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Abstrak :
Gizi buruk merupakan masalah kesehatan masyarakat yang penting di Indonesia. Gizi buruk menyebabkan penderita rentan terhadap infeksi. Infeksi merupakan faktor langsung yang mempengaruhi gizi buruk. Infestasi parasit usu mengakibatkan penderita gizi buruk menjadi lebih buruk lagi, sehingga menghambat usaha pemberantasan gizi buruk di masyarakat. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pravalensi infestasi parasit usus pada balita penderita gizi buruk dan distribusi pravalensinya berdasarkan faktor risiko. Subyek penelitian adalah semua balita gizi buruk di puskesmas Kasihan I dan II, Bantul, Yogyakarta. Kuesioner dan catatan medik untuk mendapatkan data faktor risiko yaitu akses dengan pelayanan kesehatan, tingkat pendidikan orang tua, riwayat infeksi kronis dan tingkat sosial ekonomi. Pemeriksaan feses dengan metode langsung dan tidak langsung untuk menemukan sista atau telur cacing, dilakukan sebanyak dua kali dengan pemeriksa berbeda. Prevalensi infestasi protozoa usus pada balita penderita gizi buruk adalah Entamoeba histolytica (56,52%), Entamoeba coli (43,48%), Giardia lamblia (52,17%), cacing tambang (13,04%) dan Entrobius vermicularis (8,69%). Kondisi yang menonjol pada keluarga balita gizi buruk adalah 84% berstatus sosial ekonomi rencah, 96% orang tua berpendidikan rendah dan sedang serta 40% mempunyai sarana sanitasi memadai, 64% terinfeksi penyakit kronis.
610 MUM 10:2(2010)
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Suaydiy Okdiyanzah
Abstrak :
Banyak manfaat didapatkan dari mengkonsumsi sayuran. Namun sayuran dapat menjadi perantara penularan parasit usus (STH dan kista protozoa) dan meningkatkan angka kesakitan akibat infeksi ini. Berbagai penelitian membuktikan kontaminasi parasit usus diberbagai sayuran dengan jumlah beragam. Hal ini diperburuk dengan kebiasaan mengkonsumsi sayuran mentah (lalapan) di Indonesia. Maka dilakukanlah penelitian pada kubis karena sering dikonsumsi mentah. Penelitian ini ingin mengetahui perbedaan jumlah kontaminasi parasit usus yang ditemukan pada kubis pasar tradisional dan pasar swalayan serta ingin mengetahui efektifitas perendaman antara larutan garam-cuka dengan air. Penelitian ini adalah cross sectional dengan menggunakan 20 sampel kubis pasar tradisional dan 20 sampel kubis pasar swalayan yang dibeli secara acak di lima wilayah Jakarta. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan perbedaan bermakna (p=0,006) jumlah parasit yang ditemukan pada kubis pasar tradisional (2570 parasit) dan kubis pasar swalayan (1610 parasit). Ditemukan pada seluruh sampel (tradisional dan swalayan) terkontaminasi STH, 9 dari 20 sampel kubis pasar tradisional dan 7 dari 20 sampel kubis pasar swalayan terkontaminasi kista protozoa. Didapatkan pula perbedaan bermakna (p<0,05) jumlah parasit usus pada kubis yang direndam dengan larutan garam-cuka dibandingkan dengan air. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian ini jumlah parasit pada kubis pasar tradisional jauh lebih tinggi dan perendaman dengan larutan garam-cuka lebih baik dibandingkan dengan air.
We can get a lot of benefit by consuming vegetables. But, vegetables also can be a medium to transmit parasites (STH and protozoa) and increase the morbidity because of infection. Some researches proved parasites contamination in any vegetables with vary of number. It is worsen by a habit to consume raw vegetables (lalap) in Indonesia. This research was done by using cabbage that often consume uncooked. This research wants to know the difference parasites quantity in cabbage from traditional and modern market and also the effectiveness between salt-acid solution and water as immersion medium. This cross-sectional research use 20 samples of cabbages from traditional market and 20 samples of cabbages from modern market in Jakarta. The result show a different parasites quantity (p value = 0,006) between cabbage from traditional market (2570 parasites) and modern market (1610 parasites). All of samples (traditional and modern market) are contaminated by STH, 9 of 20 cabbages from traditional market and 7 of 20 cabbages from modern market are contaminated by protozoa. And also there is a different parasites quantity (p value < 0,05) found in cabbage using salt-acid solution then water only. As conclusion number of parasites found in cabbages from traditional market is higher than cabbages from modern market and using salt-acid as immersion medium is better than water only.
