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Ditemukan 29 dokumen yang sesuai dengan query
Annisa Fathiyya Gabriella
Abstrak :
Latar belakang: Maloklusi skeletal menjadi salah satu etiologi asimetri mandibula karena dapat mengakibatkan distribusi tekanan yang abnormal pada permukaan kondilus mandibula. Asimetri mandibula sendiri adalah ketidakseimbangan atau disproporsionalitas antara sisi kanan dan kiri pada sepertiga bagian bawah wajah atau mandibula. Tujuan: Mengetahui perbedaan proporsi terjadinya asimetri mandibula antara pasien dengan pola skeletal yang berbeda. Metode: Studi analitik komparatif dengan desain cross-sectional pada 105 pasien di RSKGM FKG UI. Perhitungan menggunakan metode Kjellberg pada analisis radiograf panoramik secara digital melalui software EzOrtho. Hasil: Terdapat 55,2% subjek mengalami kejadian asimetri mandibula. Uji bivariat Pearson Chi Square menunjukkan terdapat perbedaan bermakna proporsi terjadinya asimetri mandibula antara pasien dengan pola skeletal kelas I, II dan III. Uji bivariat Continuity correction menunjukan terdapat perbedaan bermakna proporsi terjadinya asimetri mandibula pada kelompok pola skeletal kelas I dibandingkan dengan kelompok pola skeletal kelas III, dan terdapat perbedaan bermakna proporsi terjadinya asimetri mandibula pada kelompok pola skeletal kelas II dibandingkan dengan kelompok pola skeletal kelas III. Namun, tidak terdapat perbedaan bermakna proporsi terjadinya asimetri mandibula pada kelompok pola skeletal kelas I dibandingkan dengan kelompok pola skeletal kelas II. Kesimpulan: Terdapat perbedaan proporsi terjadinya asimetri mandibula pada pasien dengan pola skeletal yang berbeda. ......Background: Skeletal malocclusion is one of the etiology of mandibular asymmetry because it caused abnormal pressure distribution on the mandibular condyle’s surface. Mandibular asymmetry is an imbalance or disproportionality between the right and left sides of the lower third of the face or mandible. Aim: The aim of this study was to assess the difference in the proportion of mandibular asymmetry between patients with different skeletal patterns. Methods: A comparative analytical study with a cross-sectional design on 105 patients at RSKGM FKG UI were conducted. Calculations were performed using the Kjellberg method on digital panoramic radiographic analysis using EzOrtho software. Results: The results of this study showed that 55.2% of subjects experienced mandibular asymmetry. The Pearson Chi-Square bivariate test showed that there was a significant difference in the proportion of mandibular asymmetry between patients with class I, II, and III skeletal patterns. The bivariate continuity correction test showed that there was a significant difference in the proportion of mandibular asymmetry in the class I skeletal pattern group compared to the class III skeletal pattern group, and there was a significant difference in the proportion of mandibular asymmetry in class II skeletal pattern group compared to the class III skeletal pattern group. However, there was no significant difference in the proportion of mandibular asymmetry in the class I skeletal pattern group compared to the class II skeletal pattern group. Conclusion: There was a difference in the proportion of mandibular asymmetry in patients with different skeletal patterns.
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Gigi Universitas Indonesia, 2022
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Verry Herawan
Abstrak :
Latar Belakang: Kondilus mandibula sering terlibat dalam berbagai kondisi patologis seperti tumor dan cedera traumatis, dimana melibatkan kondilus mandibula sehingga memerlukan reseksi dan pengangkatannya. Ameloblastoma mencakup sekitar 14% dari semua tumor rahang dan kista dan merupakan tumor odontogenik yang prevalensinya paling tinggi di negara berkembang. Pelat rekonstruksi mandibula digunakan dalam bedah mulut dan maksilofasial untuk rekonstruksi defek mandibula. Karena mandibula memainkan peran sentral dalam fungsi dan estetika, hilangnya kontinuitas rahang dapat sangat merusak integritas rahang pasien, dan sangat mempengaruhi persepsi diri dan kepercayaan diri pasien. Saat ini, kemajuan teknologi tiga dimensi (3D) dapat digunakan untuk membuat model aloplastik untuk rekonstruksi mandibula. Tujuan Penelitian: Mengetahui dan menganalisis perbedaan perubahan posisi protesa kondilus pada pasien ameloblastoma pascareseksi disartikulasi yang menggunakan 3D Model STL dan tidak menggunakan 3D Model STL pre operasi pada kontrol 1 hari setelah operasi dan 6 bulan pascareseksi mandibula di Rumah Sakit Ciptomangunkusumo