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Ditemukan 6 dokumen yang sesuai dengan query
Rizky Alfiansyah
Abstrak :
Dalam tubuh manusia, bahan implan tidak hanya berinteraksi dengan ion anorganik, tetapi juga berinteraksi dengan senyawa organik, terutama protein. Variasi konsentrasi 0 g/L – 0,4 g/L Bovine Serum Albumin (BSA) sebagai protein yang disimulasikan ditambahkan pada larutan Phosphate Buffered Saline (PBS) untuk mengamati perilaku korosi niobium (Nb) melalui pengujian elektrokimia dan karakterisasi permukaan. Berdasarkan analisis kurva polarisasi potensiodinamik, didapatkan nilai potensial korosi yaitu -0,84 V; -0,86 V; -0,87 V; -0,87 V dan rapat arus korosi 4,4 μA cm-2; 2,9 μA cm-2; 1,9 μA cm-2; 1,9 μA cm-2. Nilai potensial dan rapat arus korosi menurun seiring penambahan konsentrasi BSA, menyebabkan laju korosi yang menurun juga. Analisis hasil karakterisasi XRD menunjukkan bahwa fasa oksida dari Nb tidak muncul, karena lapisan oksida yang terbentuk sangat tipis. Pengamatan morfologi permukaan menggunakan Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM) juga didapatkan jumlah kerusakan akibat serangan korosi semakin berkurang seiring penambahan konsentrasi BSA. ......In the human body, the material of the implant is not only interact with the inorganic ions, but also interact with organic compounds, especially proteins. Variation of the concentration of 0 g/L to 0.4 g/L Bovine Serum Albumin (BSA) as a protein that is simulated is added in a solution of Phosphate Buffered Saline (PBS) to observe the corrosion behavior of niobium (Nb), through testing and electrochemical characterization of the surface. Based on the analysis of the curves of potentiodynamic polarization, obtained the value of the corrosion potential that is -0.84 V; -0.86 V; -0.87 V; -0.87 V and current density of corrosion of 4.4 µA cm-2; a 2.9 µA cm-2; the 1.9 µA cm-2; A 1.9 µA cm-2. The value of the potential and current density of corrosion decreases as the addition of the concentration of BSA, causing the corrosion rate decreased as well. Analysis of the results of XRD characterization shows that the phase of the oxide of Nb does not appear, because the oxide layer formed is very thin. The observation of surface morphology using Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM) also showed the amount of damage due to corrosion attack on the wane as the addition of the concentration of BSA.
Depok: Fakultas Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam Universitas Indonesia, 2021
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Dwiki Drajat Gumilar
Abstrak :
Perhitungan luas tubuh manusia atau body surface area telah menjadi perhatian berbagai ahli dalam berbagai disiplin ilmu. Dengan karakter antropometri yang unik, setiap suku bangsa seharusnya memiliki formula BSA yang sesuai dengan karakteristik antropometrinya. Dikembangkan dengan dukungan data antropometri yang diperoleh secara akurat dengan proses 3D Anthroscan. Studi ini memberikan alternatif formula perhitungan BSA yang lebih sesuai dengan karakteristik antropometri Manusia Indonesia. Dalam studi kasus penelitian ini BSA = 0.0113 x W0.1956 x H0.8169 adalah formulasi luas tubuh manusia yang mempunya potensi menjawab karakteristik antropometri manusia Indonesia. Sebuah pendekatan geometrik juga disusun untuk menjawab kebutuhan formulasi BSA yang lebih personal.
The study of human body surface area has been a concern for many experts in several research fields. Having unique anthropometry characteristics, every humen race should have certain formula that fit those characteristics. Generated using strong based data taken with high accuracy 3D Anthroscan. This study obtain a new BSA formula, BSA = 0.0113 x W0.1956 x H0.8169 that will potentially fit Indonesian anthropometric characteristics. A geometrical interpolation model also proposed for a more personal BSA calculation.
