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Ratna Puspitasari
Abstrak :
Kontrak kerja konstruksi adalah perjanjian antara pihak yang melakukan perjanjian dalam mengatur hak dan kewajibannya serta memiliki kekuatan hukum yang mengikat. Memahami detail kontrak kerja kontruksi sama dengan memahami seluruh aspek teknis dan nonteknis pekerjaan sebuah proyek konstruksi yang dikenal kompleks. Bagi penyedia jasa, kontrak kerja adalah langkah awal melaksanakan aktivitas pekerjaan selanjutnya. Oleh karena itu, pemahaman kontrak yang baik, tidak hanya menjadi tolak ukur tercapainya pelaksanaan proyek dengan baik, namun juga dalam mencapai kinerja proyek sesuai dengan sasaran yang ingin dicapai. Analisis yang dilakukan adalah mempelajari sejumlah informasi yang berhubungan dengan kontrak untuk mengetahui pemahaman kontraktor dan pelaksanaannya di lapangan yang pada prakteknya selalu ada kendala untuk melaksanakan proyek sesuai dengan kontrak. Metode yang digunakan adalah dengan melakukan wawancara dan kuisioner terhadap pihak-pihak yang terkait dengan kegiatan konstruksi khususnya kontraktor. Pengolahan data dilakukan dengan merangkum hasil wawancara dan kuisioner lalu mengelompokkannya dalam tiga kelompok yang berhubungan dengan pemahaman kontrak, pelaksanaannya dan penilaian kinerja proyek. Dari hasil penelitian tersebut dapat disimpulkan bahwa kontraktor kecil dan menengah telah memiliki pemahaman yang baik mengenai kontrak dan proyek yang dilaksanakan di lapangan pun sudah sesuai dengan kontrak. Diharapkan dengan hasil analisis mengenai pemahaman kontrak yang baik akan mempengaruhi kinerja proyek, pada akhirnya akan menjadikan kontrak tidak hanya untuk dipahami namun juga untuk dilaksanakan dengan baik sesuai isinya. ......Contract work construction is agreement among side conducting agreement in arranging its rights and obligations and also have the power of obligatory law. Comprehending contract detail work construction is equal to comprehending entire technical aspect and work untechnic a project of recognized by construction is complex. To service contractor, contract work is step early executing work activity hereinafter. Therefore, understanding of good contract, not only becoming tired yardstick of execution is project of better, but also in reaching performance of project of as according to target which wish to be reached. Analysis taken is studying a number of information related to contract to know the understanding of contractor and its execution in field which is on its practice always there is constraint to execute the project of as according to contract. Used method is by interview and quisioner to side which related to activity of construction specially contractor. Conducted Data-Processing embraced result of last quisioner and interview grouping it in three group related to understanding of contract, its execution and assessment of performance of project. From result of the research can be concluded that middle and small contractor have owned the understanding of good regarding executed by project and contract in field even also have as according to contract. Expected with result of analysis regarding the understanding of good contract will influence performance of project , in the end will make contract not just for comprehended but also be achieved better according to its contents
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2006
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Dayton, Ohio: Metal Building Dealers Association, 1980
693.97 MET m
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Jusnal Azany
Abstrak :
