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Ani Widiastuti
Abstrak :
Penyakit kulit merupakan salah satu penyakit yang masih menjadi masalah kesehatan masyarakat di Indonesia dan satu diantaranya sering terjadi di Pondok Pesantren karena merupakan tempat yang rentan dalam penyebaran penyakit kulit. Penelitian bertujuan untuk mengetahui hubungan kondisi lingkungan dan personal higiene dengan kejadian penyakit kulit di Pondok Pesantren Putra ?A? Kabupaten Bekasi Tahun 2014. Rancangan penelitian menggunakan desain cross sectional dengan jumlah sampel 106 orang. Populasi penelitian adalah siswa Madrasah Tsanawiyah yang tinggal di Asrama Pondok Pesantren ?A?. Data primer didapat dengan melakukan wawancara langsung mengenai penyakit kulit dan perilaku personal higiene santri dari sampel terpilih dan dengan melakukan observasi terhadap kondisi lingkungan pondok pesantren. Hasil analisis bivariat menunjukkan adanya hubungan antara personal higiene dengan kejadian penyakit kulit dengan nilai p<0,05 OR : 2,9 (1,180-7,571) dan dari personal higiene tersebut diketahui bahwa frekuensi mandi pakai sabun dengan nilai p<0,05 OR : 2,8 (1,121-7,185) dan penggunaan tempat tidur dengan nilai p<0,05 OR : 3,0 (1,252-7,336) merupakan variabel yang berhubungan dengan kejadian penyakit kulit di Asrama Pondok Pesantren Putra ?A?. Kesimpulannya adalah kondisi lingkungan tidak memiliki hubungan yang signifikan terhadap kejadian penyakit kulit di Pondok Pesantren ?A?
Skin diseases is one of disease that still become a public health problem in Indonesia and one of them happened at boarding school as a place where can be susceptible spread of skin diseases. The main purpose of this research was to know correlation between environmental condition and personal hygiene with the incidence of skin diseases at ?A? Man Boarding School, Bekasi 2014. Study desain which make use of the research was cross sectional study with a sample of 106 people. The population of study were Junior Secondary School Student where living in the ?A? Man boarding school dormitory. Primary data were obtained by direct interview about skin diseases and personal hygiene behavior of student from selected sample and observed to environmental conditon of boarding school. The result of bivariate analysis showed that there was correlation between personal hygiene and incindence of skin diseases p<0,05 OR : 2,9 (1,180-7,571) and based on personal higiene can be seen that frequency of bathing with soap p<0,05 OR : 2,8 (1,121-7,185) and using a bed p<0,05 OR : 3,0 (1,252-7,336) were variable which have significant correlation with incidence of skin diseases at ?A? Man Boarding School. The conclusion was environmental condition did not have a significant correlation to incidence of skin disease at ?A? Man Boarding School Bekasi 2014.
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Putih Ayu Perani
Abstrak :
TB paru merupakan salah satu prioritas nasional di Indonesia, karena berdampak luas terhadap kualitas hidup dan ekonomi, serta sering mengakibatkan kematian (Riskesdas, 2013). Di Wilayah kerja Puskesmas Bogor Utara tahun 2013, jumlah penderita TB paru sebanyak 54 orang dan berdasarkan data Dinas Kesehatan Kota Bogor tahun 2013, dari 9.649 rumah masih terdapat 2.588 rumah yang tidak memenuhi syarat rumah sehat yang merupakan faktor risiko terjadinya penyakit tuberkulosis. Tujuan : Mengetahui hubungan antara kondisi lingkungan rumah dengan kejadian TB paru di wilayah kerja Puskesmas Bogor Utara. Selain itu, melihat pengaruh faktor karakteristik individu (umur, pendidikan, status gizi dan jenis kelamin) terhadap kejadian TB paru. Metode : Desain penelitian yang digunakan adalah kasus control. Subjek penelitian pada kelompok kasus adalah penderita TB paru BTA (+) yang berusia 15 tahun keatas yang terdata dalam register Puskesmas (Januari-Desember 2013). Sedangkan, kelompok kontrol adalah sebagian tetangga kelompok kasus yang mempunyai riwayat tidak menderita TB paru dengan karakteristik yang kurang lebih sama dengan kelompok kasus seperti usia, jenis kelamin. Hasil : Dari hasil penelitian ditemukan bahwa kondisi lingkungan rumah yang berisiko terhadap kejadian TB paru adalah ventilasi (p = 0,011, OR = 5,464), pencahayaan (p = 0,043, OR = 4,030), kelembaban (p = 0,002, OR = 8,143) dan kepadatan hunian (p = 0,043, OR = 4,030). Sedangkan, karakteristik individu yang mempengaruhi kejadian TB paru adalah pendidikan (p = 0,048, OR = 3,778). Kesimpulan : Terdapat hubungan antara kondisi lingkungan rumah (ventilasi, pencahayaan, kelembaban dan kepadatan hunian dengan kejadian TB paru. Selain itu, pendidikan juga memiliki hubungan dengan kejadian TB paru.
