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Fiqru Mafar
Abstrak :
Technology advancement has created a new form of library which is the digital library. Currently many library organizers are competing with each other in developing digital library. The development has raised new issues on library fields. Those issues are related to digital preservation, copyrights, plagiarism and human resources. The issues have also brought out the needs of breaking strategies to be implemented in the real world. Through this paper, writer intends to discuss about strategies that can be used in handling issues related to development of digital library. The writer hopes that the strategies can be implemented in organizing digital library.
Jakarta: Pusat Jasa Perpustakaan dan Informasi, 2012
020 VIS 14:1 (2012)
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Made Handijaya Dewantara
Abstrak :
ABSTRAK Gorontalo could be one of the leading tourist destinations in Sulawesi island (popular known as Celebes). This province has a very interesting regional topography because it is flanked by two seas that are quite rich in marine biodiversity life, in north and south. there are developing their tourism industry such as destination branding, environmental issues, human resouces, synergy among its stakeholders, and demand from millenial tourist. The existence of the tourism industry in Gorontalo is quiete improved, at least when viewed from of tourist who visit this place last year, espicially domestic tourist to visit this destination and the level of internationaln tourist growth. By looking at the theory of tourism development phase of a destination, the position of Gorontalo province is currently at the earliest phase, called exploration. Nevertheless, Gorontalo benefited from unique characteristics including the tepography of this province is currently at the earliest phase, called exploration. Nevertheless, Gorontalo benefited from unique characteristics including the tepography of this province which could make it as The Heart of Celebes. For destination development, the Gorontalo goverment should focus on destination development strategies, which are usually supported by elementsof 5A including attractions, accesbility, accomodation, amenities, and activities.
Jakarta: The Ary Suta Center, 2019
330 ASCSM 47 (2019)
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Ari Tihar
Abstrak :
Penelitian ini ditujukan untuk melakukan identifikasi terhadap sumber-sumber potensi kegagalan produksi budidaya perikanan kerambajaring apung, langkah dan kebijakan strategis yang relevan dan kompatibel dalam menghadapi resiko, serta pilihan alternatif strategi pengembangan bisnis kedepan. Obyek penelitian adalah industri perikanan yaitu budidaya keramba jaring dengan batasan ruang lingkup lingkungan bisnis waduk Jatiluhur dan aspek ekonomis, dengan data yang dianalisis meliputi semua data dan informasi industri terkait. Sebagai penelitian kualitatif, metode analisis yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini meliputi analisis struktur industri, SWOT analysis, serta analisis identifikasi strategi. Hasil yang diperoleh pada penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa terdapat beberapa penyebab spesifik menyangkut kegagalan produksi diantaranya adalah manajemen produksi yang cenderung over eksploitaton, kerusakan lahan dan produksi sebagai akibat faktor teknis akumulasi pencemaran. Sementara itu, hasil analisis juga merekomendasikan alternatif strategi diferensiasi dan pembentukan wadah organisasi secara formal sebagai pilihan aplikatif dalam melakukan pengembangan bisnis, juga sebagai instrumen strategis unluk menghadapi ancaman kegagalan produksi. Sasaran yang bisa dicapai dari implementasi strategi ini terutama menyangkut peningkalan fleksibilitas dan efisiensi usaha, sumber pemodalan dan arus informasi lebih memadai, target pasar yang lebih ekstensif dan konsisten, serta merjin keuntungan yang sustainable. ......This research's objectives were to identify some of potential source of misproduction, someof relevan and compatible strategic decisions facing such risks arised, and also alternative strategic option of onwards business development. The object of this research was the industry of cultivation of dragnet fishpond in Jatiluhur, limited on bisnis circles and economical aspect. As a qualitative research, the methods of analysis used including analysis of the structure of the industry, SWOT analysis, and observation methods on strategy which used. The results exsposed that there were some of specific causes regarding misproduction, which were over exploitation management of production, physical damage caused by highly acumulative of pollution. Besides, the result of analysis has recommended of implementing of strategy of differentiation and formed formal organisation as aplicative option onwards business development, as also strategic instrument to facing misproduction. The goals could be reached by implementing this kind of strategy were involved on increasing business flexibility and eficiency, source of capital and information that would be more sufficient, more ex1ensive and consistent on target of market, and more highly sustainable margin of return/profit.
