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Abstrak :
Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian kuantitatif yang menggunakan desain cross sectional dan bertujuan untuk mengetahui faktor-faktor yang berhubungan dengan rasio total kolesterol/K-HDL dan rasio K-LDL/K-HDL. Penelitian ini memanfaatkan data penelitian Strategi Nasional yang dilakukan Sartika (2010) mengenai Faktor Resiko Dislipidemia pada Dewasa Urban (Kota Depok, Jawa Barat) dan Dewasa Rural (Kecamatan Rumbia, Kabupaten Lampung Tengah). Populasi penelitian ini adalah semua orang dewasa laki-laki maupun perempuan yang berusia 35-60 tahun yang menetap/tinggal di wilayah rural. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan 27,3% responden memiliki rasio total kolesterol/K-HDL yang tinggi dan 13,1% responden memiliki rasio K-LDL/K-HDL yang tinggi. Hasil analisis bivariat menunjukkan bahwa terdapat hubungan yang bermakna antara Indeks Massa Tubuh (IMT) dengan rasio total kolesterol/K-HDL dan rasio KLDL/K-HDL. Hasil analisis multivariat menunjukan bahwa tingkat stress, pengetahuan, sikap, asupan protein, asupan lemak, asupan sayuran hijau, gula darah puasa dan IMT secara signifikan dapat memprediksi rasio total kolesterol/K-HDL. Hasil analisis multivariat juga menunjukan bahwa asupan sayuran hijau, gula darah puasa, dan IMT secara signifikan dapat memprediksi rasio K-LDL/K-HDL. Peneliti menyarankan kepada petugas kesehatan setempat melakukan pengecekan profil lipid darah secara rutin dan membuat program KIE sehingga dapat menambah wawasan mengenai faktor resiko terjadinya dislipidemia.
This study is a quantitative study using cross sectional design and aims to determine the factors related to ratio of total cholesterol / HDL ratio and KLDL/ K-HDL. The study relied on National Strategy data conducted by Sartika (2010) on Risk Factors for Dyslipidemia in Adults Urban (City of Depok, West Java) and Adult Rural (District thatch, Central Lampung regency). This study population is all adult men and women aged 35-60 years who lived / live in rural areas. The results showed 27.3% of respondents have a ratio of total cholesterol / HDL high-K and 13.1% of respondents have a high ratio K-LDL/K-HDL. The results of bivariate analysis showed that there was a significant association between body mass index (BMI) with the ratio of total cholesterol / HDL ratio and K-K-LDL/K-HDL. The results of multivariate analysis showed that levels of stress, knowledge, attitudes, intake of protein, fat intake, intake of green vegetables, fasting blood sugar and BMI significantly predicted the ratio of total cholesterol / HDL-C. The results of multivariate analysis also showed that intake of green vegetables, fasting blood glucose, and BMI significantly predicted KLDL/K-HDL ratio. Researchers suggested that local health officers to check the blood lipid profile regularly and make IEC program that can add insight into the risk factors of dyslipidemia.