Change Orders adalah perintah perintah dari Owner atau wakilnya dan lazimnya berasal dari negosiasi dengan kontraktor, yang dapat mengubah persyaratan dan kondisi kontrak, misalnya menambah pekerjaan, mernbatalkan pekerjaan, mengubah standar pekerjaan dan sebagainva, Change Orders merupakan suatu hal yang tidak dapat dihindari pada proyek konstruksi. Munculnya Change Orders dapat berasal dari Owner, kontraktor atau pihak-pihak laid di luar Owner dan kontraktor. Pada kontrak Fixed Price atau Lumpsum, pekerjaan Change Orders umumnya diklaim oleh kontraktor berdasarkan syarat-syarat yang tercantum dalam kontrak. Syarat-syarat kontrak pada AV 41, FIDIC dan lainnya jelas tercantum bahwa pihak kontraktor menanggung resiko atas kerugian atau keuntungan yang didapatkannya pada pekerjaan Change Orders. Menurut penelitian beberapa pakar konstruksi di luar negeri pekerjaan Change Orders ternyata sangat berpengaruh pada produktivitas pekerja, yang tentu saja akan berdampak pada kinerja biaya kontraktor khususnya pada penurunan prosentase keuntungannya. Penelitian ini mencoba untuk mencari variabel-variabel apa saja yang secara signifikan mempengaruhi keuntungan kontraktor dalam pekerjaan Change Orders. Data dari proyek-proyek gedung bertingkat di area JABOTABEK didapatkan melalui kuesioner yang disebarkan atau wawancara langsung pada Project Manager, Site Manager atau staff yang bekerja pada perusahaan kontraktor. Analisa korelasi dibuat untuk mendapatkan variabel-variabel penentu yang dipakai sebagai model rearesi yang menjelaskan pengaruh dari variabel-variabel pekerjaan Change Orders terhadap prosentase keuntungan kontraktor. Analisa statistik termasuk uji validasi dilakukan untuk menguji valid atau tidaknya model yang telah dibuat.
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2000
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Tambunan, Sondang Marihut
Abstrak :
The Influence of Contractors Involvement in Engineering Procurement Phase to Construction Project Cost Performance in IndonesiaThe structure of the construction industry is very complex due to the involvement of a wide range of contractors including main contractors, subcontractors and design consultant. The amount of participants in the actual construction process requires various relationships and joint combination often leading to lower levels of performance in construction projects. In Indonesia, there are many construction projects that are performed in a traditional manner, where designers and contractors are given work in separate contracts. Contractors generally get involved in the construction phase. After completing planning, design and specifications, the designer embarks on supervision in the construction phase. In 1986, The Construction Industry Institute, in Austin, USA, defined Constructability as the optimum use of construction knowledge and experience in planning, engineering, and procurement and construction field operations to achieve overall project objectives. This research was carried out in order to complete the requirement of Magister Program Curriculum in The Department of Civil Engineering, Postgraduate Program of The University of Indonesia. It is mainly aimed to investigate the relationship between the contractors personnel involvement in engineering and procurement phases with the construction project cost performance in Indonesia. Data of the research were obtained through questionnaires returned from contractor companies that performed many kinds of construction projects completed over the last decade between 1987-1997 in Indonesia. The method chosen for the research was a descriptive-analysis type relying on data compiled and verified from the samples of the construction projects. Both quantitative and qualitative analysis utilizing correlation and multiple regression to establish a model of the relationships. The final model after being subjected to the needed statistical tests provided clear evidence about the influence of constructability variables as in contractor personnel involvement in engineering and procurement phases to construction project cost performance in Indonesia The significant contractor personnel variables were found to be carefully assign appropriate construction personnel who has the required experience and team approach to the project team and make timely input to design to avoid the need for changes.
