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Diana Permatasari
Abstrak :
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui hubungan jenis kelamin, status gizi (IMT/U dan persen lemak tubuh), aktivitas fisik, asupan zat gizi makro (energi, karbohidrat, lemak, protein), dan asupan zat gizi mikro (vitamin C, zat besi, seng, magnesium, kalsium) dengan nilai VO2max. Penelitian dilakukan dengan menggunakan desain studi cross sectional yang melibatkan 116 siswa kelas X di SMAN 39 Jakarta pada tahun 2013. Nilai VO2max diukur dengan menggunakan metode 20 m shuttle run test. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa rata-rata nilai VO2max siswa belum mencapai standar VO2max yang baik, yaitu 41,15 ml/kg/menit pada siswa laki-laki dan 36,45 ml/kg/menit pada siswa perempuan. Variabel yang memiliki hubungan bermakna dengan VO2max adalah jenis kelamin, status gizi (IMT/U dan persen lemak tubuh), aktivitas fisik, asupan protein, zat besi, seng, dan kalsium. IMT/U dan persen lemak tubuh memiliki korelasi negatif yang kuat dengan VO2max. Sementara aktivitas fisik dan asupan zat besi memiliki korelasi positif yang sedang, sedangkan asupan protein, seng, dan kalsium memiliki korelasi positif yang lemah dengan VO2max. Diperlukan status gizi yang baik, asupan gizi yang seimbang serta aktivitas fisik yang dilakukan secara teratur untuk meningkatkan nilai VO2max sehingga mencapai standar yang baik. ......The purpose of this study was to determine the relationship between sex, nutritional status (BMI/Age and body fat percentage), physical activity, intake of macronutrients (energy, carbohydrate, fat, protein), and intake of micronutrients (vitamin C, iron, zinc, magnesium, calcium) with VO2max value. This study was conducted using a cross sectional design that involved 116 students of class X at SMAN 39 Jakarta in 2013. VO2max value was measured by 20 m shuttle run test. The results showed that the average values of VO2max of students had not reached a good standard, 41,15 ml/kg/min on boys and 36,45 ml/kg/min on girls. Variables that had significant relationships with VO2max were sex, nutritional status (BMI/Age and body fat percentage), physical activity, intake of protein, iron, zinc, and calcium. The results of correlation tests also showed that BMI/Age and body fat percentage had strong negative correlations with VO2max. While physical activity and intake of iron had moderate positive correlations, intake of protein, zinc, and calcium had weak positive correlations with VO2max. A good nutritional status, balanced nutrition, and regular activity are needed to improve VO2max values and achieve a good standard.
Depok: Fakultas Kesehatan Masyarakat Universitas Indonesia, 2013
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Nathania Himawan
Abstrak :
Obesitas merupakan masalah epidemik di dunia. Obesitas menyebabkan inflamasi kronik derajat rendah dan meningkatkan risiko beberapa penyakit kronis dengan komplikasi seperti aterosklerosis, dan masalah kardiovaskuler. Penanda inflamasi yang dianggap terbaik saat ini adalah high sensitivity C-Reactive Protein hsCRP . HsCRP juga merupakan prediktor terbaik untuk mengetahui risiko penyakit kardiovaskuler. Diperlukan penanganan secara interdisiplin untuk mengatasi masalah obesitas ini. Akupunktur merupakan terapi pelengkap yang paling cepat berkembang dan diakui oleh National Institutes of Health dan WHO. Penelitian ini bertujuan mengetahui efektivitas terapi kombinasi elektroakupunktur dan intervensi diet terhadap kadar HsCRP dan body fat pada pasien obesitas. Uji klinis acak tersamar tunggal terhadap 36 pasien obesitas yang dialokasikan secara acak menjadi 2 kelompok yaitu kelompok kombinasi elektroakupunktur dan intervensi diet kelompok perlakuan dan kelompok kombinasi elektroakupunktur sham dan intervensi diet kelompok kontrol. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan penurunan kadar hsCRP sebelum dan sesudah perlakuan tetapi belum terdapat perbedaan yang bermakna secara statistik p= 0.476. Terdapat perbedaan yang bermakna terhadap perbandingan kadar body fat sebelum dan sesudah perlakuan pada kelompok perlakuan p=0.002. Kesimpulan penelitian ini terapi kombinasi elektroakupunktur dan intervensi diet memiliki pengaruh terhadap kadar hsCRP dan body fat pada pasien obesitas.