Jakarta periode 2015-2020. Metode Penelitian: 22 subjek penelitian panoramik diambil dari pasien Rumah Sakit Ciptomangunkusumo sesuai dengan kriteria inklusi dan ekslusi. Subjek penelitian dilihat perbedaan nilai rata-rata tinggi protesa kondilus antara 2 kelompok (dengan Model 3D STL dan tanpa Model 3D STL) pada 1 hari pascareseksi dan 6 bulan pascareseksi. Pengukuran dilakukan dengan menggunakan aplikasi IC Measure. Analisis data untuk melihat perbedaan nilai rata-rata letak posisi protesa kondilus antara 2 kelompok (dengan Model 3D STL dan tanpa Model 3D STL) pada 1 hari pasca reseksi dan 6 bulan pasca reseksi dilakukan dengan menggunakan Uji Dependent T.test dan Wilcoxon- Signed Rank test dan perbedaan nilai tinggi dan letak posisi protesa kondilus antara 2 kelompok (dengan Model 3D STL dan tanpa Model 3D STL) 1 hari pasca reseksi dan 6 bulan pasca reseksi dengan menggunakan Uji ANOVA. Hasil: Terdapat perbedaan ketinggian dengan nilai P sebesar P= 0,004 dan tidak terdapat perbedaan letak protesa yang signifikan secara statistik dengan nilai P sebesar P= 0,66 antara kontrol 1 hari pasca reseksi dan 6 bulan pasca reseksi dengan model 3D STL. Terdapat perbedaan ketinggian dengan nilai P sebesar P=0,005 dan tidak terdapat perbedaan letak protesa yang signifikan secara statistik dengan nilai P sebesar P= 0,76 antara kontrol 1 hari pascareseksi dan 6 bulan pascareseksi tanpa model 3D STL. Kesimpulan: tidak terdapat perbedaan ketinggian dan letak protesa pada fossa kondilus yang signifikan secara statistik antara kelompok 1 hari tanpa model STL, 1 hari dengan model STL, 6 bulan dengan model STL dan 6 bulan tanpa model STL pascareseksi disartikulasi. ......Background: Mandibular condyles are often involved in various pathological conditions such as tumors and traumatic injuries, that involving the mandibular condyles that require resection and removal. Ameloblastoma accounts for approximately 14% of all jaw tumors and cysts and is the most prevalent odontogenic tumor in developing countries. Mandibular reconstruction plates are used in oral and maxillofacial surgery for the reconstruction of mandibular defects. Since the mandible plays a central role in function and esthetics, loss of jaw continuity can severely impair the patient's jaw integrity, and severely affect the patient's self-perception and self-confidence. Currently, technological advances in three-dimensional (3D) models can be used to create alloplastic models for mandibular reconstruction. Aim: To know and analyze the differences in the position changes of the condylar prosthesis in ameloblastoma patients after disarticulation resection using the 3D STL model and not using the 3D STL model preoperatively in controls 1 day after surgery and 6 months after mandibular resection at Ciptomangunkusumo Hospital, Jakarta. 2015-2020 period. Methods: 22 panoramic research subjects were taken from Ciptomangunkusumo Hospital patients according to the inclusion and exclusion criteria. Research subjects saw the difference in the average height of the condylar prosthesis between the 2 groups (with 3D STL model and without STL 3D model) at 1 day post-resection and 6 months post-resection. Measurements are carried out using the IC Measure application. Data analysis to see the difference in the average value of the position of the condylar prosthesis between the 2 groups (with 3D STL Model and without 3D STL Model) at 1 day post-resection and 6 months post-resection was carried out using the Dependent T.test and Wilcoxon-Signed Rank Test. The difference in the height and position of the condylar prosthesis between the 2 groups (with 3D STL model and without STL 3D model) 1 day after resection and 6 months after resection using the ANOVA test. Result: There was a difference in height with a P value of P = 0.004 and there was no statistically significant difference in location with a P value of P = 0.66 between controls 1 day post-resection and 6 months post-resection with the 3D STL model. There was a difference in height with a P value of P = 0.005 and there was no statistically significant difference in the location of the protest with a P value of P = 0.76 between controls 1 day post-resection and 6 months post-resection without the 3D STL model. Conclusion: There was no statistically significant difference in height and position of the prosthesis between controls 1 day post-resection and 6 months post-resection without 3D STL model, there was no statistically significant difference in height and position of the prosthesis between controls 1 day post-resection and 6 months post resection with 3D STL model.
