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Cooper, Kenneth H.
New York: M. Evans and Com, 1968
613.71 COO a
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Melody Febriana Andardewi
Abstrak :
Latihan aerobik dapat meningkatkan kebugaran melalui penginduksian adaptasi fisiologis seperti peningkatan kekuatan otot kemampuan penggunaan oksigen peningkatan jumlah sel saraf serta pembuluh kapiler darah otak. Latihan fisik terkait erat dengan penggunaan otot volunter yang diatur oleh korteks motorik primer otak. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui pengaruh latihan fisik aerobik dan detrain terhadap jumlah sel saraf normal korteks motorik primer tikus. Desain penelitian ini adalah eksperimental menggunakan 27 jaringan otak tikus jantan Rattus sp Strain Wistar yang dibagi menjadi tiga kelompok yaitu kelompok tanpa perlakuan kontrol kelompok perlakuan latihan fisik aerobik training dan kelompok perlakuan yang latihan fisik aerobik nya dihentikan detraining. Pengamatan dilakukan dengan cara menghitung jumlah sel saraf otak tikus bagian korteks motorik primer dengan bantuan piranti lunak Image Raster. Hasil menunjukkan jumlah sel saraf normal pada kelompok kontrol adalah 56 kelompok training 66 dan kelompok detraining 42. Hasil uji Post Hoc Mann Whitney menunjukkan terdapat perbedaan bermakna antara kelompok kontrol dan training p 0 046 kontrol dan detraining p 0 001 serta training dan detraining p 0 001. Hasil dari penelitian ini mendukung teori bahwa latihan aerobik dapat memicu pertumbuhan sel saraf neurogenesis korteks motorik primer sedangkan detraining menyebabkan penurunan jumlah sel saraf normal pada daerah korteks motorik primer otak tikus Kata kunci Detrain jumlah sel saraf normal latihan fisik aerobik korteks motorik primer.
Aerobic exercise could increase body fitness by raising the physiology adaptation such as increase muscle power oxygen uptake number of neurons and new capillaries in brain structure. In aerobic exercise we use voluntary muscles which are controlled by primary motor cortex in brain. Purpose of this research was to acknowledge effect of aerobic exercise and detraining on the number of normal neurons in rat's primary motor cortex This experimental research used 27 male rats Rattus sp Wistar strain and divided into three groups control training and detraining. The method is to observe and count the number of neurons in primary motor cortex region of the rat's brain with Hematoxilin Eosin staining using image raster. The result showed that the percentage of normal neuron from control group was 56 66 in training group and 42 in detraining group Post Hoc Mann Whitney test showed there was significant differences between control and training p 0 046 control and detraining p 0 001 and training and detraining p 0 001. This result showed that this research support the theory of which the aerobic exercise could induce neurogenesis in primary motoric cortex region and detraining caused decrease number of neurons in rat's primary motoric cortex.
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2013
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Siregar, Edison T.B.P.
Abstrak :
Ruang Lingkup dan Cara Penelitian: Berat badan lebih (BBL) ataupun obesitas dapat dialami semua orang termasuk tenaga kesehatan perempuan di Indonesia. Komplikasi yang berkaitan dengan metabolisme lipid sering ditemukan pada individu dengan BBL ataupun obesitas sehingga perlu penanganan untuk mencegah bahkan mengobati keadaan tersebut. Penanganan BBL ataupun obesitas berdasarkan upaya agar di dalam tubuh tercapai keadaan keseimbangan energi negatif, yang antara lain dapat dicapai dengan latihan fisik aerobik. Dari beberapa penelitian didapatkan bahwa pelatihan fisik aerobik intensitas sedang yang dilakukan secara kontinyu dapat menyebabkan perbaikan profil lipid darah yaitu penurunan kolesterol total, penurunan trigliserida, penurunan kolesterol LDL, serta peningkatan kolesterol HDL yang memberikan manfaat kesehatan. Perubahan kadar lipid darah akibat latihan fisik aerobik intensitas sedang merupakan dasar tujuan penelitian ini untuk mengetahui apakah terdapat perubahan lipid darah akibat melakukan satu sesi latihan fisik aerobik intermiten