Obesity is an epidemic problem in the world. Obesity causes low grade chronic inflammation and increases the risk of some chronic diseases with complications such as atherosclerosis, and cardiovascular problems. The best current inflammatory marker is the high sensitivity of C Reactive Protein hsCRP . HsCRP is also the best predictor of risk of cardiovascular disease. Interdisciplinary treatment is needed to overcome this obesity problem. Acupuncture is the most rapidly growing complementary therapy and is recognized by the National Institutes of Health and WHO. This study aims to determine the effectiveness of electroacupuncture combination therapy and dietary intervention on HsCRP and body fat levels in obese patients. Single blinded randomized clinical trials of 36 obese patients were randomly assigned to 2 groups, electroacupuncture combined with dietary intervention group treatment group and sham electroacupuncture combined with dietary intervention group control group. The results showed decrease of hsCRP levels before and after treatment but there was no statistically significant difference p 0.476 . There was a significant difference to the body fat content before and after treatment in the treatment group p 0.002. The conclusions of this study combined electroacupuncture and dietary intervention therapy have an influence on levels of hsCRP and body fat in obese patients.
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2017
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Fitriana Nugraheni
Abstrak :
Obesitas menjadi tantangan serius di dunia. Konsumsi protein adalah salah satu faktor penting yang berkontribusi terhadap regulasi lemak tubuh, tetapi informasi mengenai sumber protein specific dan pengaruhnya terhadap regulasi lemak di negara berkembang masih terbatas. Sehingga, peneliti ingin mengetahui hubungan antara asupan protein dan sumbernya dengan obesitas pada orang dewasa di Indonesia. Studi cross-sectional ini melibatkan 167 orang dewasa berusia 19-50 tahun di perkotaan Jakarta Timur. Asupan protein didapatkan dari repeated 24H Recall yang diklasifikasikan sebagai asupan rendah dan tinggi protein. Persentase lemak tubuh diukur dengan metode Air Displacement Plethysmograph yang diklasifikasikan sebagai obesitas wanita (>33%) dan obesitas pria (>25%). Sekitar 69% subjek mengalami obesitas. Sumber utama asupan protein nabati dan hewani berasal dari sereal dan produknya (median =11,3 gr/hari atau 22,9% dari total protein), dan unggas (median =7,85 gr/hari atau 15,9% dari total protein). Setelah penyesuaian terhadap status perkawinan dan jenis kelamin mendapatkan hasil bahwa asupan tinggi protein tidak berhubungan dengan obesitas (OR 1,84, p-value = 0,15), dan jenis asupan protein hewani atau nabati tidak berhubungan dengan obesitas (OR protein hewan 0879, p-value = 0,69; OR protein nabati 0,95, p-value =0,98). Promosi jenis konsumsi protein harus diperhatikan agar berhasil menurunkan prevalensi obesitas di negara ini.
Obesity is becoming a serious challenge worldwide. Protein consumption is one of the important contributing factors to body fat regulation, but existing information has limitedly explored type of protein and its influence for fat regulation in developing world. Therefore, we investigated the association between protein intake and its sources with obesity. This cross-sectional study involved 167 adults aged in East Jakarta. Protein intake were collected from repeated 24-hour recalls that was classified as low and high intake. Body fat percentage was measured by Air Displacement Plethysmograph method and classified as female obese (>33%) and male obese (>25%). About 69% of subjects were obese. The main sources of plant and animal protein intake came from cereals and its products (median=11.3 gr/day or 22.9% of protein intake), and white meat (median=7.85 gr/day or 15.9% of protein intake), respectively. After adjustment for marital status and sex those who had higher protein intake did not associated with being obese (Adjusted OR 1.84, p-value=0.15), while, animal-plant protein intake was not associated with obesity (Adjusted OR 0.879 animal protein, p-value=0.69; OR 0.95 plant protein, p-value=0.98). The promotion of type of protein consumption must be concerning to successfully lower the prevalence of obesity in the country.