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2014
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Abstrak :
[Infeksi parasit usus merupakan infeksi yang banyak terjadi di daerah tropis dan subtropis terutama daerah dengan fasilitas sanitasi, air dan kebersihan yang tidak adekuat. Terbatasnya sumber air konsumsi diperkirakan menjadi penyebab tingginya infeksi. Anak-anak merupakan populasi yang rentan terhadap infeksi parasit usus. Penelitian bertujuan mengetahui prevalensi infeksi parasit usus pada anak-anak dan hubungannya dengan sumber air konsumsi. Penelitian dilakukan di TPA Bantar Gebang Bekasi, Jawa Barat tahun 2012. Metode penelitian yaitu Cross-Sectional. Pengambilan data melalui kuesioner dan pemeriksaan feses yang melibatkan 139 anak usia 0-15 tahun. Pemeriksaan feses menggunakan metode Kato Katz dan teknik identifikasi protozoa usus dengan larutan lugol atau eosin. Data yang diperoleh diproses dengan SPSS versi 16.0 dan dianalisis dengan uji Chi-square. Hasil penelitian menunjukan prevalensi infeksi parasit usus 72,7%. Infeksi disebabkan oleh Blastocystis hominis 53,5%, Giardia lamblia 30,9%, Trichuris trichura 20,9%, Ascaris lumbricoides 4,3% dan Entamoeba histolytica 2%. Uji Chi-square tidak menunjukan perbedaan bermakna antara prevalensi infeksi parasit usus yang dihubungkan dengan sumber air konsumsi (p>0,05). Disimpulkan bahwa prevalensi infeksi parasit usus pada anak-anak di TPA Bantar Gebang tinggi dengan Blastocystis hominis merupakan parasit yang paling banyak menginfeksi. Selain itu, sumber air konsumsi tidak berhubungan dengan infeksi parasit usus.;Intestinal parasitic infection is the most infection in tropic and subtropics regions where sanitation facilities, water and hygiene are inadequate. Limited of consumption water resource is estimated to be the cause of high infection. Children is a susceptible population of intestinal parasitic infection. The aim of this study was determine the prevalence of intestinal parasitic infection among children and its relationship with consumption water resource. This study was conducted in TPA Bantar Gebang Bekasi, West Java on 2012. The method of study was cross-sectional. Data was collected by questioner and stool examination on 139 children within 0-15 years old. Stool examination was determined using Kato Kats method and intestinal protozoa identification technique using lugol or eosin solution. Data was processed by SPSS version 16.0 and analyzed by Chi-square test. The result showed prevalence of intestinal parasitic infection was 72,7%. The infection caused by Blastocystis hominis (53,5%), Giardia lamblia (30,9%), Trichuris trichura (20,9%), Ascaris lumbricoides (4,3%) and Entamoeba histolytica (2%). Chi-square test did not showed significant difference of prevalence of intestinal parasitic infection and its relationship with consumption water resource (p>0,05). In conclusion, prevalence of intestinal parasitic infection among children in TPA Bantar Gebang was high that mostly caused by Blastocystis hominis. Moreover, consumption water resource had not relationship with prevalence of intestinal parasitic infection.;Intestinal parasitic infection is the most infection in tropic and subtropics regions where sanitation facilities, water and hygiene are inadequate. Limited of consumption water resource is estimated to be the cause of high infection. Children is a susceptible population of intestinal parasitic infection. The aim of this study was determine the prevalence of intestinal parasitic infection among children and its relationship with consumption water resource. This study was conducted in TPA Bantar Gebang Bekasi, West Java on 2012. The method of study was cross-sectional. Data was collected by questioner and stool examination on 139 children within 0-15 years old. Stool examination was determined using Kato Kats method and intestinal protozoa identification technique using lugol or eosin solution. Data was processed by SPSS version 16.0 and analyzed by Chi-square test. The result showed prevalence of intestinal parasitic infection was 72,7%. The infection caused by Blastocystis hominis (53,5%), Giardia lamblia (30,9%), Trichuris trichura (20,9%), Ascaris lumbricoides (4,3%) and Entamoeba histolytica (2%). Chi-square test did not showed significant difference of prevalence of intestinal parasitic infection and its relationship with consumption water resource (p>0,05). In conclusion, prevalence of intestinal parasitic infection among children in TPA Bantar Gebang was high that mostly caused by Blastocystis hominis. Moreover, consumption water resource had not relationship with prevalence of intestinal parasitic infection., Intestinal parasitic infection is the most infection in tropic