intensitas sedang. Untuk itu dilakukan satu sesi latihan fisik aerobik intermiten intensitas sedang pada tenaga kesehatan perempuan di satu Puskesmas Kecamatan Jakarta Timur. Latihan fisik tersebut dilakukan dengan sepeda statik yang memakai energi total latihan 200 kkal. Pemeriksaan lipid darah dilakukan sebelum dan sesudah latihan dengan metode pemeriksaan langsung di Bagian Patologi Klinik RSUPN Dr. Cipto Mangunkusumo lakarta, dan diidentifikasi profit lipid yang mengalami perubahan. Hasil dan Kesimpulan: Dari 15 orang tenaga kesehatan perempuan berusia 20 - 39 tahun yang memiliki indeks massa tubuh (IMT) 25-34,9 Kglm2 sebelum dan sesudah melakukan satu sesi latihan fisik aerobik intermiten intensitas sedang, didapatkan peningkatan kadar kolesterol total 6,6% (p-QO61) dari 175,2 ± 23,29 mg/dL menjadi 186,8 ± 32,60 mg/dL, peringkatan kadar kolesterol LDL 3,2% (p= 0,456) dari 109,0 ± 9,98 mgldL menjadi 112,5 ± 21,08 mg/dL, dan peningkatan berrnakna kolesterol HDL 11,3% (pContext and Method: Overweight and obesity could affect all people include female health service worker in Indonesia, Complications related to lipid metabolism often found in overweight and obese people therefore weight management needed to prevent and control it. Weight management for overweight and obesity based on effort in order to achieve negative energy balance within the body. Studies found that continuous moderate-intensity aerobic physical training would improve lipid profile such as reduced total cholesterol, triglyceride, LDL cholesterol, and also increased HDL cholesterol which is important for health. The purpose of this study was to recognize blood lipid changes by single session intermittent moderate-intensity aerobic exercise, That exercise was performed by female health service workers at government health center in East Jakarta, using ergo cycle with total energy expenditure 200 kcal, Blood lipid taken before and after exercise was examined with direct method at Clinical Pathology Department of RSUPN Dr. Cipto Mangunkusumo Jakarta to identified lipid profile changes. Results and Conclusion: 15 subjects of female health service workers aged 20 -39 years old with body mass index (BMI) 25 - 34.9 Kglm2 performed single session intermittent moderate-intensity aerobic exercise. This study found 6.6% (p= 0.061) increased of total cholesterol from 175.2 (SD 23.29) mg/dL to 186.8 (SD 32.60) mg/dL, 3.2% (p= 0.456) increased of LDL cholesterol from 109.0 (SD 9.98) mg/dL to 112.5 (SD 21.08) mg/dL, and significant 11.3% (p < 0,001) increased HDL cholesterol from 47.3 (SD 4.50) mg/dL to 52.6 (SD 4.76) mg/dL. There was 4.1% (p= 0,146) reduced total cholesterol/HDL cholesterol ratio from 3.7 (SD 0.37) to 3.6 (SD 0.41). Single session intermittent moderate-intensity aerobic exercise could increase HDL cholesterol, but this limited study could not demonstrate decrease of total cholesterol and LDL cholesterol.
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2004
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Wiratni Budhijanto
Abstrak :
This paper presents the efficiency improvement in aerobic wastewater treatment technology through the application of a microbubble generator (MBG) for aeration. Aeration using an MBG is accomplished through water circulation and does not need air compressors, making it more energy efficient than conventional aerators. The MBG aerobic system with the variations on liquid flow rate (Q1) and airflow rate (Qg) combination was tested using artificial wastewater with a typical composition of organic waste. Experimental data were evaluated by means of a simplified mathematical model to systematically compare different MBG schemes. The study confirmed that the soluble chemical oxygen demand (SCOD) removal efficiency was significantly affected by the Qg values. Lower Qg values were preferable because they tended to have higher soluble chemical oxygen demand (SCOD) removal efficiency. However, the microbubbles were less stable at lower Qg due to the high incidence of bubble collisions. The study concluded that for applications in an actual aerobic waste treatment pond, the positioning of the MBG in the pond had to be carefully designed to minimize the collision tendency.
