, pharmaceutical precursors, independence of drug and pharmaceutical raw materials, and heath effort in food safety. This internship was conducted for two weeks with special assignment entitled Regulation of New Psychoactive Substances Regulation In Indonesia and East Asia rdquo; the purpose of this assignment was to understand the implementation legal regulations regarding laws about NPS in Indonesia and compared the regulation and substance act with different country such as Japan, Korea South, China, Taiwan.
Depok: Fakultas Farmasi Universitas Indonesia, 2018
UI - Tugas Akhir  Universitas Indonesia Library