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Ditemukan 20 dokumen yang sesuai dengan query
Abstrak :
The Banana weevil, cosmopolities sordidus Germar, is an important pest o fhighland banana and plantain in Africa, but it exists in low densities in presumed area of origin in southeaast Asia such as in Indonesia. This suggests a possible exisyance of effective co-evolved natural enemies in the origin area of Indonesia, especially West Sumatra. The objectives of this study were: 1. to evaluate banana weevil pest status at selected sites in west Sumatra, 2. to survey parasitoids and predators, and 3. to determine the control potential of the most important natural enemies.
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Siregar, Magdalena; Simbolon, Julianto
Abstrak :
The research was aim to study the influence of the giving of the banana peel waste to performance of goat beans and to study were determined the best level to performance of goat beans. The research design use was a Randomized Block Design with four level treatment of banana peel waste and each treatment was repeated three times as block with basic block is body weight and each repeat consist of a goat bean. The research showed that utilization of banana peel waste give unsignificantly (P > 0.05) to feed compsumption, body weight gain, and feed convertion ratio and the best level of the giving of the banana peel waste is 5% with the lowest feed convertion ratio is 42,23.
Universitas HKBP Nonmensen, 2017
050 VISI 25:2 (2017)
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Indriana Sulistyowarni
Abstrak :
Abtract – In order to maintain food security, it is wiser if the food priority is not limited to rice, but also encourages product diversity of local food-based such as maize, cassava, sweet potato, breadfruit, taro, and banana. The problems of utilizing banana potential in Bogor District are low production due to land use change, plant function change, some farmers have perception of bananas as a second class plant, Fusarium wilt disease, limited use of bananas as fresh fruit and small industrial processed products (such as chips, sale, molen), and production has not been able to fulfill market demand and consequently, export market opportunities have not been utilized. This study describes the extent to which large potential of banana can be used optimally by using defense economics, demand-supply, and food security theory. Primary data sources were obtained from interviews with informant from Local Government, farmers and banana traders in Bogor District, Ministry of Agriculture, Ministry of Trade. Secondary data sources include both from Ministry, Distanhorti, Disdagin, BPS, journals, and electronic media. Validation data by triangulation and data analysis of Miles-Huberman. The results show that bananas have great potential to be developed in Bogor District but its utilization is not optimal. This is due to several factors including application of inappropriate cultivation techniques with SOP, limited large-scale land, land conversion, without large company partnerships. Therefore, it is necessary to build partnerships with large private companies, synergies and coordination between stakeholders in order to increase bananas potential as trade commodity, hence can fulfill market demand. In the end it will improve economic security as one of the main focuses of the defense economy.
Bogor: University of Indonesia, Faculty of Humanities, 2020
355 JDSD 10:3 (2020)
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Gian Varian Setyadi
Abstrak :
