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Abstrak :
Mutu layanan yang berkualitas hanya dapat dilaksanakan oleh tenaga kesehatan yang memiliki pengetahuan, ketrampilan, dan sikap yang profesional. Diktat merupakan salah satu alternatif pendekatan untuk membantu meningkatkan mutu tenaga kesehatan. Pemerintah selalu memberikan kesempatan kepada seluruh pegawai termasuk pegawai Departemen Kesehatan untuk meningkatkan mutu tenaga kesehatan yang bersangkutan. Salah satu pendekatan yang telah dikembangkan untuk peningkatan profesionalisme adalah melalui Diktat Jarak Jauh (DJJ). Melalui DJJ tenaga kesehatan tidak perlu meninggalkan tempat tugasnya dan dapat mencapai sasaran tenaga kesehatan yang berada di berbagai unit pelayanan kesehatan. Kemajuan teknologi informasi khususnya teknologi komunikasi berbasis komputer sangat pesat. Kemajuan teknologi tersebut menawarkan cara altematif untuk melaksanakan kegiatan pembelajaran jarak jauh. Untuk terlaksananya DJJ berbasis elektronik yang bermutu diperlukan infrastruktur sistem yang baik seperti adanya pemahaman yang baik dari para manusia yang terlibat dalam kegiatan ini baik sebagai peserta belajar maupun sebagai penyelenggara (brainware), kesiapan perangkat keras (hardware) yang mendukung terlaksananya komunikasi, kesiapan perangkat lunak (software). Selain itu persiapan yang matang sebelum mengimplementasikan sebuah pembelajaran jarak jauh memegang peran penting demi kelancaran proses pembelajaran, seperti penentuan mekanisme teknis komunikasi selama proses pembelajaran yang didukung dengan suatu kewenangan dalam berbagi peran, menentukan model instruksional yang menentukan keefektifan proses belajar untuk interaktivitas antara pembelajar, tutor/ narasumber, dan pihak pendukung/ penyelenggara dan materi pembelajaran harus dirancang. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah merancang basis data untuk sistem informasi penyelenggaraan kegiatan Diktat Jarak Jauh Kesehatan Berbasis Elektronik yang dapat menunjang dalam efektifitas kegiatan melalui penyediaan informasi yang diperlukan untuk pengendalian dan perbaikan hasil kegiatan. Untuk menetapkan variabel yang akan dijadikan dasar dalam basis data pada sistem informasi yang akan dirancang, dilakukan kajian pra analisis dengan menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif di Kota Probolinggo, Jawa Timur. Dari hasil kajian pra analisis diperoleh hasil bahwa infrastruktur sebagaimana yang telah disebutkan di atas sangat menentukan keberhasilan kegiatan DJJ berbasis elektronik. Hal lainnya yaitu adanya suatu mekanisme yang dipersiapkan secara matang mulai dari persiapan sampai dengan penilaian serta tersedianya data yang terintegrasi dan dapat dengan mudah diakses oleh pihak yang terlibat dalarn kegiatan ini dapat memberikan informasi dalam melaksanakan kegiatan sehingga dapat menunjang untuk terwujudnya koordinasi yang baik. Berdasarkan hasil kajian pra analisis di atas, selanjutnya disusun rancangan basis data untuk sistem informasi penyelenggaraan yang dapat menyajikan informasi mengenai efektifitas komunikasi antar pelaku dalam sistem, hasil pencapaian kegiatan pembelajaran, penyebaran pembelajar tiap unit kerja berdasarkan jenis diktat yang diikuti. Rancangan sistem yang disusun dibatasi pada mekanisme kegiatan meliputi pengumpulan dan pengolahan data, rancangan basis data, rancangan input, rancangan output, sistem menu serta kebutuhan hardware, software, dan brainware. Selanjutnya saran untuk penyelenggaran kegiatan DJJ Kesehatan berbasis Elektronik, perlu persiapan infrastruktur yang balk guna tercapainya komunikasi yang untuk mendukung koordinasi yang baik. Infrastruktur tersebut meliputi manusianya (brainware), perangkal kerns (hardware), perangkat lunak (software) serta aturan yang mengatur peran para pelaku dalam sistem. Selain itu persiapan lainnya yang jugs merupakan hal panting untuls keberhasilan kegiatan ini seperti mekanisme kegiatan, rancangan instruksional pembelajaran, ketersediaan data yang terintegrasi dan dapat diakses oleh pihak yang terlibat dalam kegiatan ini. Pengelolaan sistem penyelenggaraan kegiatan ini sebaiknya dipegang oleh daerah dengan bantuan teknis dari Bapelkes dan Pusdiklat untuk rancangan-rancangan jenis diktat yang akan ditawarkan, model pembelajaran, modul dan bahan penyerta yang diperlukan serta untuk menjaga mutu diktat melalui akreditasi dan sertifikasi diktat dan institusi diktat. ......Database Design for Implementing Information System for Long Distance Health Training and Education of Electronic Base in Probolinggo, East JavaThe qualified service quality can be only performed by. Health officer heaving knowledge, skill and professional attitude. Training and education is one of alternative approach to promote health officer quality. Government always gives all of employers included health department employers the opportunity to promote the quality health officer. One of approach which is developed to increase the professionalism is long distance training and education (LDTE). By implementing LDTE, health officer do not need to quit their own work and are able to reach the objective of health officers who is in several unit of health service. The progress of information technology, especially communication technology is based on computer. It officer the alternative way to carry out the activity of long distance learning. To