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2000
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Lubis, Syawaluddin
Abstrak :
Dalam era otonomi daerah keterlibatan kontraktor dan pekerja lokal pada kegiatan pertambangan umum cenderung meningkat, sementara pendidikan dan pengalman mereka kurang memadai sehingga kecelakaan tambang juga cenderung meningkat dan pada umumnya melibatkan mereka. Tesis ini bertujuan untuk mendapatkan suatu jawaban untuk mengatasi hal tersebut dengan melakukan pengkajian terhadap program K3,menganalisa statistik kecelakaan tambang selama lima tahun (1997-2001) serta melakukan survai dengan menggunaka kuesioner terhadap tiga tingkatan jabatan sebagai responden yaitu Pekerja,Pengawas Lini serta Middle/top Manajemen , dengan mengambil PT Kaltium Prima Coal dan PT INCO sebagai studi kasus. Hasil kajian menunjukkan bahwa tingkat kesadaran dan pemahaman K3 dari pekerja kontraktor masih rendah, untuk itu perlu melakukan upaya yang sesegera mungkin agar kecelakaan bisa diminimalkan dengan cara membuat program K3 yang khusus untuk kontraktor mulai dari tahap penseleksian, pembinaan serta pengawasan pada saat mereka bekerja. ......In line with era of local autonomy, involvement of contractors and local employees in general mines are prone to increase whereas local employees? education and experience are less than adequate. This condition leads to a tendency of increasing mine accidents that in majority involve local workers. The thesis is aimed to find out a solution to cope with above issue. The research methodology applies assessment of safety & health programs, analysis of a five-year mines accident statistic (1997-2001), and survey using questionnaire toward respondents of three position levels; i.e. Employees, Line Supervisors, and Middle/Top Management. Respondents are taken from PT Kaltim Prima Ccal and PT INCO as case studies. The findings show that safety & health awareness and understanding of contractor employees are still low. Continuous efforts shall be immediately made to minimize accidents by establishing specific safety & health programs for contractors; from phase of selection, guidance, and close supervision when they are performing jobs.
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2002
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Alvina Callista Putri
Abstrak :
Jumlah penduduk di Jakarta mencapai 10,56 juta jiwa pada bulan September 2020. Maka dari itu, dibutuhkan gedung-gedung bertingkat sebagai pemenuh kebutuhan dari masyarakat. Dengan banyaknya limbah konstruksi yang dihasilkan oleh proyek konstruksi gedung tingkat tinggi, diperlukan adanya pengelolaan limbah konstruksi untuk meminimalkan dampak negatif yang ditimbulkan. Melalui fakta tersebut, penelitian ini dilakukan dengan tujuan untuk menganalisis kondisi eksisting di Indonesia dan beberapa negara luar serta hambatan yang dihadapi oleh kontraktor terkait penerapan sistem pengelolaan limbah konstruksi oleh di Indonesia. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah analisis arsip, serta survei wawancara dan kuisioner kepada para ahli kontraktor proyek konstruksi bangunan tingkat tinggi di Indonesia. Hasil dari penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa tindakan pengelolaan limbah konstruksi yang paling banyak diterapkan di Indonesia adalah tindakan pembuangan dan yang cukup minim diterapkan adalah tindakan pemulihan. Penerapan sistem pengelolaan limbah konstruksi di Indonesia lebih baik daripada Malaysia, akan tetapi masih kurang apabila dibandingkan dengan negara Hongkong dan Spanyol. Hambatan yang dihadapi oleh kontraktor selama penerapan sistem pengelolaan limbah konstruksi di Indonesia dilihat melalui aspek ekonomi, aspek organisasi, aspek kebijakan, dan aspek teknis. ......The population in Jakarta reached 10.56 million people in September 2020. Therefore, high-rise buildings are needed to meet the needs of the community. With the large amount of construction waste generated by high-rise building construction projects, it is necessary to have construction waste management to minimize the negative impacts. Based on these facts, this research was conducted with the aim of analyzing the existing conditions in Indonesia and several foreign countries as well as the obstacles faced by contractors regarding the implementation of construction waste management systems in Indonesia. The research method used is archive analysis, as well as interview surveys and questionnaires to experts in high-rise building construction project contractors in Indonesia. The results of this study indicate that the most widely applied construction waste management action in Indonesia is a disposal and the least applied is recovery action. The implementation of the construction waste management system in Indonesia is better than in Malaysia, but still lacking when compared to Hong Kong and Spain. The obstacles faced by contractors during the implementation of the construction waste management system in Indonesia are seen through economic aspects, organizational aspects, policy aspects, and technical aspects.
