Ditemukan 4 dokumen yang sesuai dengan query
Haryo Santoso
"Forest destruction in Indonesia has become a very serious problem and global concern. Eco-labels aim to combat illegal logging, illegal trading, and forest conversion. Eco-labeling in the furniture industry is slower in Indonesia than in competing countries such as China and Vietnam, where China has reached more than 1000 Chain of Custody (CoC) certification industrial units and Vietnam 238 units, while Indonesia has achieved only 78 units. But eco-labeling is perceived as a pressure on the international trade of the furniture industry. This study examines how the furniture industry in Central Java and Yogyakarta understands eco-labeling and what efforts the industry is making. Eco-labeling has a positive impact on the industrial environment and sustainable forestry, and it increases credibility/corporate image, market share, and profit. But not all buyers demand eco-labeling, so some companies deal with eco-labeling either by applying for certification or by looking for buyers that do not require the eco-label. Buyers who do not require the eco-label result in companies having less motivation to seek CoC certification. Other views about eco-labeling in the industry are also counterproductive, producing further obstacles to eco-label certification. Eco-labeling is often understood as unfair competition from developed countries, implemented as a barrier to entry into trade, and as inconsistent with The General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT)/The World Trade Organization (WTO). Eco-labeling is often considered a new form of colonialism rather than an instrument of environmental management."
Artikel Jurnal Universitas Indonesia Library
Haryo Santoso
"Forest destruction in Indonesia has become a very serious problem and global concern. Eco-labels aim to combat illegal logging, illegal trading, and forest conversion. Eco-labeling in the furniture industry is slower in Indonesia than in competing countries such as China and Vietnam, where China has reached more than 1000 Chain of Custody (CoC) certification industrial units and Vietnam 238 units, while Indonesia has achieved only 78 units. But eco-labeling is perceived as a pressure on the international trade of the furniture industry. This study examines how the furniture industry in Central Java and Yogyakarta understands eco-labeling and what efforts the industry is making. Eco-labeling has a positive impact on the industrial environment and sustainable forestry, and it increases credibility/corporate image, market share, and profit. But not all buyers demand eco-labeling, so some companies deal with eco-labeling either by applying for certification or by looking for buyers that do not require the eco-label. Buyers who do not require the eco-label result in companies having less motivation to seek CoC certification. Other views about eco-labeling in the industry are also counterproductive, producing further obstacles to eco-label certification. Eco-labeling is often understood as unfair competition from developed countries, implemented as a barrier to entry into trade, and as inconsistent with The General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT)/The World Trade Organization (WTO). Eco-labeling is often considered a new form of colonialism rather than an instrument of environmental management."
Depok: Faculty of Engineering, Universitas Indonesia, 2016
UI-IJTECH 7:5 (2016)
Artikel Jurnal Universitas Indonesia Library
Toni Abdul Wahid
"Tekanan publik Ameriika terutama kalangan LSM dan kelompok konsumen akibat tuduhan pelanggaran HAM terutama eksploitasi buruh sejak tahun 90-an membuat banyak perusahaan multinational termasuk Gap membuat barikade melalui pelaksanaan Code of Conduct. Code of Conduct adalah satu set aturan dan etika bisnis yang memuat aspek-aspek dasar hak asasi manusia khususnya dalam bidang perburuhan seperti yang harus diikuti oleh setiap vendor, pabrik, atau subkontraktor sebagai prasyarat untuk melakukan transaksi bisnis. Isi Code of Conduct terdiri dari penghormatan terhadap hukum setempat, pembatasan jam kerja, larangan penggunaaan buruh paksa dan buruh anak, kebebasan berserikat, pembayaran upah minimum, kesehatan dan keselamatan kerja, kebijakan non-diskriminasi. Banyak pihak yang melihat bahwa Code of Conduct merupakan bagian dari startegi kehumasan semata. Oleh karena itu tujuan penelitian yang menggunakan metode studi kasus ini adalah untuk melihat pelaksanaan Code of Conduct sebagai upaya public relations dalam menghadapi tekanan dari publik terutama dari kalangan LSM seperti aktivis HAM, gerakan buruh, konsumen, pelajar dan mahasiswa. Masalah yang diidentifikasi dalam thesis ini adalah kegiatan public relations melalui penerapan Code of Conduct termasuk bagaimana perusahaan Gap sebagai suatu institusi bisnis melakukan aktivitas HAM perburuhan. Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa sebagai insitusi bisnis ternyata menunjukan bahwa Code of Conduct bukan semata-mata berfungsi sebagai alat PR, namun lebih jauh telah dilaksanakan secara sungguh-sungguh yang diperlihatkan dengan kerjasama berbagai LSM dan pemutusan hubungan bisnis dengan partner bisnisnya yang melakukan pelanggaran isi dari Code of Conduct.
