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Ditemukan 11 dokumen yang sesuai dengan query
Abstrak :
Analisis Risiko Kesehatan Lingkungan Akibat Pembuangan Limbah Cair Pembangkit Listrik Tenaga Panas Bumi (PLTP) Ulumbu ke Sungai (Pada Lapangan Panas Bumi Ulumbu, Kabupaten Manggarai, Nusa Tenggara Timur) Pembangkit Listrik Tenaga Panas Bumi (PLTP) merupakan salah satu sumber energi yang ramah lingkungan karena menghasilkan volume limbah yang rendah, salah satunya adalah limbah cair. Limbah cair panas bumi mengandung unsur kimia, salah satunya adalah Arsen. Limbah cair PLTP akan menimbulkan dampak apabila dibuang secara langsung ke sungai. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengidentifikasi besarnya konsentrasi Arsen pada limbah PLTP dan air sungai di lokasi penelitian dan dampaknya terhadap konsentrasi Arsen di sungai serta dampak terhadap kesehatan lingkungan. Dari penelitian ini didapatkan hasil konsentrasi Arsen pada limbah PLTP sebesar 0,0365 mg/l. Kandungan Arsen dalam limbah yang dibuang masih berada di bawah baku mutu, yaitu sebesar 0,5 mg/l. Pembuangan limbah cair PLTP ini juga tidak meningkatkan konsentrasi Arsen di sungai. Konsentrasi Arsen pada air yang dikonsumsi masyarakat adalah 0,008 mg/l. Perhitungan risiko kesehatan masyarakat yang mengkonsumsi air sungai menunjukkan tidak menimbulkan risiko kesehatan RQ < 1 (RQ = 0,6522).
Geothermal power plant is one of the green energy which produces low waste volume, including wastewater. Geothermal wastewater contains Arsenic, a dangerous chemical. It can generate impact when it is discharged to the river nearby. The purpose of this research is to identify Arsenic concentration in the geothermal wastewater and in the river on the research location. The result of this research shows that geothermal wastewater Arsenic concentration is still below the regulation, that is 0,0365 mg/l. Its content in the discarded waterwaste is still below the quality standar, which is 0,5 mg/l. Geothermal wastewater discharge has no effect to the Arsenic concentration in the river. Arsenic concentration in the river that people consume is 0,008 mg/l. Based on this concentration, health risk assessment ot the comunity who consume the water from the river shows no harmful potential to cause health problem as the RQ less than 1 (RQ = 0,6522).;Geothermal power plant is one of the green energy which produces low waste volume, including wastewater. Geothermal wastewater contains Arsenic, a dangerous chemical. It can generate impact when it is discharged to the river nearby. The purpose of this research is to identify Arsenic concentration in the geothermal wastewater and in the river on the research location. The result of this research shows that geothermal wastewater Arsenic concentration is still below the regulation, that is 0,0365 mg/l. Its content in the discarded waterwaste is still below the quality standar, which is 0,5 mg/l. Geothermal wastewater discharge has no effect to the Arsenic concentration in the river. Arsenic concentration in the river that people consume is 0,008 mg/l. Based on this concentration, health risk assessment ot the comunity who consume the water from the river shows no harmful potential to cause health problem as the RQ less than 1 (RQ = 0,6522).;Geothermal power plant is one of the green energy which produces low waste volume, including wastewater. Geothermal wastewater contains Arsenic, a dangerous chemical. It can generate impact when it is discharged to the river nearby. The purpose of this research is to identify Arsenic concentration in the geothermal wastewater and in the river on the research location. The result of this research shows that geothermal wastewater Arsenic concentration is still below the regulation, that is 0,0365 mg/l. Its content in the discarded waterwaste is still below the quality standar, which is 0,5 mg/l. Geothermal wastewater discharge has no effect to the Arsenic concentration in the river. Arsenic concentration in the river that people consume is 0,008 mg/l. Based on this concentration, health risk assessment ot the comunity who consume the water from the river shows no harmful potential to cause health problem as the RQ less than 1 (RQ = 0,6522).;Geothermal power plant is one of the green energy which produces low waste volume, including wastewater. Geothermal wastewater contains Arsenic, a dangerous chemical. It can generate impact when it is discharged to the river nearby. The purpose of this research