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Ditemukan 22 dokumen yang sesuai dengan query
Emilianus Yakob Sese Tolo
Abstrak :
Tulisan ini bertujuan untuk menjelaskan persoalan kemiskinan di Flores dari perspektif ekonomi politik. Melalui penelitian kualitatif dengan tinjauan kepustakaan, tulisan ini berargumen bahwa kemiskinan di Flores disebabkan oleh akumulasi melalui perampasan yang berkaitan dengan tiga hal pokok, yakni sejarah penjajahan yang panjang, ketimpangan agraria, dan depolitisasi massa rakyat. Penjajahan yang panjang telah menyebabkan perubahan struktur pemerintahan dan agraria demi akumulasi melalui perampasan. Ketimpangan agraria mempermudah proses akumulasi melalui perampasan. Dengan hanya mengandalkan perlawanan spontan yang tak terorganisasi, proses akumulasi melalui perampasan tak terbendung dan terus mengeskalasi hingga saat ini.

This article aims to explain the poverty in Flores by using a political economy perspective. Through qualitative research method by literature review, this article argues that poverty in the region is caused by the accumulation by dispossession through three main areas, namely the long colonial history, agrarian inequality, and the depoliticization of the masses. The long history of colonization has led to the change of the system of administration and the agrarian structure for the sake of the accumulation by dispossession. The agrarian inequalities facilitate the process of accumulation by dispossession. Just by relying on unorganized spontaneous resistances, the accumulation by dispossession is unstoppable and keeps escalating until today.
Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik (FISIP) Universitas Indonesia, Pusat Kajian Sosiologi, LabSosio, 2016
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Jeff Tan
Abstrak :
This paper examines conflict in Malaysia through an analysis of rents and the relationship between the economic imperative for growth and political imperative for stability. It links episodes of conflict and political instability to the social forces that drive the allocation of rents and the impact of these rents on the pattern of accumulation. It examines how the emergence and expansion of the Malay intermediate classes increased contestation and conflict over the allocation of rents that compromised the states ability to balance the political imperative for stability with the economic imperative for growth. It traces Malaysias long-term economic slowdown associated with premature deindustrialization to the state prioritizing rents for accommodation (redistribution) over rents for learning and accumulation.
SEAS 7:3 (2018)
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Abstrak :
The Jakarta bay and and lada bay have been known as a polluted environment. The dominant polluted is heavy metals such as Pb, Cd, Cr ang hg....
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Abstrak :
Groundwater recharge technology is the effort to reduce execcive surface runoff and to conserve the groundwater as well. However, runoff can disperse the pollutants which then accumulate in water bodies....
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Hening Widowati
Abstrak :
Serapan logam berat tiga jenis sayuran air yaitu Genjer (Limnocharis flava), Kangkung air (Ipomoea aquatica Forsk.) dan Selada air (Nasturtium officinale R. Br) diteliti pengaruhnya terhadap kandungan gizinya. Penelitian bertujuan mengidentifikasi logam berat yang berpotensi terakumulasi pada organ sayuran air, dan pengaruhnya terhadap kandungan vitamin A, dan vitamin C. Penelitian Dilakukan pada lingkungan bersih dan tercemar. Data dianalisis dengan One-Way Anova dan uji lanjut LSD untuk mengetahui perbedaan serapan logam, dan vitamin; serta regresi untuk mengetahui kontribusi cadmium dalam mempengaruhi gizi sayuran. Akumulasi pada ketiga jenis sayuran dominan pada akar dan terendah pada daun. Genjer paling tinggi mengakumulasi semua macam logam, selanjutnya kangkung air dan terendah selada air. Cadmium memberi kontribusi pada penurunan vitamin A dan C.
The absorption of cadmium heavy metal in 3 (three) kinds of aquatic vegetables; water lettuce (Limnocharis flava), water convolvulus (Ipomoea aquatic Forsk.) and watercress ( Nasturtium officinale R. Br) was studied to determine the influence of the contents of vitamins A and C. The purpose of this research was to identify the accumulation of cadmium in the organs of the aquatic vegetables, and their influence to the contents of vitamins A and C. This research was conducted by employing the factorial experimental design of randomized block design (RBD) with 3 (three) factors. The data was analyzed by regression to detect the correlation and contribution of cadmium influence on the aquatic vegetables. The accumulation of cadmium in the 3 (three) aquatic vegetables was mainly occured in the stems and leaves. Water lettuce has the highest accumulation of cadmium, followed by water convolvulus and watercress has the least. Cadmium is responsible for the declining levels of vitamins A and C.