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2019
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Kayo Shitara
Abstrak :
The objectives of this study were 1) to quantify the differences in body densities and percent body fat using various methods for evaluating body composition (e.g., underwater weighing (UWW), air displacement plethysmography (ADP), skinfold caliper (SKF) measurement, ultrasound (US), bioelectrical impedance analysis (BIA), and dual-energy x-ray absorptiometry (DXA)), and 2) to examine the relationship between trends of the differences in body density and percent body fat obtained by these methods and characteristics of morphology and body composition. To this end, the body compositions of 73 healthy male adults were measured using UWW, ADP, SKF, US, and BIA. Twenty-seven of these 73 subjects underwent further measurement using DXA. Differences in body densities determined with ADP, SKF, and US were compared with those measured using UWW as a reference, and the differences in percent body fat estimated with UWW, ADP, SKF, US and BIA were compared with those measured by DXA as a reference. The results of this study indicate that 1) ADP is useful as a method for evaluating body density, as the results differed insignificantly from the reference method and showed no systematic errors due to differences in morphological characteristics and body composition, and 2) UWW measurements exhibited the smallest difference in percent body fat from the reference method, however, more than in any other method, there were systematic errors due to differences in morphological characteristics and body composition, specifically, trunk composition.
Jepang: The Japanese Society of Physical Fitness and Sports Medicine, 2017
617 JPFSM 66:5 (2017)
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Wita Rizki Amelia
Abstrak :
Tujuan penelitian membahas hubungan Indeks Massa Tubuh (IMT) dan faktor-faktor lain dengan status lemak tubuh pada pramusaji di Pelayanan Gizi Unit Rawat Inap Terpadu Gedung A RSCM Jakarta. Penelitian bersifat kuantitatif dengan desain cross sectional, pengambilan sampel secara purposive sampling. Data antropometri didapatkan dengan pengukuran langsung saat penelitian. Analisis data meliputi crosstabs dan chi-square, menggunakan SPSS versi 13.0. Hasil penelitian, 88.9% dan 38.9% orang berstatus gizi lebih masing-masing memiliki persen lemak tubuh mendekati tinggi/tinggi dan lemak viseral tinggi(p<0.05). Disarankan kepada pramusaji untuk membiasakan sarapan pagi, mengkonsumsi makanan tinggi serat dan sering beraktivitas fisik. ......The aim of this study is how Body Mass Index and Other Factors Related to Body Fat Status on Waitress at Nutrition Service of Integrated Admission Unit Building A RSUPN Dr.Cipto Mangunkusumo Jakarta. This is a quantitative study with cross sectional approach, samples are collected by purposive sampling. Anthtopometry data are collected directly by measurement. Analysis included crosstabs dan chisquare, by using SPSS version 13.0. The result, 88.9% dan 38.9% are overweight with each of them have slightly high/high body fat percentage and high visceral level(p<0.05). The researcher sugested that waitress should have breakfast gradually, consume foods containing high dietary fiber, frequent physical activity.
Depok: Fakultas Kesehatan Masyarakat Universitas Indonesia, 2009
UI - Skripsi Open  Universitas Indonesia Library
Tjahjo Harsojo
Abstrak :
Penelitian ini mempelajari hubungan rasia lingkar pinggang-pinggul (RLPP) dengan persen lemak tubuh (PLT) pada orang dewasa. Variabel lain (konfounding) yang diteliti adalah : indeks massa tubuh (IMT), umur, jenis kelamin, suku bangsa, indeks aktivitas, dan kebiasaan merokok. Analisis menggunakan data sekunder hasil Survei Gizi dan Kesehatan Pada orang Dewasa (kerjasama Direktorat BGM Depkes RI dan FKM-Ul, Juni 1996) di 6 kota, yaltu : Medan, Padang, Bandung, Jogyakarta, Denpasar, dan Ujung Pandang. Desain penelitian adalah cross-sectional. Pemilihan responden (sampel) menggunakan rancangan klaster dua tahap, yaitu : (1) probability proportionate to size (PPS) untuk memilih Waster, (2) simple random sampling (SRS) untuk memilih rumah-tangga (responden). Responden yang digunakan sebagai unit analisis sebanyak 713 orang (laki-laki = 230 orang, perempuan = 483 orang), yang merupakan sub-sampel dari penelitian Direktorat BGM Depkes