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Abstrak :
Kegiatan posyandu bertujuan memantau pertumbuhan balita dengan indikator pencapaian adalah cakupan penimbangan balita (D/S). Pencapaian D/S tahun 2011 di Kota Padang terendah pada Puskesmas Nanggalo 42,7% dan tertinggi pada Puskesmas Ambacang 96,7%. Tujuan penelitian untuk mengetahui hubungan faktor kader dan sarana posyandu dengan cakupan penimbangan di posyandu dua puskesmas Kota Padang tahun 2012. Desain penelitian adalah cross sectional. Hasil penelitian rata ? rata D/S tahun 2012 puskesmas 66,01 % dengan proporsi cakupan tinggi 52,4 %. Pendidikan, lama kerja, pengetahuan, pelatihan, persepsi, jumlah kader dan sarana posyandu berhubungan bermakna dengan cakupan penimbangan balita. Perlu pelatihan kader, penambahan jumlah kader dan sarana posyandu. ......Posyandu activities aimed at monitoring the growth of underfive children with indicators of achievement is the scope of child's weight (D/ S). Achievement of D / S of Padang in 2011, Nanggalo 42.7% and Ambacang 96.7%. Research purposes to determine the correlation between the cadres and the facilities posyandu to coverage of weighing in posyandu Padang City in 2012. The study design was cross-sectional. The results the average D/ S in 2012 66,01% and propostion hight coverage of weighing 52,4 %. Education, Length of work, knowledge, training, perception, number of cadres and facilities posyandu significantly associated with coverage of weighting underfive children. Need training of cadres and increasing the number of cadres and facility.
Depok: Fakultas Kesehatan Masyarakat Universitas Indonesia, 2013
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Grace Meylisa Saragi
Abstrak :
Pemberian pelayanan kepada masyarakat  tentunya membutuhkan dukungan sosial dari lingkungan sekitar.  Dukungan sosial menurut Taylor (2006) adalah sebagai pertukaran interpersonal, dengan memberikan bantuan kepada orang lain, bertukar informasi, dan melibatkan emosi untuk saling memberikan bantuan dalam bentuk saran maupun materi. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui dukungan sosial yang diberikan masyarakat sekitar kepada Kader Jumantik di Kota Bekasi serta faktor pendukung dan faktor penghambat dalam proses pemberian dukungan sosial. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif dengan desain deskriptif yang bertujuan untuk memberikan gambaran secara rinci serta menjelaskan serangkaian tahapan atau langkah-langkah. Teknik pengumpulan data yang dilakukan adalah wawancara mendalam, observasi, studi literatur, dan studi dokumentasi. Hasil dari penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa dukungan sosial yang diberikan masyarakatn kepada Kader Jumantik PKK Kelurahan Mustikajaya, Bekasi mencakup dukungan sosial, instrumental, penghargaan, emosional dan integrasi sosial. Faktor pendukung dukungan ini relasi dan respon positif yang diberikan masyarakat kepada kader jumantik, PKK Kelurahan Mustikajaya. Sedangkan, faktor penghambat dukungan sosial adalah terdapat beberapa masyarakat yang memiliki ketidakpercayaan kepada kader jumantik dalam memberikan pelayanan. Sumber-sumber dukungan sosial yang diberikan masyarakat kepada kader jumantik berasal dari tetangga dekat dan jauh, suami serta anak. Terlepas dari adanya faktor pendukung dan penghambat, dukungan sosial ini meningkatkan kualitas pelayanan kader jumantik. Peneliti merancang penelitian bersama dengan pemangku kepentingan dari institusi, Desa Mustikajaya, dan mereka telah menyetujui peneliti untuk melakukan penelitian selama pandemi COVID 19, dengan memperhatikan protokol kesehatan ......Providing services to the community requires social support from the surrounding environment. Social support according to Taylor (2006) is an interpersonal exchange, by providing assistance to others, exchanging information, and engaging emotions to provide mutual assistance in the form of suggestions and materials. This study aims to determine the social support provided by the surrounding community to Jumantik Cadres in Bekasi City as well as supporting and inhibiting factors in the process of providing social support. This study uses a qualitative approach with a descriptive design that aims to provide a detailed description and explain a series of stages or steps. The data collection techniques used were in-depth interviews, observation, literature study, and documentation study. The results of this study indicate that the social support provided by the community to the Jumantik PKK cadres of Mustikajaya Village, Bekasi includes social support, instrumental, appreciation, emotional and social integration. The supporting factors for this support are the positive relationships and responses given by the community to Jumantik cadres, PKK, Mustikajaya Village. Meanwhile, the inhibiting factor for social support is that there are some people who have distrust of jumantik cadres in providing services. Sources of social support provided by the community to larva monitoring cadres come from near and far neighbors, husbands and children. Apart from the existence of supporting and inhibiting factors, this social support improves the service quality of jumantik cadres. Researchers designed joint research with stakeholders from institutions, Mustikajaya Village, and they have approved researchers to carry out research during the COVID 19 pandemic, by paying attention to health protocols.
