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Jeremy Lee
Abstrak :
Nannochloropsis spp. adalah mikroalga yang menghasilkan asam omega-3 eicosapentaenoic (EPA) dan protein kasar bernilai tinggi, di mana keduanya bermanfaat bagi kesehatan dan diet manusia. Ekstraksi protein dari non-defatted, ethanol-defatted, dan isopropanol-defatted Nannochloropsis kering menggunakan Aqueous Two-Phase Systems (ATPS) dilakukan. Kurva binodal pertama kali ditentukan secara eksperimental dengan bahan yang digunakan: polietilen glikol (PEG) 400, 1000, dan 4000 terhadap buffer fosfat (K2HPO4-KH2PO4) dengan pH 9. Diketahui bahwa protein larut dalam PEG, menghasilkan total konsentrasi protein dalam fase atas. Memvariasikan berat molekul PEG memberikan efek yang dapat diamati pada kurva binodal; semakin tinggi berat molekul, semakin dekat kurva ke sumbu x dan y. Mengindikasikan bahwa berat molekul PEG yang lebih tinggi meningkatkan kemungkinan dua solusi terpisah menjadi beberapa lapisan. Selain itu, Tie Line Length (TLL) dengan nilai rata-rata 40% (w / w) dipilih untuk semua PEG untuk menstandarisasi komposisi akhir. Selain itu, protein di lapisan atas ditentukan menggunakan uji protein Lowry dengan spektrofotometer pada absorbansi 750 nm. Hasil menunjukkan bahwa biomassa yang tidak dihilangkan lemaknya dalam PEG400 menghasilkan pemulihan protein terbanyak pada 21,73%, diikuti oleh biomassa yang dihilangkan lemaknya oleh etanol di PEG400 dan biomassa yang dihilangkan lemaknya oleh isopropanol di PEG400 masing-masing dengan protein 12,67% dan 10,98% yang pulih. Diperkirakan bahwa mayoritas protein terdenaturasi selama proses penghilangan lemak menjadikannya tidak larut, dan  menghasilkan kadar protein yang rendah. Pemanfaatan biomassa mikroalga basah diduga dapat mengatasi masalah ini untuk penelitian di masa depan.
Nannochloropsis spp. is a microalga which produces high-value omega-3 eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) and crude protein, where both are beneficial for human health and diet. Protein extraction from non-defatted, ethanol-defatted, and isopropanol-defatted dried Nannochloropsis biomass using Aqueous Two-Phase Systems (ATPS) was performed. Binodal curves were first determined experimentally for the solutions used: polyethylene glycol (PEG) 400, 1000, and 4000 against phosphate (K2HPO4-KH2PO4) buffer with pH 9. It is known that proteins are soluble in PEG, yielding the total protein concentrates in the top phase. Varying molecular weights of PEG gave observable effects on the binodal curves; the higher the molecular weight, the closer the curve was to the x and y axis. Indicating that higher molecular weight of PEG increases the chance of the two solutions separating into layers. Furthermore, a Tie Line Length (TLL) with average value of 40% (w/w) was selected for all PEGs to standardize the final composition. Additionally, proteins in the top layers were determined using the Lowry protein assay with a spectrophotometer at 750 nm absorbance. Results showed that non-defatted biomass in PEG400 yielded the most protein recovery at 21.73%, followed by ethanol-defatted biomass in PEG400 and isopropanol-defatted biomass in PEG400 with 12.67% and 10.98% protein recovered, respectively. It is suspected that the majority of the protein denatured during the defatting process making them insoluble, hence, the low protein yields. Utilization of wet microalga biomass might overcome this issue for future research.
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2019
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Abstrak :
Limbah minyak bumi dapat menghambat atau mengurangi transmisi cahaya matahari ke dalam laut. Hal tersebut dapat menghambat pertumbuhan mikro alga yang memanfaatkan cahaya matahari untuk melakukan fotosintesis. Limbah tersebut dapat menghasilkan material toksik yang akan terakumulasi pada sedimen yang tercemar minyak bumi. Penelitian ini bersifat eksperimental dengan 6 perlakuandan 3 ulangan. Perlakuan dalam penelitian adalah sedimen dengan penambahan minyak (A), sedimen yang tercemar minyak yang dibioremediasi dengan penambahan kultur tunggal bakteri (B), sedimen tercemar minyak yang dibioremediasi dengan penambahan konsorsium bakteri (C), sedimen yang tercemar minyak yang dibioremediasi dengan penambahan pupuk (D), sedimen yang tercemar minyak dengan penambahan kultur tunggal bakteri dan pupuk (E), dan sedimen tercemar minyak yang dibioremediasi dengan penambahan konsorsium bakteri dan pupuk (F). Kontrol yang digunakan adalah air laut yang sudah diautoklaf dan ditambahkan media WalnenonEDTA. Data yang didapat kemudian dihitung menggunakan program TOXSTAT yangber basis ANOVA. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa sedimen tercemar minyak tidak secara signifikan memengaruhi pertumbuhan Pavlovasp.