RI. Analisis regresi berganda (multiple regression analysis) digunakan untuk membangun model prediksi PLT dengan RLPP. Proses pemodelan digunakan teknik backward elimination procedure. Untuk mengetahui validitas RLPP dilakukan analisis sensitifitas (Se) dan spesifisitas (Sp). Hasil penelitian menunjukkan terdapat korelasi positif antara RLPP dengan PLT, IMT, dan umur (p <0,01). Rata-rata RLPP, umur, dan indeks aktivitas pada laki-laki Iebih tinggi dibanding perempuan (p <0,01). Sebaliknya, PLT dan IMT perempuan lebih tinggi dibanding laki-laki (p X0,01). Dari proses pemodelan, terpilih model terbaik dengan persamaan regresi: PLT = 25,16 + 8,08 RLPP + 7,03 IMT + 4,48 UMLIR - 12,94 SEX; dimana IMT (0=tidak berisiko dengan IMT <25,0; 1=berisiko dengan IMT 25,0); UMUR (0=tidak berisiko dengan umur s 40 tahun; 1=berisiko dengan umur >40 tahun) dan SEX (0=perempuan, 1=laki-laki). Modes dapat menduga PLT orang dewasa (umur z 18 tahun) dengan kemampuan moderat (R2 = 0,6773) dan kesalahan menduga PLT ± 5,05%. Tampak pada model bahwa variabel suku bangsa, indeks aktivitas, kebiasaan merokok tidak memberi kontribusi terhadap model (p X0,05). Uji validitas model menunjukkan model cukup reliabel, karena penyusutan (shrinkage) dari R2 relatif kecil (0,008). Dengan menggunakan pedoman skrining umum, RLPP dapat dipakai sebagai alat untuk deteksi overweight dan obesitas dengan kemampuan moderat. Pada laki-laki dengan titik potong RLPP 0,90 (Se = 70,6; Sp = 51,2), sedangkan pada perempuan dengan titik potong RLPP 0,88 (Se = 59,4; Sp = 53,0). Mengingat RLPP dapat digunakan untuk deteksi overweight dan obesitas, perlu dilakukan upaya pemasyarakatan ukuran antropometri ini. Sebagai uji coba dapat dipilih daerah sentinal sekaligus untuk melakukan validasi ulang dengan parameter lain (klinik dan biokimia) yang lebih lengkap. Sambil menunggu hasil validasi ulang, RLPP dapat dipakai terintegrasi dengan penggunaan IMT sebagai alai pemantauan status gizi orang dewasa.
Prediction Model of Body Fat Percentage in Adult by Waist Hip RatioThe relationship between waist hip ratio (WHR) and body fat percentage (°/o BF) in adult was explored in this study. Confounding variables learned in this study were : body mass index (BM!), age, sex, ethnic, activity index and smoking habit. Data was obtained from the survey of nutrition and health in adult, which was a collaboration of Nutrition Directorate - Ministry of Health and The Faculty of Public Health - University of Indonesia, June 1996 in 6 cities : Medan, Padang, Bandung, Jogyakarta, Denpasar, and Ujung Pandang. The study design was cross sectional. Respondent was selected by 2 stages cluster method : (1) cluster was chosen by probability proportionate to size, (2) the respondent was selected by simple random sampling. A sub sample of 713 respondent (230 male and 483 female) were used in the analysis. Percentage of body fat prediction model from WHR was built by multiple regression analysis using a backward elimination procedure. Sensitivity (Se) and Specificity (Sp) analysis was performed to test the validity of WHR. There was a correlation between WHR with percentage of body fat, BMI and age (p <0.01). Mean of WHR, age, and activity index of male was higher than female (p <0.01). On the contrary, mean of %BF and BMI in female was higher than male (p <0.01). The best fit model was : %BF = 25.16 + 8.08 WHR + 7.03 BM1 + 4.48 AGE - 12.94 SEX; where BMI (0=low risk with BMI <25.0; 1=risk with BMI z 25.0); AGE (0=low risk with age40 year; 1=risk with age >40 year) and SEX (0=female; 1=male). This model predict adult (~ 18 year) percentage of body fat, with moderate power (R2 = 0.6773) and standard error of estimate %BF ± 5.05%. Activity index, ethnic, and smoking habit didn't contribute to the model (p >0.05). Validity testing showed that the model is reliable since the shrinkage of R2 is very small (0.008). WHR could be used in overweight and obesity detection, has a moderate power. The male cut off point is 0.90 (Se = 70.6; Sp = 61.2), and cut off of female is 0.88 (Se=59.4; Sp=63.0). Since WHR is a new parameter in overweight and obesity detection, so it needs social marketing. A sentinel area could be used in WHR trial and revalidate it by other parameters such as biochemical and clinical examination. It is recommended that in the monitoring of adult nutritional status, WHR is used a long with BMI measurement.