Kebutuhan akan media pengemas makanan yang semakin meningkat seiring dengan era disrupsi teknologi, selaras dengan meningkatnya tindakan pencemaran lingkungan yang terbilang tidak terkendali. Salah satu solusinya adalah menggunakan bioplastik. Penelitian ini menggunakan pati kulit pisang tanduk dan cavendish sebagai bahan baku utama pembuatan bioplastik. Pati terlebih dahulu diekstrak dari kulit pisang tanduk dan cavendish, lalu dicampur dengan zat aditif lainnya seperti gliserol dan sorbitol yang bertindak sebagai pemlastis. Penelitian ini dilakukan bermula dari permasalahan terkait pemberian pemlastis gliserol dan sorbitol serta pemanfaatan pati dengan kadar tertentu agar didapatkan formulasi terbaik dalam meningkatkan sifat fisik dan mekanik bioplastik. Pencampuran antara kedua pemlastis tersebut dilakukan dengan rasio konsentrasi 2:1 (v/v) serta perlakuan yang sama dalam mengekstraksi pati dari kulit pisang. Besar konsentrasi pemlastis yang digunakan sebesar 35% (v/v) dan 70% (v/v) sebanyak 2 ml, serta komposisi massa pati sebesar 3 gram. Hasil uji kadar pati dengan metode Luff Schoorl menunjukkan kadar pati kulit pisang tanduk lebih besar 3% dibandingkan pati kulit pisang cavendish pada usia yang diperkirakan serupa berdasarkan warna kulitnya. Dari uji FTIR ditunjukkan bahwa tiap sampel memiliki gugus fungsi yang terbilang cukup serupa satu sama lain. Sifat fisik diukur dengan beberapa parameter yang saling berkaitan satu sama lain, antara lain ketebalan, daya serap terhadap air, serta biodegradabilitas, dimana sifat fisik terbaik dimiliki oleh sampel S70C. Meskipun hasil ketebalan tidak menunjukkan perbedaan yang signifikan, namun sifat daya serap air menunjukkan sampel S70C serta S70T adalah yang paling rendah, serta biodegradabilitas sampel S70C merupakan yang paling baik, dinilai dari konsistensi kehilangan massanya saat dilalui proses penguburan dalam tanah kompos. Sifat mekanik diukur dengan parameter kekuatan tarik dan elongasi saat putus, dimana nilai kuat tarik terendah pada sampel S35T (0,09 N/mm2) serta yang tertinggi pada sampel S35C (0,23 N/mm2), diikuti oleh S70T (0,21 N/mm2) dan S70C (0,19 N/mm2). Persen elongasi tertinggi pada sampel S70C sebesar 12,83% dan terendah pada S35T sebesar 6,99%. Hasil uji SEM menunjukkan adanya tekstur yang halus hingga sama sekali kasar atau kurangnya kemerataan bahan pembentuk sampel...... The need for food packaging media is increasing along with the era of technological disruption, in line with the increasing acts of environmental pollution that are fairly uncontrolled. One solution is to use bioplastics. This study used banana peel starch and cavendish as the main raw materials for making bioplastics. Starch is first extracted from tanduk and cavendish banana peel, then mixed with other additives such as glycerol and sorbitol which act as a plasticizer. This research was conducted starting from problems related to the provision of glycerol and sorbitol plasticizers as well as the use of starch with certain levels in order to obtain the best formulation in improving the physical and mechanical properties of bioplastics. The mixing between the two plasticizers was carried out with a concentration ratio of 2:1 (v/v) as well as the same treatment in extracting starch from banana peels. The concentration of plasticizer used was 35% (v/v) and 70% (v/v) of 2 ml, as well as a starch mass composition of 3 grams. The results of the starch content test with the Luff Schoorl method showed that the starch content of the tanduk banana peel was 3% greater than that of cavendish banana peel starch at a similar age based on the skin color. From the FTIR test, it is shown that each sample has functional groups that are quite similar to each other. Physical properties are measured by several parameters that are interrelated with each other, including thickness, absorption of water, and biodegradability, where the best physical properties are possessed by the S70C sample. Although the thickness results did not show a significant difference, the nature of water absorption showed that S70C and S70T samples were the lowest, and the biodegradability of S70C samples was the best, judged by the consistency of losing mass when going through the burial process in compost soils. Mechanical properties are measured by the parameters of tensile strength and elongation at break, where the lowest tensile strength value in the S35T sample (0,09 N/mm2) and the highest in the S35C sample (0,23 N/mm2), followed by S70T (0,21 N/mm2) and S70C (0,19 N/mm2). Percent of elongation was highest in the S70C sample at 12,83% and lowest in the S35T at 6,99%. SEM test results show the presence of a smooth to completely rough texture or lack of evenness of the sample forming material.