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Indonesia, 2021
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Grace Meylisa Saragi
Abstrak :
Pemberian pelayanan kepada masyarakat tentunya membutuhkan dukungan sosial dari lingkungan sekitar. Dukungan sosial menurut Taylor (2006) adalah sebagai pertukaran interpersonal, dengan memberikan bantuan kepada orang lain, bertukar informasi, dan melibatkan emosi untuk saling memberikan bantuan dalam bentuk saran maupun materi. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui dukungan sosial yang diberikan masyarakat sekitar kepada Kader Jumantik di Kota Bekasi serta faktor pendukung dan faktor penghambat dalam proses pemberian dukungan sosial. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif dengan desain deskriptif yang bertujuan untuk memberikan gambaran secara rinci serta menjelaskan serangkaian tahapan atau langkah-langkah. Teknik pengumpulan data yang dilakukan adalah wawancara mendalam, observasi, studi literatur, dan studi dokumentasi. Hasil dari penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa dukungan sosial yang diberikan masyarakatn kepada Kader Jumantik PKK Kelurahan Mustikajaya, Bekasi mencakup dukungan sosial, instrumental, penghargaan, emosional dan integrasi sosial. Faktor pendukung dukungan ini relasi dan respon positif yang diberikan masyarakat kepada kader jumantik, PKK Kelurahan Mustikajaya. Sedangkan, faktor penghambat dukungan sosial adalah terdapat beberapa masyarakat yang memiliki ketidakpercayaan kepada kader jumantik dalam memberikan pelayanan. Sumber-sumber dukungan sosial yang diberikan masyarakat kepada kader jumantik berasal dari tetangga dekat dan jauh, suami serta anak. Terlepas dari adanya faktor pendukung dan penghambat, dukungan sosial ini meningkatkan kualitas pelayanan kader jumantik. Peneliti merancang penelitian bersama dengan pemangku kepentingan dari institusi, Desa Mustikajaya, dan mereka telah menyetujui peneliti untuk melakukan penelitian selama pandemi COVID 19, dengan memperhatikan protokol kesehatan ......Providing services to the community requires social support from the surrounding environment. Social support according to Taylor (2006) is an interpersonal exchange, by providing assistance to others, exchanging information, and engaging emotions to provide mutual assistance in the form of suggestions and materials. This study aims to determine the social support provided by the surrounding community to Jumantik Cadres in Bekasi City as well as supporting and inhibiting factors in the process of providing social support. This study uses a qualitative approach with a descriptive design that aims to provide a detailed description and explain a series of stages or steps. The data collection techniques used were in-depth interviews, observation, literature study, and documentation study. The results of this study indicate that the social support provided by the community to the Jumantik PKK cadres of Mustikajaya Village, Bekasi includes social support, instrumental, appreciation, emotional and social integration. The supporting factors for this support are the positive relationships and responses given by the community to Jumantik cadres, PKK, Mustikajaya Village. Meanwhile, the inhibiting factor for social support is that there are some people who have distrust of jumantik cadres in providing services. Sources of social support provided by the community to larva monitoring cadres come from near and far neighbors, husbands and children. Apart from the existence of supporting and inhibiting factors, this social support improves the service quality of jumantik cadres. Researchers designed joint research with stakeholders from institutions, Mustikajaya Village, and they have approved researchers to carry out research during the COVID 19 pandemic, by paying attention to health protocols.