Depok: Fakultas Kesehatan Masyarakat Universitas Indonesia, 2012
UI - Skripsi Open  Universitas Indonesia Library
Abstrak :
Bahan polimer, termasuk High Density Polyethylene- HDPE, telah digunakan secara intensif untuk berbagi penggunaan rekayasa seperti krat botol, tempat abu rokok dan dinding pipa. Sifat-sifat mekanik dari yang lunak sampai yang keras dan getas dapat dijumpai pada bahan-bahan plastik, Dibawah pengaruh beban konstan, bahan-bahan plastik akan memperlihatkan kinerja yang berbeda disebabkan oleh deformasi yang terjadi sesuai dengan waktu. Oleh sebab itu konsep bahwa bahan plasik mempunyai modulus konstan dan batas tegangan konstan tidak berlaku lagi. Tesis ini melaporkan karakteristik bahan polimer padat HDPE yang diperoleh dari uji tank dan uji indentasi. Uji indentasi berupa uji makroindentasi menggunakan indenter bola baja dan uji mikroindentasi menggunakan perlatan UMIS®. Uji tank dilakukan dengan mengacu pada standar ASTM dan RS sedangkan uji makroindentasi menggunakan bola baja dilakukan sedemikian rupa sehingga sesuai dengan prosedur pelaksanaan peralatan UMIS®. Temperatur dipertahankan konstan selama pengujian berlangsung. Karakteristik spesimen HDPE dapat dikenali dengan mengamati respon mulur sampel tersebut selama pengujian berlangsung. Persamaan-persamaan konstitutif yang diperoleh dan model-model mekanik, berupa kombinasi pegas Hooke dan peredam Newton dalam berbagai konfigurasi, digunakan untuk memplotkan kurva model pada kurva mulur. Penerapan curve fitting menunjukkan bahwa model mekanik dengan empat elemen liner memberikan basil yang lebih baik dibandingkan model dengan tiga elemen linier. Pengamatan lebih lanjut memperlihatkan model-model mekanik tidak memberikan solusi eksak melainkan solusi pendekatan. Selama pengujian berlangsung sampel-sampel HDPE memperlihatkan sifat viskoelastik disebabkan oleh gerakan atom disekitar keadaan kesetimbangannya atau pergeseran rantai-rantai molekul diantara mereka, tergantung pada beban yang dibenkan. Pengujian mekanik juga menunjukkan respon mulur bahan polimer HDPE cenderung berkelakuan sebagai benda cair. Pengamatan pada sampel-sampel bekas segera setelah beban dihilangkan menunjukkan bahwa mereka mengalami proses pemulihan tetapi energi pemulihan yang dimilikinya tidak cukup untuk mengembalikan atom-atom HDPE ke kondisi awal. Bukti-bukti dapat dengan jelas dijumpai pada sampel-sampel bekas uji tank dan uji makroindentasi menggunakan bola baja dimana sempel-sampel tersebut meninggalkan deformasi permanen. ...... Polymeric materials, including High Density Polyethylene-HDPE, have been intensively implemented for many engineering purposes such as bottle crates, dustbin and wall pipes. Properties from soft to hard and brittle materials can be found in plastics materials. Under constant load, plastics materials will exhibit varying performance due to deformation with increasing time, therefore concepts constant modulus and constant limiting stress are not longer valid for plastics. This paper concerned with creep characterization of solid polymeric material of HDPE under tensile and indentation tests. The indentation tests were macroindentation use ball bearing and microindentation implement the UMIS® testing apparatus. Tensile testing has been conducted in accordance with the ASTM and 7IS standards whilst ball bearing indentation testing has been implemented in such manner similar with the UMIS® testing procedure. Temperature during these tests were keeping constant. Characteristic of the specimens of HOPE were recognized by observing their creep responses during the testing. Constitutive equations obtained from mechanical models, combination of Hookean spring and Newtonian dashpot in any configuration, have been implemented to fit the model curves on the creep ones. Implementing of curve fitting shows that the mechanical model with four linear elements gives better in fitting than that of the three elements linear. Further observation show that these mechanical models do not give exact solution rather they were as approximation. During creep testing the samples of HOPE show viscoelastic properties due to either atomic motion around their equilibrium state or molecular chains slippage amongst them, depend on the load applied. Higher load higher motion. The tests also show that creep responses prefer to be a liquid flow in character rather than elastic solid at all. Observation on the used samples indicated that they have been recovering just after the load removed but their restoring energy were not enough to return the molecular motion into their original state. The evidence of these can be clearly found on the tensile and ball bearing indentation tests used samples which show permanent deformation.
