"Penelitian ini bertujuan menggambarkan mekanisme perlindungan sosial (social
assistance, social insurance, social care, dan informal social protection) yang dapat dilihat dari bentuk-bentuk konversi kapital seperti kapital sosial, kapital politik, kapital ekonomi, kapital personal, kapital budaya, dan kapital digital. Penelitian dilakukan pada masa pandemi Covid-19 di tiga Paguyuban Wayang Kulit di Yogyakarta yakni Paguyuban Wayang Kulit WL, Paguyuban Wayang Kulit GP, dan Paguyuban Wayang Kulit SK. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode penelitian kualitatif dengan pendekatan studi kasus dengan teknik pengumpulan data dengan wawancara, observasi, dan etnografi digital (digital ethnography) media sosial seperti Youtube dan Instagram. Ketiga Paguyuban Wayang Kulit tersebut dipilih karena mereka masih mampu bertahan di masa pandemi Covid-19 dengan tetap menyelenggarakan pementasan wayang kulit secara virtual. Hasil temuan penelitian ini adalah bentuk perlindungan sosial yaitu social assistance, social insurance, social care, dan informal social protection bisa berbentuk formal maupun informal, yang ditemukan pada bentuk-bentuk kapital yang ada di Paguyuban Wayang Kulit. Kapital-kapital tersebut mendukung para paguyuban melakukan pementasan virtual di masa pandemi Covid-19. Terlebih lagi, kapital digital bermanfaat secara langsung sebagai perlindungan sosial di masa pandemi Covid-19,
ketika ada pelarangan pertunjukan seni budaya secara luring yang menimbulkan
kerumunan, maka pementasan wayang kulit virtual menjadi solusinya. Dengan demikian, pemerintah perlu membuat kebijakan yang mengarah kepada dukungan kapital digital untuk para seniman tradisi. Apalagi, di era teknologi saat ini, seniman harus beradaptasi dengan teknologi agar dapat bertahan dari guncangan sosial maupun ekonomi, dan mengikuti perkembangan zaman
This study aims to describe social protection mechanisms (social assistance, social insurance, social care, and informal social protection) which can be seen from forms of capital’s conversion, such as; social capital, political capital, economic capital, personal capital, cultural capital, and digital capital. The study was conducted during the Covid- 19 pandemic in three Wayang Kulit Associations in Yogyakarta, namely the WL WayangKulit Association, the GP Wayang Kulit Association, and the SK Wayang KulitAssociation. This study uses a qualitative research method with a case study approach with data collection techniques with interviews, observations, and digital ethnography social media such as Youtube and Instagram. The three Wayang Kulit Paguyuban were chosen because they were still able to survive the Covid-19 pandemic by continuing to hold virtual shadow puppet shows. The findings of this study are forms of social protection, namely social assistance, social insurance, social care, and informal social protection can be in the form of formal or informal, which are found in the forms of capital that exist in the Paguyuban Wayang Kulit. These capitals support community groups to perform virtual performances during the Covid-19 pandemic. Moreover, digital capital is directly useful as social protection during the Covid-19 pandemic, when thereis a ban on offline cultural arts performances that cause crowds, then virtual shadow puppet performances are the solution. Thus, the government needs to make policies that lead to digital capital support for traditional artists. Moreover, in the current era of technology, artists must adapt to technology in order to survive social and economic shocks, and keep up with the modernization."
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Indonesia, 2021