"Angka Kematian Bayi (AKB) Indonesia masih yang tertinggi di ASEAN. Penycbab utama kcmatian tcrsebut adalah penyakit infeksi saluran nafas dan diarc yang dapat dicegah antara lain dengan pemberian ASI secara benar, termasuk pemberian ASI secara eksklusiti Berdasarkan data yang dipublikasikan oleh laporan bulanan ke-3 Dinas Kesehatan Pidie Jaya pada tahun 2008, untnuk Kabupaten Pidie Jaya sebanyak 22,2% ibu membefim ASI eksklusifam inntuk Kwamamn Meumh Dua sebanyak 219%.
Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk mengetahui falctor-faktor yang berhubungan dcngan pcmberian ASI cksklusif. Desain pcnelilian ini adalah crossaveclional. dengan besar sampel 172 orang ibu menyusui di Kecamatan Meurah Dua Kabupaten Pidie Jaya. Analisis data yang digunakan adalah analisis Regresi Logistic Mhltinomiai menggunakan data primer yang berasal dari hasil wawancara.
Dari hasil penelitian disimpulkan bahwa ibu yang mcmiliki bayi 6-11 bulan hanya 20,3% yang member-ikan ASI eksklusif hanya sampai 4 bulan dan 9,3% yang memberikan ASI eksklusif sampai 6 bulan. Hasil analisis menunjukkan faktor yang dominan dalam perilaku pemberian ASI ekskiusif adalah tempat periksa hamil pada ibu yang menyusui ekslusif 4 bulan menuniukkan OR 7,19 (CI 95% = 1,52 - 33,9S) dan pengetahuan tentang ASI pada ibu yang menyusui eksklusif 6 bulan menunjukkan OR 15,08 (CI 95% =' 1,81 - l25,47).
Berdasarkan hasil penclitian ini disarankan, pertama bahwa tenaga kesehatan agar dapat meningkatkan kualitas penyuluhan dan dapat meningkatkan kerjasama dengan tokoh masyarakat yang ada di wilayah Kecamatan Meurah Dua. Kedua, agar dinas kcschatan meningkatkan pelatihan tenaga kesehatan dan pengawasan terhadap program ASI eksklusif di masyarakat. Ketiga perlu penelitian Iebih lanjut dengan menggunakan desain kohort dengan vafiditas tinggi.
The number of infant mortality in Indonesia is the highest among ASEAN countries. The major cause for infant and children mortality is infections, especially the upper respiratory tracts infection and diarrhea. The prevention efforts for reducing the infections are a good nutrition management for infant and children such as adequate and and appropriate breastfeeding. Based on the existing data which was published in the third monthly report of the Pidie Jaya Health Office (2008), there was only 22,2% of mothers who practiced exclusive breastfeeding in the District of Pidie Jaya and only 27,9% in Sub-district of Meurah Dua. The research was carried out to find the factors related to behaviour in giving Exclusive Breastfeeding. The design of this study was cross-sectional survey, the data obtained by involving 172 exclusive breasfeeding among mothers in sub district Mcurah Dua. The data analysis uses logistic muitinomial regression analysis. The sample was selected using simple random sampling technique. Primary data was collected by using standardized questionnaire. The result showed that the proportion of mother who practice exclusive breastfeeding among mothers owing 6-ll months old babies was 20,3% for 4 months and 9,3% for 6 months. From the analysis it was indicated that dominant factors related to practice of exclusive breastfeeding for 4 months very much depended on place of physician visits during pregnancy (OR=7,l8, Cl 95% = 1,52 - 33,95) and those of 6 months were mothers knowledge about breastfeeding (OR = l5,08, CI 95% = 1,81 - l25,47). Based onthe result of the study, it was strongly recommended to the Chief Sub- district of Meurah Dua to increase the quality of health education to the community in the Sub-district Meurah Dua in relation to promotion of exclusive breastfeeding. Furthermore, staff of Health office was also encouraged to promote the training for health personnel and supervision and monitoring the exclusive breastfeeding program in the community. Recommendation is also made for further research to using the cohort design and observation for studying with high validity on data."