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Kartika Sari Nur Laila Agustina Sabah
Abstrak :
Penelitian ini membahas mengenai kompetensi profesional spesialis rekod dan penilaiannya assessment di Perusahaan Migas Adidaya di Indonesia. Pengumpulan data menggunakan kuesioner yang dikembangkan dari ARMA Internasional, disertai wawancara probing . Pemilihan sampel dengan teknik total sampling pada SDM bidang kearsipan di empat level karier yaitu koordinator, analis, asisten, dan klerikal. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa records specialist di level koordinator, asisten, analis dan klerikal memerlukan pengembangan kompetensi pada lima domain yaitu kepemimpinan, manajemen resiko, komunikasi pemasaran, praktik dan fungsi bisnis, dengan tingkat penguasaan kompetensi level 3-4 berada di atas 50 . Pada domain teknologi informasi, level koordinator memerlukan pembinaan kompetensi teknologi informasi; sementara untuk jenjang klerikal, asisten, dan analis memerlukan pengembangan kompetensi teknologi informasi. Rekomendasi pembinaan/pengembangan kompetensi pada level koordinator berupa Reflective learning yaitu memperkuat kemitraan dengan SDM kearsipan tataran strategis, berbagi pengetahuan dengan civitas academica dan proaktif dalam asosiasi profesi, serta pembaharuan wawasan teknologi informasi. Pada level analis berupa Self Directed Learning yaitu pendidikan formal atau sertifikasi kompetensi spesifik tentang manajemen resiko dan preservasi dokumen digital. Pada level klerikal berupa Workplace Learning yang menekankan pembelajaran pada praktik kekinian dan kursus bahasa secara terencana. Pada level Asisten berupa Competency-based learning yaitu pengukuran kompetensi tentang komunikasi pemasaran dan teknik riset.
This study discusses about professional competence of records specialist and the assessment in the rdquo Adidaya rdquo Oil and Gas Company located in Indonesia. The data collected using a questionnaire developed from ARMA International, and interviews probing . The sample selected using total sampling technique that represents four career levels on HR field of archives. These are coordinators, analysts, assistants, and clerical. The results showed that the records specialist at level coordinators, assistants, analysts and clerical requires competence improvement for five domains, i.e leadership, risk management, marketing communications, practices and business functions. The competency advance level 3 4 are above 50 . In the information technology domain, the level of coordinator require information technology competency development whereas for the level of clerical, assistant, and analysts require information technology competency coaching. Competency development recommendations for coordinator level is of Reflective learning i.e. strengthening partnerships with archival HR strategic level, knowledge sharing with the academic community and proactive in professional associations, and renewal insight of information technology. At the analyst is elf Directed Learning i.e. formal education or certification of specific competencies on risk management and digital document preservation. At the level of clerical is Workplace Learning which emphasizes learning of present practice and language course. At the level of Assistant is Competency based learning that is measuring the competence of marketing communications and research techniques.