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Gigi Universitas Indonesia, 2022
UI - Tugas Akhir  Universitas Indonesia Library
Yudy Ardilla Utomo
Abstrak :
Latar Belakang: Tumor rongga mulut jinak yang besar menyebabkan deformitas pada wajah sehingga tindakan koreksi dengan operasi menyebabkan defek anatomis, fisiologis, serta psikologis pada penderita. Prosedur bedah dan rekonstruksi pada pasien dengan tumor mandibula merupakan tantangan yang kompleks. Mandibula tersusun atas komponen-komponen seperti korpus mandibula, simphisis mandibula, parasimphisis mandibula, ramus mandibula, procesus coronoideus, dan kondilus mandibula. OPG masih dapat digunakan untuk melihat perubahan morfologi kondilus. Diketahui bahwa perubahan pada morfologi kondilus dapat berupa berkurangnya konfigurasi dan volume dari kondilus itu sendiri, berkurangnya ketinggian ramus, hal ini dapat menyebabkan permasalahan pada sistem stomatognatik pasien. Tujuan: Mengetahui perubahan morfologi kondilus mandibula pasca reseksi dengan kategori perubahan morfologi kondilus di Divisi Bedah Mulut dan Maksilofasial, Departemen Gigi dan Mulut RSUPN Cipto Mangunkusumo, Jakarta. Material dan Metode: Penelitian dengan metode retrospektif melalui radiografi panoramik pasien-pasien tumor mandibula pre operasi reseksi,pasien-pasien tumor mandibula pasca operasi reseksi,dan pasien-pasien tumor mandibula 1 tahun pasca operasi reseksi selama bulan Juni sampai dengan Agustus tahun 2019 di Divisi Bedah Mulut dan Maksilofasial RSUPN Cipto Mangunkusumo, Jakarta. Setiap sampel dilakukan pengukuran pada radiografi panoramiknya dengan menggunakan Klasifikasi Kranjenbrink dan klasifikasi morfologi kondilus mandibula. Hasil: Pada penelitian ini tidak terjadi perubahan tinggi kondilus mandibula pasca segmental reseksi mandibula. (p: 0,801). Tidak terjadi perubahan morfologi kondilus mandibula pasca reseksi mandibula (P: 0.41) untuk kondilus kiri dan (p: 0.32) untuk kondilus kanan. Dan didapat dengan jenis operasi disartikulasi, terjadi perubahan morfologi kondilus mandibula pasca disartikulasi reseksi mandibula (p: 0.003) untuk kondilus kiri, dan (p: 0.012) untuk kondilus kanan. Kesimpulan: Hasil penelitian menunjukkan tidak terdapat perubahan morfologi kondilus mandibula pada reseksi mandibula pada left condyle (LC)ataupun right condyle (RC). Terdapat perubahan morfologi kondilus pada satu sisi pasca reseksi disartikulasi mandibula. Tidak terdapat perubahan tinggi kondilus mandibula pasca reseksi segmental mandibula pada left condyle (LC)ataupun right condyle (RC). ......Background: Large benign oral cavity tumors causing deformity in the face, requires surgical correction causing anatomical, physiological and psychological defects in patients. Surgical and challenging procedures in patients with mandibular tumors are complex challenges. The mandible is composed of components such as the mandibular corpus, mandibular symphysis, mandibular parasymhysis, mandibular ramus, coronoid process, and mandibular condyle. OPG can still be used to see changes in the condyle morphology. It is known that changes in the condyle morphology can affect its configuration and volume of the condyle itself, reducing the height of the ramus, this can cause complications in the patient's stomatognathic system. Objective: To determine the morphological changes of the mandibular condyle post resection in condyle morphological changes in the Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery Division, Department of Dentistry Cipto Mangunkusumo General Hospital, Jakarta. Materials and Methods: A retrospective study using panoramic radiographs of patients with preoperative mandibular tumor resection, patients with mandibular tumor postoperative resection, and mandible tumor patients 1 year after surgery 2019 in the Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery Department of Cipto General Hospital, Cipto General Hospital Mangunkusumo, Jakarta. Each sample was measured on its panoramic radiography using the Kranjenbrink Classification and the morphological classification of the mandibular condyle. Result: In this study there was no change in the height of the mandibular condyle after segmental resection of the mandible. (p: 0.801). There were no changes in the morphology of the mandibular condyle after resection of the mandible (P: 0.41) for the left condyle and (p: 0.32) for the right condyle. And obtained with this type of disarticulation surgery, there was a morphological change in the mandibular condyle after disarticulation of the resection of the mandible (p: 0.003) for the left condyle, and (p: 0.012) for the right condyle. Conclusion: The results showed no morphological changes in the mandibular condyle in resection of the mandible in the left condyle (LC) or right condyle (RC). There is a change in the condyle morphology on one side post disarticulating resection of the mandible. There is no change in the height of the mandibular condyle after resection of the segmental mandible in the left condyle (LC) or right condyle (RC).