Depok: Fakultas Kesehatan Masyarakat Universitas Indonesia, 1997
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Sugeng Wiyono
Abstrak :
Saat ini Indonesia tengah mengalami transisi demografi dan transisi epidemiologi. Beberapa cirinya antara lain di satu sisi terjadi penurunan angka kematian bayi dan anak karena penyakit infeksi, namun dipihak lain karena kemajuan bidang ekonomi dan meningkatnya pelayanan kesehatan maka terjadi peningkatan jumlah populasi penduduk tua. Hasil studi indeks massa tubuh di dua belas kota besar di Indonesia (1996) bahwa prevalensi overweight mencapai 16-22.5% dan 4% diantaranya menderita obesitas. Obesitas mencerminkan kandungan lemak tubuh. Lemak tubuh yang berhubungan dengan penyakit jantung koroner adalah lemak tubuh yang spesifik terdapat didalam rongga perut. Selain obesitas, untuk deteksi penyakit jantung- koroner sering diukur melalui kadar kolesterol. Gambaran kadar kolesterol dapat dilihat dari beberapa temuan, antara lain oleh penelitian Tim Monica Jawa Tengah (1996) yakni rata-rata Kolesterol Total sebesar 204.0 mg/dl. Sementara penelitian di Yogyakarta (1996) diperoleh rata-rata kadar Kolesterol Total sebesar 201.9 mg/dl, rata-rata kadar Kolesteol LDL sebesar 128.1 mg/dl dan rata-rata kadar Kolesterol HDL sebesar 52.6 mg/dl. Untuk mengetahui kandungan lemak secara spesifik yang terdapat didalam rongga perut dapat dilihat dari nilai rasio lingkar pinggang-lingkar pinggul/waist to hip ratio. Selanjutnya oleh penulis berasumsi bahwa lemak yang terkandung didalam rongga perut berhubungan dengan kadar kolesterol. Dalam penelitian ini diperoleh nilai rata-rata rasio lingkar pinggang-pinggul (RLPP) sebesar 0.86 dengan standar deviasi 0.06. Jika dikelompokkan berdasarkan Bray, maka 8.5% responden laki-laki termasuk kategori RLPP risiko (>0.95) dan 64.3% responden perempuan termasuk kategori RLPP risiko (0.80). Responden memiliki rata rata Kolesterol Total sebesar 208.37 mg/dl, dan rata-rata Kolesterol LDL sebesar 136.48 mg/dl dengan standar deviasi sebesar 37.52 mg/dl, serta rata-rata Kolesterol HDL sebesar 44.80 dengan standar deviasi 10.42 mg/dl. Rasio lingkar pinggang pinggul secara bermakna berhubungan dengan Kolesterol Total. Kadar Kolesterol Total meningkat sejalan dengan meningkatnya nilai RLPP setelah dikontrol oleh IMT dan Umur. RLPP, IMT dan Umur secara bermakna berkontribusi sebesar 11.00% tehadap kadar Kolesterol Total. Kontribusi RLPP sebagai variabel independen utama dalam persamaan terhadap Kolesterol Total sebesar 29.0%. Rasio lingkar pinggang pinggul secara bermakna berhubungan dengan Kolesterol LDL. Kadar Kolesterol LDL meningkat sejalan dengan meningkatnya nilai RLPP setelah dikontrol oleh IMT dan Umur. RLPP, IMT dan Umur secara bermakna berkontribusi sebesar 6.10% tehadap kadar Kolesterol LDL. Kontribusi RLPP sebagai variabel independen utama dalam persamaan terhadap Kolesterol LDL sebesar 26.2%. Rasio lingkar pinggang pinggul secara bermakna berhubungan dengan Kolesterol HDL. Kadar Kolesterol HDL menurun sejalan dengan meningkatnya nilai RLPP setelah dikontrol oleh umur dan merokok . RLPP, umur dan merokok secara bermakna berkontribusi sebesar 11.00% tehadap kadar Kolesterol HDL. Kontribusi RLPP sebagai variabel independen utama dalam persamaan terhadap Kolesterol HDL sebesar 46.0%. Peningkatan 1 unit RLPP meningkatkan 51.0 mg/dl Kolesterol Total, peningkatan 1 unit IMT meningkatkan 2.49 mg/dl Kolesterol Total, peningkatan 1 unit Umur meningkatkan 0.72 mg/dl Kolesterol Total. Peningkatan 1 unit RLPP meningkatkan 16.95 mg/dl Kolesterol LDL, peningkatan 1 unit IMT meningkatkan 1.65 mg/dl Kolesterol LDL, peningkatan 1 unit Umur meingkatkan 0.61 mg/dl Kolesterol LDL. Peningkatan 1 unit RLPP menurunkan 17.75 mg/dl Kolesterol HDL, dan merokok dapat menurunkan 5.80 mg/dl Kolesterol HDL. Berdasarkan temuan tersebut selanjutnya direkomendasikan untuk dilakukan pemasaran sosial sebagai wahana kampanye untuk skrining lemak dalam rongga perut melalui pengukuran lingkar pinggang dan lingkar pinggul. Penyuluhan menurunkan berat badan bagi individu yang mengalami kegemukan dan penyuluhan berhenti merokok serta mencegah merokok. Juga perlu dilakukan penelitian lanjutan secara