Jakarta: Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Indonesia, 2009
T 27044
UI - Tesis Open  Universitas Indonesia Library
Risanda A. Budiantoro
Abstrak :
In business practices, micro and small businesses SMEs have several internal and external problems, such as difficulties in capital. These problems also occur in SMEs in Mojokerto. To solve this SME problem, several stakeholders in Mojokerto collaborated to create a Sharia Financing Program PUSYAR on the basis of a Murabahah contract. The implementation of this program has been running for approximately five years, since the memorandum of understanding was signed by the Badan Amil Zakat Nasional Kota Mojokerto, PT. BPRS Kota Mojokerto, Dinas Koperasi Perindustrian dan Perdagangan Diskoperindag dan Masyarakat Ekonomi Syariah MES in 2013. During this time, the amount of budgetallocation and realization, and the number of beneficiaries of the PUSYAR program has increased, so basically the PUSYAR financing program is needed by SMEs to survive the existing business competition. The renewal of this study, describes the PUSYAR program model as a whole and formulates a development strategy by strengthening the roles and responsibilities of the stakeholders involved. Therefore, the aim of this study will be to examine more deeply in formulating the right development strategy of the SME empowerment program through the PUSYAR financing program, so that the usefulness of this program can increase. The hope of the study result can be used as a reference for other local governments or the central government to apply this PUSYAR program in the future.
Jakarta: Kementerian PPN/Bappenas, 2019
330 BAP 2:1 (2019)
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Zulfia Hanum Alfi Syahr
Abstrak :
Research and development center (here refers to as Puslitbang) of the Supreme Court has an important role in the development process of law and justice in Indonesia. Puslitbang must be able to support the Supreme Court's vision to create a great judicial firm. However, activities of Puslitbang of the Supreme Court are still limited to the implementation of research and review of certain topics. Whereas, Puslitbang has so many assignments beside doing research and review, which is described in Chief of the Supreme Court Decree Number: 140/KMA, SK/X/2008 on Guidance for Management and Implementation of Research, Development, Education, and Training. The other assignment of Puslitbang include: feasibility of the policy plan and carry out activities in developing models/legal and judicial products. So, it can be said that Puslitbang has not performed its full functions as described in Chief of the Supreme Court Decree Number: 140/KMA, SK/X/2008. The purpose of this study is to determine the strategy to improve the functions of Puslitbang of Supreme Court. This paper used descriptive-quantitative research with Quantitative Strategic Planning Matrix (QSPM) method. The first step of this method is determining the internal and external factors affecting the management of Puslitbang and then analyzing them using SWOT and QSPM. The results show that the strategy that obtains the highest score is organizing discussion forums with external and internal institutions. On the other hand, the strategy which obtains the lowest score is the leader's role in determining policy by considering the needs of Puslitbang. The conclusion of this research is the QSPM method provides 4 best strategies for enhancing the function of Puslitbang. The strategies are: creating a discussion forum with internal and external institutions, budget flexibility, developing Puslitbang Human Resources, and preparing activities in accordance with the capacity of puslitbang resources.
Jakarta: Research and Development Agency Ministry of Home Affairs, 2018
351 JBP 10:2 (2018)
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Abstrak :
Industri maritim/perkapalan yang maju, yang mampu mendukung dan meningkatkan armada lautnya perlu dimiliki oleh Indonesia guna mewujudkan Wawasan Nusantara. dan pembanguian Nasional sejalan dengan perkembangan perekonomian Indonesia untuk menghadapi kawasan perdagangan bebas ASEAN (AFTA - 2003). Kapal laut sebagai salah satu produk industri maritim merupakan prasarana perhubungan laut, baik dari jenis kapal niaga untuk mengangkut barang - barang perdagangan maupun kapal perang untuk mengamankan wilayah dan hasil-hasil pembangunan. Dengan demikian bagi Indonesia industri maritim merupakan kunci keberhasilan pertumbuhan ekonomi, mengingat letak geografis yang terdiri dari pulau-pulau, sehingga perlu untuk dikembangkan. Pengembangan industri maritim selain mencakup kualitas, kuantitas dan SDM juga pengembangan teknologi canggih untuk keperluan komunikasi, pendeteksian (Radar) dan operasionalnya. Untuk mewujudkan maksud tersebut Pemerintah menunjuk PT.XYZ Indonesia Persero (Perusahaan manufacturing-BUMNIS) sebagai wahana pengemban misi Nasional dengan tetap mempertahankan aspek bisnis. Tetapi dengan perekonomian dunia yang semakin global, mampukah PT. XYZ Indonesia bersaing dengan Negara lain?. Berdasar ulasan ini, penelitian kesiapan PT. XYZ Indonesia mengemban misi dikaitkan dengan kawasan perdagangan bebas ASEAN-2003, menjadi inti penulisan Tesis ini. Pendekatan teoritis dengan matriks SWOT dan strategi bersaingnya "Michael E. Porter" . merupakan kunci utama dalam analisis ini. Sedang posisi strategi PT. XYZ Indonesia - ditentukan dari hasil analisis kekuatan/peluang dan kelemahan/ancaman baik yang berada didalam maupun diluar perusahan, yang secara matriks SWOT posisinya berada pada kwadran III (Survival). Sehingga untuk menghadapi perdagangan bebas Internasional dapat ditentukan perkembangannya. Strategi pengembangan tersebut sangat mempengaruhi keberhasilan perusahaan dalam menghadapi era globalisasi, namun demikian kebijakan Pemerintah yang menitipkan misinya di BUMNIS ini sangat menentukan kelangsungan hidup dan pengembangannya.
