Hasibuan, Irmayati
Abstrak :
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menelusuri kegiatan pemberdayaan masyarakat yang dilakukan Yayasan Pondok Pesantren Sumber Pendidikan Mental Agama Allah (YPP SPMAA); dan kaitan pemberdayaan yang dilakukan oleh YPP SPMAA tersebut dengan perspektif Ketahanan Nasional. Pendekatan. dilakukan melalui metode pendekatan kelompok, dengan desain penelitian bersifat deskriptif eksploratif, yang menurut para pakar statistik dalam langkah penelitiannya tidak perlu merumuskan hipotesis, karena ia tidak bersifat menguji, melainkan memaparkan (deskripsi) temuan dari hasil penelitian dan mencari ja4vaban (eksplorasi) terhadap permasalahan yang ingin diketahui.
Lokasi penelitian ditetapkan secara purposive sampling pada tiga desa binaan YPP SPMAA, yaitu : (1) Desa Turi, Kecamatan Turi Kabupaten Lamongan; (2) Desa Jarorejo, Kecamatan Kerek Kabupaten Tuban; dan (3) Desa Pandean, Kecamatan Mantingan Kabupaten Ngawi; ketiganya di Propinsi Jawa Timur. Dengan menggunakan Rumus Frank Lynch diperoleh 66 KK sebagai sampel di antara populasi 3.203 KK. Sebaran jumlah responden di setiap desa ditentukan berdasarkan Rumus Alokasi Proporsional menurut Goode dan Hatt.
Pemilihan YPP SPMAA selaku obyek penelitian, karena walaupun relatif kecil, namun kegiatan-kegiatan yang dilaksanakannya yang berkaitan dengan pengembangan dan pemberdayaan masyarakat tidak kalah bila dibandingkan dengan pondok-pondok pesantren yang lebih besar dan telah punya nama, bail( dalam hal kuantitas maupun kualitas. Kiprah YPP SPMAA dinilai telah jauh melangkah keluar dari batasan harfiah (etimologis) pengertian "pondok pesantren" yang umumnya dikenal sebagai lembaga pendidikan, khususnya pendidikan agama, lebih khusus lagi agama Islam. Program dan kurikulum YPP SPMAA didesain sedemikian rupa, sehingga memasuki seluruh aspek kehidupan sosialekonomi dalam berbagai bidang dan lapangan usaha, dan memberi warna kepada tatanan kehidupan masyarakat di lingkungan di mana cabang-cabang YPP SPMAA berada, sehingga program pendidikan - kendati pun masih ditempatkan sebagai program utama - telah menjadi kecil volumenya dibanding program-program non pendidikan yang dikelola oleh YPP SPMAA. Para alumni YPP SPMAA tidak sekedar berprofesi sebagai muballigh dan da'i, tetapi telah tersebar menjadi pekerja sosial, penyuluh pertanian, pembina masyarakat di sekitar hutan (pesanggem), dan kegiatan-kegiatan sosial ekonomi lainnya.
Dengan desain program tersebut di atas, YPP SPMAA telah berhasil mengangkat harkat dan martabat masyarakat di sekitarnya menjadi masyarakat yang mandiri, dalam pengertian hidup layak dan manusiawi, tidak sekedar terentas ke atas garis kemiskinan. Dalam kriteria RKKBN, sebagian terbesar masyarakat di ketiga desa lokasi penelitian telah termasuk kategori Keluarga Sejahtera III plus, yang selain mampu menghidupi keluarga secara layak, terus berupaya meningkatkan kualitas ibadah, warga masyarakat pun ikut serta dalam kegiatan kemasyarakatan dan pelestarian lingkungan. Dalam pembangunan fasilitas sosial, seluruh warga masyarakat - tanpa kecuali -- telah ikut memberikan kontribusi dalam bentuk tenaga, bahan, uang, bahkan ketiga-tiganya sekaligus. Dengan pengembangan partisipasi masyarakat sejak perencanaan hingga pelaksanaan pembangunan, timbul rasa memiliki (sense of belonging) yang berdampak Lang-sung terhadap tumbuhnya tanggung jawab setiap individu dalam masyarakat untuk memelihara hasil-hasil pembangunan. Kondisi ini sekaligus merubah pola pikir (attitude) dan pola sikap (behaviour) masyarakat dalam memandang istilah "pembangunan" yakni pembangunan bukan semata-mata monopoli pemerintah, tetapi juga adalah bagian dari perwujudan demokrasi (dari rakyat - oleh rakyat - untuk rakyat) sesuai amanat GBHN.