is to identify Arsenic concentration in the geothermal wastewater and in the river on the research location. The result of this research shows that geothermal wastewater Arsenic concentration is still below the regulation, that is 0,0365 mg/l. Its content in the discarded waterwaste is still below the quality standar, which is 0,5 mg/l. Geothermal wastewater discharge has no effect to the Arsenic concentration in the river. Arsenic concentration in the river that people consume is 0,008 mg/l. Based on this concentration, health risk assessment ot the comunity who consume the water from the river shows no harmful potential to cause health problem as the RQ less than 1 (RQ = 0,6522).;Geothermal power plant is one of the green energy which produces low waste volume, including wastewater. Geothermal wastewater contains Arsenic, a dangerous chemical. It can generate impact when it is discharged to the river nearby. The purpose of this research is to identify Arsenic concentration in the geothermal wastewater and in the river on the research location. The result of this research shows that geothermal wastewater Arsenic concentration is still below the regulation, that is 0,0365 mg/l. Its content in the discarded waterwaste is still below the quality standar, which is 0,5 mg/l. Geothermal wastewater discharge has no effect to the Arsenic concentration in the river. Arsenic concentration in the river that people consume is 0,008 mg/l. Based on this concentration, health risk assessment ot the comunity who consume the water from the river shows no harmful potential to cause health problem as the RQ less than 1 (RQ = 0,6522).;Geothermal power plant is one of the green energy which produces low waste volume, including wastewater. Geothermal wastewater contains Arsenic, a dangerous chemical. It can generate impact when it is discharged to the river nearby. The purpose of this research is to identify Arsenic concentration in the geothermal wastewater and in the river on the research location. The result of this research shows that geothermal wastewater Arsenic concentration is still below the regulation, that is 0,0365 mg/l. Its content in the discarded waterwaste is still below the quality standar, which is 0,5 mg/l. Geothermal wastewater discharge has no effect to the Arsenic concentration in the river. Arsenic concentration in the river that people consume is 0,008 mg/l. Based on this concentration, health risk assessment ot the comunity who consume the water from the river shows no harmful potential to cause health problem as the RQ less than 1 (RQ = 0,6522).;Geothermal power plant is one of the green energy which produces low waste volume, including wastewater. Geothermal wastewater contains Arsenic, a dangerous chemical. It can generate impact when it is discharged to the river nearby. The purpose of this research is to identify Arsenic concentration in the geothermal wastewater and in the river on the research location. The result of this research shows that geothermal wastewater Arsenic concentration is still below the regulation, that is 0,0365 mg/l. Its content in the discarded waterwaste is still below the quality standar, which is 0,5 mg/l. Geothermal wastewater discharge has no effect to the Arsenic concentration in the river. Arsenic concentration in the river that people consume is 0,008 mg/l. Based on this concentration, health risk assessment ot the comunity who consume the water from the river shows no harmful potential to cause health problem as the RQ less than 1 (RQ = 0,6522)., Geothermal power plant is one of the green energy which produces low waste volume, including wastewater. Geothermal wastewater contains Arsenic, a dangerous chemical. It can generate impact when it is discharged to the river nearby. The purpose of this research is to identify Arsenic concentration in the geothermal wastewater and in the river on the research location. The result of this research shows that geothermal wastewater Arsenic concentration is still below the regulation, that is 0,0365 mg/l. Its content in the discarded waterwaste is still below the quality standar, which is 0,5 mg/l. Geothermal wastewater discharge has no effect to the Arsenic concentration in the river. Arsenic concentration in the river that people consume is 0,008 mg/l. Based on this concentration, health risk assessment ot the comunity who consume the water from the river shows no harmful potential to cause health problem as the RQ less than 1 (RQ = 0,6522).]