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 1998
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Fatima Septi Sundari
Abstrak :
Lapangan XXX merupakan lapangan minyak di cekungan Natuna Barat dengan reservoir utama berupa reservoir batu pasir. Ketebalan reservoir pada lapangan ini sangat bervariasi sehingga hasil inversi hanya dapat memetakan ketebalan reservoir yang mendekati ketebalan tuning. Berdasarkan uji sensitifitas, parameter AI di setiap sumur tidak dapat membedakan hidrokarbon, sehingga parameter akustik saja tidak dapat diaplikasikan dalam karakterisasi reservoir lapangan ini. Namun ketika parameter densitas terpisah dengan parameter kecepatan P, sebaran hidrokarbon dapat dibedakan dengan baik. Kecepatan S tidak tersedia di semua sumur padahal data ini sangat diperlukan untuk melakukan pengolahan data dengan metode inversi simultan. Oleh karena itu akan dilakukan beberapa estimasi untuk mendapatkan data kecepatan S antara lain dengan metode castagna, metode gassmann, metode parsial, metode Xu-White dan metode Lee. Data kecepatan S yang dipakai adalah kecepatan S terbaik yang diperoleh dari metode Xu White dikarenakan hasil log poisson’s rationya paling mendekati tren kurva saturasi air. Selain itu aspek rasio batuan yang mempertimbangkan nilai porositas dan volume clay, serta kontrol kualitas Vp model dari metode Xu-White memiliki rasio error minimum jika dibandingkan dengan nilai Vp dari data log. Metode inversi simultan dengan data pre-stack atau partial stack memungkinkan dilakukannya prediksi parameter Impedansi P, Impedansi S, dan densitas dari data seismik. Selain itu meode inversi simultan dapat dipergunakan multi wavelet dalam pengolahan datanya. Hasil penampang inversi yang diperoleh menunjukkan bahwa inverse densitas dapat menjelaskan letak sebaran batuan reservoir dan fluida berdasarkan cut off sensitifitas yakni nilai dibawah 2,26 gr/cc.
field is an oil field in West Natuna Basin with sandstone reservoir as primary target. There was varying reservoir thickness, so the inversion method that could only be applied to map reservoir thickness, which close to tuning thickness. Based on sensitivity analysis, Acoustic Impedance parameters couldn’t indicate hydrocarbon appearance for each well, so Acoustic Impedance cannot be applied for reservoir characterization in this field. Density versus Acoustic Impedance could map hydrocarbon appearance. Shear velocity weren’t available where those data was needed for running simultaneous inversion method. Predicting velocity shear would be carried out by using several method such as Castagna, Gassmann, Parsial, Xu-White, and Lee. The best estimated velocity shear would be used for inversion, The best estimated shear velocity from Xu-White method because Xu-White’s poisson ratio log presents similar trend with water saturation log (Sw). Moreover, Xu-White’s ratio aspect is also considering porosity and clay volume value. Based on quality control result, Vp model of Xu-White had minimum error ratio compared to Vp from log. Simultaneous inversion with pre-stack and parsial stack data what can be used for predicting P-Impedance, S-Impedance, and density from seismic data. Otherwise, this method is also used not only for single wavelet but also multi wavelet. The inversion result from this study can mapping out the hydrocarbon appearance for reservoir target based on cut off value from sensitivity test of less than 2,26 gr/cc.;X field is an oil field in West Natuna Basin with sandstone reservoir as primary target. There was varying reservoir thickness, so the inversion method that could only be applied to map reservoir thickness, which close to tuning thickness. Based on sensitivity analysis, Acoustic Impedance parameters couldn’t indicate hydrocarbon appearance for each well, so Acoustic Impedance cannot be applied for reservoir characterization in this field. Density versus Acoustic Impedance could map hydrocarbon appearance. Shear velocity weren’t available where those data was needed for running simultaneous inversion method. Predicting velocity shear would be carried out by using several method such as Castagna, Gassmann, Parsial, Xu-White, and Lee. The best estimated velocity shear would be used for inversion, The best estimated shear velocity from Xu-White method because Xu-White’s poisson ratio log presents similar trend with water saturation log (Sw). Moreover, Xu-White’s ratio aspect is also considering porosity and clay volume value. Based on quality control result, Vp model of Xu-White had minimum error ratio compared to Vp from log. Simultaneous inversion with pre-stack and parsial stack data what can be used for predicting P-Impedance, S-Impedance, and density from seismic data. Otherwise, this method is also used not only for single wavelet but also multi wavelet. The inversion result from this study can mapping out the hydrocarbon appearance for reservoir target based on cut off value from sensitivity test of less than 2,26 gr/cc., X field is an oil field in West Natuna Basin with sandstone reservoir as primary target. There was varying reservoir thickness, so the inversion method that could only be applied to map reservoir thickness, which close to tuning thickness. Based on sensitivity analysis, Acoustic Impedance parameters couldn’t indicate hydrocarbon appearance for each well, so Acoustic Impedance cannot be applied for reservoir characterization in this field. Density versus Acoustic Impedance could map hydrocarbon appearance. Shear velocity weren’t available where those data was needed for running simultaneous inversion method. Predicting velocity shear would be carried out by using several method such as Castagna, Gassmann, Parsial, Xu-White, and Lee. The best estimated velocity shear would be used for inversion, The best estimated shear velocity from Xu-White method because Xu-White’s poisson ratio log presents similar trend with water saturation log (Sw). Moreover, Xu-White’s ratio aspect is also considering porosity and clay volume value. Based on quality control result, Vp model of Xu-White had minimum error ratio compared to Vp from log. Simultaneous inversion with pre-stack and parsial stack data what can be used for predicting P-Impedance, S-Impedance, and density from seismic data. Otherwise, this method is also used not only for single wavelet but also multi wavelet. The inversion result from this study can mapping out the hydrocarbon appearance for reservoir target based on cut off value from sensitivity test of less than 2,26 gr/cc.]