Crude oil waste can detain or reduce the penetration of sunlight into the sea. This may decelerate the growth of microalgae that needs the sunlight to make photosynthesis. Crude oil waste can produce toxic materials which accumulate in the crude oil contaminated sediment. This is an experimental research with 6 treatment and 3 replicates. The treatments in this experiment are sediment with crude oil (A), bioremediated crude oil-contaminated sediment with the addition of single culture bacteria (B), bioremediated crude oil-contaminated sediment with the addition of consortium bacteria (C), bioremediated crude oil-contaminated sediment with the addition of fertilizer (D), bioremediated crudeoil-contaminated sediment with the addition of single culture bacteria and fertilizer (E), and bioremediated crudeoil-contaminated sediment with the addition of consortium bacteria and fertilizer. Control in this experiment was auto claved sea water with the addition of Walnemedianon EDTA. The data was calculated using TOXSTAT program which is based on the ANOVA. Result shows that the crude oil contaminated sediment does not affect the growth of Pavlovasp significantly.
Depok: Fakultas Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam Universitas Indonesia, 2010
UI - Skripsi Open  Universitas Indonesia Library
Hannie Puspaananda
Abstrak :
Asam dokosaheksanoat (DHA) merupakan asam lemak omega-3 esensial yang berperan penting terhadap kerja otak, jaringan saraf serta retina. Saat ini, mikroalga mendapat perhatian sebagai sumber alternatif yang potensial dalam menghasilkan asam lemak omega-3, yang biasanya didapatkan dari produk ikan. Sebagai sumber DHA konvensional, minyak ikan memiliki kandungan DHA yang rendah, yang dapat memicu penangkapan ikan berlebihan (over fishing) apabila dibutuhkan jumlah DHA yang banyak. Mikroalga Thraustocytrids ditengarai sebagai mikroalga yang sangat potensial dalam menghasilkan DHA. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendapatkan isolat mikroalga Thraustocytrids yang mampu menghasilkan (DHA). Mikroalga Thraustochytrids diisolasi dari guguran daun mangrove yang terletak di Kawasan Mangrove Lampung dengan metode direct planting. Mikroalga yang tumbuh diamati morfologinya dengan mikroskop cahaya. Koloni Thraustochytrids yang tumbuh dipurifikasi hingga dihasilkan koloni tunggal yang selanjutnya diperbanyak dan dibuat biomassanya. Asam lemak diekstraksi dan dimetilasi dengan metode direct transesterification serta diidentifikasi kandungan DHAnya dengan menggunakan Kromatografi Gas- Spektrofotometri Massa. Hasil identifikasi menunjukkan terdapat DHA pada sampel minyak mikroalga Thraustochytrids. Keberadaan DHA dipastikan oleh kecocokan fragmentasi massa DHA sampel dan fragmentasi massa DHA pada database spektrum massa NIST (National Institute of Standards and Technology).
Docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) is an omega-3 fatty acid that is essential for the proper functioning of the brain, neural tissues and retina. In recent years, microalgae have gained attention as a potential alternative source of omega-3 fatty acid, which are commonly sourced from fish stocks. Fish stocks, as the conventional source of DHA have a very low concentration of DHA, which could bring overfishing issue as an impact of getting a high concentration of DHA. Thraustochytrids is known as a potential microalgae source of DHA. The purpose of this study is to isolate a Thraustochytrids microalgae that can produce DHA. Thraustochytrids microalgae were isolated from fallen mangrove leaves at Lampung Mangrove Zone with direct planting technique. The morphology of growing microalgae was observed with light microscope. The growing Thraustochytrids colony was purified until a single colony was obtained. The selected colony was cultured and was dried to make its biomass. Fatty acid was extracted and methylated using direct transesterification method. The presence of DHA in microalgae isolate was identified with Gas Chromatography- Mass Spectrophotometer. The result of DHA identification proved that the isolate of Thraustochytrids microalgae was contained DHA. The presence of DHA in the microalgae oil sample was confirmed by the similarity of DHA mass fragmentation in the sample and DHA mass fragmentation in NIST (National Institute of Standards and Technology) Library Database.