Peningkatan kesejahteraan masyarakat sangat berpengaruh terhadap terciptanya kondisi keamanan yang stabil, terbukti dari kenyataan bahwa di wilayah penelitian belum pernah terjadi gangguan keamanan yang serius. Dalam proses pembangunan nasional, aspek keamanan (security) dan kesejahteraan (prosperity) dipandang sebagai dua aspek utama yang dapat menjamin eksistensi Ketahanan Nasional yang mantap.
An Endeavor on Rural Community Empowerment by Yayasan Pondok Pesantren (YPP, Islamic Boarding School Foundation) Surber Pendidikan Mental Agama Allah (SPMAA, Mental Education Resources for The Almighty Allah Religion) - Review on National Resilience.The goal of this study was to trace the community empowerment activities undertaken by YPP SPMAA on the perspective of the National Resilience. The approach applied was the group approach method, with descriptive exploratory research design, which according to statistic experts the steps should not formulate the hypothesis, as they do not intend to examine, but to describe what the research has found and to explore the solution to the given problems.
The research area was decided by purposive sampling method at three villages being developed by YPP SPMAA namely : (1) Turi Village, Turi Subdistrict, Lamongan Regency; (2) Jarorejo Village, Kerek Subdistrict, Tuban Regency; and (3) Pandean Village, Mantingan Subdistrict, Ngawi Regency; the three of which are in the Province of East Java. By applying the Frank Lynch's Formula, there had been found 66 out of 3,203 families as the samples. The distribution of respondents at each village was decided according to the Proportional Allocation Formula of Goode and Hatt.
YPP SPMAA was chosen as the research target because - apart form the fact that the organization is relatively small - activities undertaken by YPP SPMAA in relation to community development and empowerment are quite comparable to those undertaken by bigger organizations who have great image with their qualitative as well as quantitative records. The progress of YPP SPMAA has gone beyond its meaning as a "pondok pesantren" (Islamic Boarding School). The program and curriculum of YPP SPMAA were so designed that they have absorbed into all aspects of the social-economic life and businesses and such have given different colors to the life order of the communities who live around the branches of YPP SPMAA, so that the volume of education program --- although this is still positioned as the main program - has been lessen compared to the non-education programs managed by YPP SPMAA. The alumni of YPP SPMAA deal more than with conventional jobs like preachers, they have scattered in many places and work as social workers, agricultural consultants, community organizers around forest areas, and other social-economic activities.
With the program design above, YPP SPMAA has been successfully risen the living standards as well as values of surrounding communities so that they have become developed and independent communities, in the meaning that they are living in more feasible and humanistic ways, not merely going above poverty line. According to the criteria made by BIU(BN (The National Coordinator Board of Family Planning), the great majority of people who live in the three research areas should be categorized as Prosperous Family III plus, known by the following characteristics : able to sustain the family properly, continually improve the religious quality, and then the surrounding people participate in the social as well as environmental activities. In the development of social facilities, each community member provides contribution in any means such as manpower, materials, cash, or the combination. The encouragement of community development participation from the planning to the implementation IeveI has generated sense of belonging which directly increases the responsibility among individuals in the communities to maintain the development outputs. This, at the same time,' has changed the attitude as well as behaviour patterns of the communities in understanding "development", in this sense development is not merely a government's monopoly but also a part of realization of democracy (from the people -- by the people --- for the people) as entrusted by GBHN (Broad Outlines of Nation's Direction).
Increasing community welfare is quite influential to the creation of stable security, this is strengthened by the fact that in the research areas serious incident harming the security never happens. In the national development process, security as well as prosperity aspects are considered as two main aspects which can be able to guarantee the existence of an established the National Resilience.
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