[Direktorat Riset dan Pengabdian Masyarakat UI;Universitas Muhammadiyah Metro;Universitas Muhammadiyah Metro, Universitas Muhammadiyah Metro], 2012
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Ari Nugroho
Abstrak :
Densely Connected Convolutional Networks (DenseNet) merupakan salah satu model arsitektur Deep Learning yang menghubungkan setiap layer beserta feature-maps ke seluruh layer berikutnya, sehingga layer berikutnya menerima input feature-maps dari seluruh layer sebelumnya. Karena padatnya arsitektur DenseNet meyebabkan komputasi model memerlukan waktu lama dan pemakaian memory GPU yang besar. Penelitian ini mengembangkan metode optimisasi DenseNet menggunakan batching strategy yang bertujuan untuk mengatasi permasalahan DenseNet dalam hal percepatan komputasi dan penghematan ruang memory GPU. Batching strategy adalah metode yang digunakan dalam Stochastic Gradient Descent (SGD) dimana metode tersebut menerapkan metode dinamik batching dengan inisialisasi awal menggunakan ukuran batch kecil dan ditingkatkan ukurannya secara adaptif selama training hingga sampai ukuran batch besar agar terjadi peningkatan paralelisasi komputasi untuk mempercepat waktu pelatihan. Metode batching strategy juga dilengkapi dengan manajemen memory GPU menggunakan metode gradient accumulation. Dari hasil percobaan dan pengujian terhadap metode tersebut dihasilkan peningkatan kecepatan waktu pelatihan hingga 1,7x pada dataset CIFAR-10 dan 1,5x pada dataset CIFAR-100 serta dapat meningkatkan akurasi DenseNet. Manajemen memory yang digunakan dapat menghemat memory GPU hingga 30% jika dibandingkan dengan native DenseNet. Dataset yang digunakan menggunakan CIFAR-10 dan CIFAR-100 datasets. Penerapan metode batching strategy tersebut terbukti dapat menghasilkan percepatan dan penghematan ruang memory GPU.
Densely Connected Convolutional Networks (DenseNet) is one of the Deep Learning architecture models that connect each layer and feature maps to all subsequent layers so that the next layer receives input feature maps from all previous layers. Because of its DenseNet architecture, computational models require a long time and use large GPU memory. This research develops the DenseNet optimization method using a batching strategy that aims to overcome the DenseNet problem in terms of accelerating computing time and saving GPU memory. Batching strategy is a method used in Stochastic Gradient Descent (SGD) where the technique applies dynamic batching approach with initial initialization using small batch sizes and adaptively increased size during training to large batch sizes so that there is an increase in computational parallelization to speed up training time. The batching strategy method is also equipped with GPU memory management using the gradient accumulation method. From the results of experiments and testing of these methods resulted in an increase in training time speed of up to 1.7x on the CIFAR-10 dataset and 1.5x on the CIFAR-100 dataset and can improve DenseNet accuracy. Memory management used can save GPU memory up to 30% when compared to native DenseNet. The dataset used uses CIFAR-10 and CIFAR-100 datasets. The application of the batching strategy method is proven to be able to produce acceleration and saving of GPU memory.
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Ardhanareswara Trisha Az Zahra
Abstrak :
Skripsi ini membahas mengenai kolaborasi antar aktor dalam aktivasi ruang bekas gusuran Kebon Jeruk. Accumulation by dispossession telah menjadi akar penindasan yang terjadi di Kebon Jeruk, sebab terjadi proses redistribusi lahan ke state capitalism. Proses perampasan ruang hidup ini, secara tidak langsung juga merampas ruang sosial warga kebon Jeruk. Aktivasi ruang yang dilakukan untuk merebut kembali ruang hidup Kebon Jeruk memunculkan proses kolaborasi antara warga Kebon Jeruk dan solidaritas mahasiswa. Walaupun kedua kelompok aktor ini berasal dari latar belakang dan pemahaman akan ruang yang berbeda, namun cross-cultural friendships yang telah terbangun melalui solidaritas kelas, menjadikan relasi mereka tumbuh dan terus berkembang. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode kualitatif, yakni observasi partisipasi dan wawancara mendalam. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa, perbedaan latar belakang, kepentingan dan pemahaman akan ruang, tidak lantas membuat kedua kelompok aktor ini terpecah belah dan tidak satu tujuan. Mereka justru menjadikan kondisi tersebut sebagai kekuatan untuk melawan dan mempererat relasi persahabatan yang terjalin untuk merebut kembali ruang hidup Kebon Jeruk, Bandung. ......This thesis discusses the collaboration between actors in the activation of the former Kebon Jeruk evicted space. Accumulation by dispossession has become the root of the oppression that occurred in Kebon Jeruk, because there was a process of land redistribution to state capitalism. This seizure of living space, indirectly also takes away the social space of Kebon Jeruk residents. The space activation which was carried out to reclaim the Kebon Jeruk lived space led to a collaborative process between Kebon Jeruk residents and student solidarity. Although these two groups of actors come from different backgrounds and understandings of space, but the cross-cultural friendships that have been built through class solidarity have made their relationships grow and continue to develop. This research uses qualitative methods, namely participant observation and in-depth interviews. The results of this study indicate that differences in background, importance and understanding of space do not necessarily mean that these two groups of actors are divided and do not have one goal. They actually make this condition as a force to fight and strengthen the friendship that has been established to reclaim the lived space of Kebon Jeruk, Bandung.
