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Ferrire banyak dikenal sebagai material yang digunakan untuk magnet permanen, maupun sebagai material magnet tidak permanen dan banyak digunakan dalam berbagai aplikasi seperti penyimpan data computer, perangkat gelombang radio, televisi hingga gelombang mikro. Disamping itu banyak digunakan sebagai Elektromagnetic Impedance (EMI) yang mampu melindungi sistem perangkat elektronik dari gangguan interferensi. Ferrite juga difungsikan sebagai material penyerap (absorbel) gelombang mikro untuk mereduksi radiasi pantul pada perangkat anti deteksi (slealth). Penelitian ini mengembangkan material hexaferrite tipe-M (Ba0.6Fe2O3) aebagai absorbing material melalui rekayasa struktur dengan metoda mekanika milling (mechanical alloying), khnsusnya substitusi secara parsial ion Fe dengan ion Mn dan ion Ti sehingga membentuk senyawn Ba06(Fe,Mn,Ti)2O3.
Pembetukan fasa BaFe12-2x(MnTi)xO19 (X bervariasi dari 0.0 hingga 2,5) diperoleh melalui dua tahap, diawali dleh substitusi ion dan ion Titerhldap ion Fe dalam komponen material Fe;03 untuk membentuk fasa (Fe,Mn,Ti)203. Kemudian material hasil substitusi dipadukan secara mekanik dengan komponen BaC03 untuk membentuk fasa barium hexakrire tipe - M, setelah melalui reaksi padat. Hasil diuji dengan difraksii-aksi sinar X (XRD) untuk memastikan fasa material yang terbentuk. Obeservasi mikrostruktur material dilakukan baik dengan SEM maupun TEM untuk mengetahui ukuran dan morfologi kristal yang terbentuk. Perangkat permeagraph yang dilengkapi dengan medan magnet luar hingga 2,15 T digunakan untuk kajian sifat-sifat magnetik. Kajian terhadap karakteristik serapan gelombang elektromagnetik oleh material yang diteliti dilaksanakan melalui perangkat Network Analyser ( HP-8753ES) terutama pada jangkau frekuensi yang tersedia l GHz hingga 6 GHZ.
Hasil XRD terhadap komponen material memastikan bahwa substitusi partial ion Fe+3 dengan ion Mn+2 dan Ti+4 dapat berjalan dengan baik yaitu pola difraksi Fe2O3 dapat dipertahankan pasca subsitusi parsial. Demikian jugad engan material BaFe12-2x(MnTi)xO19. Namun evaluasi parameter sel satuan menunjukkan terjadi pembahan parameter kisi fasa BaFe12-2x(MnTi)xO19 dari c = 23.2093 nm pada nilai konvensional BaFe12019 menjadi c = 22.8146 nm pada BaFe7(MnTi)2.5O19, sedangkan nilai parameter kisi a ccnderung konstan dengan kisaran 5.8839 nm (nilai konvensionalnya 5.8862 nm). Sebagai konsekuensi lain dari substitusi ion Mn dan ion Ti dalarn material BaFe12-2x(MnTi)xO19 adalah terjadinya peruhahan sifat magnetik terutama koersifitas yang bertambah rendah nilainya dengan bertambahnya fraksi ion Mn dan ion Ti. Dari hasil pengujian diperoleh bahwa koersivitas untuk x = 0 adalah 142 kA.m-1, turun 566313 signifikan menjadi 3 kA.m-1 pada x = 2,5.
Magnetisasi total juga mengalami penurunan nilai karena berlcurangnya fiaksi ion Fe dalam BaFe12-2x(MnTi)xO19 dari ~ 0,38 T (untuk x= 0) menjadi ~ 0,21 T (untuk x = 2,5). Nilai koersivitas yang rendah, magnetisasi total yang tinggi serta resistivitas listrik yang besar adalah beberapa sifat yang dikehendaki oleh material untuk berperan sebagai material penyerap gelombang elektromagnetik.