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Indonesia, 2021
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Fathimah Azzahrah
Abstrak :
Latar Belakang. Prevalensi trikuriasis di Desa Panimbang tahun 2018 sebesar 25,1%. Desa Panimbang adalah desa berpenduduk miskin dengan sanitasi buruk serta memiliki kondisi desa yang bertanah liat dan tercemar telur T. trichiura merupakan faktor risiko cacingan yang ditularkan melalui tanah. Oleh karena itu, diperlukan penyuluhan kesehatan untuk meningkatkan pengetahuan masyarakat tentang trikuriasis dan pencegahannya dengan ber-PHBS. Metode. Penelitian ini menggunakan desain pre-post study dengan intervensi berupa penyuluhan kesehatan. Penelitian dilaksanakan di SDN 03 Panimbang, Kabupaten Pandeglang pada Agustus 2019. Subjek diberikan kuesioner yang berisi 20 pertanyaan pre-test dan post-test terkait infeksi T. trichiura. Data dianalisis menggunakan SPSS versi 20. Hasil. Jumlah subjek adalah 46 orang yang terdiri atas 12 guru (91,7% perempuan, 8,3% laki-laki) dan 34 kader (100% perempuan). Sebagian besar usia guru 46-55 tahun (41,7%) dan kader 26-35 (35,3%) dan 36-45 tahun (35,3%). Sebelum penyuluhan kesehatan, tingkat pengetahuan subjek terdiri dari baik (45,7%), cukup (21,7%) dan kurang (32,6%). Setelah penyuluhan kesehatan, terjadi peningkatan subjek dengan pengetahuan baik (87%) dan penurunan subjek dengan pengetahuan cukup (4,3%) dan kurang (8,7%). Uji marginal homogeneity memberikan nilai p<0,001 yang berarti bahwa tingkat pengetahuan subjek tentang gejala trikuriasis berhubungan dengan penyuluhan kesehatan. Kesimpulan. Penyuluhan kesehatan efektif meningkatkan pengetahuan guru dan kader tentang trikuriasis. ......Background. The prevalence of trichuriasis in Panimbang Village in 2018 was 25,1%. Panimbang Village is a village with poor population and poor sanitation, and has a village condition with clay soil and contaminated with T. trichiura eggs is a risk factor for soil-transmitted helminths. Therefore, health education is needed to increase villagers’ knowledge about trichuriasis and its prevention by using PHBS. Methods. This study used a pre-post study design with interventions of health education. The research was conducted at SDN 03 Panimbang, Pandeglang District in August 2019. Subjects were given a questionnaire containing 20 pre-test and post-test questions related to T. trichiura infection. Data were analyzed using SPSS version 20. Results. The number of subjects was 46 people consists of 12 teachers (91,7% female, 8,3% male) and 34 cadres (100% female). Most of the teachers’ age was 46-55 years old (41,7%) and cadres 26-35 (35,3%) and 36-45 (35,3%) years old. Before health education, the level of subject knowledge consisted of good (45,7%), moderate (21,7%) and poor (32,6%). After health education, there was an increase in subjects with good (87%) knowledge and a decrease in subjects with moderate (4,3%) and poor (8,7%) knowledge. The marginal homogeneity test showed p<0,001, which means the subject’s level of knowledge about trichuriasis symptoms was related to health education. Conclusion. Health education is effective to increase knowledge of trichuriasis in teachers and cadres.
Depok: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2020
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Kusdiah Eny Subekti
Abstrak :
Lansia merupakan kelompok rentan yang memiliki penyakit kronik karena menurunnya kemampuan fisik, psikologis dan sosialnya. Prevalensi lansia DM di Jawa Barat mengalami peningkatan dari 1,3% menjadi 2% di tahun 2013. Lansia memerlukan dukungan dari masyarakat sekitarnya, terutama kader dalam memberikan pelayanan kesehatan terkait DM. Salah satu jenis pelayanan kesehatan yang diberikan kepada kelompok lansia di posbindu PTM diantaranya pemeriksaan adanya gula dalam urine sebagai deteksi awal adanya penyakit diabetes mellitus, pemeriksaan aktivitas sehari ? hari, pemeriksaan status gizi, dan kegiatan olah raga. Dukungan dari keluarga, teman, dan kader kesehatan sangat penting untuk membuat perubahan gaya hidup dalam hal diet dan pola aktivitas. Praktik residensi bertujuan memberi gambaran pemantauan diet dan aktivitas sebagai bentuk pemberdayaan kader dalam mempertahankan kadar gula darah pada lansia DM. Hasil evaluasi kegiatan didapatkan : terjadi peningkatan pengetahuan kader dari rata-rata 3,29 menjadi 9,84; peningkatan sikap kader dari rata-rata 33,29 menjadi 36,50; peningkatan keterampilan kader dari rata-rata 29,29 menjadi 32,50, dan penurunan kadar gula setelah dilakukan pemantauan diet dan aktivitas sebesar 63%. Pendidikan kesehatan dapat dilakukan secara individual maupun berkelompok oleh petugas kesehatan atau kader yang telah mendapat pelatihan. Pemberdayaan kader dapat meningkatkan pengetahuan, sikap dan keterampilan kader. Puskesmas perlu memberikan bimbingan dan pembinaan bagi kader kesehatan untuk meningkatkan asuhan keperawatan lansia DM. ABSTRACT
Elderly who is vulnerable groups have the disease chronicle because declines in physical performance, social and psychological. The prevalence of seniors dm in west java has increased from 1.3 % to 2 percent in 2013. Elderly requiring support from the community surrounding, especially kaders in providing health services associated dm on elderly. One of the health services provided for the elderly in posbindu PTM examination of the sugar in urine as the detection of the beginning of disease diabetes mellitus, the daily activities investigation day, a nutrition status, and activities sports. Support of the family, friends, and healthcare very important to make lifestyle change in the diet and the activity. The research aims to give a sense of monitoring of diet and activity as a form of cadres in empowerment maintain blood sugar concentration on elderly dm. The evaluation of these activities : increased cadre of knowledge than average 3,29 become 9,84. Increased cadre of attitude than average 33,29 become 36,50. Cadres increasing skill than average 29,29 become 32,50. The decline in a sugar after monitoring diet and activity of 63 %. Health education can be carried out individual and groups for health workers or cadres have received the training. Empowerment cadres can increase of knowledge , attitudes and skill cadres. Puskesmas needs to give guidance and flanking for health cadres to increase the care of nursing elderly dm. ;Elderly who is vulnerable groups have the disease chronicle because declines in physical performance, social and psychological. The prevalence of seniors dm in west java has increased from 1.3 % to 2 percent in 2013. Elderly requiring support from the community surrounding, especially kaders in providing health services associated dm on elderly. One of the health services provided for the elderly in posbindu PTM examination of the sugar in urine as the detection of the beginning of disease diabetes mellitus, the daily activities investigation day, a nutrition status, and activities sports. Support of the family, friends, and healthcare very important to make lifestyle change in the diet and the activity. The research aims to give a sense of monitoring of diet and activity as a form of cadres in empowerment maintain blood sugar concentration on elderly dm. The evaluation of these activities : increased cadre of knowledge than average 3,29 become 9,84. Increased cadre of attitude than average 33,29 become 36,50. Cadres increasing skill than average 29,29 become 32,50. The decline in a sugar after monitoring diet and activity of 63 %. Health education can be carried out individual and groups for health workers or cadres have received the training. Empowerment cadres can increase of knowledge , attitudes and skill cadres. Puskesmas needs to give guidance and flanking for health cadres to increase the care of nursing elderly dm. ;Elderly who is vulnerable groups have the disease chronicle because declines in physical performance, social and psychological. The prevalence of seniors dm in west java has increased from 1.3 % to 2 percent in 2013. Elderly requiring support from the community surrounding, especially kaders in providing health services associated dm on elderly. One of the health services provided for the elderly in posbindu PTM examination of the sugar in urine as the detection of the beginning of disease diabetes mellitus, the daily activities investigation day, a nutrition status, and activities sports. Support of the family, friends, and healthcare very important to make lifestyle change in the diet and the activity. The research aims to give a sense of monitoring of diet and activity as a form of cadres in empowerment maintain blood sugar concentration on elderly dm. The evaluation of these activities : increased cadre of knowledge than average 3,29 become 9,84. Increased cadre of attitude than average 33,29 become 36,50. Cadres increasing skill than average 29,29 become 32,50. The decline in a sugar after monitoring diet and activity of 63 %. Health education can be carried out individual and groups for health workers or cadres have received the training. Empowerment cadres can increase of knowledge , attitudes and skill cadres. Puskesmas needs to give guidance and flanking for health cadres to increase the care of nursing elderly dm. ;Elderly who is vulnerable groups have the disease chronicle because declines in physical performance, social and psychological. The prevalence of seniors dm in west java has increased from 1.3 % to 2 percent in 2013. Elderly requiring support from the community surrounding, especially kaders in providing health services associated dm on elderly. One of the health services provided for the elderly in posbindu PTM examination of the sugar in urine as the detection of the beginning of disease diabetes mellitus, the daily activities investigation day, a nutrition status, and activities sports. Support of the family, friends, and healthcare very important to make lifestyle change in the diet and the activity. The research aims to give a sense of monitoring of diet and activity as a form of cadres in empowerment maintain blood sugar concentration on elderly dm. The evaluation of these activities : increased cadre of knowledge than average 3,29 become 9,84. Increased cadre of attitude than average 33,29 become 36,50. Cadres increasing skill than average 29,29 become 32,50. The decline in a sugar after monitoring diet and activity of 63 %. Health education can be carried out individual and groups for health workers or cadres have received the training. Empowerment cadres can increase of knowledge , attitudes and skill cadres. Puskesmas needs to give guidance and flanking for health cadres to increase the care of nursing elderly dm. ;Elderly who is vulnerable groups have the disease chronicle because declines in physical performance, social and psychological. The prevalence of seniors dm in west java has increased from 1.3 % to 2 percent in 2013. Elderly requiring support from the community surrounding, especially kaders in providing health services associated dm on elderly. One of the health services provided for the elderly in posbindu PTM examination of the sugar in urine as the detection of the beginning of disease diabetes mellitus, the daily activities investigation day, a nutrition status, and activities sports. Support of the family, friends, and healthcare very important to make lifestyle change in the diet and the activity. The research aims to give a sense of monitoring of diet and activity as a form of cadres in empowerment maintain blood sugar concentration on elderly dm. The evaluation of these activities : increased cadre of knowledge than average 3,29 become 9,84. Increased cadre of attitude than average 33,29 become 36,50. Cadres increasing skill than average 29,29 become 32,50. The decline in a sugar after monitoring diet and activity of 63 %. Health education can be carried out individual and groups for health workers or cadres have received the training. Empowerment cadres can increase of knowledge , attitudes and skill cadres. Puskesmas needs to give guidance and flanking for health cadres to increase the care of nursing elderly dm.
