M Nur Alamsyah
Abstrak :
Penelitian ini tentang gerakan politik masyarakat dalam proses pembentukan daerah baru di Indonesia. Peran elit dalam pemekaran menentukan, sebaliknya gerakan massa dari bawah dianggap sebatas massa dalam pembentukan daerah. Kenyataannya pada setiap proses pembentukan daerah di Indonesia, masyarakat berpartisipasi untuk pembiayaan maupun aksi gerakan.Pembentukan Kabupaten ParigiMoutong menarik terkait mengapa kelompok-kelompok gerakan pemekaran muncul dan bagaimana strategi kelompok-kelompok tersebut, serta bagaimana bentuk persaingan dan konsensusnya.Teori utama yang digunakan adalah teori struktur kesempatan politik dari Dough McAdam, Jhon McCharty dan Mayerd N.Zald.Teori inimenekankan bahwa gerakan sosial dimungkinkanjika terdapat kesempatan politik, mobilisasi, dan proses pembingkaian. Penelitian ini menggunakan studi kualitatif dengan kasus gerakan politik pada proses pembentukan Kabupaten Parigi Moutong Tahun 1999-2002. Pengumpulan data diperoleh melalui tahapan:, studi data sekunder, pra wawancara, wawancara mendalam, segmentasi makna data dan analisis data.Hasil penelitian ini menemukan bahwa kelompok gerakan pemekaran menentukan pembentukan Kabupaten Parigi Moutong. Keberhasilan gerakan kelompok dengan aksi beragam dengan memanfaatkan kesempatan reformasi, perubahan aturan, bangkitnya gerakan mahasiswa serta lahirnya kompetisi kepartaian. Gerakan dengan menggunakan instrumen budaya tersebut dapat mendorong mobilisasi sumber daya kelembagaan formal dan nonformal dalam mendukung pembentukan daerah melalui inisiatif DPR-RI. Melalui proses pembingkaian issu dengan media alternatif, serta pemanfaatan instrumen kearifan lokal melalui silaturrahmi dan musyawarah serta penggunaan bantaya ruang pertemuan adat ,melahirkan motivasi, ikatan dan konsensus kuat dalam gerakan ini. Temuan tersebut mengkonfirmasi teori struktur kesempatan politik dan menambahkan elemen baruuntuk faktor proses pembingkaian pada elemen budaya yang spesifik dalam konteks gerakan politik di Kabupaten Parigi Moutong.a
This research expounds the position of the public rsquo s political movement during the formation process of a new district in Indonesia. Because the realization of forming a new district is determined by the elites, the birth of a new district is often equated with elite domination. While the mass movement is not visible and is seen as unrelated to the formation process, the mass movement can become potential funders and can become an asset in the formation process itself.The formation process brings into light the questions on the emergence of various expansion group movements and their strategies, as well as the disputes and consensus caused by these movements.The main theoryused in this dissertation is the theory of political opportunity structure by Dough McAdam, Jhon McCharty and Mayerd N. Zald. This theory accentuates that social movements may emerge if a political opportunity, a resource mobilization structure, and a framing process is present. The qualitative method with a case study on the Parigi Moutong District in order to understand the political movement in the formation process of the Parigi Moutong District in 1999 2002. The data are collected through secondary data study, pre interviews, in depth interviews, data segmentation, and data analysis.This research shows that political movements are vital to the formation process of the Parigi Moutong District. The political process such as the development of opinions, the mass action in Parigi Moutong, the urgent action the Donggala District and Province, the lobbying and negotiation with the central government, to the utilization of the initiative mechanism of DPR RI is executed by the expansion group movement until the parliamentary session and the definitive formation of the ParigiMoutong District.Confirming the theory of political opportunity structure, the political movement groups rsquo influence are made possible by the presence of a political opportunity. This opportunity enables the mobilization structure of resources and the framing process with the alternative media, as well as optimization with local wisdom. The discussions in the bantaya traditional meeting room , and an act of hospitality as the instrument of local culture has given birth to a political bond and consensus in the district expansion movement. This finding is a new element that complements the theory of political opportunity structure for cultural framing in the local context of Parigi Moutong District rsquo s formation process.
UI - Disertasi Membership Universitas Indonesia Library