Depok: Fakultas Farmasi Universitas Indonesia, 2012
UI - Skripsi Open  Universitas Indonesia Library
Nining Betawati Prihantini
Abstrak :
Eksplorasi mikroalga di kawasan perairan kampus Universitas Indonesia, telah dilakukan sejak tahun 1989 sampai 2005. Eksplorasi dilakukan untuk mengetahui dan mendata kekayaan jenis-jenis mikroalga di kawasan tersebut (Situ Kenanga, Situ Agathis. Situ Mahoni, Situ Puspa, Situ Ulin, dan Situ Salam). Penelitian bersifat deskriptif. Dari keenam Situ yang ada, Situ Kenanga dan Situ Agathis merupakan habitat yang kaya dengan jenis-jenis mikroalga dari kelompok Cyanobacteria dan Chlorophyta- Sekurang-kurangnya terdapat 40 marga dapat ditemukan di kedua situ tersebut. Marga-marga tersebut terdiri atas 10 genera dari Cyanobacteria dan 30 genera dari Chlorophyta, Marga-marga Cyanobacteria yang umum ditemukan adalah Oscitlatoria (3 jenis), dan Microcystis (1 jenis). Sedangkan jenis-jenis Chlorophyta yang umum ditemukan adalah Scenedesmus (4 jenis), Chlorella, Pediastrum (2 jenis), Pandorina, dan Coelastrum (2 jenis). Beberapa jenis mikroalga yang ditemukan meiimpah pada beberapa tahun yang lalu diketahui mulai sulit ditemukan, antara lain Anabaena, Anabaenopsis. Gloeocapsa, Lyngbia. Ankistrodesmus, Arthrodesmus, Bulbochaete, Pithopora. Pleodorina, dan Zygnema. Keberadaan beberapa jenis mikroalga asli (indigenous species) dari perairan Ul semakin sulit ditemukan. Oleh karena itu. konservasi ex situ penting segera direalisasi untuk mencegah hilangnya jenis-jenis mikroalga asli dari perairan kampus UI. Depok.
Cyanobacteria and Chlorophyta of Kenanga and Agathis Lake of Indonesia University, Depok: The exploration of microalgae from water area of University of Indonesia (UI) campus was done since 1989 to 2005. Exploration was done to understand and collect the data of microalgae genus richness from this area (Kenanga, Agathis, Mahoni. Puspa, Ulin, dan Salam lake). The research was descriptive study. Among the six lakes locating at Ul, Kenanga dan Agathis lakes are rich habitat of microalgae species of Cyanobacteria and Chlorophyta. At least there are 40 genera found at those two (2) lakes. Those are 10 genera of Cyanobacteria and 30 genera of Chlorophyta. Cyanobacteria genera which commonly found are Oscillatoria (3 species) dan Microcystis (1 species). Common Chlorophyta genera, whereas, are Scenedesmus (4 species), Chlorella, Pediastrum (2 species), Pandorina. dan Coelastrum (2 species). Some genera, which found abandontly several years ago, are known difficult to be found, such as Anabaena, Anabaenopsis, Gloeocapsa, Lyngbia, Ankistrodesmus, Arthrodesmus, Bulbochaete, Pithopora, Pleodorina, and Zygnema. The occurance of several indigenous species microalgae from UI area are difficult to be found more and more. Because of that, the ex-situ conservation is important to realize immediately to prevent dissapearance of indigenous species microalgae from waters area of UI campus, Depok.