Serapang gelombang mikro pada material ferrite dengan 0< x < 2,0 dikarakteristikkan oleh serapan pada dua daerah frekuensi dengan jangkau frekuensi yang cukup lebar. Serapan pertama terjadi pada jangkau frekuensi ~ 1250 MHZ sampai dengan - 2750 MHZ. Pada jangkau frekuensi ini material (tidak termasuk untuk x = 0) memperlihatkan fraksi serapan yang hampir sama mencapai nilai - 40 dB. Daerah frekuensi serapan kedua terjadi pada jangkau frekuensi ~2750 MI-Iz sampai dengan 5000 MHz. Dalam jangkau frekuensi ini ketiga jenis material memiliki karakteristik berbeda. Dengan meningkatnya reaksi ion subsitusi jangkau frekuensi serapan diperlebar meskipun terjadi penurunan nilai reflection loss. Pada material dengan frakksi ion substitusi x = 2,5 terjadi pergeseran frekuensi serapan pada jangkau frekuensi serapam pertama disertai dengan peningkatan pelebaran jangkau frekuensi.
Sebagai kesimpulan, Karakteristik electromagnetic wave absorber material BaFe12-2x(MnTi)xO19 memiliki frekuensi serapan dengan rentang frekuensi yang lebar pada daerah frekuensi l - 6 GHz. Pada rentang frekuensi tersebut terjadi serapan gelombang pada dua frekuensi berbeda yaitu pada - 2000 MHz dan ~ 3500 MHz dengan faktor penurunan koefisien refleksi (reflection loss) yang relatif rendah mencapai - 30 sampai dengan - 40 dB. Rentang frekuensi sempat meningkat dengan meningkatnya fraksi ion substitusi Ti dan Mn. Nanostruktur material ikut dalam pelebaran frekuensi serapan gelombang elektromagnetik.

Ferrite was widely known for a material used for permanent magnet as well as for non-permanent magnet. It was also widely used in various applications such as in media storage, computers, radio frequency components televisions and even in microwaves. In addition to that, it was also used as an Electromagnetic impedance (EMI), which was able to protect electronic components from interference. Ferrite was also used as the material to absorb microwaves to reduce a reflective radiation in devices with stealth capabilities. This research was intended to develop hexaferrite material (Ba0 6Fe203) as an absorbing material through structural engineering with mechanical milling (mechanical alloying) method, specifically 'through partial substitution of Fe ion with nm and Ti ions to form the Ba06(Fe,Mn,Ti)2O3 compound.
The formation of BaFe12-2x(MnTi)xO19 phase (x varied from 0.0 to 2.5) was obtained through two stages, beginning with the substitution of the Fe ion with Mn and Ti ions in the material component of Fe2O3 to form the (Fe,Mn,Ti)203 phase. Next, the result of this substitution was combined mechanically with BaC03 component to form the Type-M barium hexaferrite phase, after undergoing a solid reaction. The result of this synthesis was tested using X Ray Diffraction (XRD) to the formed phase- material. The material?s structural observation was done with SEM as well as TEM to ascertain the dimension and morphology of the formed crystals. The Permeagraph device, which was equipped with external magnetic field up to 2.15 T, was used to study the magnetic characteristics. The study on the characteristic of the electromagnetic wave absorption was done utilizing the Network Analyzer (HP-8753ES) particularly within the available frequency range from I GHz to 6 GHZ.
The result of the XRD of the component material synthesis showed that the partial substitution of Fe ion with Mn+2 and Ti? ions had gone well as in the diffraction pattern of Fe;O3 which had been maintained after the partial substitution. Likewise the BaFe12-2x(MnTi)xO19 . However, an evaluation of the cell unit parameter showed a change in the grid parameter of the BaFe12-2x(MnTi)xO19 phase in BaFe|1O|9 conventional value from c=23.2093 nm to c=22.8!46 nm in BaFe1(MnTi);50|g meanwhile the grid of a parameter value tend to be constant at the range of 5.8839 mn (the conventional value being 5.8862 nm). Another consequence of the substitution of Mn and Ti ions in BaFe12-2x(MnTi)xO19 was the change in magnetic characteristic specifically in the lowering of the coervicity with the increase of the Mn and Ti ions fractions. Test result showed that the coercivity for x=0 was 142 kA.m-1 decreased drastically to 3 kA.m-1 for x=2.5. The total of magnetizing was also decreased in value due to the reduced Fe ion fraction in BaFe12-2x(MnTi)xO19 from -0.38 T (for x=0) to ~0.2l T (for x=2.5). The low coercivity , high magnetizing and high resistivity to electricity are amongst the desired characteristics in a material so B to be useful as an electromagnetic wave absorber.