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2022
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Faris Ali Yafie
Abstrak :
Jenis pisang di Indonesia sangat beragam dan tingkat konsumsi buah ini sangat tinggi untuk konsumsi mingguan menningkat 198,44%, untuk konsumsi tahunan meningkat 18,30%, dan dari segi produksi daya ekspornya meningkat 26,65% selama 5 tahun terakhir dari 2014-2018. Pisang banyak manfaatnya terutama saat mulai terdapat bintik hitam karena bintik ini memiliki manfaat mencegah tumbuhnya sel-sel kanker dan meningkatkan sistem kekebalan tubuh. Pisang dengan bintik hitam maupun pisang yang tidak layak konsumsi ini dapat diprediksi dengan model machine learning, seperti CNN, DenseNet, dan GoogleNet. Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) adalah pendekatan deep learning yang banyak digunakan untuk memecahkan masalah yang kompleks. Sedangkan, DenseNet adalah algoritma yang mempertimbangkan satu gambar yang dilewatkan melalui jaringan konvolusi dimana arsitekturnya memiliki konektivitas yang padat/dense connectivity. Terakhir GoogleNet adalah algoritma ini dirancang untuk bekerja dengan baik bahkan di bawah batasan yang memori yang ketat dan biaya komputasi yang terbatas. Tulisan ini menggunakan tiga pendekatan dalam percobaan perbandingan. Pendekatan pertama menjalankan model yang dibangun dengan algoritma CNN. Kedua dengan model yang dibangun dengan algoritma DenseNet. Ketiga dengan model yang dibangun dengan algoritma GoogleNet. Model terbaik digunakan untuk memprediksi dataset Kaggle dan baru, tetapi pada dataset baru terdapat noise pada data training yang berdampak negatif pada kinerja model ini sehingga hasilnya terjadi overfitting. Hasil dari model terbaik yang memuaskan diperoleh dari semua pengujian adalah model GoogleNet pada batch size 32 dan optimizer Adam dengan hasil rata-rata pada training loss di 0,0264 dan training accuracy di 99,19%, validation loss di 0,03876, validation accuracy di 99,59%, testing loss di 0,01316, dan testing accuracy di 99,66% terhadap dataset kaggle yang digunakan. ......Type of bananas in Indonesia are very diverse and consumption level of this fruit is very high, for weekly consumption it increased by 198,44%, for annual consumption it increased by 18,30%, and for export production it increased 26,65% over the last 5 years from 2014-2018. Banana have many benefits, especially when dark spots begin to appear because these spots have benefit to preventing the growth of cancer cells and increasing immune system. Bananas with black spots and bananas that are not fit for consumption can be predicted by machine learning models, such as CNN, DenseNet, dan GoogleNet. Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) is a deep learning approach that is widely used to solve complex problems. Meanwhile, DenseNet is an algorithm that considers a single image that is passed through a convolution network where the architecture has dense connectivity. And GoogleNet's algorithm is designed to work well even under strict memory constraints and limited computational costs. This paper uses three approaches in a comparative experiment. The first approach is to run the model built with the CNN algorithm. The second is a model built with the DenseNet algorithm. Third with a model built with the GoogleNet algorithm. The best model is used to predict Kaggle and new datasets, but in the new dataset there is noise in the training data which has a negative impact on this model performance so that results are overfitting. The best model obtained from all tests is GoogleNet model on batch size 32 and Adam optimizer with average results on training loss at 0,0264 and training accuracy at 99,19%, validation loss at 0,03876, validation accuracy at 99, 59%, testing loss at 0,01316, and testing accuracy at 99,66% for kaggle dataset used.
