ABSTRAKGetaran lengan dan tangan serta kebisingan merupakan faktor fisika yang
memiliki potensi bahaya bagi kesehatan pekerja konstruksi dimana salah satunya
disebabkan oleh penggunaan portable power tools. Berdasarkan hal tersebut
dilakukan analisis terhadap durasi maksimum penggunaan portable power tools
yang aman melalui standar dari keputusan menteri tenaga kerja no. KEP-
51/MEN/1999 berikut langkah lain bagi pengendalian getaran dan kebisingan.
Pendekatan yang digunakan yaitu human vibration assessment berdasarkan ISO
5349-2 (2001) dan pengukuran occupational noise. Hasil penelitian menyarankan
durasi penggunaan alat yang optimal dan aman adalah ketika dihitung berdasarkan
nilai pajanan getaran dengan syarat pekerja wajib menggunakan alat pelindung
dengar dengan spesifikasi tertentu.
AbstractHand-arm vibration and noise are physical factors which have hazard potentially
to the health of construction workers, which is one of them cause by the use of
portable power tools. Based on this, analysis was performed on the maximum
safely usage time of portable power tools through the standards of the labor
minister's decision no. KEP-51/MEN/1999 along with other steps for controlling
vibration and noise. The approach used is human vibration assessments based on
ISO 5349-2 (2001) and occupational noise measurement. The results suggest that
the optimum and safe usage time is a value that calculated based on vibration
exposure on the condition of workers required to use hearing protective devices
with a particular specification.