[place of publication not identified]: Sains Indonesia, 2005
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Nining Betawati Prihantini
Abstrak :
Telah dilakukan eksplorasi mikroalga laut di perairan Pulau Pramuka, Kepulauan Seribu pada bulan September 2004. Penelitian merupakan studi pendahuluan dalam suatu rangkaian penelitian eksplorasi mikroalga?termasuk isolasi dan koleksi?dalam rangka pemanfaatan sumber daya miroalga yang berkesinambungan. Penelitian dilakukan di perairan Pulau Pramuka dengan titik pengambilan sesuai arah mata angin (utara, timur, selatan, barat) Pulau Pramuka. Pada pengamatan awal diketahui 20 genus ditemukan di perairan Pulau Pramuka yaitu dari divisi Cyanophyta/ Cyanobacteria (1 genus), Chromophyta kelas Bacillariophyceae (16 genus), dan Dinophyta (3 genus). Mikroalga lain yang merupakan anggota 3 divisi tersebut di atas dan anggota Chlorophyta serta Haptophyta juga ditemukan, tetapi belum dapat diidentifikasi karena berukuran sangat kecil. Penelitian lanjutan mengenai keanekaragaman mikroalga masih sangat dibutuhkan untuk mengetshui studi flora mikroalga di Kepulauan Seribu dengan lebih teliti dan rinci.
Preliminary Study on Marine Microalgae from Pramuka Island Waters, Thousand Islands: The exploration on marine microalgae from Pramuka Island waters has been done on September 2004. The research is one of the parts of microalgae exploration researches?including isolation and collection?that aim to invent and apply the advantages of microafgae as natural resources, continuously. The sampling site based on the compass direction i.e. north, east, south, and west of Pramuka Island. In the first examination have been found 20 genera from 3 divisions could be found in Pramuka Island waters. Those are 1 genus of Cyanophyta/ Cyanobacteria, 16 genus of Bacillariophyceae of Chromophyta, and 3 genus of Dinophyta. Other microalgae from those three divisions and Chlorophyta and Haptophyta also can be found but still very difficult to be identify, because the microalgae is very tiny. Continued research on microalgae diversity still need to be done in order to better understanding the floristic study of microalgae from Thousand Islands.
[place of publication not identified]: Sains Indonesia, 2004
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Moch. Fierdaus
Abstrak :
Media culture is one of the important factors in the growth of mivroalgae. Culture medium contains macro and micro nutrition required for the growth of microalgae. Composition of nutrition concentrations determine the production of microalgae biomass and nutrient content. The aim of this study is to evaluate the effect of medium composition of media for microalgae Scenedesmus sp. This study was conducted in a laboratory scale. The growth medium that were used in this tudy were BBL sm, SS, MN, M4N, "Sederhana 2", and "Sederhana 3" medium. The microalgae that were used in this study were mixed culture Chlorophyceae microalgae which is dominated by scenedesmus sp. The parameters observed were pH, optical density (OD), cell density and temperature. the results show that of the 6 variations of the growth medium used in this study M4N medium is the best medium for the growth of microalgae. At the end of the operation, cell density of Scenedesmus sp. from M4N medium was 306.83 x 106 cell/ML with a dark green color for the culture. The coefficient growth of Scenedesmus sp. which is grown in M4N medium was 0,36. This is likely to be due to the composition of nutrients in the medium M4N which were more complete than other media.
Jakarta: LEMIGAS Research and Development Centre for Oil and Gas Technology Afilliation and Publication Division, 2015
620 SCI 38:2 (2015)
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
[Place of publication not identified]: [Publisher not identified], 2012
JITE 1(15)2012
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Edi Saadudin
[Place of publication not identified]: [Publisher not identified], 2011
KLET 10:2(2011)
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Onie Kristiawan
Abstrak :
Biodiesel dan biobutanol merupakan contoh sumber energi alternatif pengganti bahan bakar cair yang bersifat karbon netral dan mempunyai beberapa keunggulan dari segi lingkungan apabila dibandingkan dengan bahan bakar fosil. Biodiesel dapat diperoleh dari tanaman, dan juga mikroalga melalui proses ekstraksi. Sedangkan biobutanol dapat diperoleh melalui proses fermentasi. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui kemampuan bakteri C. acetobutylicum dalam memfermentasi mikroalga Nannochloropsis sp dalam menghasilkan biobutanol, serta pengaruhnya terhadap perolehan lipid. Fermentasi terhadap mikroalga Nannochloropsis sp untuk produksi biobutanol sebagai perlakuan awal sebelum ekstraksi lipid mikroalga. Fermentasi dilakukan menggunakan bakteri C. acetobutylicum selama 96 jam. Hasil yang diperoleh menunjukkan bakteri C. acetobutylicum mampu menghasilkan butanol 2.61 v/v sebagai hasil yang tertinggi. Proses tersebut menggunakan media hidrolisat dan biomassa mikroalga Nannochloropsis sp hasil hidrolisis viscozyme. Hasil ekstraksi lipid mikroalga Nannochloropsis sp menunjukkan hasil tertinggi dengan diperoleh lipid 25,4 per gram berat kering. Ekstraksi dilakukan pada hidrolisat dan biomassa hasil hidrolisis viscozyme yang tersisa setelah fermentasi.