Depok: Faculty of Engineering, Universitas Indonesia, 2015
UI-IJTECH 6:7 (2015)
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Diah Ayu Aguspa Dita
Abstrak :
Paparan environmental enrichment EE memiliki pengaruh positif terhadap fungsi otak, salah satunya memperbaiki fungsi kognisi. EE memiliki berbagai aspek seperti interaksi sosial, stimulasi objek, dan aktivitas fisik. Latihan fisik aerobik dan EE dianggap dapat memperbaiki fungsi kognisi melalui mekanisme yang berbeda. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui perbedaan pengaruh latihan fisik aerobik A , model EE, dan kombinasi model EE disertai latihan fisik aerobik EEA terhadap fungsi memori spasial. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian eksperimental in vivo pada tikus wistar jantan usia enam bulan yang diberikan latihan fisik aerobik, model EE, dan kombinasi model EE disertai latihan fisik aerobik selama enam minggu. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan tidak terdapat perbedaan fungsi memori spasial antar kelompok perlakuan yang ditinjau dari waktu tempuh dan jumlah kesalahan. Akan tetapi, berdasarkan kajian ekspresi protein, model EE lebih cepat dalam meningkatkan neuroplastisitas daripada latihan aerobik saja bahkan model EE saja tidak berbeda dengan kombinasi model EE disertai latihan fisik aerobik pada ekspresi protein SYP, subunit GluR1 AMPAR, dan PSD-95.. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa model EE sudah cukup baik dalam meningkatkan neuroplastisitas. Dengan demikian, stimulus yang lebih kompleks seperti model EE dapat digunakan sebagai metode dalam pencegahan demensia sejak dini.
Exposure to environmental enrichment EE has a positive effects on brain function, including improved cognition through increased neuroplasticity. This study aimed to directly differentiate between the effects of enriched environment EE , aerobic exercise A , and the combination of enrichment and aerobic exercise EEA on spatial memory and neuroplasticity. A six week in vivo experimental study on twenty 6 month old male Wistar rats were housed under isolation, aerobic exercise, enrichment, and enrichment plus aerobic exercise. Spatial memory was tested by using water E maze WEM in terms of time travelled and total errors. Neuroplasticity was seen by comparing the expression of synaptophysin, AMPAR GluR1 subunit, and PSD 95. The results showed no differences in time travelled and errors for all groups. Enriched group is faster in improving the expression of the SYP, AMPAR GluR1 subunit, and PSD 95 than aerobic group. The expression of SYP, AMPAR GluR1subunit, and PSD 95 on enriched group are no different from the combination group. These results suggest that the EE model is better at improving neuroplasticity than aerobic exercise and compared to EE models, the combination of EE with aerobic exercise is no better in improving neuroplasticity.
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Tahyatul Bariroh
Abstrak :
Latihan Fisik merupakan salah satu faktor yang dapat meningkatkan kemampuan belajar dan memori melalui peningkatan neuroplastisitas. Intensitas dan durasi latihan fisik yang tepat dapat meningkatkan kemampuan belajar dan memori melalui peningkatan ekspresi protein Neuroligin dan Reseptor NMDA. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh intensitas dan durasi latihan fisik terhadap fungsi memori spasial serta ekspresi protein Neuroligin dan Reseptor NMDA pada hipokampus tikus Wistar jantan. Penelitian ini merupakan studi eksperimental in vivo selama 6 minggu, menggunakan 25 ekor tikus Wistar jantan usia 6 bulan yang dibagi secara acak menjadi 5 kelompok yaitu: 1 kelompok sedenter S , 2 kelompok intensitas ringan durasi singkat R15 , 3 intensitas ringan durasi lama R30 , 4 intensitas berat durasi singkat B15 , 5 intensitas berat durasi lama B30. Latihan fisik aerobik dilakukan dengan berlari pada animal treadmill 5 hari/minggu selama 6 minggu. Kecepatan yang digunakan adalah 20 m/min untuk intensitas ringan dan 30 m/min untuk intensitas berat, serta 15 menit untuk durasi singkat dan 30 menit untuk durasi lama. Pengukuran fungsi memori menggunakan water E maze sebanyak 4 kali pada minggu 0, 2, 4, dan 6. Pengukuran ekspresi protein Neuroligin dan Reseptor NMDA menggunakan teknik imunohistokimia. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa intensitas ringan durasi lama merupakan yang terbaik dalam meningkatkan kemampuan belajar dan memori spasial melalui ekspresi protein Neuroligin dan Reseptor NMDA tikus Wistar jantan. ...... Physical exercise is one of factors that can improve learning and memory associated with increasing neuroplasticity. The appropriate intensity and duration of physical exercise can improve learning and memory that mediated by expression of Neuroligin and NMDA Receptor. This study aimed to investigate the effect of intensity and duration of aerobic exercise on spatial memory and expression of Neuroligin and NMDAR in male Wistar rats hippocampus. The research was an experimental in vivo for 6 weeks, using 25 male Wistar rats age 6 months old randomly divided into 5 groups 1 sedenter group S , 2 low intensity and short duration group R15 , 3 low intensity and long duration group R30 , 4 high intensity and short duration group B15 , 5 high intensity and long duration group B30. The aerobic exercise was performed by running on animal treadmill 5 day week for 6 weeks. Low intensity was 20 m min while high intensity was 30 m min. Short duration was 15 minutes while long duration was 30 minutes. The measurement of memory function used water E maze for 4 times, on week 0, 2, 4, and 6. Protein expression of Neuroligin and NMDA Receptor was examined with immunohistochemistry technique. This research showed that the aerobic exercise with low intensity and long duration group has best memory performance and expression of neuroligin and NMDA Receptor of male wistar rats.
