ABSTRAKLaporan magang ini membahas proses audit atas pendapatan yang dilakukan oleh KAP
TPS atas Engagement NAU 2015 untuk periode yang berakhir pada tanggal 30
November 2015. Di laporan tersebut dibahas mengenai kebijakan akuntansi, prosedur
audit, temuan audit, serta analisis atas pendapatan PT NAU khususnya pada unis bisnis
NCL dan proses audit KAP TPS. Berdasarkan hasil proses audit, dijelaskan bahwa
kebijakan akuntansi atas pendapatan PT NAU telah sesuai dengan Pernyataan Standar
Akuntansi Keuangan (PSAK) yang berlaku, serta prosedur audit yang dijalankan tim
audit KAP TPS atas pendapatan PT NAU telah sesuai dengan teori dan standar yang
ABSTRACTThe report aims to explain the audit process of Revenue done by KAP TPS on
Engagement NAU 2015 for the period ended November 30th, 2015. Furthermore, the
report discusses the accounting policies, audit procedures, audit findings as well as
analysis of revenue PT NAU especially business unit NCL and the audit process done
by KAP TPS. Based on the result of the audit process, the policies of revenue PT NAU
have complied with the Indonesian Financial Accounting Standards (PSAK). In
addition, the audit procedures, which are applied by the KAP TPS, have complied with
the theory and the standards which prevail.;"