analitik dengan rancangan kasus kontrol khusus bagi penderita kegemukan. ......The Relationship between Waist to Hip Ratio and Cholesterol Levels among Adult Population in Surakarta City 1996Now days, Indonesia has been in transition period both in demography and epidemiology. Several signs are identified, for example in one hand, among children, the infant mortality rate and infections diseases decrease but in another hand the prospect to have a long life in the old population improve because of better economics and health services. The results of body mass index studies from twelve big cities in Indonesia (1996) show that the prevalence of overweight was ranged 16-22.5% and 4% for obesity. Obesity reflects the body fat contained in the body. The body fat that related to coronary heart diseases is body fat, specifically found in stomach hollow. Besides obesity, the blood cholesterol level is commonly used for early detecting of coronary heart diseases. The study in cholesterol levels has been reported in several areas, e.g. MONICA research team 1996 found that the average total cholesterol in Central lava was 204.0 mg/dl and in Yogjakarta (1996) was 201.9 mg/dl whereas the average of LDL cholesterol and HDL cholesterol were 128.1 mg/dl and 52.6 mg/dl, respectively in Yogjakarta area. The ratio of waist to hip specifically describes the fat level in stomach hollow. This study is aimed to evaluate the relationship between fat in stomach hallow and the level of cholesterol using total cholesterol, LDL cholesterol and HDL cholesterol. This study found that the average of waist and hip ratio (RLPP) among the population aged 25-64 years was 0.86 ± 0.06. The result also shows that based on Bray's classification, 8.5% was categorized as population at risk in man (more than 0.95) and for women was 64.3% (more than 0.80). In addition, the total cholesterol level was208.37 ± 40.67mg/dl, LDL cholesterol was 136.48 + 37.52 mg/dl and HDL cholesterol was 44.80 ± 10.42mg/dl. The relationship between RLPP and Total cholesterol is statistically significant. Increasing total cholesterol is likely increases RLPP controlled by BMI and age. The contribution of RLPP, BMI and age to total cholesterol are 11.0%. Independently, RLPP as a main variable contributes 29.0% to total cholesterol. RLPP is significant correlated to the LDL cholesterol. Increasing LDL cholesterol is likely increases RLPP controlled by BMI and age. The contribution of RLPP, BMI and age to LDL cholesterol are 6.1%. RLPP as a main variable contributes 25.2% to LDL cholesterol, independently. In HDL cholesterol found that HDL is statistically significant to RLPP. Increasing LDL is likely increases RLPP controlled by age and smoking status. The contribution of RLPP, age, and smoking status to HDL cholesterol are 11.0%. RLPP as a main variable contributes 46.0% to HDL cholesterol, independently. Interestingly, this study suggested that the increase of 1 unit RLPP would increase 51.0 mg/dl of total cholesterol. The increase of 1 unit of IMT would increase 2.49 mg/dl of total cholesterol and the improvement of 1 unit of age would increase 0.72 mg/dl of total cholesterol. For LDL cholesterol, 1 unit RLPP would increase 16.95 mg/dl of LDL cholesterol. The increase of 1 unit of IMT would increase 1.65 mg/dl of LDL cholesterol and the improvement of 1 unit of age would increase 0.61 mg/dl of LDL cholesterol. For HDL, 1 unit RLPP would decrease 17.75 mg/dl of HDL cholesterol. The increase of 1 unit of smoking status would decrease 5.8mg/d1 of HDL Cholesterol. In conclusion, maintaining an ideal body weight, decreasing the rate of fat stomach hollow development and not smoking are the best way for preventing the increase of LDL cholesterol and the- decrease of HDL cholesterol. It can be recommended that routine assessment of waist and hip in normal population may be socialized as indices to control fat stomach hollow levels. In addition, non-formal education in relation to normal body weight and stop smoking as well as prevent smoking would be prioritized. Furthermore, it is recommended for further investigation using case-control with the same topic in regard to RLPP and cholesterol.