Fakultas Ilmu Keperawatan Universitas Indonesia, 2015
UI - Tugas Akhir  Universitas Indonesia Library
Merah Bangsawan K.
Abstrak :
Fungsi posyandu bagi masyarakat sasaran adalah sebagai upaya meningkatkan derajat kesehatan, umur harapan hidup, dan status gizi_ Namun, dari hasil pemantauan perkembangan posyandu menunjukkan penurunan mutu kerja yang ditandai dengan meningkatnya jumlah posyandu strata pratama. Kondisi ini terjadi disebabkan kader yang tidak aktif melaksanakan kegiatan posyandu. Keaktifan kader di posyandu sangat menentukan kualitas fungsi dan kinerja posyandu, karena unsur utama dalam pelayanan posyandu adalah kader. Berkaitan dengan hasil tersebut di atas penelitian ini mencoba untuk mengetahui faktor-faktor apa saja yang patut diduga berhubungan dengan keaktifan kader posyandu atau penurunan aktivitas kader posyandu. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk menjawab apakah ada hubungan antara keaktifan dengan faktor-faktor : umur, pendidikan, status perkawinan, pengetahuan, sikap, motivasi, pelatihan, penghargaan, insentif, dan peran TP-PKK. Penelitian ini bersifat penelitian deskriptif dengan rancangan cross sectional. Instrumen utama yang digunakan separangkat kuesioner. Responden penelitian adalah seluruh kader yang ada dan sedang melaksanakan pelayanan posyandu yang berjumlah 150 orang kader aktif dari seluruh posyandu yang ada di kecamatan Teluk betung Barat Kota Bandar Lampung, sebagai populasi yang diteliti sekaligus merupakan sampel penelitian. Analisa data dengan menggunakan program SPSS versi 10.0.Analisis univariat untuk distribusi frekuensi dan analisis bivariat dengan menggunakan uji statistik, uji Chi Square untuk mengetahui hubungan antara variabel independen dengan variabel dependen. Hasil penelitian, berkaitan dengan kehadiran kader posyandu di kecamatan Teluk betung Barat ternyata 66,7% kader posyandu aktif melakukan kegiatan posyandu yang diadakan. Sedangkan hasil analisis terhadap faktor-faktor yang berhubungan dengan keaktifan kader, didapatkan enam faktor yang secara statistik terbukti berhubungan secara bermakna/signifikan yaitu umur, pendidikan, pengetahuan, sikap, pelatihan dan TP-PKK. Disarankan kepada institusi pembina posyandu di kelurahan/kecamatan bahwa semua posyandu dapat memiliki kader yang mampu aktif dan melakukan kegiatan posyandu apabila memilih calon kader yang berusia lebih dan 35 tahun, berpendidikan minimal SMP, diberikan pelatihan untuk meningkatkan pengetahuan dan keterampilannya, pembinaan dan bimbingan oleh TP-PKK setiap bulan untuk mempertahankan sikap, motivasi kerja, dan semangat kerja kader posyandu. Untuk mendapatkan gambaran yang lebih komprehensif lagi terhadap faktor-faktor yang berhubungan dengan keaktifan kader sekiranya perlu dilakukan penelitian terhadap faktor-faktor lainnya dengan rancangan yang berbeda dan kelompok sampel yang lebih banyak/ lebih luas.