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Indonesia, 1997
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Suryat Dedie Susena
Abstrak :
Tujuan tesis ini dilakukan untuk mengetahui strategi pengembangan SDM Kelautan dan Perikanan. Penelitian ini adalah penelitian kualitatif dengan analisis menggunakan EFAS, IFAS serta SWOT. Pendekatan tersebut akan dipergunakan untuk mengidentifikasi berbagai faktor secara sistematis, merumuskan strategi, dan selanjutnya dibuatkan program pengembangan untuk direkomendasikan sebagai perbaikan. Hasil dari penelitian ini adalah Strategi SO sebesar 3.85, Strategi WO sebesar 3.15, Strategi ST sebesar 2.27, Strategi WT sebesar 1.57. Strategi yang dipilih adalah strategi SO sebesar 3.85, yaitu strategi yang memanfaatkan kekuatan (strength) yang ada untuk menangkap atau mengoptimalkan faktor peluang (opportunity). Alternatif strategi SO terdiri dari pengembangan kapasitas SDM KP baik kualitas maupun kuantitas melalui sinergitas pendidikan, pelatihan dan penyuluhan (diklatluh); Memanfaatkan teknologi tinggi dan informasi dalam pengembangan industrialisasi untuk peluang investasi (pemanfaatan potensi); Meningkatkan jaringan kerja (networking) dengan lembaga terkait. Dari ketiga komponen alternatif strategi pengembangan sumber daya manusia kelautan dan perikanan tersebut perlu adanya suatu revitalisasi pengembangan sumber daya manusia KP. Sementara untuk positioning matrik berada pada kuadran 1, strategi yang harus diterapkan dalam kondisi ini adalah mendukung kebijakan pertumbuhan yang agresif (Growth oriented strategy). ...... The aims of this thesis conducted to determine the human resources development strategies Maritime Affairs and Fisheries. This research is a qualitative analysis using EFAS, IFAS and SWOT. The approach will be used to identify the various factors in a systematic, formulate a strategy, and then made a development program for the recommended improvements. The results of this study were 3.85 for SO Strategies, 3.15 for WO Strategies, 2.27 for ST Strategies, 1.57 for WT Strategies. The strategy chosen was 3.85 for SO strategy, a strategy that harnesses the power (strength) are there to capture or optimize the opportunity factor (opportunity). An alternative strategy consists of capacity building both quality and quantity through the synergy of education, training and extension (diklatluh); Utilizing high technology and information in the development of industrialization for investment opportunities (utilization of); improve networking (networking) with the relevant authorities. Of the three components of an alternative strategy of human resource development and marine fisheries need for a revitalization of KP human resource development. As for positioning matrix is in quadrant 1, the strategy should be applied in this condition is to support aggressive growth policy (Growth oriented strategy).
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Indonesia, 2013
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Abstrak :
Banda's nutmeg oil is one of the moluccas export commodities beside seeds and mace. Nutmeg oil is produced by steam distilation of the dried seeds that do not fulfill export quality...