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2021
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Gidion Cahya Negara
Abstrak :
Supply Chain pada industri agribisnis sangat dipengaruhi oleh fasilitas penyimpanan. Pisang yang telah dipanen perlu disimpan dengan baik sebelum didistribusikan ke pembeli. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk merancang perbaikan proses bisnis gudang pisang dengan memanfaatkan Internet of Things (IoT) untuk meningkatkan efisiensi waktu penyimpanan. Metode Business Process Re-engineering (BPR) digunakan untuk merancang perbaikan proses operasional gudang menggunakan perangkat lunak iGrafx. Perbaikan proses bisnis dilakukan pada proses inbound, ripening, dan outbound. Penelitian ini menghasilkan dua skenario pada proses inbound, skenario 1 menggunakan automated inventory system berbasis RFID menjadi skenario dengan efisiensi waktu yang paling besar yaitu 18%. Proses ripening ada tiga skenario, skenario 3 menggabungkan penggunaan automated inventory system berbasis RFID dan automated monitoring system memiliki efisiensi yang palig tinggi yaitu sebesar 24%. Model sistem informasi dengan Structured System Development (SSD) dirancang untuk mendukung proses bisnis perbaikan dengan mengadopsi teknologi automated inventory system berbasis RFID dan automated monitoring system. ......Supply Chain in the agribusiness industry is strongly influenced by warehouse facilities. Bananas that have been harvested need to be stored properly before being distributed to buyers. This study aims to design business process improvements by using the Internet of Things (IoT) to increase storage time efficiency. The Business Process Re-engineering (BPR) method was used to design improvements to warehouse operational process using the iGrafx software. Improvements to warehouse operations are carried out on the inbound, ripening, and outbound process. This study resulted in two scenarios in the inbound process, scenario 1 using an automated inventory system based on RFID becomes the scenario with the greatest time efficiency of 18%. The ripening process has three scenarios, scenario 3 which combines the use of an automated inventory system based on RFID and an automated monitoring system has the highest efficiency of 24%. The information system model with the Structured System Development method is designed to support business process improvements by adopting an automated inventory system technology based on RFID and an automated monitoring system
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2021
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Muhammad Kafka Alghifari
Abstrak :
Air bersih adalah suatu aset yang sangat berharga, tetapi jumlahnya terbatas dan tentunya tidak dapat mencukupi kebutuhan miliaran manusia seiring bertambahnya waktu. Untuk itu, urgensi pengolahan berbagai macam sumber alternatif air bersih meningkat, salah satunya adalah pengolahan air laut. Tantangan dalam pengolahan air laut pun juga menghadirkan permasalahan baru sehingga diperlukan adanya teknologi rendah biaya yang bisa menyisihkan polutan di dalam air laut. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengidentifikasi metode desalinasi terbaru dengan menggunakan adsorben dengan bahan dasar biomassa, diantaranya adalah kulit pisang kepok dan tempurung kelapa. Kapabilitas kulit pisang kepok dan tempurung kelapa sebagai karbon aktif terbukti bisa menyisihkan berbagai macam polutan di dalam air laut. Namun, diperlukan analisis lebih lanjut terkait penyisihan senyawa organik. Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk mengidentifikasi performa karbon aktif kulit pisang kepok dan tempurung kelapa dalam menyisihkan polutan di dalam air laut, yaitu senyawa organik berdasarkan karakteristik material, kapasitas, adsorpsi, hingga model adsorpsi yang ditempuh. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian, adsorben kulit pisang kepok mencapai penyisihan tertinggi pada variasi waktu kontak, spesifiknya pada waktu kontak 30 menit, dengan nilai sebesar 80,4% untuk sampel air laut dan 56,7% untuk sampel brine. Di satu sisi, pada kasus adsorben tempurung kelapa, penelitian mengenai variasi dosis mencapai penyisihan tertinggi pada dosis 20 g/L sebesar 4,69% untuk sampel air laut sedangkan pada variasi waktu kontak, diperoleh penyisihan tertinggi 80,4% pada waktu kontak 30 menit untuk sampel brine. ......Clean water is a valuable asset, yet its quantity is limited and cannot meet the needs of billions of people as time progresses. Thus, processing alternative sources of clean water is an utmost priority. One proposed solution is desalination. However, the challenges in seawater treatment present new problems, necessitating low-cost technology that provides alternative desalination methods as a solution. A new desalination method using biomass-based adsorbents, such as kepok banana peels and coconut shells, has been proposed. The adsorption capability of these materials as activated carbon has been proven effective in removing various pollutants from seawater. However, the removal of Natural Organic Matter (NOM) as a pollutant in seawater remains unidentified. Consequently, this study was conducted to identify the adsorption performance of biomass-based activated carbon (or bioadsorbents) made from kepok banana peels and coconut shells in removing organic compounds or NOM from seawater based on its material characteristics, adsorption capacity, and adsorption model. Based on its results, the kepok banana peel adsorbent achieved the highest removal rate at a contact time variation, specifically at a contact time of 30 minutes, with a value of 80.4% for seawater samples and 56.7% for brine samples. On the other hand, in the case of coconut shell adsorbent, research on dose variation achieved the highest removal rate at a dose of 20 g/L of 4.69% for seawater samples, while in the contact time variation, the highest removal rate was 80.4% at a contact time of 30 minutes for brine samples.