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Gigi Universitas Indonesia, 2019
UI - Tugas Akhir  Universitas Indonesia Library
Rianti Surjanto
Abstrak :
Keletuk sendi merupakan gejala klinis yang banyak dijumpai pada penderita disfungsi sendi temporo-mandibula. Radiografi merupakan salah satu cara untuk mengevaluasi letak kondilus sendi temporo-mandibula. Pada penelitian ini, digunakan proyeksi transkranial miring lateral superior dengan menggunakan condy-ray. Foto rontgen yang didapat diperbesar 4x, kemudian dibuat tracing. Pada hasil tracing dilakukan pengukuran. Dari penelitian pada 30 pasien dengan gejala keletuk sendi terlihat posisi kondilus kanan atau kiri adalah non konsentris dan kemungkinan pergeseran posisi kondilus kanan atau kiri kea rah anterior atau posterior adalah sama (Chi kuadrat p kurang dari 0,05). Hasil yang didapat dari penelitian ini, menunjukkan adanya perbedaan letak kondilus pada kasus disfungsi dengan dan tanpa gejala keletuk sendi (uji fisher p kurang dari 0,05).
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Gigi Universitas Indonesia, 1991
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Ciputra Linardy
Abstrak :

Introduksi: Rekonstruksi mandibula pada kasus-kasus tumor mandibula menggunakan flap fibula bebas merupakan hal penting untuk mengembalikan fungsi dan estetik pada defek pascareseksi. Penelitian ini ditujukan untuk menilai hubungan karakteristik klinis dengan fungsi menelan, fungsi bicara, fungsi makan, dan kualitas hidup pada pasien yang dilakukan rekonstruksi mandibula menggunakan flap fibula bebas pascamandibulektomi.

Metode: Dilakukan studi dengan desain potong lintang dan survei mengikutsertakan pasien yang dilakukan rekonstruksi mandibula menggunakan flap fibula bebas pascamandibulektomi di RSCM pada tahun 2014-2019. Dilakukan penilaian terhadap kelas defek mandibula, panjang defek, jumlah subunit mandibula, ekstensi defek, jumlah segmen tulang, selanjutnya dilakukan penilaian fungsi melalui wawancara menggunakan European Organization for Research and Treatment of Cancer Head and Neck Cancer Quality of Life Questionnaire (EORTC QLQ-H&N35).

Hasil: Tercatat 63 pasien dengan mandibulektomi dan dilakukan rekonstruksi. Hanya 14 dapat dinilai. Hanya panjang defek dan ekstensi defek yang memiliki hubungan bermakna dengan fungsi. Panjang defek mandibula memiliki korelasi positif dengan gangguan pada fungsi menelan (p = 0,032), fungsi bicara (p = 0,020), dan kualitas hidup (p = 0,032). Ekstensi defek intraoral dan ekstraoral menyebabkan gangguan fungsi menelan (p = 0,035).

Konklusi: Penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa fungsi menelan, fungsi bicara, dan kualitas hidup tergantung defek pascamandibulektomi.


Introduction: Mandibular reconstruction utilizing free fibula flap is essential in restoring the function, and aesthetics outcomes post mandibular tumor resection. This study looks into the association of clinical characteristics with functional outcomes such as swallowing, speaking, eating, and quality of life on patients undergoing post-mandibulectomy mandibular reconstruction using free fibula flap.

Methods: We performed a cross-sectional study that includes patients who underwent post-mandibulectomy mandibular reconstruction using free fibula flap at RSCM in 2014-2019. Mandibula defect class, defect length, the number of mandibula subunits, defect extension, and the number of osteotomy segments was evaluated. The functional outcomes were assessed using the European Organization for Research and Treatment of Cancer Head and Neck Cancer Quality of Life Questionnaire (EORTC QLQ-H&N35).

Results: 63 patients underwent mandibulectomy and reconstruction using free fibula flap. Only 14 were included in the study. Defect length and extension are significantly associated with functional outcomes. Mandibula defect length has positive correlation with problems in swallowing function (p = 0.032), speaking function (p = 0.020), and quality of life (p = 0.032). Both intraoral and extraoral defect extension causes swallowing function problem (p = 0.035).

Conclusion: This study discovered that swallowing function, speaking function, and quality of life are associated with post-mandibulectomy defect.



