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Ditemukan 10 dokumen yang sesuai dengan query
Leo Suryadinata
Singapore: Institute of Southeast Asian Studies, 1995
R 920.092 LEO p
Buku Referensi  Universitas Indonesia Library
Hari Poerwanto
Depok: Komunitas Bambu, 2005
572.895 1 HAR o (1)
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Abstrak :
Skripsi ini membahas tentang Star Weekly sebagai sebuah media yang menyuarakan ide asimilasi bagi golongan Tionghoa di Indonesia sejak awal penerbitanya pada 1946 hingga majalah tersebut dibredel tahun 1961. Ide asimilasi sebenarnya telah ada di Hindia Belanda sekitar 1920-1930-an namun pada saat itu belum ada konsep asimilasi yang konkret karena Indonesia belum merdeka. Pada periode 1950-an isu kewarganegaran bagi golongan Tionghoa mendorong mereka untuk menyatakan kesetiaanya sebagai warga negara sehingga munculah pemikiran untuk berasimilasi dengan golongan pribumi yang dimuat dalam Star Weekly. Star Weekly menjadi salah satu media yang meretas wacana asimilasi yang dipenuhi dengan perdebatan hingga akhirnya asimilasi golongan Tionghoa menjadi populer dan terbentuk organisasi yang memperjuangkan asimilasi bagi golongan Tionghoa di Indonesia. Skripsi ini bertujuan untuk meninjau kembali gagasan tentang asimilasi bagi golongan Tionghoa dan diharapkan dapat menjadi acuan untuk mempelajari lebih dalam tentang posisi minoritas Tionghoa di Indonesia. Pada dasarnya skripsi ini merupakan studi literatur yang menggunakan sumber primer dan sumber sekunder.
This thesis discusses about Star Weekly as a mass media that gave its voice for the idea for Chinese Group assimilation in Indonesia since its initiation in 1946 till the prohibition in 1961. Actually, this diffusion consideration had been existed in Netherlands-Indies since approximately 1920-1930s but at those time the concept of assimilation had not been created yet due to Indonesia possessed no independence. In 1950s decade, the citizenship issue for Chinese encouraged them to state their loyalty as a part of nations so that the idea to assimilate emerged rapidly by publication of Star Weekly. Star Weekly became one of the media bridged the discourse of mixture that enlivened with some debates until this issue went popular and the organization that fought for the assimilation formed. This thesis aims to reconsider the idea of assimilation for the Chinese and is expected to be a reference about the position of Chinese minority in Indonesia. Bassically this thesis is a study of literature which uses primary and secondary source.
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Chua, Christian
London: Routledge, 2008
338.889 598 CHU c
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Heidhues, Mary Somers
Ithaca, New York : Southeast Asia Program Cornell University , 2003
305.859 HEI g
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Naniek W. Priyomarsono
Jakarta: CAC Group, 2008
728.359 83 NAN r
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Arya Prasetya
Abstrak :
Ketahanan Nasional suatu bangsa dapat dikatakan berhasil apabila bangsa tersebut mampu menciptakan kesejahteraan dan juga keamanan di dalam negaranya secara seimbang. Tidak akan ada keamanan tanpa kesejahteraan yang memadai begitupun sebaliknya. Ketimpangan ekonomi di Indonesia masih cukup tinggi, menurut angka yang di keluarkan BPS RI, koefisein gini masyarakat perkotaan Indonesia bulan September 2017 masih sebesar 0,404 sedangkan di pedesaan 0,320. Kesenjangan ekonomi ini juga diakui oleh menteri keuangan RI Sri Mulyani, Ketua KPK RI Periode 2011-2015, Abraham Samad, Wakil Presiden RI periode 2014-2019, M. Jusuf Kalla, maupun Menteri Perekonomian RI Periode Mei 2014 - Oktober 2014 Chairul Tanjung bahwa 1% penduduk di Indonesia menguasai 50 % aset negara. Penyebab Ketimpangan ini cenderung diarahkan kepada etnis Tionghoa dengan didukung oleh data dari Majalah Forbes, tiga besar orang terkaya di Indonesia selama lima tahun berturut-turut ditempati oleh pengusaha beretnis Tionghoa, selain itu dimasa pemerintahan Presiden Joko Widodo banyak proyek-proyek infrastruktur yang dikerjakan oleh pemborong dari negeri Tiongkok, bukan hanya berinvestasi tetapi juga turut membawa pekerja dari negaranya sehingga masyarakat di Indonesia belum diberdayakan secara maksimal. Menjelang Pemilihan Kepala Daerah Tahun 2018, Pemilihan Legislatif dan Pemilihan Presiden Tahun 2019 tentu hal-hal ini bisa menjadi isu hangat yang disalahgunakan kembali ke arah masalah rasialis etnis Tionghoa seperti pada peristiwa Mei 1998 dimana krisis dan kesenjangan ekonomi menjadi pemicu utama terjadinya kerusuhan berdarah. Penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa persepsi masyarakat Indonesia terhadap golongan Tiongha di tahun 2018 masih cenderung negatif dan menjadi ancaman disintegrasi bangsa yang mengganggu ketahanan nasional Indonesia. Penelitian ini difoksukan di wilayah DKI Jakarta dengan mewawancarai informan kunci di bidang Pancasila dengan metode penelitian campuran eksploratori. ......National Resilience of a nation can be said to succeed if the nation is able to create prosperity and also security in the country in a balanced manner. There will be no security without adequate welfare and vice versa. Economic imbalances in Indonesia are still quite high, according to figures released by BPS RI, the coefisein gini of Indonesian urban communities in September 2017 is still at 0.404 while in the countryside 0.320. Economic gap is also recognized by the minister of finance of Indonesia Sri Mulyani, Chairman of KPK RI Period 2011-2015, Abraham Samad, Vice President of the Republic of Indonesia 2014-2019, M. Jusuf Kalla, and the Minister of Economy of the Republic of Indonesia May 2014 - October 2014 Chairul Tanjung that 1 % of the population in Indonesia controls 50% of state assets. The cause of this Inequality tends to be directed to ethnic Chinese supported by data from Forbes Magazine, the top three richest people in Indonesia for five consecutive years occupied by Chinese businessmen, besides during the administration of President Joko Widodo many infrastructure projects undertaken by contractors from China, not only invest but also bring workers from their country so that people in Indonesia have not been maximally empowered. In the lead up to the 2018 election of the Head of Region, the Legislative Election and the Presidential Election of 2019, these things could become a hot issue that was re-abused in the direction of ethnic Chinese racial issues as in the events of May 1998 where the crisis and economic disparity became the main trigger for bloody riots. This research shows that Indonesian people's perception towards Tiongha group in 2018 still tend to be negative and become a threat of disintegration of the nation that disrupts Indonesia's national resilience. This research was focused in Jakarta area by interviewing key informants in Pancasila field with exploratory mixture research method.
Jakarta: Sekolah Kajian Stratejik dan Global Universitas Indonesia, 2018
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Liem-Tjikook, Particia
Abstrak :
Chinese from Indonesia in the Netherlands are (post)colonial migrants who share a long historical tie with the Dutch. In this article the author brings together and focuses on three interconnected subjects: Chinese from Indonesia in the Netherlands; the historical development and present meaning of heritage; and the Chinese Indonesian Heritage Center (CIHC). For her research on the Chinese Indonesians in the Netherlands, the author has used the literature available on this minority group. The scarce specific data for this group are part of the explanation of its invisibility in society and research, and of the difficulty in quantifying them. The development of heritage as a western concept has led her to the question of what heritage might mean for migrants in their new homeland. The concluding part on the Chinese Indonesian Heritage Center introduces the activities of the Center designed to achieve her goals which are focused on the history of this group.
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Pengetahuan dan Budaya Universitas Indonesia, 2017
909 UI-WACANA 18:1 (2017)
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Alit Amini Rachim
Abstrak :
Skripsi ini membahas mengenai gambaran perempuan dalam keluarga di Hindia Belanda dalam novel Siti Kartini. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah deskriptif analisis. Dari penelitian ditemukan penggambaran perempuan ketika menghadapi persoalan di dalam keluarga seperti putusnya hubungan pertunangan, perkawinan paksa, serta realitas sosial di dalam novel Siti Kartini yang tercermin di masyarakat yaitu perempuan bekerja di luar rumah dan hubungan percintaan antarras dan suku bangsa.
This thesis discusses the description of women in families in the Dutch East Indies in the novel Siti Kartini. The research method used is descriptive analysis. From the research found the depiction of women when faced with problems in the family such as the breaking of engagement relationship, forced marriage, and social reality in novel Siti Kartini which is reflected in the society of women working outdoors and relationships romance between racial and ethnic.
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library