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2012
UI - Skripsi Open  Universitas Indonesia Library
Bacon, Roy
London: Sunburst Books, 1995
R 629.227 5 BAC i
Buku Referensi  Universitas Indonesia Library
Eleyna Farihah
Abstrak :
Human Immunodeficiency Virus HIV merupakan virus yang menyebabkan Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome AIDS. Infeksi HIV dapat bersifat laten. Tahapan infeksi meliputi infeksi primer, diseminasi virus ke organ limfoid, peningkatan ekspresi HIV, timbulnya gejala penyakit, dan kematian. Dalam upaya pengendalian kasus infeksi HIV, maka dibutuhkan uji diagnostik serologi yang sensitif dan spesifik. Diagnosis suatu spesimen diawali dengan uji skrining yang berguna untuk identifikasi presumtif kandungan antibodi di dalam spesimen. Salah satu uji skrining yang umum enzyme linked immunosorbent assay ELISA . Uji ELISA untuk diagnosis infeksi HIV saat ini dilakukan berdasarkan antigen, antara lain p24 yang merupakan bagian protein Gag, serta gp41 dan gp120 yang merupakan bagian protein envelope. Telah dilakukan fusi peptida daerah imunodominan gp41 dari 4 subtipe HIV-1 tetraIDR env dengan BSA dalam upaya pengembangan uji ELISA berbasis antigen rekombinan. Gen BSA-tIDR disisipkan ke dalam vektor ekspresi pQE80L dan pengklonaan berhasil menghasilkan plasmid pQE80-BSA-tIDR. Ekspresi protein rekombinan pada bakteri E.coli dilakukan untuk menghasilkan protein BSA-tIDR dan tIDR . Ekspresi protein berhasil dilakukan pada kondisi suhu 37oC, dan dengan induksi IPTG 1 mM selama 4 jam. Protein BSA-tIDR belum berhasil dipurifikasi dengan metode NiNTA. Uji western blot dilakukan terhadap protein hasil ekspresi BSA-tIDR, hasil purifikasi tIDR, dan BSA saja . Hasil uji western blot dengan serum pasien positif HIV-1 memberikan hasil positif pada protein BSA-tIDR dan tIDR.
Human Immunodeficiency Virus HIV is a virus that causes Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome AIDS. HIV infection can be latent. Stages of infection include primary infection, viral dissemination to lymphoid organs, increased HIV expression, onset of symptoms, and death. In order to control the HIV infection, a sensitive and specific serologic diagnostic test is required. The diagnosis of a specimen begins with a screening test useful for presumptive identification of the antibody contained in the specimen. One of the common screening tests is enzyme linked immunosorbent assay ELISA . The current ELISA tests for the diagnosis of HIV infection are based on antigens, including p24 which is part of the Gag protein, and gp41 and gp120 which are part of the envelope protein. The fusion of gp41 immunodominant region peptide of 4 HIV 1 subtypes tetraIDR env with BSA has been done to develope recombinant antigen based ELISA assays. The BSA tIDR gene is inserted into the pQE80L expression vector and the cloning successfully produced pQE80 BSA tIDR plasmid. Expression of recombinant protein in E.coli bacteria was performed to produce BSA tIDR and tIDR proteins. The protein expression was successfully performed at 37 C, with 1 mM IPTG induction for 4 hours. BSA tIDR protein has not been successfully purified by NiNTA method. The western blot test was performed on BSA tIDR expression proteins, purified tIDR, and BSA alone. The western blot test with serum HIV 1 positive patients gave positive results on BSA tIDR and tIDR proteins.