and subtropics regions where sanitation facilities, water and hygiene are inadequate. Limited of consumption water resource is estimated to be the cause of high infection. Children is a susceptible population of intestinal parasitic infection. The aim of this study was determine the prevalence of intestinal parasitic infection among children and its relationship with consumption water resource. This study was conducted in TPA Bantar Gebang Bekasi, West Java on 2012. The method of study was cross-sectional. Data was collected by questioner and stool examination on 139 children within 0-15 years old. Stool examination was determined using Kato Kats method and intestinal protozoa identification technique using lugol or eosin solution. Data was processed by SPSS version 16.0 and analyzed by Chi-square test. The result showed prevalence of intestinal parasitic infection was 72,7%. The infection caused by Blastocystis hominis (53,5%), Giardia lamblia (30,9%), Trichuris trichura (20,9%), Ascaris lumbricoides (4,3%) and Entamoeba histolytica (2%). Chi-square test did not showed significant difference of prevalence of intestinal parasitic infection and its relationship with consumption water resource (p>0,05). In conclusion, prevalence of intestinal parasitic infection among children in TPA Bantar Gebang was high that mostly caused by Blastocystis hominis. Moreover, consumption water resource had not relationship with prevalence of intestinal parasitic infection.]
Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2014
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Abstrak :
[Di Indonesia, kubis sering dikonsumsi mentah sebagai lalapan, hal ini dapat meningkatkan kejadian infeksi parasit usus. Adanya asumsi masayarakat mengenai perbedaan kebersihan antara sayuran dari pasar tradisional dan swalayan. Untuk itu, dilakukan penelitian mengenai prevalensi kontaminasi parasit usus pada sayuran kubis di pasar tradisional dan swalayan Jakarta. Jenis penelitian yang digunakan adalah studi potong lintang analitik observasional. Sampel sayuran kubis yang berasal dari 20 pasar tradisional dan 20 pasar swalayan Jakarta. 100 gram kubis dari setiap sampel direndam selama 24 jam dengan larutan garam jenuh. Air rendaman disaring kemudian disentrifugasi (teknik sedimentasi). Hasil endapan dilihat dibawah mikroskop untuk identifikasi kontaminasi parasit usus jenis STH dan protozoa. Didapatkan 100% kubis di pasar tradisional dan 90% di pasar swalayan positif terkontaminasi parasit usus. Total jumlah parasit usus yang ditemukan 3530/mL(55,5% pasar tradisional, 44,5% pasar swalayan). Hasil penelitian menunjukan perbedaan yang bermakna antara kontaminasi parasit usus di pasar tradisional dan swalayan(p< 0,05). Telur A.lumbricoides terbanyak ditemukan di kedua jenis pasar. Penggunaan larutan garam jenuh sebagai media perendaman bermakna dibandingkan dengan air sebagai kontrol (p<0,05). Dengan demikian, jenis pasar tempat menjual sayuran kubis bermakna terhadap kontaminasi parasit usus.;In Indonesia, cabbage are often eaten raw as salad, it can increase the incidence of intestinal parasitic infections. An assumption of the community regarding the cleanliness difference between vegetables from traditional markets and supermarkets.Therefore, a research on the prevalence of intestinal parasitic contamination on cabbages in traditional markets and supermarkets Jakarta need to be done. This type of research is observational analytic cross-sectional study. Cabbage samples was taken from 20 traditional markets and 20 supermarkets in Jakarta. 100 gram cabbages from each samples were immersed in saturated salt solution for 24 hours. Soaking water is filtered and then centrifuged (sedimentation technique). Immersion in water was done as a control. Precipitated seen under a microscope to identify the type of intestinal parasites contamination, STH and protozoa. As the results, 100% of cabbage in the traditional markets and 90% in supermarkets were contaminated by intestinal parasites. The total number of intestinal parasites found 3530/mL (55.5% traditional markets, supermarkets 44.5%). The results showed a significant difference between intestinal parasite contamination in traditional markets and supermarkets(p <0.05). The most number eggs contamination are A.lumbricoidesfound in both types of markets. The use of saturated salt solution as an immersion medium significantly compared with water as the control(p <0.05). Thus, the type of marketselling cabbage significantly to contamination of intestinal parasites.;In Indonesia, cabbage are often eaten raw as salad, it can increase the incidence of intestinal parasitic infections. An assumption of the community regarding the cleanliness difference between vegetables from traditional markets and supermarkets.Therefore, a research on the prevalence of intestinal parasitic contamination on cabbages in traditional markets and supermarkets Jakarta need to be done. This type of research is observational analytic cross-sectional study. Cabbage samples was taken from 20 traditional markets and 20 supermarkets in Jakarta. 