Depok: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2020
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Maria G Ernawati
Abstrak :
Latar Belakang: Osteoporosis laki-laki adalah penyakit degeneratif yang penting diperhatikan oleh dokter gigi dalam memberikan pelayanan kesehatan gigi dan mulut, karena osteoporosis pada bagian tubuh yang lain juga bedampak pada tulang rahang. Osteoporosis pada tulang rahang dapat mengakibatkan kegagalan dalam pembuatan gigi tiruan, pemasangan implan dan perawatan penyakit periodontal. Untuk mengatasi kegagalan perawatan perlu pemeriksaan kadar testosteron dan pemeriksaan densitas tulang. Pemeriksaan kadar testosteron dan pemeriksaan densitas tulang mahal dan hanya ada di kota-kota besar di Indonesia, karena itu perlu dibuat indeks untuk memprediksi penurunan kadar testosteron darah dan indeks untuk memprediksi penurunan densitas tulang mandibula lansia laki-laki. Tujuan: mengetahui faktor risiko yang berperan pada penurunan kadar testosteron dan faktor risiko yang berperan pada penurunan densitas tulang mandibula lansia laki-laki dan untuk membuat indeks prediksi penurunan kadar testosteron dan indeks densitas tulang mandibula. Metode: uji diagnostik dan uji kasus kontrol pada lansia laki-laki usia > 60 tahun dengan wawancara pengisian kuesioner, pemeriksaa klinis dan radiografi. Hasil: Faktor-faktor Risiko yang berperan pada penurunan kadar testosteron dan penurunan densitas tulang mandibula serta indeks untuk menentukan penurunan kadar testosteron dan indeks untuk menentukan penurunan densitas tulang mandibula lansia laki-laki. Dihasilkan software dan indeks sebagai alat bantu prediksi.
Background: Osteoporosis in men is a degenerative disease which is an important subject to be apprehended by dentists in order to provide an optimal dental and oral health service because osteoporosis can also affect the mandible. Examination of testosterone level and bone density in Indonesia is relatively expensive and can only be accessed in big cities. This highlights the importance of establishing both an index to determine the decrease of total blood testosterone level and index to determine the decrease of mandibular bone density in elderly patients. Objective: to know risk factors that contributes to the decrease of testosterone level and the decrease of mandibular bone density in elderly men; to make a prediction model for the decreasing level of testosterone and mandibular bone density. Methods: diagnostic test and case control study in elderly men above 60 years old by way interviews to fill questionnares, clinical and radiographic examination. Results: Risk factors that contribute to the decrease of testosterone level and index to determine the decrease of mandibular bone density in elderly men. A software and index are produced as prediction tools;Background: Osteoporosis in men is a degenerative disease which is an important subject to be apprehended by dentists in order to provide an optimal dental and oral health service because osteoporosis can also affect the mandible. Examination of testosterone level and bone density in Indonesia is relatively expensive and can only be accessed in big cities. This highlights the importance of establishing both an index to determine the decrease of total blood testosterone level and index to determine the decrease of mandibular bone density in elderly patients. Objective: to know risk factors that contributes to the decrease of testosterone level and the decrease of mandibular bone density in elderly men; to make a prediction model for the decreasing level of testosterone and mandibular bone density. Methods: diagnostic test and case control study in elderly men above 60 years old by way interviews to fill questionnares, clinical and radiographic examination. Results: Risk factors that contribute to the decrease of testosterone level and index to determine the decrease of mandibular bone density in elderly men. A software and index are produced as prediction tools;Background: Osteoporosis in men is a degenerative disease which is an important subject to be apprehended by dentists in order to provide an optimal dental and oral health service because osteoporosis can also affect the mandible. Examination of testosterone level and bone density in Indonesia is relatively expensive and can only be accessed in big cities. This highlights the importance of establishing both an index to determine the decrease of total blood testosterone level and index to determine the decrease of mandibular bone density in elderly patients. Objective: to know risk factors that contributes to the decrease of testosterone level and the decrease of mandibular bone density in elderly men; to make a prediction model for the decreasing level of testosterone and mandibular bone density. Methods: diagnostic test and case control study in elderly men above 60 years old by way interviews to fill questionnares, clinical and radiographic examination. Results: Risk factors that contribute to the decrease of testosterone level and index to determine the decrease of mandibular bone density in elderly men. A software and index are produced as prediction tools;Background: Osteoporosis in men is a degenerative disease which is an important subject to be apprehended by dentists in order to provide an optimal dental and oral health service because osteoporosis can also affect the mandible. Examination of testosterone level and bone density in Indonesia is relatively expensive and can only be accessed in big cities. This highlights the importance of establishing both an index to determine the decrease of total blood testosterone