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Abstrak :
Modifikasi elektroda glassy carbon (GC) dengan zeolit yang disisipi Fe3+ dilakukan untuk aplikasi sensor arsen (III). Zeolit yang digunakan adalah zeolit sintesis yang disintesis dengan menggunakan natrium silika sebagai sumber silika, alumunium sulfat hidrat sebagai sumber alumina dan tetrametilamoniumhidroksida sebagai zat pengarah (template). Data XRD dan SEM menunjukkan bahwa zeolit yang dihasilkan adalah zeolit tipe faujasrt (FAU) dan modernit (MCR) yang berukuran ~100 nm. Zeolit dilekatkan pada permukaan elektroda GC dengan menggunakan polielektronit. Polielektronit yang digunakan adalah PDDA (poly(diallyldimethylammonium) sebagai polikation dan PSSS (poli(sodium 4-styrene sulfonate) sebagai poliahion. Teknik layer by layer ini didasarkan pada interaksi elektrostatik antara zeolit yang bermuatan negatif dengan polimer yang bermuatan berlawanan. Polikation dan polianion ditemukan sebagai kondisi optimum pelapisan. Selanjutnya ion Fe3+ didipersikan denan cara perendaman. Material yang terbentuk digunakan sebagai elektoda untuk mendeteksi As (III). Pengujian kualitas elektroda yang terbentuk diamati pada pengukuran respon oksidasi As (III) dengan limit deteksi 5, 29 ppb pada rentang konsentrasi 0-10 M. Kestabilan yang cukup baik teramati pada penurunan respon rata-rata sebesar 6.8%, setelah penggunaan selama 7 hari.
Modification of carbon electrodes with zeolite and fe3+ ions was conducted for application of inorganic arsenic (III) detection. The zeolite was synthesized using sodium silica and aluminium sulfate hydrate as silicate and alumina source respectively and tetramethylammoniumhydroxide as an organic templates. XRD spectra and SEM image shows that the synthesized zeolite was faujasite and modernit type and an average size of ~100 nm. The zeolite was immobilized at glassy carbon surface which had been modified by polyelectrolytes using layer-by-layer technique.

Poly(diallyldimethylammonium chloride)(PDDA) as polycationic and poly (styrenesulfonate) as polyanionic A layer-by-layer technique based on electrostatic interaction between a negatively charged zeolite and an opposite charged polymer. Amount of 5 layers (PDDA/PSS/PDDA/PSS/PDDA) was found as optimum condition. Fe3+ ion was the dispersed into zeolite structure using immersing process. The material was the applied for arsenic (III) detection. Good performance was shown by well defined oxidation peak with limit of detection 5.29 ppb at concentration 0-10 M. Good stability was shown in decreasing of responses 6.8% after 7 days.
[;, ], 2008
UI - Tesis Open  Universitas Indonesia Library
Nur Aisyah Fauzillah
Abstrak :
Arsenik adalah salah satu elemen paling berbahaya di permukaan bumi. Kontaminan arsenik anorganik dilaporkan menyebabkan masalah serius dalam kesehatan manusia di seluruh dunia. Berlian boron-doped yang dimodifikasi oleh emas nanopartikel (AuNPs-BDD) dapat digunakan sebagai sensor arsenik dengan sensitivitas tinggi. Dalam karya ini, sintesis nanopartikel emas (AuNPs) dilakukan menggunakan agen capping allyl mercaptan (C3H6S) karena emas afinitas tinggi untuk kelompok yang mengandung unsur N atau S. Selain itu, allyl mercaptan memiliki ikatan rangkap yang dapat digunakan untuk membentuk ikatan dengan permukaan BDD. Karakterisasi AuNP menggunakan spektrofotometer UV-Vis menghasilkan panjang gelombang spesifik nanopartikel emas pada kisaran 510-580 nm, sedangkan karakterisasi menggunakan Transmission Electron Microscopy (TEM) menunjukkan ukuran distribusi rata-rata AuNPs pada 6,2 ± 2,31 nm dan Particle Size Analyzer (PSA) menunjukkan ukuran rata-rata AuNPs pada 29,51 ± 5, 31 nm. AuNP yang disintesis diendapkan pada permukaan elektroda BDD dengan metode pencelupan di bawah sinar UV (λ = 254 nm) dan dikarakterisasi menggunakan X-Ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy (XPS) dan Scanning Electron Microscopy-Energy Dispersive Spectroscopy (SEM-EDS). Pemeriksaan sensor arsenik dilakukan dengan menggunakan teknik Anodic Stripping Voltammetry (ASV). Pengukuran As3 + dan As5 + menggunakan BDN (AuNPs-BDD) yang dimodifikasi AuNPs menunjukkan respons saat ini dengan linearitas yang baik (R2 = 0,99) dalam rentang konsentrasi 0-100 μM dengan nilai deteksi batas As3 + dan As5 + dari 0,064 μM dan 0,105 μM.
