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Vivit Vidyawati
Abstrak :
Ruang Lingkup dan Cara Penelitian : Dalam rangka pengembangan kontrasepsi hormonal pria, penggunaan TE (Testosteron Enantat) dan DMPA (Depot Medroksi Progesteron Asetat), menunjukkan hasil tingkat azoospermia yang lebih tinggi (90-100%) pada bangsa Asia, sedangkan bangsa Kaukasia hanya mencapai 70% atau kurang. Diduga ada 2 faktor yang mempengaruhi perbedaan tersebut yaitu faktor genetik dan faktor lingkungan termasuk makanan/diet. Telah diketahui bahwa diet negara Barat (Western Diet) mengandung lemak dan protein tinggi, sedang diet negara Asia (Asian Diet) mengandung karbohidrat tinggi. Dari penelitian dilaporkan bahwa status nutrisi tampaknya merupakan salah satu faktor yang mengatur konsentrasi SHBG (Sex Hormone Binding Globulin) yang dapat mempengaruhi jumlah testosteron bebas yang akan digunakan dalam mekanisme umpan balik negatif. SHBG adalah glikoprotein yang berfungsi sebagai alat pengangkut hormon steroid, mempunyai afinitas yang kuat terhadap dehidrotestosteron dan testosteron, sedangkan terhadap estradiol afinitasnya lebih lemah. Berbagai hasil penelitian di luar negeri menunjukkan bahwa korelasi antara konsentrasi SHBG dengan testosteron, insulin dan BMI hasilnya belum seragam dan satu sama lain berbeda-beda. Oleh karena itu kami merasa perlu mengadakan penelitian ulang pada orang Kaukasia yang berada di Jakarta. Pengukuran konsentrasi SHBG, menggunakan immunoradiometric assay (IRMA), sedangkan testosteron total, testosteron bebas dan insulin menggunakan radiommunoassay (RIA). Pengukuran glukosa, trigliserida dan albumin dengan menggunakan spektrofotometer. Untuk mengetahui komposisi makronutrien karbohidrat, lemak dan protein dilakukan pencatatan makanan (food record) selama 3 hari. Analisis korelasi dilakukan untuk mengetahui korelasi antara konsentrasi SHBG dengan parameter-parameter yang diukur dan analisis regresi ganda untuk mengetahui hubungan yang paling erat antara konsentrasi SHBG dengan parameter-parameter yang diukur. Hasil dan Kesimpulan : Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa SHBG mempunyai korelasi positif dengan testosteron total (r = 0,483, P = 0,002), dan SHBG mempunyai korelasi negatif dengan testosteron bebas (r = 0,087, P = 0,312), insulin (r = 180, P = 0,134) dan BMI (r = 0,366, P = 0,017). Konsentrasi SHBG mempunyai hubungan paling erat dengan konsentrasi testosteron total (P = 0,001).
Scope and Research Method: In developing men hormonal contraception, the utilization of TE (Testosterone Enantat) and DMPA (Depot Medroksi Progesterone Acetate), indicated higher level of azoospermia (90-100%) at Asian Men, while Caucasian men reached 70% or less only. Presumably, there were two factors affecting this discrepancy, genetic and environmental factor including meal/diet. It has been well known that Western Diet consists of high fat and protein while Asian Diet consists of high carbohydrate. From the research, it was reported that nutrition status seemed to be one of many factors bringing about the concentration of SHBG (Sex Hormone Binding Globulin) affecting the number of free testosterone that would be used in the negative feedback mechanism. SHBG is glycoprotein acting as steroid hormone transporter, having strong affinity against dehydrotesterone and testosterone, in the same time its affinity against estradiol is weak. Many researches in foreign countries demonstrated that the correlation between concentration of SHBG and testosterone, insulin and BMI did not result in the uniform output and it was different one another. Therefore, we needed to repeat the research at Caucasian men in Jakarta. The measurement of SHBG concentration was using immunoradiometric assay (IRMA), while the measurement for total testosterone, free testosterone and insulin was using radioimmunoassay (RIA). The measurement of glucose, triglyceride and albumin was performed using spectrophotometer. To see the composition of macronutrient carbohydrate, fat and protein food record was conducted for 3 days. Correlation analysis was carried out to see the correlation between the concentration of SHBG and other parameters measured and multiple regression analysis was held to see the closest relation between SHBG concentration and other measured parameters. Result and conclusion: The research results indicated that SHBG had positive correlation with total testosterone (r= 0.483, P = 0.002), and SHBG had negative correlation with free testosterone (r=0.087, P = 0.312), insulin (r= 0.180, P = 0.134), and BMI (r= 0.366, P = 0.017). SHBG concentration had the closest relation with total testosterone concentration (p=0.001).