Pulmonary tuberculosis is one of the national priorities in Indonesia, because the wide-ranging impact on quality of life and economy, and often result in death. Based on data from Health Center Bogor Utara in 2013, there were 54 people suffered pulmonary tuberculosis and based on the data of Bogor City Health Department in 2013, from 9649 there is still 2,588 houses that not qualify as healthy houses, where it is a risk factor for pulmonary tuberculosis. Objective : This study aims to determine the relationship between environmental conditions of house (house ventilation, temperature and humidity of house, residential density of house, lighting and type of wall and floor) with the incidence of pulmonary tuberculosis in the work area of Health Center Bogor Utara. Researcher also relates some covariate factors such as characteristics of individual (age, education, nutritional status and gender) to the research. Method : The design study is a case control with subjects in cases group are patients with pulmonary TB aged above 15 years were recorded in the register data The Health Center (January-December 2013). Meanwhile, the control group are neighbors case’s group who didn’t have a history of suffering from pulmonary TB with more or less have the same characteristics with cases such as age and gender. Result : From the research found that the environmental conditions of house is at risk on the occurrence of pulmonary tuberculosis is ventilated house (p = 0,011, OR = 5,464), lighting (p = 0,043, OR = 4,030), humidity (p = 0,002, OR = 8,143) and residential density of house (p = 0,043, OR = 4,030). Conclusion : This study concluded that there is a relationship between the environmental conditions of house (ventilation, lighting, humidity and residential density of house) with pulmonary tuberculosis incidence. Moreover, education also has a relationship with the incidence of pulmonary tuberculosis.
Depok: Fakultas Kesehatan Masyarakat Universitas Indonesia, 2014
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Vincent, Peter
London: Taylor & Francis Group, 2008
363.7 VIN s
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Abstrak :
Perairan dicirikan oleh adanya fluktuasi pasang surut dan variasi salinitas. Jenis-jenis ikannya memiliki tingkah laku adaptasi terhadap fluktuasi kondisi lingkungan perairan ini.
551 LIMNO 20 (1-2) 2013
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Abstrak :
This research aimed at understanding of housing location determination over the areas of Gedebage, Bandung City. The evaluation is based on physical conditions of the environment and socioeconomic conditions, by comparing existing conditions of the housing with established standards. The findings are: (i) Batununggal (B1) in Bandung Kidul Sub-District belongs to suitable category of housing location, (ii) Mengger (B3) in Bandung Kidul Sub-District belongs to unsuitable category of housing location, (iii) Sekejati (M3) in Margacinta Sub-District belongs to suitable category of housing location; (iv) Cisaranten Kidul (R4) at Rancasari Sub-District belongs to adequately suitable category of housing location; and (iv) Cisaranten Kidul (R2) at Rancasari Sub-District belongs to adequately suitable housing location.
710 JIAUPI 8:1 (2008)
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Abstrak :
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui gambaran aktivitas perempuan dalam menjaga kelestarian lingkungan hidup, untuk mengetahui pola pemanfaatan sumber daya alam oleh perempuan pedesaan dan untuk mengetahui gambaran aktivitas perempuan berkaitan dengan sumberdaya alam yang bersifat merusak kelestarian lingkungan hidup. Metode analisis penelitian yang digunakan adalah deskriptif yang didukung dengan regresi berganda. Jumlah sampel 60 orang dari populasi 678 orang. ….