Arsenic is one of the most dangerous elements on the surface of the earth. Inorganic arsenic contaminants are reported to cause serious problems in human health throughout the world. Boron-doped diamonds modified by gold nanoparticles (AuNPs-BDD) can be used as arsenic sensors with high sensitivity. In this work, the synthesis of gold nanoparticles (AuNPs) is carried out using the capping allyl mercaptan (C3H6S) agent because gold has high affinity for groups containing N or S. elements. Additionally, mercaptan allyl has a double bond that can be used to form bonds with BDD surfaces. AuNP characterization using UV-Vis spectrophotometer produces specific wavelengths of gold nanoparticles in the range 510-580 nm, while characterization using Transmission Electron Microscopy (TEM) shows the average distribution size of AuNPs at 6.2 ± 2.31 nm and the Particle Size Analyzer ( PSA) shows the average size of AuNPs at 29.51 ± 5, 31 nm. The synthesized AuNP was deposited on the surface of BDD electrodes by immersion method under UV light (λ = 254 nm) and characterized using X-Ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy (XPS) and Scanning Electron Microscopy-Energy Dispersive Spectroscopy (SEM-EDS). Arsenic sensor tests are carried out using the Anodic Stripping Voltammetry (ASV) technique. Measurement of As3 + and As5 + using BDN (AuNPs-BDD) modified with AuNPs shows the current response with good linearity (R2 = 0.99) in the concentration range of 0-100 μM with detection limits of As3 + and As5 + values ​​of 0.064 μM and 0.105 μM.
Depok: Fakultas Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam Universitas Indonesia, 2019
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Rodhoty Taza Mila
Abstrak :
Pendeteksian kandungan arsen (III) dalam perairan dengan metode sensor elektrokimia merupakan salah satu pengembangan cara untuk menguji kualitas air. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk memodifikasi permukaan plastik PVC (PoliVinil Chlorida) dengan nanopartikel emas menjadi plastik yang permukaannya terdeposisi nanopartikel emas, plastik PVC-AuNP, untuk diaplikasikan sebagai sensor elektrokimia dalam mendeteksi arsen (III) dengan metode Linear Sweep Stripping Voltammetry (LSSV). Sintesis nanopartikel emas (AuNP) dilakukan dengan cara mereduksi larutan HAuCl4 dengan NaBH4 dan 6-merkaptopurin sebagai zat penstabilnya. Hasil karakterisasi nanopartikel emas dengan spektrofotometer UV-Visible, TEM, dan PSA menunjukkan bahwa nanopartikel emas ini memiliki distribusi diameter sebesar 1,0 nm s.d 2,8 nm. Nanopartikel emas ini selanjutnya digunakan untuk memodifikasi pemukaan plastik PVC dengan cara pengadukan plastik PVC dalam campuran modifikasi selama 24 jam pada suhu ruang. Hasil karakterisasi permukaan plastik PVCAuNP dengan SEM-EDX menunjukkan pencitraan morfologi nanopartikel emas pada plastik PVC-AuNP yang menunjukkan keberadaan nanopartikel emas pada permukaan plastik PVC-AuNP dengan kandungan sebesar 13,57 % (estimasi dari EDX). Hasil pengukuran XRD terhadap plastik PVC-AuNP juga memberikan informasi keberadaan Au, yakni dengan kemunculan puncak difraktogram Au pada 2θ sebesar 38,190 atau d sebesar 2,98594 Å. Sementara itu, karakterisasi dengan FTIR diamati keberadaan puncak serapan pada bilangan gelombang sekitar 380 cm-1 yang mengindikasikan adanya ikatan Au-S, yaitu ikatan antara nanopartikel emas dengan 6-merkaptopurin. Hasil karakterisasinya secara elektrokimia menunjukkan kondisi optimum pengukuran arsen (III) dicapai pada waktu deposisi 180 detik, potensial deposisi -500 mV, dan scan rate 100 mV/s. Respon arus terhadap konsentrasi arsen (III) pada plastik PVC-AuNP linier pada rentang konsentrasi 0-20 μM dengan nilai limit deteksi (LOD) sebesar 71,2725 ppb. Hasil pengujiannya selama lima jam pemakaian menunjukkan bahwa plastik PVC-AuNP bersifat kurang stabil menghasilkan respon arus mulai jam ke-3 sehingga secara keseluruhan dari penelitian ini dapat disimpulkan bahwa plastik PVC-AuNP dapat digunakan sebagai sensor elektrokimia arsen (III) yang akurat meskipun kestabilan kinerjanya lebih rendah daripada kestabilan kinerja Au bulk. ......Detection of arsenic (III) composition in water with electrochemical sensor methods is one of development to control water quality. This experiment is intended to modify PVC (PoliVinil Chlorida) plastic surface by gold nanoparticles, denoted as PVC-AuNP plastic, which in turn can be applied for working electrode to detect arsenic (III). The synthesize of gold nanoparticles was conducted by reduction of HAuCl4 solution with NaBH4 and 6-merkaptopurin as nanoparticles stabilizer. The result of gold nanoparticles was characterized by UV-Visible spectrofotometer, TEM, and PSA. The characterization results indicated that synthesized gold nanoparticles had distribution of gold nanoparticles with diameter accounted from 1,0 nm to 2,8 nm. The prepared gold nanoparticles then was used to modify PVC plastic by stirring the PVC plastic within gold nanoparticles for 24 hours. The modified PVC plastic, denoted as PVC-AuNP plastic, was characterized by using SEM-EDX, XRD, and FTIR. The results indicated that PVC plastic was modified by gold nanoparticles successfully. The SEM-EDX morphology of PVC-AuNP plastic indicated the occurrence of Au element in PVC-AuNP plastic with quite good distribution ammounted to 13,57 % on the surface, while XRD measurement of PVC-AuNP plastic showed difractogram peak at 2θ of 38,190 or d spacing of 2,9859 Å which confirmed the occurrence of Au. In addition, FTIR characterization showed peak at 380 cm-1 that indicated Au-S bond, as a result of chemical interaction between gold nanoparticle and 6-mercaptopurine, which act as a binder. The result of electrochemistry characterization using potensiostat of LSSV method indicated that there was As3+ oxidation current peak. The optimum condition on measuring arsen (III) was reached at the deposition time 180 second, deposition potential -500 mV, and scan rate 100 mV/s. The current response to consentration of arsen (III) was linear in consentration range between 0?20 μM with limited value detection (LOD) ammounted to 71,2725. This experiment result in 5 hours used indicated that PVC-AuNP plastic become unstability to produce oxidation current peak started on 3rd days, so that PVC-AuNP plastic can be an option or alternative reachable working electrode although performance stability of PVC-AuNP plastic is lower than performance stability of Au bulk.
Depok: Fakultas Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam Unversitas Indonesia, 2011
UI - Skripsi Open  Universitas Indonesia Library
Abstrak :
Modifikasi elektroda glassy carbon (GC) dengan zeolit yang disisipi Fe3+ dilakukan untuk aplikasi sensor arsen (III). Zeolit yang digunakan adalah zeolit sintetis yang disintesis dengan menggunakan natrium silika sebagai sumber silika, aluminium sulfat hidrat sebagai sumber alumina dan tetrametilamoniumhidroksida sebagai zat pengarah (template). Data XRD dan SEM menunjukkan bahwa zeolit yang dihasilkan adalah zeolit tipe faujasit (FAU) dan mordenit (MOR) yang berukuran ~100 nm. Zeolit dilekatkan pada permukaan elektroda GC dengan menggunakan teknik layer by layer dengan menggunakan polielektrolit. Polielektrolit yang digunakan adalah PDDA (poly(diallyldimethylammonium chloride ) sebagai polikation dan PSS(poli (sodium 4-styrene sulfonate) sebagai polianion. Teknik layer by layer ini didasarkan pada interaksi elektrostatik antara zeolit yang bermuatan negatif dengan polimer yang bermuatan berlawanan. Polikation dan polianion sebanyak 5 lapis (PDDA/PSS/PDDA/PSS/PDDA) ditemukan sebagai kondisi optimum pelapisan. Selanjutnya ion Fe3+ didispersikan dengan cara perendaman. Material yang terbentuk digunakan sebagai elektroda untuk mendeteksi As(III). Pengujian kualitas elektroda yang terbentuk diamati pada pengukuran respon oksidasi As(III) dengan limit deteksi 5,29 ppb pada rentang konsentrasi 0 – 10 μM. Kestabilan yang cukup baik teramati pada penurunan respon rata-rata sebesar 6.8%, setelah penggunaan selama 7 hari.