100 gram cabbages from each samples were immersed in saturated salt solution for 24 hours. Soaking water is filtered and then centrifuged (sedimentation technique). Immersion in water was done as a control. Precipitated seen under a microscope to identify the type of intestinal parasites contamination, STH and protozoa. As the results, 100% of cabbage in the traditional markets and 90% in supermarkets were contaminated by intestinal parasites. The total number of intestinal parasites found 3530/mL (55.5% traditional markets, supermarkets 44.5%). The results showed a significant difference between intestinal parasite contamination in traditional markets and supermarkets(p <0.05). The most number eggs contamination are A.lumbricoidesfound in both types of markets. The use of saturated salt solution as an immersion medium significantly compared with water as the control(p <0.05). Thus, the type of marketselling cabbage significantly to contamination of intestinal parasites., In Indonesia, cabbage are often eaten raw as salad, it can increase the incidence of intestinal parasitic infections. An assumption of the community regarding the cleanliness difference between vegetables from traditional markets and supermarkets.Therefore, a research on the prevalence of intestinal parasitic contamination on cabbages in traditional markets and supermarkets Jakarta need to be done. This type of research is observational analytic cross-sectional study. Cabbage samples was taken from 20 traditional markets and 20 supermarkets in Jakarta. 100 gram cabbages from each samples were immersed in saturated salt solution for 24 hours. Soaking water is filtered and then centrifuged (sedimentation technique). Immersion in water was done as a control. Precipitated seen under a microscope to identify the type of intestinal parasites contamination, STH and protozoa. As the results, 100% of cabbage in the traditional markets and 90% in supermarkets were contaminated by intestinal parasites. The total number of intestinal parasites found 3530/mL (55.5% traditional markets, supermarkets 44.5%). The results showed a significant difference between intestinal parasite contamination in traditional markets and supermarkets(p <0.05). The most number eggs contamination are A.lumbricoidesfound in both types of markets. The use of saturated salt solution as an immersion medium significantly compared with water as the control(p <0.05). Thus, the type of marketselling cabbage significantly to contamination of intestinal parasites.]
Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2014
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Linton, Alan H.
New York: John Wiley & Sons, 1982
616.01 LIN m
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Fanny Anggraeni Octoviani
Abstrak :
Giardiasis adalah infeksi parasit yang disebabkan oleh Giardia intestinalis, yang pada umumnya dialami oleh anak-anak. Giardia intestinalis merupakan penyebab infeksi terbanyak di negara berkembang, termasuk Indonesia yang berdampak pada tumbuh kembang anak dan fungsi kognitifnya serta dapat menjadi sumber infeksi (carrier) bagi lingkungannya. Pemeriksaan yang dipakai pada penelitian ini dengan mikroskopik langsung dan pemeriksaan coproantigen, untuk mendiagnosis Giardiasis. Adapun tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah mengevaluasi pemeriksaan coproantigen pada anak-anak dengan stunting dengan dan tanpa gejala dibandingkan dengan pemeriksaan mikroskopik. Penelitian ini bersifat uji diagnosis pada coproantigen dengan mikroskopik sebagai standar baku pemeriksaan Giardiasis dengan desain potong lintang. Penelitian ini menggunakan sampel koleksi pada populasi anak stunting di Bandung yang dikumpulkan pada bulan Januari-Maret 2020 kemudian dilakukan pemeriksaan di Departemen Parasitologi FKUI. Pada pemeriksaan mikroskopik langsung pada 99 sampel anak dengan stunting didapatkan hasil positif Giardia intestinalis 9,1% (9 sampel), Blastocyst hominis 3% (3 sampel), Entamoeba coli 1% (1 sampel) sedangkan pemeriksaan coproantigen didapatkan 6 sampel positif (6,1%), dan negatif ada 93 sampel (93,9%). Nilai sensitivitas coproantigen 55,5%, sedangkan spesifisitasnya 98,8%, PPV 83,33%, NPV 95,7%. Kesimpulannya pada alat tersebut memiliki spesifisitas tinggi, namun sensitivitas masih rendah sehingga diperlukan alat diagnostik yang lain, namun bisa dipakai sebagai alat