level and index to determine the decrease of mandibular bone density in elderly patients. Objective: to know risk factors that contributes to the decrease of testosterone level and the decrease of mandibular bone density in elderly men; to make a prediction model for the decreasing level of testosterone and mandibular bone density. Methods: diagnostic test and case control study in elderly men above 60 years old by way interviews to fill questionnares, clinical and radiographic examination. Results: Risk factors that contribute to the decrease of testosterone level and index to determine the decrease of mandibular bone density in elderly men. A software and index are produced as prediction tools;Background: Osteoporosis in men is a degenerative disease which is an important subject to be apprehended by dentists in order to provide an optimal dental and oral health service because osteoporosis can also affect the mandible. Examination of testosterone level and bone density in Indonesia is relatively expensive and can only be accessed in big cities. This highlights the importance of establishing both an index to determine the decrease of total blood testosterone level and index to determine the decrease of mandibular bone density in elderly patients. Objective: to know risk factors that contributes to the decrease of testosterone level and the decrease of mandibular bone density in elderly men; to make a prediction model for the decreasing level of testosterone and mandibular bone density. Methods: diagnostic test and case control study in elderly men above 60 years old by way interviews to fill questionnares, clinical and radiographic examination. Results: Risk factors that contribute to the decrease of testosterone level and index to determine the decrease of mandibular bone density in elderly men. A software and index are produced as prediction tools, Background: Osteoporosis in men is a degenerative disease which is an important subject to be apprehended by dentists in order to provide an optimal dental and oral health service because osteoporosis can also affect the mandible. Examination of testosterone level and bone density in Indonesia is relatively expensive and can only be accessed in big cities. This highlights the importance of establishing both an index to determine the decrease of total blood testosterone level and index to determine the decrease of mandibular bone density in elderly patients. Objective: to know risk factors that contributes to the decrease of testosterone level and the decrease of mandibular bone density in elderly men; to make a prediction model for the decreasing level of testosterone and mandibular bone density. Methods: diagnostic test and case control study in elderly men above 60 years old by way interviews to fill questionnares, clinical and radiographic examination. Results: Risk factors that contribute to the decrease of testosterone level and index to determine the decrease of mandibular bone density in elderly men. A software and index are produced as prediction tools]
UI - Disertasi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Azizah Nur Hanifah
Abstrak :
Latar belakang: Sudut gonial merupakan salah satu struktur anatomis pada mandibula yang mengalami perubahan paling signifikan pada proses pertumbuhan. Pengukuran sudut gonial banyak dijadikan parameter evaluasi tumbuh kembang yang bermanfaat bagi bidang ilmu kedokteran gigi termasuk ortodonsi dan prostodonsi. Tujuan: untuk mengetahui nilai rerata sudut gonial berdasarkan usia, jenis kelamin, status dental, dan morfologi kondil pada radiograf panoramik sehingga dapat digunakan sebagai nilai acuan dalam melihat pola perubahan sudut gonial mandibula. Metode: Pengukuran sudut gonial pada 210 sampel radiograf panoramik digital usia diatas 21 tahun, dengan mengkategorikan berdasarkan usia, jenis kelamin, status dental dan morfologi kondil mandibula. Hasil: Pengukuran sudut gonial terhadap usia, jenis kelamin, status dental, dan morfologi kondil mandibula tidak berbeda bermakna secara statistik, namun besar sudut gonial cenderung mengecil sesuai perubahan usia. Nilai rata-rata sudut gonial ditemukan cenderung lebih kecil pada laki-laki dan juga pada individu dengan status dental dentate. Kesimpulan: Nilai sudut gonial menunjukkan perubahan yang tidak berbeda bermakna berdasarkan usia, jenis kelamin, maupun morfologi kondil mandibula.
Background: The gonial angle is one od the anatomical structures in the mandible that experiences the most significant changes in the growth process. Gonial angle measurements are widely used as evaluation parameters of growth and development wich are beneficial for the field of dentistry such as orthodontics and prosthodontics. Objective: to determine the average value of the gonial angle based on age, gender, dental status, and mandibular condyle morphology on panoramic radiograph so that it can be used as a reference value in seeing the pattern of changes in the gonial angle of mandible. Methods: Gonial angle measurements in 220 samples of digital panoramic radiographs over the age of 21 years, categorizing by age, gender, dental status, and mandibular condyle morphology. Results: Gonial angle measurements of age, gender, dental status, and mandibular condyle morphology did not differ statistically significant, ut the size of the gonial angle tended to shrink according to age change. The average gonial angle values were found to tend to be smaller in men and also in individuals with dental status dentate. Conclusion: The gonial angle values show changes that are not significantly different based on age, gender, and mandibular condyle morphplogy.