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Mutiara Ramadhiani
Abstrak :
Psoriasis vulgaris merupakan penyakit inflamasi kronik kulit yang didasari oleh proses imunologi. Derajat keparahan psoriasis vulgaris dinilai secara klinis dengan penilaian body surface area (BSA) dan psoriasis area and severity index (PASI). Inflamasi kulit pada psoriasis vulgaris diperankan oleh berbagai sitokin inflamasi yang dapat meningkatkan inflamasi sistemik dan aktivasi trombosit. High sensitivity c-reactive protein (hs-CRP) sebagai penanda inflamasi sistemik serta mean platelet volume (MPV) sebagai penanda aktivasi trombosit diduga dapat dijadikan prediktor derajat keparahan psoriasis vulgaris. Penelitian ini berdesain observasional analitik potong lintang. Setiap subjek penelitian (SP) dengan psoriasis vulgaris yang memenuhi kriteria inklusi dan eksklusi dilakukan anamnesis, pemeriksaan fisik, dan perhitungan derajat keparahan psoriasis vulgaris dengan PASI dan BSA. Selanjutnya, dilakukan pemeriksaan kadar hs-CRP dan MPV. Dari 32 SP, didapatkan korelasi positif tidak bermakna antara hs-CRP dengan BSA (r=0,118; p=0,518) dan PASI (r=0,322; p=0,073). Korelasi negatif tidak bermakna ditunjukkan antara MPV terhadap BSA (r=-0,035; p=0,848)dan PASI (r=-0,035; p=0,848). Korelasi antara hs-CRP dengan MPV tidak bermakna (r=-0,178; p=0,329). Nilai hs-CRP dan MPV tidak memiliki korelasi bermakna terhadap PASI dan BSA sehingga tidak dapat digunakan sebagai prediktor yang spesifik untuk keparahan psoriasis vulgaris. ......Psoriasis vulgaris is a chronic immunologic inflammatory skin disease. The severity of psoriasis vulgaris is clinically-assessed by using body surface area (BSA) and the psoriasis area and severity index (PASI). Skin inflammation in psoriasis vulgaris is played by various inflammatory cytokines that can perpetuate systemic inflammation and platelet activation. High sensitivity c-reactive protein (hs-CRP) as a marker of systemic inflammation and mean platelet volume (MPV) as a marker of platelet activation are thought to be predictors of psoriasis vulgaris severity. This is a cross-sectional analytic observational study. Each subject with psoriasis vulgaris who met the inclusion and exclusion criteria underwent anamnesis, physical examination, and assessment of PASI and BSA, then examined for hs-CRP and MPV levels. Among the 32 subjects, a weak insignificant positive correlation was found between hs-CRP and BSA (r=0.118; p=0.518)and PASI (r=0.322; p=0.073). A weak negative insignificant correlation was shown between MPV and BSA (r=-0.035; p=0.848) and PASI (r=-0.035; p=0.848). No significant correlation was found between hs-CRP and MPV (r=-0.178; p=0.329 The hs-CRP and MPV levels ​​do not have a significant correlation with PASI and BSA, therefore cannot be used as specific predictors of psoriasis vulgaris severity.
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2022
UI - Tugas Akhir  Universitas Indonesia Library
Abdul Azis
Abstrak :
The existence of chioramphenicol residues in veterinary products could cause such a serious side effect like aplastic anemia. A specific and sensitive ELISA method to detect chioramphenicol residues was needed to be developed in order to get a more efficient and economical analysing method. In this study, a direct ELISA method has been done using chioramphenicol-bovine serum albumin (CAP-BSA) as antigen and antisera chioramphenicol labelled by enzyme horseradish peroxidase (HRP) as antibody. CAP-BSA with a dilution of 1:200 and antisera chioramphenicol labelled by }iRP with a dilution of 1:125 showed a limit detection of 0.05 ng/ml. CAP-BSA had been synthesized from chloramphenicol sodium succinate and BSA, using mixed anhydride reaction, whereas HRP-labelled antisera chloramphenicol had been synthesized from antisera chioramphenicol and FIRP, using periodate conjugation technique. The production of antisera chloramphenicol has been performed through CAP-BSA immunization using two New Zealand White rabbits resulting in antisera chloramphenicol with a less satisfactory specificity and sensitivity. The recovery assay of chloramphemcol in cow milk gave 98,17% ± 2,88% yield.
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library