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Harry Raspati Achmad
Abstrak :
Berdasarkan pemantauan dilapangan, bahwa ada kecenderungan motivasi Para dokter spesialis merawat pasien disuatu rumah sakit atas pertimbangan imbalan finansial disamping aspek pengabdian masyarakat dan dewasa ini di era globalisasi masalah imbalan finansial dipandang sebagai salah satu tantangan yang harus dihadapi oleh manajemen suatu organisasi maka pada bulan Mei 1996, Direktur RSVP Dr. Hasan Sadikin membuat kebijakan melalui surat keputusan no. 15A1 DI - 32 1 KU.06.02/ VJ 1996 yang antara lain berisi tentang pemberian imbal jasa ( insentif ) kepada dokter spesialis. Penelitian dilakukan secara "cross sectional" dengan pendekatan kualitatif dan memilih secara acak 45 dokter spesialis (16 % dari total populasi ) sebagai sampel dengan tujuan mengidentifikasi sistem imbal jasa dan mengetahui pandangan dokter spesialis terhadap sistem imbal jasa yang berlaku sekarang. Didalam mengidentifikasi sistem imbal jasa tersebut, peneliti mencari data mengenai BOR kelas Utama, I dan II; penerimaan fungsional kelas utama, I dan II serta faktor SDM dokter spesialis, sedangkan untuk mengetahui pandangan dokter spesialis peneliti mengumpulkan informasi tentang pengetahuan dan pendapat dokter spesialis terhadap sistem imbal jasa tersebut. Dari hasil penelitian ini ditemukan bahwa BOR kelas utama tahun 1996 ( 56,69 %) menurun dibanding BOR tahun 1996 ( 74,83 % ), BOR kelas I selalu dibawah 60 % sejak tahun 1992 sampai tahun 1996 dan BOR kelas II relatif tidak ada peningkatan yaitu sekitar 65 %. Penerimaan fungsional relatif tetap berkisar 676.000.000.rupiah dari kelas utama, dari kelas I, 980.000.000. rupiah dan dari kelas II, 1.4 milyar rupiah. Sebagian besar dokter spesialis ( 86,66 % ) setuju dengan adanya imbal jasa bagi mereka tetapi 71,11 % diantaranya merasakan ketidak adilan terhadap sistem imbal jasa yang berjalan sekarang dan 51, 11 % dokter spesialis menginginkan adanya pengurangan besarnya potongan jasa medis. Peneliti menyarankan agar dibentuk suatu unit kerja khusus yang melibatkan dokter spesialis dalam membuat sistem imbal jasa dan merubah porsi pembagian jasa medis yang 70 % menjadi 80 % untuk jasa medis dokter spesialis. ......Working as a pediatrician for years at Hasan Sadikin Provincial Hospital, it is felt that many medical specialists ( OB Gynt, surgeons, pediatricians, neurologist etc ) in this hospital are not quite satisfied with the new regulation on incentives for medical specialists. The regulation was declarated in 1996 through a letter of decree Na I5AIDI-32 I KU.06.021 V/1996 issued by the hospital director. In general it is said that every medical specialist working as a full timer and government employee at the hospital receives Rp 100.000, 1 month incentive; without differentiating whether she or he sent or took care of any single patient. This study intended to portray and analyze factor related to the incentive system for medical specialists and at once also find out details on the unsatisfactory conditions felt by these specialist using a cross sectional survey design, 45 out of 225 medical specialists (16 % of total medical specialists ) were interviewed. The flow of income from various resources received by the hospital, how, where and what proportion goes to the incentives, were 'described and analyzed. Bed Occupancy Rate (BOR ), the number & qualification of the medical specialists are other 2 factors, beside income, which are theoretically related to the incentive system for medical specialists at Hasan Sadikin Provincial Hospital. The study found that the BOR at the VIP class tends to decrease from 74.83 % in the year 1995 to 56.69 % in the year 1996; at the first class the BOR is always below 60 % and no improvement at all for BOR at the 3rd class. The hospital income tends to remain unchanged in 1966, with total of Rp 676.000.000,- from VIP class; Rp 980.000.000,- from first class and 1.4 million from the 2nd class inpatient wards. This means that the BOR which is still below the MOH standard of BOR ( 60 % ) and the revenue of the Hasan Sadikin Provincial Hospital must and is necessary to be increased. Majorly of the medical specialists ( 86.66 % ) agrees that incentives must be arranged through regulation, however; 71.11 % is unsatisfied with the current rule. 51,11 % of them suggests the director to reviset the rule and make changes for more fair deal. The researcher suggests 1) the director to establish a functional team who will work continuously on this matter; 2) to increase medical incentives for medical specialists who refers to and take care their patients at the Hasan Sadikin Hospital. The latter suggestion in the long run is expected to increase the BOR and the revenue of Hasan Sadikin Hospital.
Jakarta: Program Pascasarjana Universitas Indonesia, 1997
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Tampubolon, Hotma P.