JIPUR 12:21 (2008)
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Sugeng Ari Wibowo
Abstrak :
Kabupaten Gunungkidul mempunyai 46 pantai, jumlah terbanyak se-DIY. Namun, penelitian ini hanya mengambil 7 pantai yaitu Pantai Baron, Kukup, Sepanjang, Krakal, Drini, Sundak dan Pulangsawal/Indrayanti. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mengukur nilai kesejahteraan (welfare) yang diperoleh wisatawan pada kondisi lingkungan Tujuh Pantai Dalam Satu Kawasan (TPDSK) di Gunungkidul saat ini yang diukur dengan nilai consumer surplus serta perubahan nilai kesejahteraan jika terjadi perubahan kondisi lingkungan TPDSK yang diukur dengan nilai compensating surplus. Metode yang digunakan adalah Travel Cost Method serta Choice Modelling. Kesimpulan penelitian adalah nilai consumer surplus pada kondisi lingkungan TPDSK saat ini sebesar Rp 303.236,00 per kunjungan. Perubahan welfare akibat perubahan kondisi lingkungan TPDSK yang menurun sebesar ? Rp 279.687,50 per kunjungan . Sedangkan kondisi lingkungan TPDSK yang meningkat menyebabkan perubahan welfare sebesar Rp 273.437,50 per kunjungan. Kebijakan yang dapat dilakukan oleh stake holder adalah 1) minimal mempertahankan kondisi saat ini/status quo, 2) melakukan prioritas program peningkatan kondisi lingkungan TPDSK yang terdiri atas jangka pendek berupa peningkatan kebersihan pantai, jangka menengah berupa peningkatan kuantitas dan kualitas fasilitas penunjang, jangka panjang berupa pengurangan abrasi pantai, 3) peningkatan harga tiket masuk dapat dipertimbangkan setelah dilakukan perbaikan kondisi lingkungan TPDSK.
Gunungkidul regency has 46 beaches, the highest number in DIY province. However, this study only took 7 beaches namely Baron, Kukup, Sepanjang, Krakal, Drini, Sundak and Pulangsawal/Indrayanti. The purpose of this study is to measure the welfare value that tourists obtained on TPDSK in Gunungkidul current environmental conditions as measured by value of consumer surplus and changes in welfare value if TPDSK environmental conditions change as measured by compensating surplus value. This study used Travel Cost Method and Choice Modelling. Conclusions of this study are consumer surplus value on TPDSK current environmental conditions is Rp 303,236.00 per visit and welfare changes due to changes in TPDSK environmental conditions decreased by Rp 279,687.50 per visit. Policies that can be done by stakeholders are 1) maintain the current condition/status quo, 2) conduct a priority program to improve TPDSK environmental conditions wich are in short-term is increasing beaches cleanliness, and in medium-term is increasing the quantity and quality of supporting facilities, while in long-term can be done by coastal erosion reduction, 3) an increase in the price of admission can be considered after the improvement of TPDSK environmental conditions.;Gunungkidul regency has 46 beaches, the highest number in DIY province. However, this study only took 7 beaches namely Baron, Kukup, Sepanjang, Krakal, Drini, Sundak and Pulangsawal/Indrayanti. The purpose of this study is to measure the welfare value that tourists obtained on TPDSK in Gunungkidul current environmental conditions as measured by value of consumer surplus and changes in welfare value if TPDSK environmental conditions change as measured by compensating surplus value. This study used Travel Cost Method and Choice Modelling. Conclusions of this study are consumer surplus value on TPDSK current environmental conditions is Rp 303,236.00 per visit and welfare changes due to changes in TPDSK environmental conditions decreased by Rp 279,687.50 per visit. Policies that can be done by stakeholders are 1) maintain the current condition/status quo, 2) conduct a priority program to improve TPDSK environmental conditions wich are in short-term is increasing beaches cleanliness, and in medium-term is increasing the quantity and quality of supporting facilities, while in long-term can be done by coastal erosion reduction, 3) an increase in the price of admission can be considered after the improvement of TPDSK environmental conditions.;Gunungkidul regency has 46 beaches, the highest number in DIY province. However, this study only took 7 beaches namely Baron, Kukup, Sepanjang, Krakal, Drini, Sundak and Pulangsawal/Indrayanti. The purpose of this study is to measure the welfare value that tourists obtained on TPDSK in Gunungkidul current environmental conditions as measured by value of consumer surplus and changes in welfare value if TPDSK environmental conditions change as measured by