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2024
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Yossie Cahya Permata
Abstrak :
Nilai reflektansi pada panjang gelombang tertentu pada buah pisang dengan rentang yang besar digunakan untuk mengembangkan sebuah sistem pengujian kadar karotenoid menggunakan teknik hiperspektral imaging. Sistem pengujian ini terdiri dari satu set sistem pengukuran, sumber cahaya berupa lampu halogen, dan kamera hiperspektral yang terhubung dengan Personal Computer PC menggunakan penghubung Camera Link. Sampel terdiri dari tiga tingkat kematangan yaitu mentah, matang, dan sangat matang. Sistem pengujian menggunakan Partial least square regression PLSR model untuk memperoleh hasil kuantitatif. PLSR model pada panjang gelombang penuh digunakan untuk membuat sebuah model yang menghubungkan antara data spektral hiperspektral dan kadar karotenoid berdasarkan metode pengujian spektroskopi. Hasil yang diperoleh pada seluruh sampel memiliki koefisien korelasi prediksi melebihi 0,9 pada seluruh sampel dan nilai RMSE 6,81x10-7 pada pisang raja dan 1,03x10-5 pada pisang ambon. Hasil PLSR menunjukan bahwa sistem pengujian dapat digunakan untuk menguji kadar karotenoid.
Fruit reflectance spectra of banana with a wide range of carotenoids content have been studied to develop testing system using hyperspectral imaging technique. The testing system consist of a set of measuring instruments, halogen light source, and hyperspectral camera that connected to PC using Camera Link. A sample set combining three stages of maturity i.e. immature, mature, and very mature. The testing system uses Partial least square regression PLSR models to get its quantitative results. PLSR models on full spectra was used to create a model that computing relationship between HSI spectra and carotenoids contents based on spectroscopy methods. The profile map of carotenoids was distributed by applying the PLS models on pixels within the hyperspectral image, which obtained acceptable results for all sample sets with correlation coefficient of prediction over 0.9 and RMSE value 6,81x10 7 on Musa textilia and 1,03x10 5 on Musa paradisiaca. The results show that the proposed system can be used to testing of carotenoids content.
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Vincentius Jody Rusli
Abstrak :
Minuman kopi adalah salah satu minuman yang paling banyak dikonsumsi di dunia setiap hari. Secangkir kopi dapat mengandung 80 – 100 mg kafein (1,3,7-trimethylxanthine), senyawa alkaloid purin yang bila dikonsumsi dapat merangsang sistem saraf pusat. Banyak konsumen kopi minum untuk efek saraf ini atau hanya untuk kesenangan pribadi. Namun, meminum kafein secara berlebihan atau mereka yang memiliki toleransi rendah terhadap kafein dapat menghadapi berbagai efek buruk seperti pusing, mual, susah tidur, dan banyak efek negatif pada wanita hamil. Untuk memungkinkan penggila kopi atau mereka yang memiliki toleransi rendah terhadap kafein untuk minum kopi, kopi decaf dibuat. Kopi decaf adalah kopi bebas kafein yang dihasilkan dari biji kopi hijau yang telah melalui proses dekafeinasi. Proses Dekafeinasi Air Swiss adalah pilihan utama penghilangan kafein karena tidak menggunakan bahan kimia apa pun dalam prosesnya. Senyawa kafein dihilangkan dari larutan kopi dengan adsorpsi menggunakan karbon aktif. Karbon aktif mengikat molekul kafein melalui fisisorpsi gaya van der Waals, menciptakan larutan media bebas kafein untuk proses dekafeinasi lebih lanjut. Karbon aktif dapat dibuat dari banyak bahan organik seperti kulit pisang. Kulit pisang yang telah diolah terlebih dahulu biasanya