Microwave absorption in ferrite material with 0
As a conclusion, BaFe12-2x(MnTi)xO19 characteristic as an electromagnetic wave absorber material possesses a wide absorption frequency the range of l to 6 GHz. In this range the second wave absorption occurs in two different 'frequencies namely at ~ 2000 MHz and ~3 500 MHz with a lowering of the reflection loss coefficient which was relatively low around -30 to -40 dB; The range of the absorption frequency will increase along an increase in Mn and Ti ions substitution. The structure of the nonmaterial also played a role in the widening of the electromagnetic wave absorption."
Depok: 2010
UI - Disertasi Open  Universitas Indonesia Library
Rahmat Doni Widodo
"Barium hexaferrite (BaFe12O19) dan strontium titanate (SrTiO3) telah luas dikenal masing masing sebagai material magnet permanen dan piezoelektrik. Kedua jenis material tersebut sangat potensial untuk diaplikasikan pada pembuatan komponen produk magnet dan elektronik. Sifat ekstrinsik kedua jenis material tergantung kepada mikrostrukturnya yang sangat ditentukan pula oleh metode sintesis material yang diterapkan. Kajian literatur menunjukkan bahwa telah banyak dikembangkan berbagai macam metode sintesis senyawa magnetik BaFe12O19 dan dielektrik SrTiO3 dalam bentuk partikel halus dengan ukuran berskala nanometer. Kegiatan penelitian ini lebih difokuskan kepada sintesis dan karakterisasi material sistem nanokomposit BaFe12O19/SrTiO3, dimana senyawa BaFe12O19 (kode BHF) memiliki fasa feromagnetik dan senyawa SrTiO3 (kode STO) memiliki fasa feroelektrik dipersiapkan melalui metode pemaduan mekanik (mechanical alloying). Sedangkan pembuatan nanopartikel kedua senyawa diperoleh melalui penghalusan mekanik dan destruksi ultrasonik daya tinggi.
Material BHF dipersiapkan dari campuran prekursornya berupa serbuk BaCO3 dan Fe2O3. Sedangkan material STO menggunakan prekursor SrCO3 dan TiO2. Aparatus yang digunakan adalah planetary ball mill dengan perbandingan berat antara material dan ball mill adalah 1 : 10. Ukuran rata-rata partikel dievaluasi menggunakan particle-size analyzer (PSA) dan ukuran rata-rata kristalit dihitung menggunakan metode Williamson Hall Plot dengan software High Score Plus dari data pola difaksi x-ray masing-masing senyawa. Adapun sampel berupa material kristalin diperoleh setelah kompaksi serbuk hasil pemaduan mekanik dan pemanasan pada temperatur 1100°C selama 3 jam dimana kemudian sampel material kristalin tersebut dihaluskan kembali menggunakan ball mill selama 20 jam. Serbuk halus BHF dan STO tersebut masing-masing menjalani destruksi lanjut secara ultrasonik daya tinggi untuk menghasilkan nanopartikel.
Hasil evaluasi dengan PSA dan Williamson Hall Plot data XRD terhadap material BHF memperlihatkan nanopartikel dicapai setelah destruksi ultrasonik selama 14 jam. Dalam hal ini hasil PSA menunjukkan ukuran partikel rata-rata BHF adalah 28 nm sedangkan hasil evaluasi ukuran rata-rata kristalit adalah 26 nm. Untuk STO diperoleh hasil evaluasi ukuran rata-rata partikel sebesar 144 nm dan ukuran rata-rata kristalit adalah 30 nm. Kedua jenis material dalam bentuk nanopartikel ini digunakan sebagai komponen nanokomposit sistem BHF-STO.