Modification of carbon electrodes with zeolite and Fe3+ ions was conducted for application of inorganic arsenic (III) detection. The zeolite was synthesized using sodium silica and aluminium sulfate hydrate as silicate and alumina source respectively and tetramethylammoniumhydroxide as an organic templates. XRD spectra and SEM image shows that the synthesized zeolite was a faujasite and mordenit type and an average size of ~100 nm. The zeolite was immobilized at glassy carbon surface which had been modified by polyelectrolytes using layer-by-layer technique. Poly(diallyldimethylammonium chloride) (PDDA) as polycationic and poly(styrenesulfonate) as polyanionic . A layer-by-layer technique based on electrostatic interaction between a negatively charged zeolite and an opposite charged polymer. Amount of 5 layers (PDDA/PSS/PDDA/PSS/PDDA) was found as optimum condition. Fe3+ ion was then dispersed into zeolite structure using immersing process. The material was then applied for arsenic (III) detection. Good performance was shown by well-defined oxidation peak with limit of detection 5.29 ppb at concentration 0 -10 μM . Good stability was shown in decreasing of responses 6.8% after 7 days.
Depok: Fakultas Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam Universitas Indonesia, 2008
UI - Skripsi Open  Universitas Indonesia Library
Tia Agustiany
Abstrak :
Preparasi elektroda Boron-Doped Diamond termodifikasi Iridium telah berhasil dilakukan dengan metode pembibitan dan pertumbuhan elektrokimia. Modifikasi dilakukan dengan tiga tahap yaitu pembibitan, elektrodeposisi, dan annealing. Setiap tahap modifikasi dikarakterisasi dan dibandingkan performanya sebagai sensor arsen III . Karakterisasi dilakukan dengan Scanning Electron Microscopy-Energy Dispersive Spectroscopy SEM-EDS , RAMAN, X-Ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy XPS dan Cyclic Voltammetry CV . Aplikasinya sebagai sensor arsen menggunakan teknik siklik voltametri memberikan kondisi optimum pengukuran pada larutan elektrolit buffer posfat pH 3, dan scan rate 50 mV/s. Modifikasi elektroda 3 yang dipreparasi dengan metode pembibitan, elektrodeposisi dilanjutkan dengan annaeling memberikan kemampuan deteksi spesi As III terbaik dengan nilai rasio S/B, limit deteksi, sensitifitas dan linearitas sebesar 5,83, 4,64 M, 0,056 uAuM-1cm-2; dan 0,99. Serta memberikan stabilitas dan repeatabilitas yang baik terhadap pengukuran spesi arsen III . Pengukuran variasi konsentrasi spike arsen pada sampel tap water dan air danau UI juga memberikan linearitas dan sensitifitas yang baik, mengindikasikan bahwa elektroda dapat digunakan untuk pengukuran sampel uji. ......Preparation of iridium modified boron doped diamond electrode through wet chemical seeding and electrochemical overgrowth technique was studied for arsenic III electrochemical detection. The preparation comprises of three steps, including wet chemical seeding, electrodeposition, and rapid thermal annealing RTA steps. The material produced from each step was characterized using Scanning Electron Microscopy Energy Dispersive Spectroscopy SEM EDS , RAMAN, X Ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy XPS and Cyclic Voltammetry CV. The optimum condition for the detection of arsenic III was found in phosphate buffer solution pH 3 as the electrolyte and scan rate of 50 mV s using electrode prepared with the complete steps method. The prepared electrode shows an excellent sensing ability with S B ratio of 5.83, detection limit of 4.64 M, sensitivity of 0.056 A M 1cm 2 and linearity of 0.99. Excellent stability and reproducibility were also observed. In addition, the electrode also exhibited a good linearity and sensitivity towards the measurement of arsenic III in both spiked tap water and river water samples.