dikarbonisasi dan kemudian diaktifkan secara kimiawi. Pada penelitian ini dilakukan terlebih dahulu aktivasi kimia dengan ZnCl2, H2SO4, dan KOH pada larutan 6N, perbandingan karbon 3:1 pada suhu 85°C selama 3 jam. Karbon aktif kimiawi yang dihasilkan kemudian akan mengalami aktivasi termal pada 500°C selama 1 jam dengan aliran gas N2 ditetapkan pada 0,15 NL/menit. Karbon aktif yang dihasilkan memiliki perkiraan luas permukaan berdasarkan bilangan yodium sebesar 1228,76 m2/g untuk karbon aktif H2SO4, 1220,89 m2/g untuk karbon aktif ZnCl2 dan 1218,46 m2/g untuk karbon aktif KOH. Karakterisasi SEM dan EDS menghasilkan citra permukaan dan kandungan spesies karbon aktif yang dihasilkan dengan karbon aktif KOH yang memiliki struktur pori terbaik dan pengotor paling sedikit diantara ketiga sampel. Kafein diekstraksi dan larutan kopi yang dihasilkan dicampur dengan karbon aktif KOH konsentrasi 15% selama 1 dan 2 jam. Hasil HPLC menunjukkan bahwa setelah 2 jam, 99,4% kafein dihilangkan dari larutan ekstrak kafein baik Arabica maupun Robusta, sehingga membuktikan bahwa karbon aktif yang dibuat dari limbah kulit pisang efektif sebagai adsorben kafein untuk proses dekafeinasi. ......Coffee drink is one of the world’s most consumed beverages on a daily basis. A cup of coffee may contain 80 – 100 mg of caffeine (1,3,7-trimethylxanthine), a purine alkaloid compound that when consumed, may stimulate the central nervous system. A lot of coffee consumer drink for this neuro effects or simply for personal enjoyment. However, drinking caffeine in excess or those with low tolerance to caffeine may face various adverse effects such as dizziness, nausea, insomnia, and many negative effects on pregnant women. To allow coffee enthusiast or those that has low tolerance to caffeine to drink coffee, decaf coffee is made. Decaf coffee is caffeine free coffee that is produced from green coffee bean that has gone through the decaffeination process. The Swiss Water Decaffeination process is the leading choice of caffeine removal as it does not use any chemicals in the process. Caffeine compounds are removed from the coffee solution by adsorption using activated carbon. Activated carbon binds the caffeine molecules through physisorption of the van der Waals’ forces, creating a caffeine-free medium solution for further decaffeination process. Activated carbon can be prepared from many organic materials such as banana peels. The banana peel that has been pretreated are usually carbonized and then chemically activated. In this study, chemical activation by ZnCl2, H2SO4, and KOH at 6N, 3:1 solution to carbon ratio at 85°C for 3 hours are conducted first. The resulting chemically activated carbon will then undergo thermal activation at 500°C for 1 hour with N2 gas stream set at 0.15 NL/min. The activated carbon produced are shown to have an estimated surface area based on iodine number equal to 1228.76 m2/g for H2SO4 activated carbon is, 1220.89 m2/g for ZnCl2 activated carbon and 1218.46 m2/g for KOH activated carbon. The SEM and EDS characterization produced images on the surface and species content of the activated carbon produced with KOH activated carbon having the best porous structure and least impurities among the three samples. Caffeine is extracted and the resulting coffee solution are mixed with 15% concentration KOH activated carbon for 1 and 2 hours. The HPLC results shows that after 2 hours, 99.4% of the caffeine are removed from both Arabica and Robusta caffeine extract solution, hence proving that activated carbon prepared from banana peel waste are effective as caffeine adsorbent for decaffeination process.