Berdasarkan hasil karakterisasi material komposit baik melalui pengujian XRD maupun permagraph bahwa sampel komposit tersusun dari dua fasa yaitu BaO.6(Fe2O3) dan SrTiO3 yang dipastikan dari pola difraksi dan sifat kemagnetannya. Dari kajian efek destruksi ultrasonik terhadap partikel STO dapat disimpulkan bahwa ukuran partikel rata rata dapat direduksi 8 kalinya yaitu dari ukuran 797 nm menjadi 144 nm setelah durasi watuk destruksi 14 jam. Sedangkan untuk partikel BHF tereduksi 100 kalinya yaitu dari 2931 nm menjadi 26 nm pasca durasi waktu destruksi yang sama.
Penelitian ini juga mempelajari perilaku kinetika pertumbuhan ukuran kristalit fasa-fasa material penyusun material komposit dalam sistem komposit yang mengikuti persamaan Avrami. Berdasarkan kajian kinetika dapat diketahui energi aktivasi pertumbuhan kristalit fasa material STO dan BHF masing masing adalah 16 kJ.mol-1 dan 4 kJ.mol-1.
Dapat disimpulkan bahwa kombinasi antara teknik penghalusan mekanik dan destruksi sonikasi daya tinggi terhadap partikel kristalin BHF dan STO dapat dijadikan metode alternatif yang efektif untuk menghasilkan nanopartikel.

Barium hexaferrite (BaFe12O19) and strontium titanate (SrTiO3) are well established permanent magnet and piezoelectric materials which are technologically and scientifically attractive due to their potential for various applications in the field of magnetic electronics functional materials. The extrinsic properties of these materials depend largely on the microstructure, which in turn depends on the method of synthesis. Different methods have been developed for the preparation of ultrafine BaFe12O19 and SrTiO3 particles in nanometer scale. In this work, research activivities were focused on synthesis and characterization of BaFe12O19/SrTiO3 nanocomposites in which feromagnetic materials of BaFe12O19 phase (coded BHF) and a ferroelectric materials of SrTiO3 phase (coded STO) were prepared by a mechanical alloying technique. In addition, nanoparticles of BHF and STO were obtained by physical destruction through a combined method between mechanical milling and high power ultrasonication.
BHF materials were made of their precursors which consisted of the mixture between BaCO3 and Fe2O3. Whereas for STO materials the precursors were SrCO3 and TiO2. The process of mixing and alloying was caried out under the used of a planetary ball mill apparatus with a weight ratio between mixture and ball mill was 1:10. The mean particle size of milled powders was further characterized by Particle Size Analyzer (PSA). Whereas the mean crystallite size was derived from Williamson Hall Plots using the High Score Plus software to evaluate data of x-ray diffraction patterns for each materials. The crystalline materials were obtained after sintering step at 1100°C for 3 hours to the green compact samples which further followed by remilling the sintered samples for 20 hours. Further refining the powders for BHF and STO was carried out under the use of a high power sonicator for 14 hours to produce nanoparticles.
Results of evaluation indicated that the mean particle size of BHF and STO was respectively 28 nm and 144 nm which refer to results of particles characterization by PSA whereas for their mean crystallite size were respectively 26 nm and 30 nm. Those nanoparticles of BHF and STO were then used as component materials in BHF-STO nanocomposite system. According to results of characterization for composite materials by XRD and permagraph, it was found that the composites consisted of two phases which were identified as BaO.6(Fe2O3) and SrTiO3 based on their diffraction pattern and magnetic properties.
Further to the characterization results, it was also found that the mean particle size of STO was reduced 8 times in which the mean size of 797 nm was brought down to 144 after ultrasonically destruction for 14 hours. However, much larger reduction in particle sizes were obtained in BHF in which the initial mean particle size of 2931 nm was reduced 100 times downed to 26 nm after the same duration periode of ultrasonic destruction.
Crystallite growth kinetics behavior of BHF and STO phases in the composite system was also studied in which data of mean crystallite sizes at different sintering temperatures and time were fitted into the Avrami equation. It was found that the activation energy for crystallite growth kinetics of BHF and STO is 16 kJ.mol-1 and 4 kJ.mol-1 respectively.
We conclude that mechanical alloying coupled with ultrasonication can be used as an effective alternative tools for the preparation of fine and homogeneous powder materials leading to nanoparticle-based materials.
