Ditemukan 48 dokumen yang sesuai dengan query
Murdoch, Iris
London: Routledge Classics , 2001
320.15 MUR s
Buku Teks Universitas Indonesia Library
"Meskipun Uni Eropa telah secara eksplisit menyatakan ambisinya untuk mencapai kedaulatan digital pada tahun 2020, pemahaman terhadap istilah tersebut masih minim dan belum familiar. Kajian literatur ini bertujuan untuk memahami perkembangan literatur tentang kedaulatan digital di Uni Eropa dan mengidenfikasi celah yang terdapat dalam berbagai literatur tersebut. Metode pengikutsertaan (inclusion) dan pengecualian (exclusion) digunakan untuk menelusuri literatur yang akan digunakan dalam kajian literatur ini, sedangkan metode taksonomi digunakan untuk mengorganisasikan literatur-literatur yang ditemukan dengan melakukan klasifikasi sesuai dengan tema-tema dominan. Dengan menggunakan 43 literatur, kajian literatur ini menunjukkan bahwa perkembangan literatur tentang kedaulatan digital di Uni Eropa berada dalam tiga kategori bahasan utama, yaitu: (1) konseptualisasi kedaulatan digital di Uni Eropa; (2) strategi kedaulatan digital di Uni Eropa; dan (3) aktor dalam kedaulatan digital di Uni Eropa. Setelah mengkaji berbagai literatur tersebut, kajian literatur ini menemukan bahwa kedaulatan digital merupakan manifestasi dari keinginan Uni Eropa untuk mengatur ruang siber agar selaras dengan nilai-nilai Uni Eropa di tengah persaingan geopolitik antara Amerika Serikat dan Tiongkok, serta dominasi kedua negara tersebut dalam ranah digital. Temuan tersebut menunjukkan bahwa kajian tentang strategi konkret Uni Eropa untuk mencapai kedaulatan digital masih berhubungan erat dengan ranah keamanan dan pertahanan. Perkembangan literatur turut mengidentifikasi bahwa dalam konteks kedaulatan digital di Uni Eropa, kajian tentang hubungan Uni Eropa dengan aktor negara lain masih didominasi oleh hubungannya dengan Amerika Serikat dan Tiongkok. Fenomena tersebut menyingkap celah yang ditemukan dalam berbagai literatur tersebut, seperti minimnya literatur yang membahas tentang strategi konkret Uni Eropa untuk mencapai kedaulatan digital dalam ranah ekonomi, hubungan Uni Eropa dengan negara-negara lain selain Amerika Serikat dan Tiongkok, peran aktor non-negara lain selain perusahaan swasta, hingga siapa sesungguhnya yang berwenang untuk mengatur kedaulatan digital di Uni Eropa. Akhir kata, kajian literatur ini diharapkan dapat berkontribusi dalam memperkaya pemahaman terhadap kedaulatan digital di Uni Eropa sekaligus memberikan rekomendasi praktis terhadap pengimplementasian kedaulatan digital di Uni Eropa.
Although the European Union explicitly declared its ambition to achieve digital sovereignty in 2020, the understanding of this term is still limited and unfamiliar. This literature review aims to understand the development of literature on digital sovereignty in the European Union and identify gaps in the existing literatures. The inclusion and exclusion methods are employed to select relevant literatures for this review, while the taxonomy method is used to organize the identified literatures by classifying them according to dominant themes. Based on the analysis of 43 literature sources, this literature review reveals that the literatures on digital sovereignty in the European Union fall into three main categories of discussion: (1) the conceptualization of digital sovereignty in the European Union; (2) the digital sovereignty strategies in the European Union; and (3) actors in digital sovereignty in the European Union. After examining various literatures, this literature review argues that digital sovereignty is a manifestation of the European Union’s desire to regulate cyberspace in line with European values amidst the geopolitical competition between the United States and China, as well as the dominance of these two countries in the digital realm. These findings highlight the close relationship between concrete strategies for achieving digital sovereignty in the European Union and the domains of security and defense. The literature development also identifies that in the context of digital sovereignty in the European Union, studies on the European Union's relations with other countries are still dominated by its relationship with the United States and China. These occurrences reveal several gaps in these literatures, such as a limited number of literatures have addressed concrete strategies of the European Union to achieve digital sovereignty in the economic domain, the European Union’s relations with countries other than the United States and China, the role of non-state actors besides private enterprises, and the authority responsible for regulating digital sovereignty in the European Union. In conclusion, this literature review is expected to contribute to a better understanding of digital sovereignty in the European Union and provide practical recommendations for the implementation of digital sovereignty in the European Union."
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Indonesia, 2023
UI - Tugas Akhir Universitas Indonesia Library
Nunez, Jorge E.