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2022
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Mohammad Mufti
Abstrak :
Dokumen kontrak antara kontraktor dan pemilik proyek adalah pedoman dan pengendalian selama masa pelaksanaan konstruksi. Selama masa pelaksanaan, seringkali terjadi perubahan yang harus dilakukan karena ketidaksesuaian antara yang tertera dalam kontrak dengan kenyataan yang ditemui di lapangan. Oleh karena itu, pihak kontraktor berhak mengajukan klaim biaya sebagai kompensasi dari dampak yang ditimbulkan oleh perubahan tersebut. Skripsi ini meneliti kejadian yang menyebabkan kontraktor mengajukan klaim biaya ke pemilik proyek pada beberapa proyek gedung bertingkat di Jakarta. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa penyebab terjadinya klaim biaya dari kontraktor ke pemilik proyek berasal dari pemilik proyek, kebijakan pemerintah dalam bidang moneter, gambar kontrak yang tidak tepat, serta keadaan bawah tanah yang tak terlihat. ......Contract made by the contractors and project owners have a role as a guidance and control during the implementation of the construction. During the implementation, there are often changes that must be done because of the inconsistency between the written contract with the fact that in the field. Therefore, the contracting parties have the right make a claim cost as compensation from the impact caused by these changes. This essay examines the events are causing the contractor to make a claim the cost of the project owner on several highrise building project in Jakarta. Results of research show that the cause of the cost of a claim from the contractor to the project came from the owner himself, the government policy in the monetary regulation, the picture is not exactly a contract, and unforeseenable Condition.
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2008
UI - Skripsi Open  Universitas Indonesia Library
Adhi Cahyono
Abstrak :
Conflict can be functional or dysfunctional to the organization?s performance. This study focused on the relationship between conflict approaches implemented by the project manager based on project team member?s perception on the effectiveness of the project manager in managing project?s conflict. Questionnaires were modified from Barker et al. (1988) to measure conflict management approaches and outcomes of managing project conflict. Data were gathered from 57 respondents who worked in the Engineering, Procurement, and Construction (EPC) contractors serving the upstream sector of the Oil and Gas industry in Indonesia. By using Pearson correlation, result of this study indicated that project managers were perceived to be effective in managing project conflict when implementing cooperative and confirmative approaches, but ineffective when combining competitive and avoidance approaches. Further research should investigate correlation between cultural dimensions with conflict approaches and outcomes of managing conflict.
University of Indonesia, 2012
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Suzuki, Kazuhito
Abstrak :
This book explores the differences in cultural attributes and management factors to enable managers working for Japanese contractors to reduce misunderstandings and misinterpretations when communicating with project team members from different cultural backgrounds. It focuses on Japanese contractors operating in Singapore, since the Singapore construction industry has, for many years, been one of the largest overseas construction markets for the top-5 Japanese contractors. Using Hofstedes national cultural framework for the cultural studies in construction project management, it reveals various real-world management practices and discusses national cultural differences relating to managers working for Japanese contractors in Singapore as well as the communication weaknesses of current management practices and styles. The results presented provide useful lessons for Japanese contractors operating in Singapore, as well as other parts of the world, to bridge cultural and communication gaps.
Singapore: Springer Nature, 2019
eBooks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Pheng, Low Sui
Abstrak :
This book focuses on current subcontracting practices in the construction industry and their effects on Singapore’s construction productivity. It offers readers a better understanding of how the fragmentation of large and small firms in Singapore impacts construction productivity when operating under the commonly adopted multilayer subcontracting system (MLSS), which extends globally to the construction industries in other countries that have adopted the MLSS. The book also assesses the effectiveness of subcontracting practices in helping local contractors improve their construction productivity (and thereby improve the industry’s overall productivity). In closing, it provides recommendations on how the problems associated with the MLSS can best be addressed, and how its benefits can be capitalized on through organizational learning.
Singapore: Springer Singapore, 2019
eBooks  Universitas Indonesia Library