Abstrak :
Dalam era globalisasi dengan masuknya modal asing maupun tenaga asing khususnya di bidang perumah sakitan, persaingan semakin ketat terlebih dalam usaha menarik pelanggan atau pasien.Sehingga untuk itu pihak pemilik maupun pengelola rumah sakit harus sudah menentukan target pasar/pelanggannya sehingga dapat menentukan posisinya dari persepsi pelanggan. Penelitian ini bertujuan menentukan posisi Klinik Spesialis dan Rumah Bersalin Prima Husada Cinere dari target pasar yang ada berdasarkan persepsi pelanggan/pasar. Penelitian penentuan posisi ini merupakan penelitian deskriptik analitik dengan menggunakan pendekatan studi kuantitatif dan kualitatif dengan desain cross sectional. Pendekatan kuantitatif menggunakan kuesioner terhadap 100 responden dan pendekatan kualitatif dilakukan dengan wawancara mendalam pada pihak manejemen Klinik Spesialis dan Rumah Bersalin Prima Husada Cinere. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan pelanggan Klinik Spesialis dan Rumah Bersalin Prima Husada Cinere mayoritas berasal dari sekitar Cinere, telah tinggal di kediamannya lebih dari 2 tahun sampai 8 tahun,usia > 20 - 40 tahun, pendapatan > 1 juta sampai 2,5 juta per bulan, informasi tentang keberadaan Klinik Spesialis dan Rumah Bersalin Prima Husada Cinere didapat dari saudara/teman, pembiayaan bersumber pribadi. Terdapat adanya segmen yang peduli tarif dan peduli pengobatan. Target pasar /pelanggan yang ditetapkan bersama manejemen adalah pelanggan yang berdomisisli di wilayah Cinere dan sekitarnya, usia > 20 - 40 tahun, pendapatan > 1 juta sampai dengan 2,5 juta per bulan, pembiayaan bersumber pribadi/asuransi.
In this new era, with the presence of foreign investors as well as foreign human resources especially in the hospital field, the competitiom has increased especially in the efforts to attract customers or patients. This condition causes the hospital?s owner and management to determine their target or customers, especially through the customers? perceptions. The aim of this research is to determine the position of the Cinere Prima Husada Specialist and Delivery Clinic from the present market target through customer or market perception. This position determination research is an analytical descriptive research with quantitative and qualitative approaches with cross sectional design. The quantitative approach used questionnaires given to 100 (one hundred) responders. Where as the qualitative approach was a thorough interview with Prima Husada Specialist and Delivery Clinic management. The results showed that the majority of Prima Husada Specialist and Delivery Clinic customers come from around the Cinere area, have stayed there for 2 - 8 years, with ages fo 20 - 40 years old, with salaries of 1 - 2.5 million rupiahs per month, having heard of Prima Husada Specialist and Delivery Clinic from friends or family, and they were self-paid. In this research, it was found that a segment of the customers paid close attention to the fee and treatment. From the analysis it was concluded that the market or customer target determined by management were those living in Cinere and its surroundings, especially women in their productive age of 20 ? 40 years old with incomes ranging fom Rp. 1 - 2.5 million per month. In addition, the targeted patients are those who pay for the treatments themselves. Therefore the managment is positioning Prima Husada Specialist and Delivery Clinic, as well as the future mother and child hospital, to focus its customers on those in the middle-low economy segment.
