Mohammad Airul Mutaqin
Abstrak :
Berdasarkan PERMEN 22/2011, pemerintah telah menetapkan jumlah
penyelenggara multipleksing sebanyak 6 LPM (Lembaga Penyelenggara
Multipleksing) untuk setiap zonanya dengan total jumlah kanal yang dapat
diakomodasi kurang lebih sebesar 72 slot. Namun, pada kenyataannya
pendudukan kanal penyelenggara multipleksing oleh LPS (Lembaga Penyiaran
Swasta) saat ini jauh dari optimal. Pendudukan kanal LPM , masih ditempati oleh
LPS yang masih memiliki afiliasi dengan dengan penyelenggara multipleksing.
Di samping itu, adanya gugatan dari Asosiasi TV Lokal Indonesia. Komunitas ini
memandang Permen Kominfo No. 22/2011 hanya melanjutkan sistem penyiaran
(digital) yang monopolistis, Jakarta sentries dan jauh dari kepentingan rakyat
Indonesia secara umum.
Dengan mengambil sampel kota penelitian untuk luar wilayah, yang tidak
menjadi sengketa oleh ATVLI dan MA di atas. Penelitian ini menganalisis
kelayakan percepatan analog switch-off untuk sampel kota Makassar, Ambon dan
Sorong dengan memanfaatkan BHP penggunaan frekuensi Digital Dividend di
wilayah tersebut untuk membantu biaya-biaya yang dibutuhkan dalam
penyelenggaraan mux.
Adapun skenario dalam penelitian ini adalah membandingkan penentuan jumlah
penyelenggara multipleksing sesuai dengan PERMEN 22/2011 dengan jumlah
penyelenggara multipleksing berdasarkan jumlah IPP (Izin Penyelenggaraan
Penyiaran) yang aktif di wilayah kota Makassar, kota Ambon dan kota Sorong.
Ditemukenali dalam penelitian ini, bahwa percepatan analog switch-off yang
dilakukan oleh pemerintah dengan penetapan jumlah multipleksing berdasarkan
jumlah IPP aktif lebih layak dari pada penetapan jumlah multipleksing
berdasarkan PERMEN 22/2011.
Based on the Ministry Regulation Number 22 / 2011, the government has
regulated on multiplexing providers for 6 LPM (Providers of Multiplexing) every
zone, and total accommodated channel are approximately 72 slots. However, in
fact, currently channel occupation for multiplexing providers by LPS (Private
Broadcasting Institution) is less than its optimum level. LPM?s channel
occupation is still occupied by LPS that affiliated with LPM.
Nevertheless, there are some lawsuits from Indonesia Local Television
Association (ATVLI) that regards the Ministry Regulation Number 22 / 2011 is
only to continue monopolistic digital broadcasting systems, to be centered in
Jakarta and no regards to the interests of Indonesia people in general.
This research conducted to analyze the analogue switch-off acceleration using
sampling from municipal city that?s not contrained by law, by involving Digital
Dividend Spectrum fee to reduce cost/expenses of the implementation mux.
Scenario of this study is to compare the regulation of multiplexing providers that
based on active broadcasting licenses (IPP) in Makassar, Ambon and Sorong. It
is found in this study that analog switch-off acceleration that conducted by the
government with multiplexing regulation that based on active IPPs shall be more
feasible than to regulate multiplexing that based on the Ministry Regulation
Number 22 / 2011.;Based on the Ministry Regulation Number 22 / 2011, the government has
regulated on multiplexing providers for 6 LPM (Providers of Multiplexing) every
zone, and total accommodated channel are approximately 72 slots. However, in
fact, currently channel occupation for multiplexing providers by LPS (Private
Broadcasting Institution) is less than its optimum level. LPM?s channel
occupation is still occupied by LPS that affiliated with LPM.
Nevertheless, there are some lawsuits from Indonesia Local Television
Association (ATVLI) that regards the Ministry Regulation Number 22 / 2011 is
only to continue monopolistic digital broadcasting systems, to be centered in
Jakarta and no regards to the interests of Indonesia people in general.
This research conducted to analyze the analogue switch-off acceleration using
sampling from municipal city that?s not contrained by law, by involving Digital
Dividend Spectrum fee to reduce cost/expenses of the implementation mux.
Scenario of this study is to compare the regulation of multiplexing providers that
based on active broadcasting licenses (IPP) in Makassar, Ambon and Sorong. It
is found in this study that analog switch-off acceleration that conducted by the
government with multiplexing regulation that based on active IPPs shall be more
feasible than to regulate multiplexing that based on the Ministry Regulation
Number 22 / 2011.;Based on the Ministry Regulation Number 22 / 2011, the government has
regulated on multiplexing providers for 6 LPM (Providers of Multiplexing) every
zone, and total accommodated channel are approximately 72 slots. However, in
fact, currently channel occupation for multiplexing providers by LPS (Private
Broadcasting Institution) is less than its optimum level. LPM?s channel
occupation is still occupied by LPS that affiliated with LPM.
Nevertheless, there are some lawsuits from Indonesia Local Television
Association (ATVLI) that regards the Ministry Regulation Number 22 / 2011 is
only to continue monopolistic digital broadcasting systems, to be centered in
Jakarta and no regards to the interests of Indonesia people in general.
This research conducted to analyze the analogue switch-off acceleration using
sampling from municipal city that?s not contrained by law, by involving Digital
Dividend Spectrum fee to reduce cost/expenses of the implementation mux.
Scenario of this study is to compare the regulation of multiplexing providers that
based on active broadcasting licenses (IPP) in Makassar, Ambon and Sorong. It
is found in this study that analog switch-off acceleration that conducted by the
government with multiplexing regulation that based on active IPPs shall be more
feasible than to regulate multiplexing that based on the Ministry Regulation
Number 22 / 2011., Based on the Ministry Regulation Number 22 / 2011, the government has
regulated on multiplexing providers for 6 LPM (Providers of Multiplexing) every
zone, and total accommodated channel are approximately 72 slots. However, in
fact, currently channel occupation for multiplexing providers by LPS (Private
Broadcasting Institution) is less than its optimum level. LPM’s channel
occupation is still occupied by LPS that affiliated with LPM.
Nevertheless, there are some lawsuits from Indonesia Local Television
Association (ATVLI) that regards the Ministry Regulation Number 22 / 2011 is
only to continue monopolistic digital broadcasting systems, to be centered in
Jakarta and no regards to the interests of Indonesia people in general.
This research conducted to analyze the analogue switch-off acceleration using
sampling from municipal city that’s not contrained by law, by involving Digital
Dividend Spectrum fee to reduce cost/expenses of the implementation mux.
Scenario of this study is to compare the regulation of multiplexing providers that
based on active broadcasting licenses (IPP) in Makassar, Ambon and Sorong. It
is found in this study that analog switch-off acceleration that conducted by the
government with multiplexing regulation that based on active IPPs shall be more
feasible than to regulate multiplexing that based on the Ministry Regulation
Number 22 / 2011.]
UI - Tesis Membership Universitas Indonesia Library