Many multinational company like Gap, due to growing pressure from American public particularly from non-government organizations and consumer group on human rights violations has created their own Code of Conduct. This voluntary business ethic comprised of a set of rule of basic labor rights as a compulsory measurements for each business partner e.g. vendors, factories, and subcontractors, as a condition to engage business transaction with Gap. Code of Conduct covers a full compliance with the laws of their respective countries, stipulating among others limitation of working hours, the prohibition of forced and child labor, minimum wage, workers health and safety, non-discriminatory policy, etc. Outside parties such as NGO's tend to see that this constitutes of public relations spin, hence the purpose of this research which using case study is to identify the implementation of Code of Conduct under the pressure from labor and human rights movement. Key issues in this thesis is to investigate whether or not there was a deliberate attempts to use the Code of Conduct as public relations gimmick amid a business environment. The research result revealed that COC is not merely a public relations tool as there were many actual engagement with various non-government organizations and the termination of business relationships with its business partners due to Code of Conduct violations."
Depok: Program Pascasarjana Universitas Indonesia, 2003
UI - Tesis Membership Universitas Indonesia Library
Irawati Tjipto Priyanti
"Penelitian ini telah menjawab pertanyaan penelitian yang terkait dengan Country of Origin yaitu persepsi yang timbul terhadap produk berdasarkan Negara asal produk tersebut. Penelitaian ini secara khusus focus pada konteks bisnis jasa dari negara berkembang, yang akan memasarkan jasanya di pasar internasional. Penelitian ini akan mengkaitkan dengan pengaruh national stereotype dari negara berdasarkan dimensi competence dan warmth, terhadap evaluasi konsumen terhadap kualitas jasa dan perilakunya terhadap kesediaan menggunakan, serta peranan klasifikasi jenis jasa high dan low contact service.Argumentasi utama penelitian ini adalah membuktikan bahwa persepsi konsumen terhadap kedua dimensi competence dan warmth dari national stereotype mempengaruhi evaluasi konsumen terhadap jasa, khususnya pada jasa yang berasosiasi dengan teknologi seperti jasa telekomunikasi. Dengan suatu penelitian Field Experiment yang menggunakan online crowd sourcing dengan menjaring lebih dari 500 partisipan general populasi dari salah satu negara maju Amerika, dan membuktikan bahwa national stereotype mempengaruhi evaluasi konsumen terhadap kualitas jasa dan perilaku konsumen terhadap kesediaan menggunakan jasa. Pada jenis jasa low contact, pengaruh persepsi dimensi competence pada negara yang dominan competence akan lebih tinggi dari pada negara yang dominan warmth. Begitupula telah terbukti sebaliknya bahwa pada jenis jasa high contact, pengaruh persepsi dimensi warmth pada negara yang dominan warmth akan lebih tinggi dari pada negara dominan competence. Temuan lebih lanjut mengkonfirmasi bahwa meningkatkan pengetahuan bagi konsumen pemula novice akan memberikan pembaharuan terhadap persepsi competence atau warmth. Hal lain yang menjadi temuan tambahan adalah bahwa factor congruity kesesuaian berlaku pula pada konteks COO dan mendukung pula pendapat penilaian terdahulu terhadap COO yang sifatnya adalah multi dimensi, yang meliputi bukan saja penilaian cognitive namun juga affective emosi. Kebaruan penelitian: adalah menguji jasa telekomunikasi negara berkembang yang akan memasarkan jasanya pada pasar Internasional dan peranan national stereotype serta jenis jasa high dan low contact.
This study has to answer research questions associated with the Country of Origin is the perception that ensue for products based on the country of origin of the product. This penelitaian specifically focus on the context of business services from developing countries, which will market their services in international markets. This research will relate to the effect of national stereotypes of the country based on the dimensions of competence and warmth, the consumer evaluation of the quality of services and behavior towards a willingness to use, what types of services and the role of high and low contact service.The main arguments of this study is to prove that consumer perceptions of both competence and warmth dimensions of national stereotypes affect consumers 39 evaluation of the services, particularly the services associated with technology such as telecommunications services.Field Experiment with a study that uses an online crowd sourcing to encompass more than 500 participants from the general population is one of the developed countries of America, and proved that national stereotypes affect consumers 39 evaluation of the quality of services and consumer behavior towards a willingness to use the services. At low service type of contact, influence the perception dimensions of competence in the dominant state competence will be higher than in countries that are predominantly warmth. Neither has proven otherwise that the type of service high contact, influence the perception of warmth dimension in the dominant country warmth will be higher than in the dominant state competence. The findings further confirm that improve consumer knowledge for the beginner novice will provide updates on the perception of competence or warmth. Another thing is the additional finding was that factor congruity suitability shall also apply in the context of the COO and supports the previous assessment, the opinion of the COO is multi dimensional in nature, which include not only votes but also cognitive affective emotional. The novelty of the research is to test telecommunications services developing countries that will market their services on the international market and the role of national stereotypes as well as the types of services high and low contact ."
Depok: Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Indonesia, 2015
UI - Disertasi Membership Universitas Indonesia Library