Depok: Fakultas Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam Universitas Indonesia, 2015
UI - Disertasi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Banu Nursanni
Material penyerap gelombang mikro telah banyak diteliti sebelumnya, terutama mengarah ke material paduan berbahan polimer. Dalam penelitian ini polimer konduktif yang digunakan adalah polianilin (PANi) yang dipadukan dengan paduan material barium heksaferit substitusi ion Ti dan Mn dan kobalt ferit (BHFTM/CFO), dimana material tersebut mempunyai sifat magnetik, karena pada dasarnya material yang bisa digunakan sebagai penyerap gelombang mikro adalah material yang mempunyai sifat dielektrik dan magnetik. Dengan kata lain suatu material dapat dikatan penyerap gelombang mikro jika memiliki sifat permitivitas, permeabilitas, total magnetisasi, dan resistivitas yang tinggi. PANi disintesa dengan menggunakan metoda polimerisasi oksidasi, sedangkan BHFTM dan CFO disintesa menggunakan metoda pemaduan mekanik dan dilakukan sonikasi untuk memperkecil ukuran partikel. Paduan PANi/BHFTM/CFO disintesa dengan cara menambahkan material pengisi ke dalam matriks PANi dengan rasio 20:80, 50:50, dan 80:20 (% berat) kemudian dilakukan pengepresan dengan tekanan sebesar 5 ton selama 10 detik sebanyak 2 kali. Karakterisasi nanokomposit diuji dengan menggunakan spektrofotometer FTIR untuk polimer, X-ray Diffraction (XRD), Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM), Conductivity Meter (metoda four point probe), Particle Size Analyzer (PSA), Permagraph, dan Vector Network Analyzer (VNA). Dengan adanya substitusi ion pada material barium hexaferrit maka terdapat perubahan baik pada sifat magnetisasi dan penyerapan gelombang mikro. Karakterisasi XRD menunjukkan pola difraksi BHFTM tidak berbeda dengan BHF hanya terjadi pergeseran puncak. Sedangkan hasil karakterisasi SEM menunjukkan terjadi perpaduan antara BHFTM dan CFO. Hasil karakterisasi absorpsi dengan VNA menunjukkan adanya serapan pada komposit PHMM 2080 yaitu -20 dB pada frekuensi 12,8 GHz dimana komposit yang digunakan menggunkaan polianilin hasil doping (PANi-HCl) dan magnetik dalam multi kristalit partikel dengan rasio fraksi massa komponen polimer:magnetik sebesar
20:80. Perubahan ukuran partikel menjadi nano kristalit partikel menghasilkan serapan sebesar -19,08 db pada frekuensi 12,75 GHz (komposit PEMN 8020 atau komposit PANi-EB:Magnetik nano partikel dengan rasio fraksi massa 80:20).

Microwave absorber materials have been widely studied, especially leading to polymeric based composite materials. In this study, conductive polymers used are polyaniline (PANi) combined with a blend of material barium heksaferit substitution ion Ti and Mn and cobalt ferrite (BHFTM/CFO), wherein the material has magnetic properties, because basically materials that can be used as a microwave absorber if a material that has dielectric and magnetic properties. In other words the absorbent material can used absorbent if it has properties of permittivity, permeability, total magnetization and resistivity low. PANi synthesized by using the method polymerization oxidation while BHFTM and CFO were synthesized using a mechanical alloying synthesis method then sonication process for reduce particle size. PANi/BHFTM/CFO composite synthesized by adding a filler material into the matrix PANi with a ratio of 20:80,
50:50, and 80:20 (% by weight) and then do the pressing with a pressure of 5 tons for 10 seconds twice. The characterization of nanocomposite tested using FTIR spectrophotometer for the polymer, X-ray Diffraction (XRD), Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM), Conductivity Meter (method four-point probe), Particle Size Analyzer (PSA), Permagraph, and Vector Network Analyzer (VNA).