Depok: Fakultas Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam Universitas Indonesia, 2018
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Toto Raharto
Abstrak :
Modifikasi boron-doped diamond (BDD) dengan emas nanopartikel (AuNPs) telah dikembangkan untuk sensor elektrokimia (yaitu deteksi arsenik). Nanopartikel emas (AuNPs) disintesis dengan ekstrak bawang putih bertindak baik sebagai reduktor dan zat penstabil. Dengan kondisi optimum 1.602 mmol Au dari HAuCl4 dalam perbandingan dengan 1 gr ekstrak bawang putih pada pH=5 di bawah radiasi UV. Karakterisasi dari AuNPs menggunakan peralatan UV-Vis Spectrofotometer yang dikonfirmasi pada panjang gelombang 520 nm, dan Transmission Electron Microscope (TEM)  didapati ukuran partikel sebesar 3.420 +/- 1.740 nm.  AuNPs yang telah disintesis dimodifikasi pada permukaan BDD dengan teknik perendaman di bawah iradiasi UV pada panjang gelombang 254 nm. SEM EDX menunjukkan bahwa BDD dimodifikasi AuNPs dengan rasio Au: C = 36.59 : 62.53 (wt%)  dapat berhasil disiapkan.  Aplikasi BDD yang sudah dimodifikasi dengan nanopartikel emas juga sukses digunakan untuk mengukur kadar arsen secara random pada danau UI, dengan hasil negatip, tidak ada kandungan Arsen (As3+)  pada danau UI.  


Kata kunci   : Nanopartikel,  Emas, Green Synthesis, Ekstrak, Bawang putih, Boron Doped Diamond, Sensor, Arsen.

Modifications of boron-doped diamond (BDD) with gold nanoparticles (AuNPs) have been developed for electrochemical sensors (i.e. arsenic detection). Gold nanoparticles (AuNPs) synthesized with garlic extract act as both reducing agents and stabilizers. Under optimum conditions 1,602 mmol Au from HAuCl4 in comparison with 1 gr of garlic extract at pH = 5 under UV radiation. The characterization of AuNPs using a UV-Vis spectrophotometer was confirmed at a wavelength of 520 nm, and the Transmission Electron Microscope (TEM) found particle size of 3,420 +/- 1,740 nm. The synthesized AuNPs were modified on the BDD surface by immersion techniques under UV irradiation at 254 nm wavelength. SEM EDX showed that AuNPs were modified by BDD with Au: C = 36.59: 62.53 (wt%) ratio can be successfully prepared. The BDD application that has been modified with gold nanoparticles was also successfully used to measure arsenic levels randomly on UI lakes, with negative results, no Arsenic content (As3+) on UI lakes.

Keywords  :  Nanoparticles, Gold, Green Synthesis, Extracts, Garlic, Boron Doped Diamond, Sensors, Arsenic

Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Pengetahuan Budaya Universitas Indonesia, 2018
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Rania Umar
Abstrak :
Deteksi adanya As(III) dan As(V) dapat dilakukan dengan metode anodic stripping voltammetry. Elektroda pembanding berupa Ag/AgCl, elektroda pendukung berupa kawat platina, dan elektroda kerja yang digunakan merupakan elektroda glassy carbon dan screen printed electrode termodifikasi nanopartikel emas. Modifikasi kedua elektroda ini dengan nanopartikel emas dilakukan melalui teknik self-assembly menggunakan NH4OH sebagai aktivator. Nanopartikel emas dibuat dengan cara mereduksi HAuCl4 yang telah mengandung sitrat menggunakan pereduksi NaBH4. Kehadiran sitrat berguna untuk menstabilkan ukuran nanopartikel emas yang terbentuk. Karakterisasi dengan PSA menunjukkan ukuran nanopartikel emas sekitar 8-11 nm. Pada penelitian ini telah dilakukan modifikasi elektroda glassy carbon dan screen printed electrode dengan nanopartikel emas serta dilakukan pengujian terhadap larutan As(III) dan As(V). Hasil pengukuran larutan As(III) dan As(V) menggunakan screen printed electrode termodifikasi nanopartikel emas (SPE-AuNP) belum menunjukkan adanya puncak arus oksidasi. Sebaliknya, pengukuran menggunakan elektroda glassy carbon termodifikasi nanopartikel emas (GC-AuNP) memperlihatkan adanya puncak arus oksidasi. Respon arus terhadap As(III) pada elektroda GC-AuNP menunjukkan linearitas yang baik (r2=0,996) pada rentang konsentrasi 5-80 μM. Demikian juga untuk As(V) pada rentang konsentrasi 10-100 μM (r2=0,995). Hal ini menunjukkan bahwa elektroda GC-AuNP dapat digunakan sebagai elektroda kerja menggantikan elektroda Au bare. ...... Detection of arsenic in the form of As(III) and As(V) can be done by anodic stripping voltammetry method. The reference electrode used is Ag/AgCl, with platinum counter electrode, and as a working electrode glassy carbon and screen printed electrodes modified with gold nanoparticle were used. Modification of both working electrode was conducted through self-assembly technique in which gold nanoparticle is attached to the surface of the electrode activated by NH4OH. Gold nanoparticle was synthesized by reduction of HAuCl4 using NaBH4 in the presence of citrate. Citrate is used to prevent aggregation of gold nanoparticles. PSA characterization indicates that the size of gold nanoparticles are 8-11 nm. In this study, we investigate the possibility of modified glassy carbon electrode with gold nanoparticle to analyze As(III) and As(V). The determination of As(III) and As(V) using gold nanoparticle-modified screen printed electrode (SPE-AuNP) did not show the current oxidation peak. On the other hand, the gold nanoparticle-modified glassy carbon electrode (GC-AuNP) show current oxidation peak when used to analyze As(III) and As(V). Current response for the concentration of As(III) on GC-AuNP electrode gives linear response in the range of 5-80 μM (r2=0,996) whereas for As(V) in the range 10-100 μM (r2=0,995). This indicates that GC-AuNP electrode can replace the Au bare as a working electrode.