Factors Related to The Activity of Posyandu Cadres at Teluk Betung Barat Subdistrict of Bandar Lampung CityThe main function of posyandu for the target community is to improve health quality, life expectancy, and nutrition. The monitoring of the development of quality performance of posyandu showed that there was a decline of the performance quality of posyandu indicated by the increasing number first strata posyandu. This might be caused by the inactivity of the cadres in implementing posyandu services, while in fact the cadre absences is very influential in determining the quality of posyandu performance because the cadres are the main element of the posyandu services. This research attempts to identify what factors than can be assumed to correlate with the activity of posyandu cadres and factors that might hinder the cadre activities. The main objective of the research is to answer the question whether there are any correlations between the cadre performances, and factors such as age, education, marital status, knowledge, attitude, motivation, training, incentive, award, and TPPKK. This research is a descriptive analysis using cross-sectional design. The main instrument used to gather the data is a set of questionnaires. The respondents are all available cadres who are still in posyandu services. The number of respondent is [50 cadres from all posyandus in Telukbetung Barat Sub-District of Bandar Lampung city who function both as the population as well as the sample. The data were analyzed using Efi Info version 6.4 and SPSS version 10.0. Univariate analysis for frequency distribution and bivariate analysis using Chi Square Correlations in order to find out whether there are any correlations between the independent variables and the dependent variable. The results show that in relation to the general performance of the posyandu cadres in Teluk Betung Sub-District, 66,7% of the posyandu does have absence cadres to provide services for the community. Statistical analyses show that there are five factors that correlate significantly with the cadre performance. The factors are: age, school, knowledge, attitude, training, and TP-PKK. It is recommended that the institutions in charge of managing the posyandus in villages and sub districts to provide the posyandu with cadres aged over 35 years, organizing trainings to develop the skills and knowledge of the cadres, supporting 1P-PICK every month to maintain the cadres attitude, and enhancing the motivation and working spirits of the cadres. In order to get a more comprehensive picture of the factors related to the performance of the cadres, it is also suggested that other research studies with different research design with bigger and wider groups off samples be conducted.
Depok: Universitas Indonesia, 2001
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Cahaya Indriaty
Abstrak :
LATAR BELAKANG. Pemantauan pertumbuhan balita merupakan kegiatan penting dalam menunjang upaya perbaikan gizi, karena memiliki fungsi penapisan, deteksi gangguan pertumbuhan, penentuan intervensi, dan sebagai alat edukasi. Untuk dapat digunakan sebagai indikator kesejahteraan di masyarakat, maka harus dihasilkan'" informasi yang berkualitas baik, terutama yang berkaitan dengan hasil penimbangan balita. Selama ini masalah kualitas data penimbangan posyandu sering dipertanyakan karena data yang sangat terbatas. TUJUAN. Tujuan studi ini adalah untuk mempelajari kualitas data hasil penimbangan kader, mempelajari faktor-faktor, dan merumuskan saran-saran untuk peningkatan kualitas data. METODOLOGI. Studi dilakukan di 4 kabupaten yaitu Sukabumi dan Bogor di Jawa Barat, serta Demak dan Semarang di Jawa Tengah. Sebanyak 18 posyandu di masing-masing Kabupaten di pilih dengan cara Multistage sampling. Secara keseluruhan ada 72 posyandu sebagai lokasi studi. Di masing-masing posyandu dipilih satu orang kader yang bertugas menimbang sebagai sampel studi. Kualitas data hasil penimbangan dinilai dengan presisi dan akurasi kader dalam penimbangan. Setiap kader menimbang 10 anak sebanyak 2 kali, kemudian anak yang sama ditimbang oleh petugas peneliti sebanyak 2 kali. Penilaian presisi dan akurasi dilakukan dengan metode yang tercantum pada buku 'Measuring Changes of Nutritional Status (WHO, 1983). Variabel lain yang dikumpulkan meliputi data diri kader meliputi umur, pendidkan, pekerjaan dan data yang berkaitan dengan lama kerja, pelatihan, perekrutan, pembinaan, pengetahuan dan ketrampilan kader dalam menimbang. Analisa dilakukan secara deskriptif, dan analisa hubungan antara variabel bebas dengan tingkat presisi dan akurasi dilakukan dengan menggunakan uji Chi-Square. HASIL. Sebanyak 59,7 % kader memiliki tingkat presisi yang kurang baik dan hampir semua kader (97,2%) memiliki tingkat akurasi yang kurang baik. Dengan demikian kualitas data hasil penimbangan oleh kader masih sangat rendah. Dari 97,2% kader yang tidak akurat ternyata 82,5% tidak mendapat pembinaan yang baik. Faktor ketrampilan merupakan faktor penting pada kualitas data, sebagian besar kader kurang trampil, terutama dalam hal mengatur posisi bandul timbangan. Faktor ketrampilan kader ini lebih lanjut dipengaruhi