compensating surplus value. This study used Travel Cost Method and Choice Modelling. Conclusions of this study are consumer surplus value on TPDSK current environmental conditions is Rp 303,236.00 per visit and welfare changes due to changes in TPDSK environmental conditions decreased by Rp 279,687.50 per visit. Policies that can be done by stakeholders are 1) maintain the current condition/status quo, 2) conduct a priority program to improve TPDSK environmental conditions wich are in short-term is increasing beaches cleanliness, and in medium-term is increasing the quantity and quality of supporting facilities, while in long-term can be done by coastal erosion reduction, 3) an increase in the price of admission can be considered after the improvement of TPDSK environmental conditions.;Gunungkidul regency has 46 beaches, the highest number in DIY province. However, this study only took 7 beaches namely Baron, Kukup, Sepanjang, Krakal, Drini, Sundak and Pulangsawal/Indrayanti. The purpose of this study is to measure the welfare value that tourists obtained on TPDSK in Gunungkidul current environmental conditions as measured by value of consumer surplus and changes in welfare value if TPDSK environmental conditions change as measured by compensating surplus value. This study used Travel Cost Method and Choice Modelling. Conclusions of this study are consumer surplus value on TPDSK current environmental conditions is Rp 303,236.00 per visit and welfare changes due to changes in TPDSK environmental conditions decreased by Rp 279,687.50 per visit. Policies that can be done by stakeholders are 1) maintain the current condition/status quo, 2) conduct a priority program to improve TPDSK environmental conditions wich are in short-term is increasing beaches cleanliness, and in medium-term is increasing the quantity and quality of supporting facilities, while in long-term can be done by coastal erosion reduction, 3) an increase in the price of admission can be considered after the improvement of TPDSK environmental conditions.;Gunungkidul regency has 46 beaches, the highest number in DIY province. However, this study only took 7 beaches namely Baron, Kukup, Sepanjang, Krakal, Drini, Sundak and Pulangsawal/Indrayanti. The purpose of this study is to measure the welfare value that tourists obtained on TPDSK in Gunungkidul current environmental conditions as measured by value of consumer surplus and changes in welfare value if TPDSK environmental conditions change as measured by compensating surplus value. This study used Travel Cost Method and Choice Modelling. Conclusions of this study are consumer surplus value on TPDSK current environmental conditions is Rp 303,236.00 per visit and welfare changes due to changes in TPDSK environmental conditions decreased by Rp 279,687.50 per visit. Policies that can be done by stakeholders are 1) maintain the current condition/status quo, 2) conduct a priority program to improve TPDSK environmental conditions wich are in short-term is increasing beaches cleanliness, and in medium-term is increasing the quantity and quality of supporting facilities, while in long-term can be done by coastal erosion reduction, 3) an increase in the price of admission can be considered after the improvement of TPDSK environmental conditions., Gunungkidul regency has 46 beaches, the highest number in DIY province. However, this study only took 7 beaches namely Baron, Kukup, Sepanjang, Krakal, Drini, Sundak and Pulangsawal/Indrayanti. The purpose of this study is to measure the welfare value that tourists obtained on TPDSK in Gunungkidul current environmental conditions as measured by value of consumer surplus and changes in welfare value if TPDSK environmental conditions change as measured by compensating surplus value. This study used Travel Cost Method and Choice Modelling. Conclusions of this study are consumer surplus value on TPDSK current environmental conditions is Rp 303,236.00 per visit and welfare changes due to changes in TPDSK environmental conditions decreased by Rp 279,687.50 per visit. Policies that can be done by stakeholders are 1) maintain the current condition/status quo, 2) conduct a priority program to improve TPDSK environmental conditions wich are in short-term is increasing beaches cleanliness, and in medium-term is increasing the quantity and quality of supporting facilities, while in long-term can be done by coastal erosion reduction, 3) an increase in the price of admission can be considered after the improvement of TPDSK environmental conditions.]