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2017
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Faizah Abdullah
Abstrak :
Penurunan memori dikaitkan dengan penurunan kemampuan neuroplastisitas. Penurunan tersebut terjadi seiring penuaan dan dimulai sejak usia dewasa muda. Fungsi memori yang terkait dengan plastisitas sinaps dipengaruhi oleh pengalaman dan proses belajar. Oleh karena itu, diperlukan upaya pencegahan gangguan memori sejak dini. Riset pada hewan coba menunjukkan sistem saraf pusat SSP memberikan respons terhadap stimulus eksternal yang bertanggung jawab terhadap plastisitas fungsional. Bukti pertama yang menunjukan faktor ekstrinsik dapat memodulasi plastisitas struktur hipokampus pada mamalia didapat dari berbagai studi yang memaparkan mencit pada Enviromental Enrichment EE. Peningkatan pemelajaran dan memori juga diinduksi oleh latihan fisik yang berhubungan langsung dengan plastisitas sinaps. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk membandingkan perngaruh latihan aerobik, penerapan EE dan kombinasi keduanya terhadap fungsi memori. Merupakan studi ekperimental in vivo selama 6 minggu, menggunakan 20 ekor tikus wistar jantan usia 6 bulan yang dibagi secara acak menjadi 4 kelompok yaitu: 1 kelompok kontrol K , 2 kelompok aerobik, 3 kelompok EE, 4 kelompok kombinasi. Pengukuran fungsi memori menggunakan Water E-Maze. Pengukuran ekspresi protein neuroligin-1 dan PSD-95 menggunakan teknik imunohistokimia. Kombinasi latihan aerobik dan EE meningkatkan eskpresi protein neuroligin-1, PSD-95 dan fungsi memori tikus Wistar jantan. ...... The memory declining is associated with the decreasing of neuroplasticity. The declining occurs with aging and started since early adulthood. Therefore, it is necessary to prevent memory and neuroplasticity disorders since early stage. Research shows the central nervous system CNS responds to external stimuli responsible for functional plasticity. The first evidence showing that extrinsic factors can modulate hippocampal structural plasticity in rodents arose from studies exposing mice to an enriched environment. Enhance in learning and memory also occurs by activity dependent by physical exercise induction. This study aim to determine the influence of physical exercise, environmental enrichment and the combination of both stimuli on spatial memory function. The research was an experimental in vivo for 6 weeks, using 20 male Wistar rats age 6 months old randomly divided into 4 groups 1 control group C, 2 aerobic group A, 3 EE group EE and 4 combination group AE EE. Water E Maze apparatus were used to assess the spatial memory function of male Wistar rats measured at week 0,2 ,4 and 6. Protein expression was examined with immunohistochemistry technique. The research showed that combination of physical exercise and Environmental Enrichment EE increase the expression of neuroligin 1 and PSD 95 followed by improvement on memory function of male Wistar rats.