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2002
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Rahayu Yekti
Abstrak :
Dalam pengembangan kontrasepsi pria, penggunaan TE (Testosteron Enantat) atau kombinasinya dengan DMPA (Depot Medroxy Progesterone Acetate) sebagai bahan kontrasepsi hormonal pria menunjukkan perbedaan penekanan spermatogenesis antara pria bangsa Asia dan pria bangsa Kaukasia, pada bangsa Asia menyebabkan azoopermia 90-100% sedangkan pada bangsa Kaukasia mencapai azoospermia < 70%. Faktor yang diduga menimbulkan perbedaan hasil yaitu variasi genetik dan konsumsi makanan yang berbeda. Variasi genetik merupakan perbedaan urutan nukleotida menetap diantara individu. Perubahan nukleotida atau mutasi di dalam gen mungkin berperan pada formasi sebuah protein varian. Insiden dan distribusi alel varian dalam suatu populasi sebagai akibat menyeluruh dari tiga macam proses utama melalui generasi yang terdahulu yaitu mutasi, seleksi alam, peluang atau penyimpangan genetik secara acak. SHBG manusia di kode oleh dua alel autosom kodominan yaitu alel normal dan alel varian. Alel SHBG varian muncul akibat mutasi titik pada ekson 8 dari gen pengkode SHBG yang terletak di lengan pendek 12 - 13 dari kromosom 17. Mutasi titik tersebut menyebabkan substitusi basa tunggal pada kodon 327 dari GAC menjadi AAC yang mengkode perubahan asam amino aspartat menjadi asparagin, disertai penambahan tempat untuk N-glikosilasi pada posisi ini. Glikosilasi berpengaruh terhadap waktu paruh dan penambahan berat molekul SHBG varian. Melalui tehnik SDS-PAGE (Sodium Dodenji Sulfate Gel Electroforesis) deteksi SHBG normal dan SHBG varian dalam serum manusia menampakkan pola fenotip SHBG dua pita dan tiga pita dengan berat molekul yang berbeda yaitu 49, 52 dan 56 kDa. Karena latar belakang genetik antar ras/populasi berbeda dalam hal ini antara ras/populasi Indonesia dan Kaukasia, diduga ada perbedaan variasi genetik yang mengaldbatkan proses penekanan spermatogenesis yang berbeda. Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan tujuan membandingkan variasi fenotip SHBG antara populasi pria Indonesia dan pria Kaukasia dewasa. Deteksi variasi fenotip SHBG dalam penelitian ini dilakukan dengan tehnik SDS-PAGE dan Western blot. Dari keseluruhan sampel serum pria Indonesia dan Kaukasia yang dianalisis dengan SDS-PAGE dan Western blot, menunjukkan gambaran 2 macam pola fenotip SHBG yaitu gala fenotip SHBG dua pita dan pola fenotip SHBG tiga pita. Pala fenotip SHBG dua pita mempunyai subunit light dengan berat molekul 46 kDa, subunit heavy dengan berat molekul 51 kDa, sedangkan poly fenotip SHBG tiga pita mempunyai tambahan subunit super heavy dengan berat molekul 56 kDa. Dari 31 sampel serum pria Indonesia dijumpai sebanyak 65% (20 sampel) mempunyai pola fenotip SHBG dua pita (SHBG normal) sedangkan 35% (11 sampel) mempunyai pola fenotip SHBG tiga pita (SHBG varian). Pada 26 sampel serum pria Kaukasia dijumpai sebanyak 77% (20 sampel) mempunyai pola fenotip SHBG dua pita (SHBG normal) dan 23% (6 sampel) mempunyai pola fenotip SHBG tiga pita (SHBG varian). Analisa data melalui perhitungan statistik menggunakan uji Chi Square menunjukkan tidak berhubungan antara ras/populasi dengan variasi fenotip SHBG pada tingkat kepercayaan 95%. ]adi tidak berbeda bermakna variasi fenotip "SHBG antara ras/populasi Indonesia dan ras Kaukasia.