Biodiesel and biobutanol are the examples of alternative energy sources to replace liquid fuel with the carbon neutral characteristic. It also has other benefits related to the environment compared with fossil fuel. Biodiesel can be obtained from plant and microalgae through the extraction process, while biobutanol obtained through fermentation. Fermentation used carbohydrates of microalgae cells wall or other parts as energy and carbon sources. The aim of this study is to determine the ability of C. acetobutylicum bacteria in the fermentation of Nannochloropsis sp microalgae to produce biobutanol, as well as its effect on lipid acquisition. Fermentation of Nannochloropsis sp microalgae for biobutanol production as an initial treatment before lipid extraction. Fermentation was performed with C. acetobutylicum bacteria for 96 hours. The result showed that C. acetobutylicum bacteria were able to produce 2.61 v v butanol as the highest result. This process used Nannochloropsis sp microalgae hydrolysates and biomass of viscozyme hydrolysis yield. The result of Nannochloropsis sp microalgae extraction also showed the highest lipid content 25.4 per gram dry weight. This used hydrolysates and biomass of viscozyme hydrolysis that remaining after fermentation as media.
Depok: Fakultas Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam Universitas Indonesia, 2018
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Kania Dyah Nastiti
Abstrak :
Mikroalga memiliki potensi tinggi untuk digunakan sebagai sumber biodiesel. Selain membutuhkan lahan dan air yang rendah, mikroalga memiliki produktivitas dan persentase lipid yang tinggi jika dibandingkan dengan generasi biodiesel sebelumnya.  Biomassa yang dihasilkan oleh mikroalga juga mempunyai nilai multifungsi menjadi obat, kosmetik, sumber pakan hewan. Synechococcus HS-9 dapat menjadi sumber biomassa yang menjanjikan karena memiliki kadar lipid yang tinggi. Komponen hidrodinamika fotobioreaktor sebagai wadah kultivasi Synechococcus HS-9 akan disimulasikan pada software ANSYS 18.2. Simulasi dilakukan untuk mengetahui aliran udara, air dan pencampuran yang terjadi. Hasil simulasi akan dioptimasi dengan Artificial Neural Network dan Genetic Algorithm agar didapatkan parameter hidrodinamika yang optimum. Melalui optimasi didapatkan nilai target turbulance eddy dissipation 3,198 m2/s3 dan viskositas eddy 0,184 Pa s. Nilai target tersebut akan dicapai pada kecepatan air 0,115 m/s, kecepatan udara 0,149 m/s, massa jenis 576,581 kg/m3, turbulance kinetic energy 0,021 m2/s2. Analisa Life Cycle Assesment yang dilakukan pada proses kultivasi dan panen menunjukan emisi terbesar pada marine aquatic ecotoxicity potential sebesar 4,09x105 kg DCB eq dengan isu penting terdapat pada penggunaan listrik PLN.  ......Microalgae have a high potential to be used as a source of biodiesel. In addition to requiring low land and water, microalgae have a high productivity and lipid percentage compared to the previous generation of biodiesel. Biomass produced by microalgae also has multifunctional value as medicine, cosmetics, and animal feed sources. Synechococcus HS-9 can be a promising source of biomass because it has high lipid content. The hydrodynamic components of the photobioreactor, as a container for the cultivation of Synechococcus HS-9, will be simulated in ANSYS 18.2. Simulations are carried out to determine the flow of air, water, and mixing. The simulation results optimized with Artificial Neural Network and Genetic Algorithm to obtain optimum hydrodynamic parameters. Through optimization, the target value of turbulence eddy dissipation is 3,198 m2/s3, and the eddy viscosity is 0,184 Pa s. The target value will be achieved at water velocity 0,115 m/s, air velocity 0,149 m/s, density 576,581 kg/m3, turbulence kinetic energy 0,021 m2/s2. Life Cycle Assessment analysis on the cultivation and harvesting process shows the largest emission in marine aquatic ecotoxicity potential of 4.09x105 kg DCB eq with a hotspot in the use of PLN electricity.
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2021
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
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