Depok: Universitas Indonesia, 2009
UI - Tesis Open  Universitas Indonesia Library
Calvin Wijaya
Abstrak :
Pendahuluan: Penduduk dengan gangguan jiwa berat diketahui berisiko melakukan kejahatan kekerasan yang lebih tinggi dari biasanya. Untuk mencegah kekerasan, kemampuan untuk menilai risiko kekerasan diperlukan untuk menilai apakah kekerasan akan berulang atau tidak. Salah satu metode penilaian risiko kekerasan ini adalah dengan Alat Penilaian Risiko Kekerasan (VRA), tetapi metode dan kemampuan untuk menilai Risiko kekerasan belum umum diajarkan dan digunakan di Indonesia. Masalah ini menimbulkan pertanyaan dari tim peneliti tentang bagaimana mengembangkan keterampilan ini di Indonesia. Metode: Pengumpulan data dilakukan di dua lokasi yaitu di Padang pada tanggal 1 Agustus 2019, dan pada tanggal 14 September 2019 di Diklat RSCM, Jakarta. Pesertanya adalah dokter spesialis psikiatri dan/atau sedang menjalani PPDS untuk psikiatri. Peserta mengisi lembar angket dan lembar sebelum pendidikan dan lembar post-test setelah pendidikan. Data Skor dan post-test peserta kemudian dianalisis menggunakan Wilcoxon Signed Rank Test dengan SPSS versi 23 untuk melihat signifikansinya. Data demografi juga dianalisis dengan peningkatan nilai post-test dengan Uji Korelasi Spearman, Uji U Mann-Whitney, dan . uji Kruskal-Wallis. Hasil: Terdapat perbedaan yang signifikan (p<0,05) antara nilai pre-test dan post-test, sedangkan analisis data demografi seperti tingkat pendidikan terakhir, pengalaman sebelumnya, menjalani pendidikan penilaian risiko kekerasan selama program pendidikan spesialis (PPDS) psikiatri, pengalaman menjalani pendidikan penilaian risiko kekerasan di luar PPDS untuk psikiatri, pengalaman menangani kasus kekerasan, lama kerja, jumlah kasus ditangani per bulan, dan data penilaian diri terhadap kemampuan menangani berbagai kasus kekerasan (fisik, seksual, psikologis dan penelantaran) hingga peningkatan nilai post-test tidak ada hubungan atau perbedaan yang signifikan. Kesimpulan: Ada peningkatan yang signifikan antara skor pre-test dan post-test setelah diberikan pendidikan. Korelasi dan pengaruh karakteristik demografi peserta terhadap peningkatan skor post-test tidak memiliki nilai signifikan. Penelitian ini dapat menjadi dasar untuk menyusun modul atau materi baru dalam psikiatri PPDS
Introduction: People with severe mental disorders are known to be at risk of committing crimes higher hardness than usual. To prevent violence, the ability to assess the risk of violence is needed to assess whether violence will repeat or not. One of these violence risk assessment methods is with the Violence Risk Assessment Tool (VRA), but methods and capabilities to assess The risk of violence is not yet commonly taught and used in Indonesia. This problem raises questions from the research team about how to develop these skills in Indonesia. Methods: Data collection was carried out in two locations, namely in Padang on August 1, 2019, and on September 14, 2019 at the RSCM Training and Education, Jakarta. Participants are specialist doctors psychiatrist and/or undergoing PPDS for psychiatry. Participants fill in questionnaire sheets and sheets before education and post-test sheets after education. Data Participants' scores and post-test were then analyzed using the Wilcoxon Signed Rank Test with SPSS version 23 to see the significance. Demographic data were also analyzed by increase in post-test scores with the Spearman Correlation Test, the Mann-Whitney U Test, and . test Kruskal-Wallis. Results: There was a significant difference (p<0.05) between the pre-test and post-test scores, while the analysis of demographic data such as the last education level, previous experience, undergo violence risk assessment education during the specialist education program (PPDS) psychiatry, experience undergoing violence risk assessment education outside pendidikan PPDS for psychiatry, experience in handling violent cases, length of work, number of cases handled per month, and self-assessment data on the ability to handle various cases of violence (physical, sexual, psychological and neglect) to increased post-test scores there is no significant relationship or difference. Conclusion: There is a significant increase between pre-test and post-test scores after given education. Correlation and influence of participant demographic characteristics on improvement post-test scores have no significant value. This research can be the basis for compiling new modules or materials in PPDS psychiatry
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2019
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Bahm, Archie J.
Albuquerque : World Books, 1977
610.6 BAH s
Buku Teks SO  Universitas Indonesia Library
Miller, Louise
Lincolnwood: VGM Career Horizons, 1995
636.002 3 MIL c
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Abstrak :
Covering the most common subject specialties and departmental liaison roles found in colleges and universities, this guide is for early- and mid-career librarians looking to move up in their chosen specialty as well as for established academic librarians interested in changing fields or for librarians taking on liaison roles in areas outside their expertise"--Amazon.
Santa Barbara, California: Libraries Unlimited, an imprint of ABC-CLIO, LLC, 2016
023.2 MAS
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library