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Ditemukan 5 dokumen yang sesuai dengan query
Fahmi Aris Innayah
"Seiring dengan terjadinya disintegrasi Yugoslavia pada tahun 1990, Republik Bosnia-Herzegovina menyatakan kemerdekaanya pada tanggal 20 Desember 1991, namun 31,4 % penduduknya yang termasuk golongan etnis Serbia tidak mendukung kemerdekaan tersebut. Sehingga terjadilah konflik paling berdarah di Eropa semenjak berakhirnya Perang Dunia kedua.
Banyak upaya yang telah dilakukan pihak-pihak internasional untuk menyelesaikan konflik tersebut, namun ternyata perdamaian sulit untuk dicapai. Keterlibatan NATO dan Rusia yang mempunyai orientasi kebijakan yang berbeda di kawasan terjadinya konflik, telah membawa mereka kedalam suatu upaya yang secara sengaja atau tidak telah menggiring pihak yang bertikai untuk maju ke meja perundingan.
Tujuan utama penelitian ini adalah untuk menjawab suatu pertanyaan penelitian yakni apakah keterlibatan NATO dan Rusia merupakan faktor utama penyelesaian konflik di Bosnia-Herzegovina.
Bersandar pada kerangkan pemikiran melalui pendekatan power dan sejumlah asumsi penelitian yang dibangun, hipotesis yang diajukan dalam penelitian ini adalah bahwa upaya yang dilakukan NATO dan Rusia berkorelasi dengan penyelesaian konflik di Bosnia Herzegovina Hipotesis ini diuji dengan menggunakan metode penelitian deskriptif-komparatif, sementara pengumpulan datanya dilakukan lewat studi kepustakaan.
Hasil penelitian pada akhirnya mendapati bahwa NATO dan Rusia demi meraih tujuan politik luar negerinya, mereka melakukan kerjasama yang bersifat semu (pseudo-coalition). Hal ini terlihat pada saat NATO menerapkan kebijakan untuk memperluas pengaruh ke Eropa Timur, pada saat itu pula Rusia mencoba kembali mengukuhkan pengaruhnya di kawasan yang sama."
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Indonesia, 1999
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Humprey A. Russel
The Balkan conflict which shocked the international community during the 1990's has now marked history as one of the greatest humanitarian tragedies during of that decade. The basic principle of self-determination by the republic states within the Yugoslav Federation was responded with armed conflict by the ruling Serbs. Bosnia Herzegovina as one of the many republic states that attempted to separate itself from the Yugoslav Federation, faced direct military aggression from the Serbian-controlled Yugoslavian National Army (JNA), desperately trying to maintain integrity of the disintegrating Yugoslavian Federation.
This military aggression instigated ethnic conflict within the territories of Bosnia Herzegovina into the following opposite ethic factions: Bosnian Serbs, Bosnian Croats and Bosnian Muslims. The escalating conflict gained the attention of the international community, which opted to mediate a peaceful solution for the conflicting parties. The European Community, North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) and Western European Union (WEU) were the key regional organizations in Europe that supported the United Nations (UN) effort of peacekeeping operations in the Bosnian conflict area.
History has recorded the UN peacekeeping operations in Bosnia as a continued polemic in regard to its effectiveness and implementation. The internal bureaucracy of the United Nations, specifically the UN Security Council and its mandates has shown ambiguities affecting the overall outcome of the peacekeeping operations.
This thesis attempts a qualitative study to further analyze the dynamics within the United Nations, and its effectiveness in implementing peacekeeping operation efforts during the Balkan crisis in Bosnia."
T 20651
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Heleta, Savo, 1979-
"In 1992, Savo Heleta was a young Serbian boy enjoying an idyllic, peaceful childhood in Gorazde, a primarily Muslim city in Bosnia. At the age of just thirteen, Savo's life was turned upside down as war broke out. When Bosnian Serbs attacked the city, Savo and his family became objects of suspicion overnight. Through the next two years, they endured treatment that no human being should ever be subjected to. Their lives were threatened, they were shot at, terrorised, put in a detention camp, starved and eventually stripped of everything they owned.But after two long years Savo and his family managed to escape. And then the real transformation took place. From his childhood before the war to his internment and eventual freedom, we follow Savo's emotional journey from a young teenager seeking retribution to a peaceseeking crusader seeking healing and reconciliation. At once powerful and elegiac, "Not My Turn to Die" offers a unique look at a conflict that continues to compel and enlighten us.
New York: American Management Association;, 2008
eBooks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Nadya Demadevina
"Penelitian ini adalah penelitian hukum/normatif. Penelitian ini membahas kasus Pilav v. Bosnia Herzegovina yang diadili di European Court of Human Rights. Dalam tesis ini dibahas kedudukan konstitusi negara sebagai bentuk pelaksanaan kedaulatan negara, yang dilindungi dari intervensi asing oleh hukum internasional. Dibahas pula perkembangan penegakan Hak Asasi Manusia yang berimbas pada pembatasan terhadap jurisdiksi domestik negara untuk menetapkan hukum bagi wilayah dan warga negaranya, termasuk adanya kewenangan pengadilan internasional untuk mengadili konstitusi negara yang bertentangan dengan norma hukum internasional tentang Hak Asasi Manusia. Dalam hal pertentangan antara konstitusi negara dengan aturan hukum internasional tentang Hak Asasi Manusia, digunakan sudut pandang hukum internasional dan hukum nasional. Kedua sudut pandang ini digunakan untuk menganalisis putusan European Court of Human Rights dalam kasus Pilav v. Bosnia Herzegovina.

The purpose of this thesis is to present a case study of Pilav v. Bosnia Herzegovina before European Court of Human Rights. This thesis uses theoretical arguments and international law instruments to analyse the violation of international norms on human rights by state constitution. This thesis discusses the legal status of state constitution as a part of domaine r serv, which is protected from foreign intervention according to international law. It also discusses the development of international law on human rights, which leads to the limitation on domestic jurisdiction of a state including the emergence of international courts which have the jurisdiction to adjudicate violation of international norms on human rights by state constitution. In the conflict between international norms on human rights and state constitution, there are two perspectives that can be used international law and national law. These two perspectives are used in this thesis to examine ECtHR rsquo s jurisdiction on this case."
Depok: Fakultas Hukum Universitas Indonesia, 2017
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Syamsul Hadi
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Indonesia, 1995
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library