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Sitti Raodah Garuda
Abstrak :
Kedelai adalah salah satu tanaman pangan strategis dan penting di Indonesia. Komoditas ini digunakan untuk bahan pangan, pakan ternak, dan berbagai produk industri. Papua memiliki potensi untuk pengembangan kedelai karena didukung oleh lahan dengan luas mencapai 2,75 juta ha yang tersebar di sentra pengembangan kedelai, yaitu Kabupaten Keerom, Nabire, Jayapura, Merauke, dan Sarmi. Selain lahan yang cukup luas, teknologi budi daya spesifik lokasi juga sudah tersedia untuk dikembangkan di Papua. Pengembangan kedelai di Papua memerlukan dukungan kebijakan pemerintah, baik di tingkat pusat maupun daerah. Kebijakan yang diperlukan antara lain berupa program dan insentif bagi petani kedelai agar mereka berpartisipasi penuh menerapkan teknologi yang telah dihasilkan melalui penelitian. Kebijakan lainnya dalah mendorong BUMN, swasta, dan koperasi untuk mengembangkan agroindustri di Papua. Keterpaduan program pemerintah pusat dan daerah diharapkan dapat mendorong minat petani mengembangkan kedelai sebagai tanaman prioritas. Penyediaan sarana produksi, pengembangan pasar, dan harga yang layak bagi petani mutlak diperlukan untuk menjamin keberlanjutan produksi kedelai di Papua.
Jakarta: Badan Penelitian dan Pengembangan Pertanian, 2017
630 JPPP 36:1 (2017)
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Abstrak :
Menghadapi tuntutan dan kebutuhan masyarakat yang semakin kompleks serta kritis sudah selayaknya Akpernes Jakarta membekali diri dengan melaksanakan suatu perencanaan strategis yang tertuang dalam perencanaan strategik Akpernes Jakarta tahun 2001-2005. Perencanaan strategik Akpernes Jakarta disusun dengan menggunakan metode penelitian operational (operational research) dengan pendekatan kualitatif dan kuantitatif. Input Stage adalah tahap pertama dari perencanaan strategik yaitu melakukan evaluasi faktor eksternal dan evaluasi faktor internal organisasi Akpernes yang dilakukan oleh Consensus Decision Making Group (CDMG). Anggota CDMG terdiri dari Pelaksana Harian Direktur (PLH), pembantu direktur (Pudir) I , Pudir II, sub bagian Administrasi umum, sub bagian Administrasi Akademi dan kemahasiswaan serta 2 (dua) orang dosen senior. Tahap kedua adalah melakukan matching antara metode Internal-External Matrix (IE-Matrix) dan TOWS Matrix, sedangkan tahap ke tiga melakukan pilihan strategi terbaik dengan menggunakan Quantitative Strategic Planning Matrix (QPSM). Analisis dengan IE Matrix memperlihatkan Akpernes Jakarta berada pada posisi kuadran V yang berarti direkomendasikan untuk menerapkan strategi memelihara dan mempertahankan (Hold and Maintain) dengan strategi Market Penetration dan Product Development. Mempergunakan TOWS matrix Akpernes Jakarta berada pada posisi kuadran II yakni internal fix it quadrant yang berarti menerapkan strategi product development dan market development. Setelah memperhitungkan hasil yang di dapat dengan IE matrix dan TOWS matrix maka Akpernes Jakarta akan mempergunakan strategi Product Development, dalam menjalankan pendidikan Akpernes di masa mendatang. Saran yang dapat penulis kemukakan agar tetap seiring dengan visi, misi dan tujuan jangka panjang yang telah ditetapkan maka dalam perencanaan strategi perlu dilakukan sosialisasi, pemantauan dan evaluasi secara berkala.
Strategic Planning of Academic of Nursing (Anesthesia Program) at Jalan Kimia 22- 24 Central Jakarta Year 2002 - 2005Facing the society demand and necessity which is getting complex and critically it is only necessary that Akpernes Jakarta supplies itself by implementing certain strategic steps in Strategic Planning of Akpernes Jakarta of the year 2002 - 2005. Strategic planning of Akpernes Jakarta is developed by using operational research method with both qualitative and quantitative approaches. Input stage which is the first stage of strategic planning is making evaluation of internal and external factors of Akpermes organization. The evaluation is done by Consensus Decision Making Group (CDMG). The member of CDMG consist of Chief Operational Officer, First Assistant to the Director, Second Assistant to the Director, Sub division of General Administration, Sub division of Academic Administration and University Student Affair and also two University level instructors. IE Matrix analysis shows that Akpernes Jakarta is on quadrant V position. It means that Akpernes Jakarta is recommended to apply bold and maintain strategy with market penetration and product development strategies. With TOWS matrix analysis shows that Akpernes Jakarta is on quadrant II position namely Internal fix it quadrant, which means to accommodate product development and market development strategies. After calculating IE matrix and TOWS matrix result, Akpernes Jakarta will make Product Development strategies in performing Akpernes education in the next future. It is suggested after that after the planning process, it is needed to conduct socialization, monitoring, and evaluation in order to implement the strategic plan with the perspective of its vision, mission and long term goal that has been committed before.
Depok: Universitas Indonesia, 2001
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
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