Depok: Fakultas Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam Universitas Indonesia, 2012
UI - Skripsi Open  Universitas Indonesia Library
Marliana Suteja
Abstrak :
Sintesis partikel nanozeolit dilakukan pada kondisi temperatur ruang, diaplikasikan sebagai sensor Arsen. Partikel nanozeolit yang terbentuk, ditempelkan pada permukaan elektroda glassy carbon (gc) dengan teknik Layer by Layer (LBL) menggunakan polielektrolit positif dan polielektrolit negatif, kemudian ion Fe3+ diimobilisasi kedalam rongga nanozeolit dengan pertukaran ion. Metode yang digunakan untuk pengukuran Arsen adalah Voltametri Siklik dengan pencarian kondisi yang optimum untuk pengukuran. Variasi pengukuran yang dilakukan yaitu pH larutan Arsen, scan rate, jumlah layer, waktu perendaman larutan Fe3+, konsentrasi Arsen, dan kestabilan elektroda yang telah dimodifikasi. Berdasarkan hasil optimasi pengukuran Arsen dengan elektroda gc-nanozeolit-Fe3+, didapat kondisi optimum untuk pH larutan Arsen pH 8, scan rate 80 mV/s, jumlah layer sebanyak 5 layer, waktu perendaman larutan Fe3+ selama 40 menit.
Depok: Fakultas Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam Universitas Indonesia, 2008
UI - Skripsi Open  Universitas Indonesia Library
Desy Kusumawati
Abstrak :
Study to investigate arsenic and copper contents in mackarel fish (Rastrelliger kanagurta) had been done. The study was aimed to inspect fish from Muara angke, Teluk Jakarta. Samples of which arsenic contents were dried first and then destructed by concentrated H2SO4 and HNO3 65%. Samples of which copper contents were destructed by concentrated HNO3. Destructed samples were analyzed using Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometer (AAS). Analysis arsenic was fully equipped with Hydride Vapor Generator (HVG) with reagent: HCl 5M and NaBH4 0,4%. The study result showed that the biggest copper contents in this fish was 0, 1447 ppm and the smallest was 0,1331 ppm. Arsenic was not detected from the samples.
Penelitian untuk memeriksa kandungan arsen (As) dan tembaga (Cu) dalam daging ikan kembung (Rastrelliger kanagurta) segar telah dilakukan dengan menggunakan daging ikan kembung segar yang diambil dari perairan Muara angke, Teluk Jakarta. Sampel daging ikan kembung yang akan dianalisis arsen terlebih dahulu dikeringkan dengan cara diangin-anginkan kemudian didestruksi dengan H2SO4 pekat dan HNO3 65%, sedangkan yang akan dianalisis tembaga, sampel didestruksi dengan HNO3 pekat. Sampel yang telah didestruksi dianalisis dengan menggunakan Spektrofotometer Serapan Atom (SSA), sedangkan untuk analisis arsen dilengkapi dengan Hydride Vapor Generator (HVG) dengan larutan pereduksi HCl 5M dan NaBH4 0,4%. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa pada daging ikan kembung terdeteksi tembaga yaitu paling besar 0, 1447 ppm serta terkecil 0,1331 ppm dan arsen tidak terdeteksi pada semua sampel.
Depok: Fakultas Farmasi Universitas Indonesia, 2010
UI - Skripsi Open  Universitas Indonesia Library
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