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2022
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Miranthy Cinthya Rachman
Abstrak :
Tingginya jumlah sampah plastik menjadi masalah yang sangat krusial di Indonesia. Salah satu upaya untuk mengatasi masalah ini adalah dengan membuat alternatif material lain yang berasal dari bahan baku hayati dan mampu dimanfaatkan sebagai plastik, yaitu bioplastik. Bioplastik merupakan plastik yang terbuat dari material biologis atau dapat berupa plastik yang lebih mudah didegradasi oleh mikroorganisme. Telah banyak penelitian mengenai bioplastik berbasis pati kulit pisang yang telah dilakukan. Akan tetapi, hasil dari sebagian besar penelitian tersebut menunjukkan bahwa bioplastik berbasis pati kulit pisang memiliki sifat fisik dan mekanik yang kurang baik. Pada penelitian ini, bioplastik berbasis pati kulit pisang diproduksi dengan variasi rasio bahan penguat berupa serat alami dari daun nanas dan lempung untuk meningkatkan sifat fisik dan mekaniknya. Untuk mencapai tujuan tersebut, digunakan komposisi serat daun nanas terhadap total bahan penguat sebesar 5%, 10%, 15%, dan 20% dengan adanya kontrol positif dan negatif. Karakteristik bioplastik seperti kuat tarik (tensile strength), pemanjangan saat putus (elongation at break), biodegradabilitas, daya serap air, sifat morfologi permukaan, serta interaksi antar bahan telah diamati dalam penelitian ini. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan pengaruh serat daun nanas terhadap karakteristik bioplastik adalah meningkatkan kuat tarik dan kemampuan degradasi, tetapi menurunkan nilai elongasi. Sementara itu, pengaruh lempung adalah meningkatkan ketahanan air. Berdasarkan karakterisasi yang telah dilakukan, komposisi bioplastik terbaik adalah sampel BCS4 dengan komposisi serat daun nanas terhadap total bahan penguat sebesar 20% yang memiliki nilai kuat tarik sebesar 6,52 MPa, nilai elongasi sebesar 13,44%, daya serap sebesar 126,09%, waktu degradasi selama 8 hari. Potensi pemanfaatan bioplastik berbasis pati kulit pisang dengan bahan penguat lempung dan serat daun nanas ini adalah sebagai kemasan polybag tanaman yang dapat ditanam langsung bersama bibit tanaman. ......The high amount of plastic waste is a very crucial problem in Indonesia. Based on data from the Sistem Informasi Pengelolaan Sampah Nasional, the annual amount of waste in Indonesia in 2020 was 32 million tons, a rapid increase from previous years due to the COVID-19 pandemic. One effort to overcome this problem is to make alternative materials derived from biological raw materials and can be used as plastics, namely bioplastics. Bioplastics are plastics made from biological materials or can be plastics that are more easily degraded by microorganisms. Many studies on banana peel starch-based bioplastics have been conducted. However, the results of most of these studies show that banana peel starch-based bioplastics have poor physical and mechanical properties. In this study, banana peel starch-based bioplastics were produced with variations in the ratio of reinforcements in the form of natural fibers from pineapple leaves and clay to improve their physical and mechanical properties. To achieve this goal, the composition of pineapple leaf fiber is used for the total reinforcing material of 5%, 10%, 15%, and 20% with positive and negative controls. Bioplastic characteristics such as tensile strength, elongation at break, biodegradability, water absorption, surface morphological properties, and interactions between materials have been observed in this study. The results of this study show the effect of pineapple leaf fiber on bioplastic characteristics is to increase tensile strength and degradation ability but decrease the elongation at break value. Meanwhile, the effect of clay is to increase water resistance. Based on the characterization that has been done, the best bioplastic composition is BCS4 samples with pineapple leaf fiber composition against a total reinforcing material of 20% which has a tensile strength value of 6,52 MPa, elongation value of 13,44%, absorption capacity of 126,09%, degradation time for 8 days. The potential use of banana peel starch-based bioplastics with clay reinforcement materials and pineapple leaf fiber is as a plant polybag packaging that can be planted directly with plant seeds.
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2023
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
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