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Halimah Hasan
Abstrak :
ABSTRAK Latar Belakang: Asimetri pada wajah dan lengkung gigi merupakan fenomena yang dapat ditemui hampir pada seluruh individu sehingga saat ini asimetri dengan batas-batas tertentu masih dianggap seimbang secara klinis dan dinilai normal. Asimetri mandibula merupakan asimetri yang paling sering terjadi dan mudah terlihat dikarenakan mandibula adalah bagian wajah yang paling mudah bergerak dibandingkan bagian wajah lainnya. Asimetri mandibula ditemukan paling tinggi dan dapat memengaruhi perawatan. Untuk mendiagnosis asimetri mandibula dapat dilakukan dengan pemeriksaan klinis ekstra oral yang meliputi pemeriksaan smile symmetry. Tujuan: Mengetahui frekuensi dan distribusi terjadinya asimetri mandibula pada mahasiswa angkatan tahun 2016 FKG UI dan mengetahui berapa persen mahasiswa yang mengalami asimetri mandibula. Metode: Metode yang digunakan pada penelitian ini adalah analisis gambaran klinis yang dilakukan untuk melihat adanya asimetri atau disporposi pada wajah tampak frontal khususnya pada mandibula. Analisis dilakukan dengan cara fotografi frontal dalam kondisi standar dan kondisi gigi tersenyum. Kesimpulan: Pada mahasiswa FKG UI angkatan 2016 terdapat 37 subjek (32,2%) dengan asimteri mandibula dan terdapat 57 subjek (49,6%) yang memiliki senyum tidak simetris.
ABSTRACT Background: Facial asymmetry is a phenomenon found in almost every individual, thus asymmetry within certain boundaries is accepted as clinically balanced and normal. Mandibular asymmetry is the most common asymmetry that can occur and is easily seen because the mandibula is the part of the face that is most mobile compared to the rest of the face. Mandibular asymmetry are the most common asymmetry that can affect treatment for asymmetry. Mandibular asymmetry can be diagnosed by extra oral clinical examination which includes smile symmetry. Objective: Knowing the frequency and distribution of mandibular asymmetry in In Faculty Of Dentistry batch 2016 students and knowing what percentage of students experience mandibular asymmetry. Method: The method used in this research is clinical image analysis which is used to see whether asymmetry or facial disproportion on the frontal face image, especially on the mandibula, is present. The analysis is done via frontal photography in a standard setting. Conclusion : In Faculty Of Dentistry batch 2016, there were 42 subjects with mandibular asymmetry and 58 subjects with asymmetry smile.
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Gigi Universitas Indonesia, 2019
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Kandita Iman Khairina
Abstrak :
Perubahan pertumbuhan penduduk Indonesia ke arah usia yang lebih tua. Seiring bertambahnya usia, tubuh manusia mengalami perubahan salah satunya adalah perubahan jaringan tulang. Salah satu tulang yang terlibat dalam kedokteran gigi adalah tulang mandibula. Gambaran radiogoraf panoramik dapat melihat tinggi tulang mandibula secara radiografis. Tujuan: Mengetahui nilai rata-rata tinggi tulang mandibula pasien rentang usia 45-75 tahun secara radiografis. Metode: Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian deskriptif. Pengukuran tinggi tulang mandibula pada tiga titik referensi spesifik pada 136 radiograf panoramik digital pasien usia 45-75 tahun menggunakan software Digora for Windows 2.5 R1 Tuusula Finland. Tiga titik referensi tersebut yaitu A, C, dan F. Tinggi A merupakan tinggi mandibula pada daerah sudut dalam mandibula, Tinggi F merupakan tinggi pada daerah foramen mental, dan C merupakan tinggi di antara tinggi A dan F. Hasil: Nilai rata-rata tinggi tulang mandibula pasien rentang usia 45-75 tahun yang diperoleh 32.27 mm dengan nilai rata-rata tertinggi pada titik referensi F. Nilai rata-rata tinggi tulang mandibula tertinggi terdapat pada kelompok usia 45-55 tahun, sedangkan terendah pada kelompok usia 66-75 tahun. Kesimpulan: Nilai rata-rata tinggi tulang mandibula menurun pada kelompok usia 66-75 tahun. Usia bukan merupakan satu-satunya faktor yang mempengaruhi tinggi tulang mandibula.