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Raisa Julia
Abstrak :
Penelitian yang bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh variasi pH awal medium CT terhadap kerapatan sel Cyanobacteria genus Synechococcus HS-7 dan HS-9 yang diinkubasi pada suhu 35 C telah dilakukan. Penelitian dilakukan selama 22 hari dari hari ke-0 t0 hingga hari ke-21 t21 . Penghitungan kerapatan sel dilakukan setiap hari t0 mdash;t21 , sedangkan pengukuran kandungan klorofil dilakukan selama 10 hari pada t0, t1, t2, t3, t4, t7, t10, t14, t17, dan t21. Terdapat 5 variasi perlakuan pH yang digunakan, yaitu pH 5, pH 6, pH 7, pH 8, dan pH 9. Setiap perlakuan dilakukan 3 kali pengulangan. Pengamatan dilakukan secara kualitatif dan kuantitatif. Data yang diperoleh kemudian diuji menggunakan analisis statistika Spearman dan Friedman. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa variasi pH awal medium CT berpengaruh terhadap kerapatan sel Synechococcus HS-7 dan HS-9. Synechococcus HS-7 dan HS-9 dapat tumbuh baik pada pH 7. Berdasarkan uji analisis statistik, terdapat korelasi antara kerapatan sel dengan kandungan klorofil Synechococcus HS-7 dan HS-9, serta nilai pH awal medium CT yang berbeda tidak berpengaruh terhadap kerapatan sel Synechococcus HS-7 dan HS-9.
Research that aims to know the effect of initial pH variation of CT medium to the cell density of Cyanobacteria genus Synechococcus HS 7 and HS 9 were grown at temperature 35 C had been performed. The study was done for 22 days from day 0 t0 to day 21 t21 . Cell density calculations were performed everyday t0 mdash t21 while the measurement of chlorophyll content was performed for 10 days at t0, t1, t2, t3, t4, t7, t10, t14, t17, and t21. There were 5 variations of pH that used in this research pH 5, pH 6, pH 7, pH 8, and pH 9 . Each treatment carried out in 3 replications. Observations were done qualitatively based on the cell density while quantitatively based on statistical analysis using Spearman and Friedman tests. The results showed that the initial pH variation of CT medium affected the growth of Synechococcus HS 7 and HS 9. Synechococcus HS 7 and HS 9 grew well at pH 7. Based on statistical analysis there were correlation between the cell density and chlorophyll content, and the initial pH variation of the CT medium did not affect the growth of Synechococcus HS 7 and HS 9.