oleh pengetahuan kader dan pembinaan yang kurang dalam materi cara menimbang balita. Faktor-faktor lain tidak mempunyai hubungan dengan tingkat presisi maupun tingkat akurasi. KESIMPULAN. Kualitas data hasil penimbangan oleh kader masih sangat rendah. Faktor pengetahuan dan ketrampilan kader terutama dalam mengatur posisi bandul timbangan merupakan variabel yang penting dalam kaitannya dengan kualitas data. SARAN. Untuk meningkatkan kualitas data perlu dilakukan pembinaan secara berkesinambungan disamping pelatihan-pelatihan resmi yang dibentuk. Dalam hal ini pembinaan yang berkaitan dengan cara penimbangan perlu mendapat perhatian serius, disamping pembenahan posyandu dalam aspek lainnya seperti pemberian penghargaan dan sanksi. Selain itu juga dilakukan penyebaran informasi cara menimbang yang benar melalui kegiatan pembinaan yang teratur agar dapat ditingkatkan kualitas data penimbangan, dan menimbulkan budaya malu apabila tidak melaksanakan tugas dengan tanggung jawab. Daftar bacaan: 43 (1930-2002)
The Relationship Between the Characteristics and the Precision and Accuracy of Posyandu Cadres in Weighing the Children, in the Districts of Sukabumi, Bogor, Demak and Semarang, in 2002BACKGROUND. One among others, growth monitoring is an important activity to support nutrition improvement program. Growth monitoring has several functions such as to identify the targets for intervention, to detect growth failure, to identify appropriate nutrition intervention, and as educational tool. A good quality growth monitoring data could be used as an indicator of social welfare, therefore, the reliability of weight data from monthly weighing activity at posyandu should be improved. Thus far, the quality of weight data is still questionable, but the effort to evaluate it is still rarely carried out. OBJECTIVES. The objectives of the study are to evaluate the quality of weight data measured by posyandu cadre, to determine factors that are related to quality of weight data, and to formulate recommendation for improving the quality of weight data. METHODS. The study was carried out in 4 districts, namely: Sukabumi and Bogor in West Java, Demak and Semarang in Central Java. Eighteen posyandus in each district were selected using multistage sampling. In a total 72 posyandus were covered as study locations. In each posyandu one cadre whose task is weighing was selected as a study sample. The quality of weight data was evaluated by looking at the precision and accuracy of cadre in weighing. Each cadre weighed 10 children twice. The same children also weighed by field staff twice. The evaluation of precision and accuracy is based an method provided in the guidance book for `Measuring Changes of Nutritional Status', WHO, 1983. Other variables were also collected such as age of cadre, educational level, occupation, duration of being cadre, frequency of training followed by cadre, recruitment, advisory, and the knowledge and the ability of cadre in weighing. Two types of data analysis were employed: descriptive analysis and association between dependent and independent variables using Chi-square test. RESULTS. The precision and accuracy of cadre in weighing is significantly low. As many as 59.7% cadres were found to be imprecise, and 97.2% were found to be inaccurate in weighing. Around 83% of cadres who were inaccurate in weighing did not receive better guidance from the advisor. The ability of cadre in weighing is found to be an important factor that influences the quality of weight data, particularly in positioning the scale balancer ("bandul timbangan"). The ability of cadre in weighing is influenced by the lack in cadre's knowledge in how to weigh the child and the lack in guidance from the advisor. The other factors do not have significant association with precision and accuracy of cadre in weighing. CONCLUSIONS. The quality of weight data measured by cadres is still very low. The knowledge and the ability of cadres in weighing, particularly in positioning scale balancer are the important factors that associated with the quality of weight data. RECCOMENDATIONS. To improve the quality of weight data measured by cadres requires a regular and continuous guidance besides providing the cadres with formal trainings. Other than efforts to improve posyandu activity such as providing rewards and sanctions, a guidance related to method of weighing needs a serious attention, In addition, information related to quality of weight data needs to be observed, evaluated, and improved by the advisor through a regular advisory visit.
Depok: Fakultas Kesehatan Masyarakat Universitas Indonesia, 2003
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Januardi Jazid
Abstrak :
Posyandu merupakan pos pelayanan terpadu KB-- Kesehatan, yang dikelola dan diselenggarakan untuk dan oleh masyarakat, dengan dukungan teknis dari petugas , dalam rangka pencapaian NKKBS .Namun sampai saat ini belum dilakukan telaah mengenai peran kader dalam pengelolaan posyandu tersebut . Hal inilah yang menarik peneliti untuk melakukan penelitian mengenai hubungan peran kader dalam pengelolaan dengan penampilan posyandu di Kotamadya Pangkalpinang .