New York: Routledge, 2017
341.5 NUN s
Buku Teks Universitas Indonesia Library
New York: Columbia University Press, 2001
327.1 PRO
Buku Teks Universitas Indonesia Library
""This collection of essays focusses on the following concepts: sovereignty (the unique, intangible and yet essential characteristic of States), statehood (what it means to be a State, and the process of acquiring or losing statehood) and State responsibility (the legal component of what being a State entails). The unifying theme is that they have always been and will in the future continue to form a crucial part of the foundations of public international law. While many publications focus on new actors in international law such as international organisations, individuals, companies, NGOs and even humanity as a whole, this book offers a timely, thought-provoking and innovative reappraisal of the core actors on the international stage: States. It includes reflections on the interactions between States and non-state actors and on how increasing participation by and recognition of the latter within international law has impacted upon the role and attributes of statehood"--"
Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press, 2015
341.26 SOV
Buku Teks Universitas Indonesia Library
Pohan, Aleksandra M.
"Prinsip non-intervensi merupakan prinsip yang secara universal diterima dalam hukum internasional. Prinsip tersebut dijamin oleh Piagam PBB yang menyebutkan tidak adanya campur tangan (non-interference) dalam urusan domestik negara yang berdaulat. Prinsip non-intervensi merupakan prinsip fundamental dalam mengadakan hubungan internasional dewasa ini. Khususnya di kawasan Asia Tenggara prinsip ini sangat dijunjung tinggi mengingat sejarah pembentukannya pada saat sedang terjadinya Perang Dingin. Seiring dengan berjalannya waktu penerapan prinsip non-intervensi yang terlalu kaku kerap di kritik oleh dunia internasional. Akhirnya mendorong munculnya gagasan untuk melakukan pelembutan terhadap prinsip tersebut, dengan konsep alternatif seperti ?constructive intervention?, ?flexible engagement, atau ?enhanced interaction?. Berbagai teori, dokumen-dokumen ASEAN serta kasus-kasus yang terjadi akan dibahas untuk menjelaskan prinsip non-intervensi dalam perspektif ASEAN dan berbagai macam permasalahan yang timbul dalam pelaksanaannya.
The principle of non-intervention is one of the common universally accepted principles in international law. This principle is guaranteed by the UN charter, in which the principle of non-interference in internal affairs of sovereign states is mentioned. This principle happens to be a fundamental basis in the creation of international relations as of late. In particular, this principle is highly respected upon in the South East Asia region, regarding the establishment of ASEAN during the Cold War. As time goes by, application of the non-interference principle has been reputed as rigid, and it has come across many criticisms by the international community. In concern of said criticism, there have been talks about toning down the principle through alternative concepts such as ?constructive intervention?, ?flexible engagement? or ?enhanced interaction?. Numerous theories, related ASEAN documents and recent cases will be laid out to further explain the principle of non-intervention through the ASEAN perspective and the many problems that might appear in the application."
Depok: Universitas Indonesia, 2009
UI - Skripsi Open Universitas Indonesia Library
Ouali, Abdelhamid El
"This book offers a comprehensive, highly informative and interdisciplinary study on territorial integrity and the challenges globalization, self-determination and external interventions present. This study aims at not only to fill an epistemological gap in this regard, but also answer the question of whether International Law is adequately equipped to help states address these challenges. The author argues that the biggest threat that many states are confronted with today is their disintegration rather than their obsolescence, and that International Law has not often been able to prevent that eventuality. In fact, states, when they were not destroyed by war, managed to survive, thanks to the flexibility of territoriality, i.e. their ability to adjust to difficult situations as they arose. "
Berlin: Springer, 2012
eBooks Universitas Indonesia Library
McCarthy, John F.
"Indonesia was founded on the ideal of the 'Sovereignty of the People', which suggests the pre-eminence of people's rights to access, use and control land to support their livelihoods. Yet, many questions remain unresolved. How can the state ensure access_to land for agriculture and housing while also supporting land acquisition for investment in industry and infrastructure? What is to be done about indigenous rights? Do registration and titling provide solutions? Is the land reform agenda - legislated but never implemented - still relevant? How should the land questions affecting Indonesia's disappearing forests be resolved?The contributors to this volume assess progress on these issues through case studies from across the archipelago: from large-scale land acquisitions in Papua, to asset ownership in the villages of Sulawesi and Java, to tenure conflicts associated with the oil palm and mining booms in Kalimantan, Sulawesi and Sumatra. What are the prospects for the 'people's sovereignty' in regard to land?"
Singapore: Cambridge University Press, 2016
eBooks Universitas Indonesia Library
Evi Fitriani
"As the international society continue to witness varying forms of threats to humanity, the concept of human security as introduced by the state has constantly been challenged for its inadequacy to capture and address the realities of human insecurity. The silver lining of this situation, however, relies on how those mainstream ideas of human securities are continuously contested and redefined through the medium of art. Through the use of alternative public and transnational space, art represents sincere aspirations of the people and facilitate them to realize their vision of their own-and others-in)securities, beyond the imaginary, yet powerful, wall of sovereignty which serve the national and rational interests of the powerful actors."
Departemen Hubungen Internasional Universitas Indonesia, 2020
Artikel Jurnal Universitas Indonesia Library
"It is argued that third world countries are not yet completely free from dangers of colonialism, a 19th century-old ideology that uprooted locals from their freedom..."
DIPLU 6:1 (2014)
Artikel Jurnal Universitas Indonesia Library