Indonesia rsquo s population growth is increasing in older group. As the age is increasing, human body undergoes some changes. One of the changes that happens is osseous tissues changes. One of bones in human body that is involved in dentistry is mandible. Dental panoramic radiograph can be used to see the heigh of mandible bone radiographically. Objective To obtain the average value of mandibular height in 45 75 year old patiesnts in digital panoramic radiograph. Method This study is a descriptive cross sectional study.Mandibular height at three specific references in 136 digital panoramic radiograph of 45 75 year old patients were measured using Digora for Windows 2.5 R1 Tuusula Finland software. The three specific references are, mandibular height A which is the height of mandible in inner angle of mandible region, F is the height of mandible in foramen mental region, and C is the height of mandible between them. Results The average value of mandibular height in 45 75 year old patients that has been obtained is 32.272 mm with the highest average value at specific reference F. The age group with the highest average value is 45 55 age group, while the lowest is 66 75 age group. Conclusion The average value of mandibular height is lower in 66 75 age group.
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Marceline Olivia
Abstrak :
Latar Belakang: Gigi dengan saluran akar c-shape memiliki kompleksitas anatomi yang menjadikan perawatan saluran akar memiliki prognosis yang masih diperdebatkan akibat kesulitan untuk melakukan debridement dan obturasi yang adekuat. Kompleksitas ini mengakibatkan pengetahuan mengenai anatomi saluran akar c-shape penting untuk menunjang keberhasilan perawatan saluran akar. Tujuan: Mengetahui prevalensi dan variasi saluran akar c-shape pada gigi premolar pertama dan molar kedua rahang bawah. Metode: Penelitian menggunakan sampel 60 gigi premolar pertama dan 32 gigi molar kedua rahang bawah. Sampel dipindai menggunakan micro-CT Bruker SkyScan 1173 dengan resolusi 50 m. Pemotongan melintang untuk melihat bentuk saluran akar dilakukan menggunakan perangkat lunak DataViewer. Pengukuran sudut untuk menentukan klasifikasi c-shape dilakukan menggunakan perangkat lunak Fiji ImageJ. Hasil: Prevalensi c-shape pada gigi premolar pertama rahang bawah adalah 17 dengan prevalensi tipe C1 ditemukan paling besar pada tingkat pemotongan M, tipe C2 memiliki prevalensi terbesar pada AM, dan tipe C3 memiliki prevalensi terbesar pada tingkat pemotongan A 2. Tipe C4 mendominasi tingkat pemotongan CEJ-2 dan CM sedangkan tipe C5 hanya ditemukan pada tingkat pemotongan A 2. Prevalensi c-shape pada gigi molar kedua rahang bawah adalah 16,67 dengan klasifikasi yang paling banyak ditemukan pada kelima tingkat pemotongan adalah C1. Prevalensi konfigurasi tipe C2 terbesar ditemukan pada CM. Tipe C3 pada penelitian ini ditemukan pada tingkat O. Prevalensi tipe C4 paling besar ditemukan pada tingkat pemotongan A 2. Perubahan konfigurasi didapati terjadi sepanjang saluran akar. Kesimpulan: Prevalensi c-shape pada gigi premolar pertama rahang bawah adalah 17 sedangkan pada gigi molar kedua rahang bawah 16,67 . Terdapat variasi konfigurasi di sepanjang saluran akar.Kata kunci : c-shape, molar kedua rahang bawah, micro-CT, prevalensi, premolar pertama rahang bawah
Background A tooth with c shaped root canal has a complex anatomy, making root canal treatment prognosis questionable because of the difficulties in doing adequate debridement and obturation. This complexity also makes the knowledge about root canal anatomy important to improve endodontic treatment result. Objective The aim of this study is to know the prevalence and variation of c shaped canal in mandibular first premolars and second molars. Methods 60 mandibular first premolars and 32 mandibular second molars was scanned using micro CT Bruker SkyScan 1173 in 50 m resolution. Transverse sectioning of each tooth was performed using software DataViewer. Angle measurement for determining c shape classification was performed using software Fiji ImageJ. Result The Prevalence of c shaped canal in mandibular first premolars was 17 with type C1 most prevalence in M, type C2 in AM, and type C3 in A 2. Type C4 was the most common classification found in sectioning level CEJ 2 and CM while type C5 was only found in A 2. The Prevalence of c shaped canal in mandibular second molars was 16,67 with the most common classification found in five level of sectioning was C1. C2 was most prevalence in level CM, C3 was most prevalence in O and C4 was most prevalence in A 2. The alteration of configuration happened along the root canal. Conclusion The prevalence of c shape canal in mandibular first premolars was is 17 and in mandibular second molars was 16,67 with variation of root canal configuration happened along the root canal itself.Keywords c shape, mandibular second molar, mandibular first premolar, micro CT, prevalence
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
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