Untuk keperluan tersebut dilakukanlah penelitian dengan bentuk penelitian deskriptif analitik melalui pendekatan cross sectional. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk melihat adakah hubungan antara peran kader dalam pengelolaan dengan penampilan posyandu, baik dalam fungsi penggerakan maupun dalam fungsi penyuluhan

Hasil penelitian ini adalah bahwa ada hubungan antara peran kader dalam pengelolaan dengan penampilan posyandu . Peran kader baik dalam fungsi penggerakan maupun dalam fungsi penyuluhan merupakan suatu bentuk pengelolaan yang memerlukan persiapan, kemampuan, koordinasi dan pembinaan sehingga akan menghasilkan posyandu berpenainpilan baik .

Saran ditujukan baik terhadap DepKes. maupun Pemda Tk.I dan Tk.II agar lebih meningkatkan peran kader dalam pengelolaan posyandu sehingga posyandu akan menjadi lebih baik dan mandiri.

Daftar bacaan 25 ( 1977 - 1990 )

T 3337
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Dewi Candra Nur Imamah
Abstrak :
Tesis ini membahas kaderisasi politik yang dilakukan Dewan Pengurus Pusat Partai Kebangkitan Bangsa Periode 2009-2014 dengan organisasi keagamaan Nahdlatul Ulama NU sebagai basis massanya dalam rangka menyiapkan calon-calon pemimpin tingkat nasional. Ini adalah penelitian kualitatif dengan pendekatan fenomenologis deskriptif, dengan informan sebanyak sepuluh orang yang berasal dari PKB dan NU, serta pakar politik. Kesimpulan dari penelitian ini adalah kaderisasi politik PKB yang mengalami stagnasi, sementara dalam hubungan kaderisasi politik PKB dengan NU memberi keuntungan bagi PKB. Sedangkan dalam penyiapan pemimpin nasional, PKB memiliki blueprint dengan tiga belas agenda politik tentang kemandirian dan kedaulatan bangsa yang salah satu isinya adalah tentang kepemimpinan nasional. Hasil penelitian menyarankan bahwa PKB ke depan harus melakukan kaderisasi lebih serius, dan untuk menjadi partai terbuka, PKB harus keluar dari zona aman dengan mengembangkan basis massanya yang selama ini masih berkutat dengan warga NU. PKB juga harus menyiapkan calon-calon Pemimpin Nasional masa depan dengan perencanaan yang sistematis dan terstruktur. ...... This thesis discusses about the political cadres who carried out the Central Board of Partai Kebangkitan Bangsa Period 2009 2014 with religious organizations Nahdlatul Ulama NU as its mass base in order to prepare candidates for national level leaders. It is a qualitative research with descriptive phenomenological approach, the informant as many as ten people from PKB and NU, and political experts. The conclusion from this research is that PKB political cadres stagnated, while in a political cadres relationship PKB with NU provides benefits to PKB. Whereas in the preparation of a national leader, PKB has thirteen blueprint with the political plan of the independence and sovereignty of the nation is one of the contents is about national leadership. Results of the study suggest that in the future PKB must do more serious about the political cadres, and to be open party, PKB had to get out of the comfort zone to develop a mass base, which is still struggling with the NU community. PKB also have to prepare candidates for future national leaders with a systematic and structured planning.
Jakarta: Program Pascasarjana Universitas Indonesia, 2015
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Abstrak :
The expansion paradigm of development, its line has determine the direction of health development policies contained in the Medium Term Development Plan (Development Plan)for 2004-2009 in the Health Sector, which was more emphasis on preventive and promotive and empowering families and communities in the health field. One form of community empowerment efforts in the health sector was to develop the UKBM (Upaya Kesehatan Bersumber daya Masyarakat), for teh example, Posyandu-managed and organized from, by, and with society in the implementation of health development, in order to empower and provide convenience to the public in obtaining basic health services, primarily to accelerate the declining in maternal and infant mortality. Posyandu was a vehicle for the integration of Family's Healthy Planning district or village level, conducting five priority programs are: Family Planning, Nutrition, Maternal, and Child health, Immunization and the prevention of diarrhea. This type of research was qualitative and observational design. Population was a whole cadre of posyandu in the region of Bali Province in 2008. Purposive research sample is taken on selected districts are Badung, Gianyar, Klungkung dan Tabanan regency. Qualitative methods as the primary data that is carried out through in-depth interviews to cadres, head of health centers, village midwives, program managers, indigenenous Klian, perbekel (headman), and the public to obtain information about the extent to which the role of cadres and Klian customary in an effort the Health Department. Data is Analyzed descriptively. Yhe role of cadres and traditional Klian is very important in supporting the activities of Posyandu so that people, especially women and children who use the facility will more often come every mont to Posyandu. There is an assumption, that if the mother/society that does not come to a posyandu will get sanctioned or excluded kemayarakatan activities in the area.
BULHSR 14:1 (2011)
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
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