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Titi Soedjiarti
Abstrak :
Penelitian tentang kepadatan dan keanekaragaman fitoplankton pada air permukaan di 6 kecamatan Kabupaten Tangerang, telah dilakukan di IS stasiun pada bulan April - Mei 2003. Hasil pencacahan dan identifikasi ditemukan 42 marga fitoplankton yang terdiri dari 4 divisi : Cyanophyta (7 marga), Chlorophyta (19 marga), Chrysophyta (13 marga), dan Euglenophyta (3 marga). Kepadatan fitoplankton tertinggi (222700000 individu /It) dijumpai di stasiun IS yaitu area! persawahan dan didominasi marga Oscillatoria, sedangkan kepadatan terendah (42000 individu/lt.) dijumpai di area! pertambakan (stasiun 3) dan saluran atr (stasiun 10) yang didominasi marga Oscillatoria dan Phacus. Indeks keanekaragaman tertinggi (3,39) terdapat di stasiun 11 ( perairan sungai), dan indeks keanekaragaman terendah (0,0) terdapat di stasiun 15 (area! persawahan).
The research on the density and diversity of phytoplankton in the surface waters of six district Tangerang, West Java. The result showed that 42 genera of phytoplankton consists of 4 division: 7 genera of Cyanophyta, 19 genera of Chlorophyta, 13 genera of Chrysophyta, and 3 genera of Euglenophyta. The farm area (station 15) has higest density (222700000 individu/l) and it was dominated by Oscillatoria, and the lower density of phytoplankton (42000 individu/!) found in the brackishwater pond (station 3) and canalwater (station 10) were dominated by Oscillatoria and Phacus. The higest diversity index (3,39) found in the river (station 11), and lower index of diversity (0,0) found in the farm area (station 15).
[place of publication not identified]: Sains Indonesia, 2006
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Abimanyu T. Alamsyah
Abstrak :
Selama dekade terakhir jumlah kepadatan dan penyebaran penduduk JABOTABEK berkembang dengan pesat. Perkembangan tersebut tidak selalu diikuti dengan penyediaan fasilitas yang memadai, terutama pendidikan dan peribadatan yang sangat penting bagi pendidikan mental dan spiritual masyarakatnya. Penelitian ini mengungkapkan kecendrungan yang terjadi berkaitan dengan perimbangan antara perkembangan permukiman penduduk JABOTABEK dengan fasilitas pendidikan dan peribadatan dari wilayah Jakarta hingga Tanggerang tahun 1985 - 1994. Pengungkapan ini diharapkan dapat memberikan masukan terhadap perkembangan kondisi sosial yang terjadi akhir-akhir ini.
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 1998
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
M. Lindawati S Kusdhany
Abstrak :
In prosthodontics, mandibular bone density plays an important role in the success of treatment. Generally, the aging process will be accompanied by decreasing mandibular bone density. This is more obvious in post menopausal women with low or absent estrogen production. Relationship between mandibular bone density and bone density in other parts of the body is still debatable. The aim of this study was to evaluate this relationship. Periapical radiographs and bone densitographs of 114 post menopausal women were evaluated in a cross sectional study. The results showed a relationship between age and amount of teeth present with decreasing mandibular bone density, and a significant correlation between mandibular bone density and lumbal or femur bone density.
Journal of Dentistry Indonesia, 2004
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Linda Kusdhany
Abstrak :
Osteoporosis is a silent disease, i.e. the disease will progress without symptoms or pain until bones start to break. Densitometry examinations to diagnose osteoporosis is relatively expensive for most people in Indonesia. Kusdhany et al have produced a mandibular density index specific for Deutero-Malay postmenopausal women (POSTUR-P). This index can be used to predict osteoporosis risk in mandibular and other bones. The objective of this research was to try out POSTUR-P before using it in the community. The study was a diagnostic test, on 31 Teratai clinic postmenopausal patients of Ciptomangunkusumo Hospital between 50-75 years of age from June to October 2014 and fulfilling inclusion criteria. Densitometry on lumbal and femur bones was used as a gold standard. The result of this study showed that POSTUR-P has high sensitivity and moderate specificity, and appears to be a good screening tool to indicate osteoporosis cases.
Journal of Dentistry Indonesia, 2005
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Abstrak :
The community structure of seagrass in Enggano Islands has been studies in August 2004. The aim of the study was to tonassess the seagrass community including species composition,density,and distribution pattern.....
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Abstrak :
The aims of the study were a ) to determine the affect of offshore distant to the density and diversity of phytoplankton b) to determine the distribution pattern of density and diversity of phytoplankton....
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
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