With the substitution of ions in the barium hexaferrite material there is a change in both the magnetization and microwave absorption properties. XRD characterization shows BHFTM diffraction pattern is not different from BHF only peak shift occurs. While the results of SEM characterization shows a combination between BHFTM and CFO. The characterization results of absorption by VNA showed absorption at 2080 PHMM composite is -20 dB at 12.8 GHz frequency where composites are used menggunkaan polyaniline doping results (PANi-HCl) and magnetic particles in a multi crystallites with the ratio of the mass fraction of the polymer components: magnetic amounted 20:80. The change crystallite size particles into nano particles produce uptake of -19.08 db at a frequency of 12.75
GHz (8020 PEMN composites or composite PANi-EB:Magnetic nano-particles with mass fraction ratio of 80:20)."
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Toto Rusianto
"Ceramic magnets with the chemical composition of barium hexaferrite (BaFe12O19) were obtained through the synthesis of magnetite powder from iron sand taken from the Southern Coast of Yogyakarta in Indonesia. The iron sand was dissolved and then synthesized to produce magnetite powder. Subsequently, the magnetite powder was oxidized at temperatures of 700, 900, and 1100°C for five hours to produce hematite. The un-oxidized magnetite and the magnetite which was oxidized at the different temperatures were each mixed with barium carbonate, respectively. The mixtures were then calcined at 1100°C for two hours. The calcined products were compacted and then sintered at 1100°C for one hour to produce sintered ceramic magnets. X-ray diffraction (XRD), a vibrating sample magnetometer (VSM), a scanning electron microscope (SEM) with an energy dispersive X-ray spectroscope (EDS), and thermogravimetry analysis (TGA) were used to characterize the ceramic magnets. The results showed the magnetite that was directly calcined, compacted, and sintered had a BaFe12O19 phase and also had the presence of a Fe2O3 phase with a BH(max) of 0.26 MGOe, Hc of 1.27 kOe, and Ms of 31.421 emu/g. The sintered ceramic magnet which was initially oxidized at a temperature of 900°C had a BaFe12O19 phase with a BH(max) of 0.78 MGOe, Hc of 1.95 kOe, and Ms of 46.970 emu/g. These results indicate satisfactory results as a permanent magnet. Thus, the iron sand from the Southern Coast of Yogyakarta in Indonesia has potential for the production of ceramic permanent magnets."
Depok: Faculty of Engineering, Universitas Indonesia, 2015
UI-IJTECH 6:6 (2015)
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Gemi Nastiti
"Magnet permanen nanokomposit merupakan magnet yang memiliki sifat kemagnetan yang ditingkatkan melalui struktur komposit, terdiri dari dua atau lebih fasa magnetik. Fasa magnetik hadir dalam bentuk kristalit dalam ukuran nanometer. Bila terjadi kontak yang erat antar permukaan fasa magnetik, maka sifat kemagnetan terutama remanen (Mr) dan energi produk maksimum (BH)max menjadi meningkat. Pada penelitian ini, telah dilakukan evaluasi sifat kemagnetan dari sistem komposit BaFe12O19/CoxFe3-xO4 (x=0,5; 0,7; 1,0 dan 1,2). BaFe12O19 atau BHF dipersiapkan dengan teknik pemaduan mekanik, menghasilkan material magnet permanen dengan nilai Mr=0,185 T dan koersifitas Hc=176,7 kA/m merupakan nilai tipikal dari BHF. Demikian juga material CoxFe3-xO4 dipersiapkan dengan teknik yang sama. Hasil evaluasi sifat kemagnetan menunjukkan magnet dengan komposisi x=1,0 dan x=1,2 adalah yang terbaik untuk dijadikan komponen magnet nanokomposit. Magnet CoFe2O4 (x=1,0) menghasilkan nilai Mr, Magnetik total (Ms) dan (BH)max masing-masing adalah 0,28 T; 0,48 T dan 3,8 kJ/m3. Sedangkan magnet Co1,2Fe2,8O4 (x=1,2) memiliki nilai 0,22 T; 0,43 T dan 3,4 kJ/m3.