Depok: Fakultas Kesehatan Masyarakat Universitas Indonesia, 2002
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Henie Soesanto
Abstrak :
ABSTRAK Tujuan : Untuk mengetahui nilai pembatas indikator kelebihan lemak tubuh pada lansia. Tempat : Puskesmas Kecamatan Kotamadya Semarang yang mempunyai program lansia binaan. Bahan dan cara : Studi cross-sectional pada lansia 60 tahun ke atas(69 pria dan 173 wanita), subyek penelitian dipilih secara acak sederhana pada tingkat Puskesmas. Data yang dikumpulkan meliputi : data non nutrisi, data nutrisi, antropometri, kadar lipid serum data gula darah puasa .Penetapan nilai pembatas indikator kelebihan lemak tubuh (IMT, Lpe, rasioLPe/Lpa ,ML) ditetapkan pada nilai median. Sedangkan nilai indikator metabolik sebagai faktor risiko PJK ditetapkan pada batas diwaspadai (berdasarkan Konsensus Nasional Dislipidemia Indonesia, 1993). Hasil : Profil kol. total dan kol. HDL serum subyek wanita lebih tinggi daripada subyek pria (p = 0,001). Prevalensi faktor risiko PJK seperti dislipidemia pada subyek wanita lebih tinggi dibandingkan subyek pria (p < 0.05). Nilai-nilai pembatas indikator kelebihan lemak tubuh yang diperoleh pada penelitian ini yaitu IMT (pria 21 kg/m2; wanita 23 kg/m2 ), LPe (pria 79 cm; wanita> 80 cm), rasio LPe-LPa (pria) 0,91; wanita > 0,85), massa lemak tubuh (pria > 22 %; wanita > 35 %). Sensitifitasnya dikaitkan dengan profit lipid sebagai faktor risiko PJK yaitu 40 - 60 %, sedangkan spesifisitasnya 70 - 80 %. Terdapat perbedaan determinan komposisi tubuh terhadap gangguan metabolik pada subyek pria dan wanita. Pada subyek pria nilai pembatas indikator kelebihan lemak tubuh berkorelasi dengan TG dan GDP, sedangkan pada subyek wanita berkorelasi dengan kol. HDL, kol. total, kol. LDL dan TO. Kesimpulan : Nilai-nilai pembatas indikator kelebihan lemak tubuh yang didapat pada penelitian ini cenderung memberi spesifisitas yang lebih tinggi dibanding dengan sensitifitasnya (dikaitkan dengan dislipidemia). Pada subyek pria indikator kelebihan lemak tubuh lebih terkait pada TG den GDP. Sedangkan pada subyek wanita indikator kelebihan lemak tubuh lebih terkait pada dislipidemia.
ABSTRACT The Cut Off Point Determination Of Overfatness In Relation to Selected CHD Risks In Elderly In Semarang Objective : To determine cut off points of overfatness in the elderly using CHD risks factors as the end points. Place : Seven public health centers with elderly clubs in Semarang municipal. Materials and Methods : This cross-sectional study involved 242 elderly individuals (69 males & 173 females), aged 60 years and over. Simple random sampling was applied at the PHC level. Structured questionnaires were used to collect information on sosiodemography, life styles, food habits and practices Anthropometric assessments were done to estimate body compositional status. Serum lipids and fasting blood glucose were measured to identify metabolic disorders. High body mass index, high abdominal circumference, high abdominal hip ratio and high fat mass values were used as overfatness indicators. The Indonesian National Consensus on Dyslipidemia was used to identify dyslipidemic cut off values. Results : Mean serum total cholesterol and high density lipoprotein (HDL) cholesterol in females were higher than those in males (220.99 ± 46.66 vs 199.31 ± 35.71, p = 0.001 and 51.17 ± 11.58 vs 45.22 ± 12.52, p = 0.001, respectively). The prevalence of CHD risks (dyslipidemic profiles) in females were also higher than that in males (p < 0.05). With respect to CHD risks, cut-off points for overfatness using BM1 values were > 21 kglr2 and ) 23 kglm2 for males and females respectively. Cut off points for other overfatness indicators were AC) 79 cm and ) 80 cm; AHR > 0.91 and ) 0.85 and percent body fat 3 22% and ) 35% for males and females, respectively. Using these cut off values, the sensitivity ranged from 40 -- 60% and the specificity ranged from 70 -- 80%. There were gender differences in the determinants of metabolic disorders. In males, overfatness was more related to TG and fasting blood glucose values. On the other hand, in females, overfatness was more related to total cholesterol, HDL cholesterol, LDL cholesterol and TG. Conclusion : This study supports the findings reported by other investigators that cut off values for overfatness, in relation to metabolic disorders, are more specific than sensitive. Gender differences in the determinants of metabolic disorders indicate that interpretation on body compositional disorders in the elderly should be taken cautiously.