skrining pada anak-anak sehingga dapat mencegah kejadian kurang gizi (stunting), karena paling cepat dan bisa dalam jumlah sampel yang besar. Penggunaan alat ini masih perlu dilakukan penelitian lanjutan. Untuk saat ini alat diagnostik yang tepat sebagai standar baku menggunakan pemeriksaan mikroskopik karena lebih murah dan dapat mendeteksi tidak hanya satu parasit saja, namun bisa pada beberapa parasit, namun membutuhkan keahlian dari individu. ......Giardiasis is a parasitic infection caused by Giardia intestinalis, which is commonly experienced by children. Giardia intestinalis is the most common cause of infection in developing countries, including Indonesia, which has an impact on children's growth and development and cognitive function and can be a source of infection (carrier) for the environment. The examination used in this study was direct microscopy and coproantigen examination, to diagnose Giardiasis. The purpose of this study was to evaluate coproantigen examination in stunted children with and without symptoms compared with microscopic examination. This study is a diagnostic test on coproantigen with a microscope as the standard for Giardiasis examination with a cross-sectional design. This study uses a sample collection of the stunting child population in Bandung which was collected in January-March 2020 and then examined at the Department of Parasitology FKUI. On direct microscopic examination of 99 samples of children with stunting, the positive results were Giardia intestinalis 9.1% (9 samples), Blastocyst hominis 3% (3 samples), Entamoeba coli 1% (1 sample) while the coproantigen examination found 6 positive samples 6 samples. (6,1%), and negative there were 93 samples (93.9%). The sensitivity value of coproantigen was 55.5%, while the specificity was 98.8%, PPV 83.33%, NPV 95.7%. The conclusion is that this tool has high specificity, but its sensitivity is still low, so another diagnostic tool is needed, but it can be used as a screening tool in children so that it can prevent stunting, because it is the fastest and can be in a large number of samples. The use of this tool still needs further research. For now, the right diagnostic tool as a standard is using microscopic examination because it is cheaper and can detect not only one parasite, but can be in several parasites, but requires expertise from the individual.
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2022
UI - Tugas Akhir  Universitas Indonesia Library
Abstrak :
Many infectious diseases of recent concern, including malaria, cholera, plague, and Lyme disease, have emerged from complex ecological communities, involving multiple hosts and their associated parasites. Several of these diseases appear to be influenced by human impacts on the environment, such as intensive agriculture, clear-cut forestry, and habitat loss and fragmentation; such environmental impacts may affect many species that occur at trophic levels below or above the hostcommunity. These observations suggest that the prevalence of both human and wildlife diseases may be altered in unanticipated ways by changes in the structure and composition of ecological communities. Predicting the epidemiological ramifications of such alteration in community composition will require strengthening the current union between community ecology and epidemiology.
Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2006
614.5 DIS
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Deverall, Brian J.
Cambridge, UK: Cambridge Univesity Press, 1977
632.32 DEV d
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Rudolf Toman, editors
Abstrak :
Coxiella burnetii is the etiological agent of Q fever, a zoonotic disease found worldwide. The bacterium is a fascinating example of intracellular parasitism that has uniquely evolved to thrive in the most inhospitable of cellular compartments-the phagolysosome. Understanding how C. burnetii resists the degradative functions of this vacuole, and the host cell functions coopted for successful parasitism, are central to understanding Q fever pathogenesis. Recent achievements in glycomics and proteomics are guiding development of enhanced detection schemes for the bacterium in addition to shedding light on the host immune response to the pathogen. Several chapters survey immune functions that control or potentially exacerbate Coxiella infection and delve into correlates of protective immunity elicited by vaccination. Comparative genomics is also the foundation of chapters discussing diagnostic antigen discovery and molecular typing of the bacterium, with significance for development of new clinical, epidemiologic, and forensic tools.
Dordrecht: [Springer, ], 2012
eBooks  Universitas Indonesia Library