Phenotype Variation of Sex Hormone Binding Globulin (Shbg) in Health Adult Indonesian and Caucasian MaleIn the development of male contraception, the use of TE (Testosteron Enantat) or its combination with DMPA (Depo Medroxy Progesteron Acetat) as a material for male hormonal contraception shows different result of suppression of spermatogenesis between Asian and Caucasian. In Asian it causes 90-100% azoospermia while in Caucasian it reaches azoospermia < 70%. The possible factors that cause different result are genetic variation and different variety of food consumption. Genetic variation is different of nucleotides order resides in each individual. Nucleotide change or gene mutation probably play role in protein variant formation. The incidence and the distribution of variant allele in one population as cumulative result from 3 kind of main process through previous generation that is mutation, natural selection, the change or random of genetically deviation. Human SHBG is encoded by two codominant autosome allele, those are normal and variant alleles. SHBG variant allele appears as a result of mutation at exon 8 of SHBG gene that locates at the short arm (p12 - pI 3) of chromosome 17. This mutation is a single base substitution at codon 327 from GAC to AAC that underly amino acid changing from aspartat to asparagin, along with additional place for N-glycocilation at this position. Glycocilation affects the half life and addition of molecular weight. By SDS-PAGE (Sodium Dodecyl Sulfate Gel Electroforesis) technique detection of normal SHBG and variant SHBG in human serum shows two and three bands of SHBG phenotype pattern respectively, which has different molecular weight that is 49, 52 and 56 k Da. Since inter race/population genetically is different, in this case between Indonesian race/population and Caucasian, causes different genetic variation, it will probably cause different pressure on spermatogenesis. The aim of this research is to compare SHBG phenotype variant between adult male of Indonesian and Caucasian population. The detection of phenotype SHBG variation in this research is done with SDS-PAGE and Western blot technique. Serum samples of Indonesian and Caucasian analyzed with SDSPAGE and Western blot show two kind of SHBG phenotype pattern that is two bands and three bands SHBG phenotype pattern. Two bands SHBG phenotype consist of light subunit with molecular weight 46 k Da and heavy subunit with molecular weight 51 kDa. Three bands SHBG phenotype pattern has an additional subunit, which is super heavy with molecular weight 56 k Da. In 31 male Indonesian serum samples, 66% (20 samples) has two bands SHBG phenotype pattern (normal SHBG) and 34% (II samples) has three bands SHBG phenotype pattern (variant SHBG). Of 26 male Caucasian serum samples, 77% (20 samples) has two bands SHBG phenotype pattern (normal SHBG) and 23% (6 samples) has three bands SHBG phenotype pattern (variant SHBG). Statistical analysis using Chi Square test shows 95% validity is not match between race/population with SHBG phenotype variation. So the difference of SHBG phenotype variation between Indonesian race/population and Caucasian is not significant.
Depok: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2002
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Steinhauer, Hein
Abstrak :
The number of different languages in Europe by far exceeds the number of countries. All European countries have national languages, and in nearly all of them there are minority languages as well, whereas all major languages have dialects. National borders rarely coincide with linguistic borders, but the latter (including dialect borders) mark by their nature also more or less distinct cultural areas. This paper presents a survey of the different language families represented in Europe: Indo-European, Uralic, Altaic, and the four Caucasian language families, each with their sub-branches and individual languages. Some information is given on characteristic structural phenomena and on the status and history of these languages or language families and on some of their extinct predecessors. The paper ends with a short discussion on the language policy and practices of the institutions of the European Union. Europe lacks a language with the status and power comparable to Indonesian in Indonesia. The policy is therefore based on equal status of all national languages and on respect for all languages, including national minority ones. The practice, however, is unavoidably practical: ?the more languages, the more English?.
Faculty of Humanities University of Indonesia, 2011
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library