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2017
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Rena Mailani
Abstrak :
Latar Belakang: Memori sangat berperan penting dalam proses kehidupan. Seiring dengan bertambahnya usia, fungsi memori akan mengalami penurunan karena proses neurodegenerasi. Stimulus eksternal baik latihan fisik aerobik maupun environmental enrichment EE mampu memperlambat terjadinya neurodegenerasi dengan meningkatkan neuroplastisitas melalui ekspresi berbagai protein baik protein sinaptik maupun growth factor seperti insulin like growth factor 1 IGF-1 dan fibroblast growth factor 2 FGF-2 . Pemberian kombinasi latihan aerobik dan environmental enrichment kontinyu dan pengaruhnya pada ekspresi IGF-1 dan FGF-2 yang diharapkan mampu meningkatkan fungsi memori belum dilakukan pada penelitian sebelumnya.Bahan dan Metode: Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian eksperimental pada 24 tikus Wistar jantan Rattus norvegicus, 300-400 gram, usia 7-8 bulan , dibagi secara acak ke dalam 4 kelompok: kontrol K , latihan aerobik A , Environmental Enrichment kontinyu EE , dan kombinasi latihan aerobik dan Environmental Enrichment kontinyu A-EE .Hasil: Kelompok kombinasi latihan aerobik dan environmental enrichment A-EE menunjukkan fungsi memori spasial tikus terbaik. Namun ekspresi IGF-1 dan FGF-2 hipokampus pada kelompok A-EE tidak lebih tinggi dari kelompok lain. Selain itu, ekspresi FGF-2 hipokampus berkorelasi positif dengan kekuatan sedang dengan fungsi memori, sedangkan IGF-1 hipokampus berkorelasi negatif dengan kekuatan lemah dengan fungsi memori.Kesimpulan: Peningkatan fungsi memori pada kelompok kombinasi merupakan hasil induksi ekspresi berbagai protein di hipokampus, namun jalur utama yang meningkatkan fungsi memori bukanlah melalui peningkatan ekspresi IGF-1 dan FGF-2 di hipokampus.
Background Memory plays an important role in life. Memory declines with age through the process of neurodegeneration. External stimuli such as aerobic exercise and environmental enrichment EE can delay neurodegeneration by improving neuroplasticity via expression of various synaptic proteins and growth factors such as insulin like growth factor 1 IGF 1 and fibroblast growth factor 2 FGF 2 . Combination treatment of aerobic exercise and continuous environmental enrichment and their effect on the expression of IGF 1 and FGF 2 which were expected to improve memory function has not been studied previously.Materials and Methods This is an experimental research using 24 male Wistar rats Rattus norvergicus, 300 400 g, age 7 8 months divided randomly into 4 groups control C , aerobic exercise A , continuous environmental enrichment EE , and combination of aerobic exercise and continuous environmental enrichment A EE .Results Combination of aerobic exercise and environmental enrichment group A EE showed the best improvement in rats rsquo spatial memory. But their hippocampal IGF 1 and FGF 2 expression were not higher than other groups. There was positive correlation between hippocampal FGF 2 and memory function, but there was negative correlation between hippocampal IGF 1 and memory function.Conclussions Improvement in memory function in combination group is a result of induction of various protein expression in the hippocampus, but the primary pathway of memory function improvement is not through the hippocampal IGF 1 and FGF 2 expression.
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2018
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Kesit Ivanali
Abstrak :
Memori merupakan fungsi kognisi yang sangat penting pada manusia.Latihan fisik dan paparan environmental enrichment EE memiliki pengaruh positifterhadap fungsi memori melalui peningkatan neurogenesis dan LTP. Penelitian iniingin mengetahui perbedaan pengaruh latihan fisik aerobik, paparan EE, dankombinasi latihan fisik aerobik dengan EE, terhadap fungsi memori tikus. Dua puluhempat tikus Wistar jantan usia 7 bulan diberikan perlakuan selama 8 minggu. Fungsimemori diuji menggunakan perangkat forced alternation Y-maze dengan parameterpersentase perbandingan waktu di novel arm dan forced alternation. Fungsi memorijuga ditinjau berdasarkan ekspresi protein BDNF dan NGF hipokampus tikus. Hasilpenelitian menunjukkan bahwa kadar BDNF dan NGF hipokampus paling tinggi p. ...... Memory is an important cognitive function in humans. Exercise and environmentalenrichment EE exposure have positive effects on memory function via improvedneurogenesis and LTP. This study aimed to analyze the effect of aerobic exercise,EE exposure, and combination of aerobic exercise and EE on memory function. Thisstudy used twenty four 7 month old male Wistar rats that were given treatment for 8weeks. Memory function was tested using forced alternation Y maze, with themeasure parameters are percentage of time in novel arm and forced alternation.Memory function was also correlated with the expression of BDNF and NGFproteins in hippocampus. The results showed the highest level of hippocampalBDNF and NGF p.
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2018
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
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