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Indonesia, 2020
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Ling-Huey Su
Abstrak :
This paper considers an unrelated parallel machine scheduling problem with the objective of minimizing the number of tardy jobs. Each machine should stop periodically to perform maintenance activities. The problem, motivated from a wafer manufacturing company, considers the job scheduling and maintenance activities simultaneously under dirt constraint. That is, the dirt accumulation in the machine does not exceed the prespecified dirt limit. A mixed binary integer programming (MBIP) model is developed to find optimal solutions, and two three-phase heuristics are proposed. The heuristics assign each job to its most efficient machine first. Then, an intension of Moores algorithm is applied for each machine, and finally the solution is improved by the forward/backward insert mechanism. The experimental results showed that the proposed heuristics perform well. Furthermore, the efficiency of the MBIP model and the impact of the dirt accumulation as well as maintenance time are studied in detail.
Philadelphia: Taylor and Francis, 2018
658 JIPE 35:6 (2018)
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Abstrak :
Tesis ini membahas eksklusi sosial terhadap akses tanah yang melibatkan mantan GAM sebagai aktor pelaku serta korban. Studi kualitatif ini mengangkat studi kasus di Kota Langsa, Aceh Besar dan Aceh Utara. Lokasi penelitian ditetapkan berdasarkan peta kekuatan politik GAM. Hasil observasi, studi ini membagi kelompok GAM berdasarkan tiga golongan yaitu; elit, menengah dan marginal. Argumentasi tesis ini adalah eksklusi terhadap kalangan marginal mendorong terjadinya eksklusi lain. Eksklusi adalah bentuk adaptasi dengan cara mengeksklusi pihak lain. Studi ini menggunakan pendekatan power of exclusion yang melihat diekslusinya seseorang disebabkan oleh empat power yaitu regulasi, legitimasi, market dan force yang terjadi melalui proses licensed exclusion dan intimates exclusion. Hasil penelitian menunjukan penggunaan kekuasaan elit GAM pasca konflik berdampak terhambatnya kalangan marginal GAM dari pada program land settlement sehingga mendorong munculnya ragam ekskusi yang lebih kompleks pada beberapa daerah. Realisasi program land settlement menunjukkan potensi eksklusi terhadap marginal GAM. Relasi legitimasi dan market dalam intimate exclusion di Langsa menunjukkan cara marginal GAM mengakses tanah melalui legitimasi solidaritas sesama GAM. Kasus Aceh Besar, relasi force dan legitimasi dalam land reform menunjukkan cara marginal GAM mengokupasi tanah korporasi. Praktik inklusi yaitu upaya marginal GAM mengikutsertakan masyarakat dalam land reform adalah manifestasi dari berkerjanya modal social bonding. Kekuatan lingkungan juga berkontribusi terhadap tereksklusinya kalangan GAM dari akses tanah. Sedangkan licensed exclusion di kasus Aceh Utara menunjukkan cara jaringan patronese GAM yaitu elit GAM lokal dengan relasi elit GAM di tingkat Pusat yang mengakses tanah melalui regulasi dalam bentuk konsesi.
This thesis discusses social exclusion of land access involving former GAM as actors and victims. This qualitative study raises case studies in Langsa City, Aceh Besar and North Aceh. The location of the study was determined based on a map of GAM's political power. Based on observations, this study divides GAM groups into three groups namely; elite, middle and marginal. The argument of this thesis is the exclusion of marginal groups encourages other exclusions. Exclusion is a form of adaptation by excluding others. This study uses a power of exclusion approach that sees a person's exclusion caused by four powers, namely regulation, legitimacy, market and force that occur through a process of licensed exclusion and intimates exclusion. The results of the study showed that the use of GAM's elite power after the conflict had hampered the marginalization of GAM rather than the land settlement program, which led to the emergence of more complex types of executions in several regions. The realization of the land settlement program shows the potential for exclusion of marginalized GAM. The relation of legitimacy and market in intimate exclusion in Langsa shows how GAM's marginal access to land through legitimacy of solidarity among fellow GAM. The case of Aceh Besar, force relations and legitimacy in land reform shows the marginal ways GAM has occupied corporate land. The practice of inclusion, namely GAM's marginal effort to involve the community in land reform, is a manifestation of the working of social bonding capital. Environmental forces also contribute to the exclusion of GAM from land access. Whereas licensed exclusion in the North Aceh case shows the way GAM's patronese network is the local GAM elite with GAM elite relations at the central level accessing land through regulations in the form of concessions.
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Indonesia, 2020
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
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