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Dini Amalini
Abstrak :
Penelitian ini membahas tentang fenomena Sindrom Galapagos yang ada pada orang Jepang yang tinggal di Jakarta. Pada tahun 2010, seorang ahli dalam bidang IT mendeskripsikan tentang teknologi telepon genggam buatan Jepang yang menyerupai endemik di Kepulauan Galapagos. Lalu menyusul pendapat tersebut, sejumlah sosiolog Jepang juga menyatakan bahwa mentalitas pada masyarakat Jepang, khususnya generasi muda, juga seperti endemik Kepulauan Galapagos. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengkaji tentang indikasi sindrom ini pada masyarakat Jepang yang tinggal di Jakarta. Teori yang digunakan adalah teori perubahan sosial oleh Ferdinand Tonnies dan Affluent Society oleh John Kenneth Galbraith. Selain itu juga dilakukan wawancara dengan orang Jepang yang berada di Jakarta. Kesimpulan dari penelitian ini adalah ditemukannya indikasi perilaku Sindrom Galapagos pada orang Jepang yang tinggal di Jakarta. ......This research discusses about phenomenon of Galapagos Syndrome within Japanese citizens who live in Jakarta. In 2010, an IT expert describes that the technology of mobile phone made in Japan resembles the endemic of Galapagos Islands. Afterwards followed by Japanese sociologists stated that mentality of Japanese, especially young generation, also resembles Galapagos Islands endemic. This research aims to explain about indications of this syndrome within Japanese who live in Jakarta. Theory of this research are social change theory by Ferdinand Tonnies and Affluent Society by John Kenneth Galbraith, this research reviews about this phenomenon that happens to Japanese citizen in Jakarta. Furthermore, interviewing Japanese citizens who live in Jakarta. The conclution of this research, it has been found that there are indications of Galapagos Syndrome within Japanese in Jakarta.
Depok: Program Pascasarjana Universitas Indonesia, 2016
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Batubara, Geothani Harapan Putera
Abstrak :
Pencemaran mikroplastik di seluruh bagian lautan telah menjadi masalah global. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui jumlah dan bentuk mikroplastik yang terdapat pada ikan teri (Stolephorus indicus) dan ikan gulamo (Johnius belangerii) di perairan Muara Sungai Musi, Sumatera Selatan, Indonesia. Penelitian ini terdiri dari empat stasiun: 12 sampel ikan teri dan ikan gulamo diambil dari setiap stasiun melalui hasil tengkapan nelayan dengan menggunakan jaring. Untuk degradasi bahan organik dan deteksi partikel mikrolastik, baik yang berada di ikan teri dan ikan gulamo (pada bagian insang dan pencernaan) dilakukan dengan menggunakan hidrogen peroksida, kemudian dilakukan penambahan NaCl untuk memisahkan bahan organik dari mikroplastik sehingga dapat dilihat lebih jelas. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan adanya 3 jenis partikel mikrolastik yang ditemukan pada ikan teri dan ikan gulamo; fiber, merupakan jenis yang paling banyak ditemukan (91.54% pada ikan teri; 97.87% pada ikan gulamo), kemudian film (5.03% pada ikan teri dan 1,6% pada ikan gulamo), dan fragmen (3,43% pada ikan teri dan 0,53% pada ikan gulamo). Kelimpahan mikroplastik terbesar pada ikan teri ditemukan di stasiun 4 dengan 141±6,42 partikel/ind dan 828 partikel/g. stasiun 4 juga menjadi tempat dimana ditemukan kelimpahan mikroplastik terbesar pada ikan gulamo dengan jumlah 422±6.03 partikel/ind dan 111 mikroplastik/g. Analisis statistk deskriptif dilakukan dengan menggunakan uji Spearmanndan uji Kruskal – Wallis. Hasil Uji Spearman menunjukkan tidak adanya hubungan antara kelimpahan mikroplastik pada ikan teri dengan massa tubuh, sedangkan pada gulamo ditemukan adanya hubungan kelimpahan mikroplastik terhadap berat badan dengan sifat berbanding lurus. Hasil Uji Kruskall-Wallis menunjukkan tidak adanya perbedaan jumlah partikel mikroplastik yang signifikan pada ikan teri, sedangkan gulamo memiliki perbedaan yang signifikan pada jumlah partikel mikroplastik. ......Microplastic pollution in all parts of the ocean has become a global problem; therefore, we aimed to determine the amount and form of microplastics found in anchovies (Stolephorus indicus) and