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 1998
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Abstrak :
Penelitian bertujuan untuk mengetahui ukuran pengganti yang memiliki validitas optimum dan mudah diaplikasikan untuk mendeteksi prehipertensi pada siswa/i kelas 10 dan 11 SMA Insan Cendekia Madani Tahun 2017. Design penelitian adalah cross sectional dengan total sampling. Penelitian menyimpulkan bahwa pada laki-laki, RLPP cut off 0,88 (sensitivitas 66,7%, spesifisitas 66,3% ) baik sebagai ukuran pengganti mendeteksi resiko prehipertensi sistolik, persen lemak BIA cut off 21,9% (sensitivitas 64,3%, spesifisitas 60,8%) cukup baik untuk prehipertensi diastolik, dan BIA cut off 21,9% (sensitivitas 63,6%, spesifisitas 62,2%) cukup baik untuk prehipertensi. Pada perempuan, RLPTB cut off 0,46 (sensitivitas 64,3%, spesifisitas 53,2%) cukup baik untuk mendeteksi resiko prehipertensi diastolik dan prehipertensi. ...... This study aims to determine the validity of measurements that has optimum validity in detecting prehypertension. The study design was cross sectional with total sampling of 10th and 11th grade students SMA Insan Cendekia Madani Year 2017. This study concluded that in boys, waist to hip ratio (WHR) cut off 0.88 (sensitivity 66.7%, specificity 66.3%) is a good alternative measurement for detecting systolic prehypertension, while BIA fat percentage cut off 21.9% (sensitivity 64.3%, specificity 60.8%) is fair for diastolic prehypertension, BIA cut off 21.9% (sensitivity 63.6%, specificity 62.2%) is fair for prehypertension. In girls, waist to height ratio (WHtR) cut off 0.46 (64.3% sensitivity, specificity 53.2%) is fair for detecting diastolic prehypertension and prehypertension.
Depok: Fakultas Kesehatan Masyarakat Universitas Indonesia, 2017
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Badrit Tamami Thoyyibah
Abstrak :
Obesitas didefinisikan sebagai kelebihan massa lemak tubuh yang dapat disebabkan oleh genetik dan gaya hidup, salah satunya faktor nutrisi. Salah satunya, asupan yang tidak seimbang membuat orang obes juga dapat mengalami defisiensi nutrisi, termasuk antioksidan yang berperan pada jaringan lemak dalam patofisiologi dan tatalaksana obesitas. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui jumlah asupan antioksidan harian pada remaja yang mengalami obesitas. Penelitian ini menggunakan data sekunder dari 69 remaja obes dengan desain potong lintang. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan rerata massa lemak tubuh remaja obes sebesar 37,8±7,02 kg. Sebanyak 14 subjek (20,29%) kekurangan asupan vitamin A sesuai AKG, 53 subjek (76,81%) kekurangan vitamin C, dan 67 subjek (97,1%) kekurangan vitamin E. Hasil analisis bivariat menunjukkan tidak adanya hubungan antara massa lemak tubuh dengan asupan vitamin A (r=-0,02, p>0,05), vitamin C(r=-0,089, p>0,05), dan vitamin E (r=-0,203, p0,05), dalam penelitian ini. Dengan demikian, disimpulkan massa lemak tubuh tidak berhubungan dengan vitamin A dan vitamin C, tetapi berkorelasi negatif dengan asupan vitamin E. ......Obesity is excess body fat mass caused by genetic and lifestyle, such as nutrition intake. Imbalance intake might be happen in obese person due to nutrition deficiency. Antioxidant play important role in process and management of obesity. This study aims to determine the amount of antioxidant intake in obese adolescents. This research used cross-sectional design with secondary data from 69 obese adolescents. The results showed that body fat mass of obese adolescent is 37,8±7,02 kg. There are 14 subjects (20,29%) have vitamin A deficiency according to DRI Indonesia, 53 (76,81%) subjects lack of vitamin C, and 67 subject (97,1%) have vitamin E deficiency. The results of bivariate analysis showed no association between body fat and vitamin A intake (r = 0.185, p> 0.05), vitamin C (r =-0.146, p> 0.05), and vitamin E (r =-0.163 , p> 0.05), in this study. We found body fat mass has no correlation with vitamin A and vitamin C intake, but has negative correlation with vitamin E intake.
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2018
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
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