Komposit kedua fasa magnetik dipersiapkan untuk empat komposisi berbeda. Adapun komponen kedua fasa magnetik, hadir dalam struktur komposit divariasikan sehingga diperoleh komposit yang terdiri dari komponen sistem multikristalit partikel atau komp-A dan komp-B; sistem multikristalit-monokristalit partikel atau komp-C; sistem monokristalit-multikristalit partikel atau komp-D dan sistem monokristalit partikel atau komp-E untuk mengoptimalkan peningkatan sifat kemagnetan melalui efek interaksi antar grain (grain exchanged interaction). Evaluasi sifat kemagnetan dari sistem komposit, keseluruhan magnet memperlihatkan terjadinya peningkatan sifat kemagnetan terutama nilai Mr dan (BH)max. Nilai (BH)max magnet komposit meningkat antara 25,5%-80% dibandingkan nilai (BH)max BHF. Sedangkan rasio Mr/Ms keseluruhan magnet komposit adalah 0,57-0,67 atau 14%-34% diatas nilai Mr/Ms = 0,5 ( isotropi).

The nanocomposite permanent magnet is a magnet with enhanced magnetic properties due to the composite structure, which consisting of two or more magnetic phases. The magnetic phases present in the form of crystallites in nanometer size. Subject to a close contact among surfaces of the magnetic phase, the magnetic properties especially remanence (Mr) and maximum energy product, (BH)max are increased. In this research, magnetic properties of composite BaFe12O19/CoxFe3-xO4 (x=0.5; 0.7; 1.0 and 1.2) permanent magnets have been evaluated. A component of BaFe12O19 (BHF) phase was prepared by a mechanical alloying technique, which yielded a permanent magnet with a value of Mr=0.185 T and the coercivity, Hc=176.7 kA/m, which are the typical values of BHF. Similarly, CoxFe3-xO4 materials were prepared through the same technique. Based on the magnetic property evaluation, it showed that magnets with x=1.0 and 1.2 compositions are the best for the second magnetic component in the composite magnets. It was found that the CoFe2O4 has values of Mr, total magnetization (Ms) and (BH)max respectively 0.28 T; 0.48 T and 3.8 kJ/m3. While those of Co1.2Fe2.8O4 are 0.22 T; 0.43 T and 3.4 kJ/m3.
The two component of the magnetic phase, present in the composite structure were varied so as to obtain composites comprising components of the multicrystallite particle system or komp-A and komp-B; Multicrystallite-monocrystallite particle system or komp-C; Monocrystallite-multicrystalite particle system or komp-D; Monocrystallite particle system or komp-E to optimize magnetic properties enhancement through the effects of grain exchanged interaction. Evaluation of magnetic properties of the composite systems shows that the overall magnets have an increased in magnetic properties especially Mr and (BH)max values. The (BH)max for the composite magnets increased to 25.5%-80% compared with that of the BHF. While the Mr/Ms ratio for the overall composite magnets is 0.57-0.67 or 14%-34% above the value of Mr/Ms = 0.5 (isotropic).
Depok: Fakultas Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam Universitas Indonesia, 2017
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Azwar Manaf
"Series of Ti2+-Mn4+ ions substituted BaFe12-2xTixMnxO19 samples with x = 0.0–0.8 have been studied to find out the effect of ion substitution on their microstructure, magnetic, and microwave absorption characteristics. The materials were synthesized through the mechanical alloying process. X-ray diffraction pattern for all sintered samples confirmed that the materials are single phase materials with BaFe12O19 structure. Referring to the results, it is shown that all samples that are subject to ultrasonic irradiation treatment characterized by a crystallite size distribution with the width get slimmer and mean crystallite size get smaller as the substitution level increased from x = 0 to x = 0.8. A sample of latter composition has fine crystals between 10–200 nm with the mean size of 42 nm. The effect of ionic substitution also affected the magnetic properties in which coercivity decreased proportionally with an increase of x value. The saturation magnetization increased to 0.41 T at x = 0.4, and then decreased for higher x values. Hence, the increase occurred only in samples with low-level substitutions of Ti2+-Mn4+ ions. Microwave absorption characterization clearly shows that the reflection loss (RL) value of Ti2+-Mn4+ substituted BaFe12-2xTixMnxO19 samples was enhanced from 2.5 dB in a doped free sample (x = 0) to 22 dB (~92% absorption) in a sample with x = 0.6 in the frequency range 8–12 GHz."
Depok: Faculty of Engineering, Universitas Indonesia, 2017
UI-IJTECH 8:3 (2017)
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library