Gulamo (Johnius belangerii) in the mouth of the Musi River, South Sumatra, Indonesia. This study consisted of four stations: 12 anchovy and gulamo samples were collected from fishermen catches using fishing nets. To degrade organic matter and enable detection of microplastic particles, both anchovy and gulamo gastrointestinal contents and gills were subjected to hydrogen peroxide digestion, followed by the addition of NaCl to separate the organic matter from microplastics so can be see more clearly. There were 3 types of microplastics were found in anchovies and gulamos: fiber, the most common type (91,54% in anchovies; 97,87% in gulamos), followed by films (5,03% in anchovies; 1,6% in gulamos) and fragments (3,43% in anchovies; 0,53% in gulamos). In anchovies, the greatest abundance of microplastics was observed at station 4 with 141±6.42 particles/individual and 828 particles/g. In Gulamo, a large abundance of microplastics was found at station 4 with 422±6.03 particles/individual and 111 microplastics/g. Descriptive statistical analysis was performed using withe Spearman test and the Kruskal-Wallis test. The Spearmaan test showed no correlation between anchovy and body mass, whereas in gulamo, the correlation to body weight was directly proportional. The Kruskall-Wallis test showed no significant difference in the number of microplastic particles in anchovies, whereas the gulamo had a significant difference
Depok: Fakultas Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan AlamUniversitas Indonesia, 2021
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
La Rose Zata Dini
Abstrak :
Industri pariwisata di Pulau Bali telah berhasil menarik wisatawan mancanegara dalam jumlah besar, sehingga menjadi kegiatan ekonomi utama. Kegiatan pariwisata berkaitan erat dengan kondisi internal di Pulau Bali, salah satu diantaranya adalah kondisi cuaca/iklim. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis pola kenyamanan iklim sehubungan dengan jumlah kunjungan wisatawan asing. Berbasis pada data unsur iklim tahun 1986 ndash; 2016 di 4 lokasi, tingkat kenyamanan iklim ditentukan dengan menerapkan Tourism Climate Index TCI , yang divalidasi melalui survey lapang dan wawancara dengan wisatawan asing yang penentuannya dilakukan dengan teknik quota sampling. Analisis spasial dengan metode overlay peta dilakukan untuk mengetahui pola kenyamanan iklim menurut ketinggian, yang dikaitkan dengan jumlah kunjungan wisatawan asing menurut obyek wisata dan kawasan asal. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa kenyamanan iklim di Pulau Bali 9 obyek wisata tergolong nyaman pada bulan Juni ndash; September, terutama obyek wisata yang berada di wilayah pegunungan. Besarnya jumlah kunjungan wisatawan pada obyek wisata di Pulau Bali bersamaan waktunya dengan tingginya tingkat kenyamanan iklim. Wisatawan merasa lebih nyaman ketika berada di obyek wisata yang tingkat kenyamanannya lebih tinggi.
The tourism industry in Bali has attracted large numbers of foreign tourists, making it the main economic activity. Tourism activities are closely related to internal conditions in Bali, one of which is weather climate conditions. This study aims to analyze the climate comfort pattern with the number of foreign tourists visits. Based on climate data from 1986 to 2016 in 4 locations, the climate comfort level was determined by applying the Tourism Climate Index TCI , which was validated through field surveys and interviews with foreign tourists who were determined by quota sampling techniques. Spatial analysis with map overlay method is used to find the climate comfort pattern according to height, which is associated by the number of tourist visits based on tourist attractions and the region of the tourists rsquo origin. The results showed that the comfort level in Bali of 9 attractions are relatively comfortable in June September, especially attractions in higher places. The large number of tourist visits is coincided with the optimal level of climate comfort. Tourists feel more comfortable while in the attractions with a higher level of climate comfort.
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
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