perform LDTE based on sophisticated electronic, it is needed well infra-structure system such as the existence of understanding of involved people in this activity as participants of learning (learners) or as conductors (brainware), readiness of' hardware supporting communication performance and readiness of software. Besides that, there should be the well preparation before implementation of long distance learning will have the significant role in smoothness of learning process such as mechanism determination of technical communication during learning process which is supported with authorization in sharing the role, determination of instructional model which determines the effectiveness among learners, tutor supporting parties for conductor and the learning material that should be designed. The objective of this research is to design the conduction of database design for information system for health training and education activity in long distance which is based on electronic to support effectiveness of activity through information needed to control and improve the activity result. To determine the variable which will be the basic in database of design information system, there should be pre analysis study by using qualitative approach in Probolinggo, East Java. From pre analysis study, it is found out infrastructure as mentioned absolutely determines the success of LDTE activity based on electronic_ The other case is that there must be existence of well prepared mechanism from preparation until evaluation of integrated data. So that it can be easily accessed by the involved parties in this activity in giving the information of activity to create well coordination. Based on result of above pre analyses study, next , it is arranged the conduction information system design which provides the information of communication effectiveness inter actors in a system, result of reaching learning activity spreading the learners in each unit based on training and education followed. Design of system which is arranged is limited with activity mechanism including collecting and studying data, designing database, input design, output design, menu system and hardware, software, and brainware needs. Then, recommendation to conduct the activity of Health LDTE which has the electronic base should prepare the well infrastructure in order to reach communication in supporting the good coordination. The infrastructure consists of human (brainware), hard ware, software and rules regulation role of actors in that system. Beside that, the other significant preparation to support the success of this activity is like an activity mechanism, the existence of integrated data which can be accessed by involved parties in this activity. In management of this activity conduction, it will be better, if it is managed by regional authority by empowering the technical aid from Bapelkes (Broard of Health Implementation) and Pusdiklat for the sort of design of Diktat which will be given, Model of learning, Module and Completion materials needed to keep the quality of Diklat through promoting that there will be accreditation and job training of Diklat institution.
Depok: Fakultas Kesehatan Masyarakat Universitas Indonesia, 2002
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Ery Safrianti
Abstrak :
Perkembangan Teknologi Informasi (TI) telah memberikan banyak kemudahan dalam berbagai aspek kehidupan. Satu aspek penting yang menjadi kebutuhan setiap manusia adalah pendidikan. Melalui teknologi informasi, pendidikan jarak jauh atau Distance Learning dapat diselenggarakan dalam beragam model dengan pemakaian media dan teknologi yang beragam pula. Salah satu media yang banyak digunakan adalah media internet dengan pertumbuhan yang sangat pesat di seluruh belahan dunia. Tesis ini akan membahas perencanaan strategis Distance Learning melalui media internet di Indonesia. Institusi pendidikan tinggi sebagai pihak penyelenggara Distance Learning dapat mengadakannya dalam tiga model yaitu: Single Mode, Dual Mode atau Model Konsorsium. Dengan memperhatikan kondisi lingkungan dan kesiapan penyelenggara, maka model yang menurut perkiraan paling efektif untuk diterapkan di Indonesia adalah model Konsorsium. Melalui model ini, penyelenggaraan Distance Learning dilakukan oleh institusi pendidikan tinggi bekerja sama dengan institusi lain. Berdasarkan segmentasi pengguna jasa Distance Learning maka model Konsorsium dikembangkan menjadi tiga model yaitu: Model A (Kelas Terbatas), Model B (Kelas Singkat) dan Model C (Kelas Terpadu). Ketiga model dianalisis untuk mengetahui kondisi/posisi masing-masing dan merumuskan strategi yang akan diterapkan dengan menggunakan alat bentu analisis matrik IFAS dan EFAS, matrik Internal Eksternal (IE), matrik SWOT dan matrik Grand Strategy. Analisis memperlihatkan bahwa Model A berada pada kondisi Growth (sel 1) yaitu strategi konsentrasi melalui integrasi vertikal, sehingga strategi utamanya adalah kuadran 1 (strategi S-0). Model B berada pada kondisi Growth (sel 5) yaitu strategi konsentrasi dengan integrasi horizontal, dengan strategi utama pada kuadran 2 (strategi S-T). Model C juga berada pada kondisi Growth (sel 8) yang berarti menggunakan strategi diversifikasi konsentrik, dengan strategi utama pada kuadran 2 (strategi S-T). ...... Information Technology (IT) development has given many lightness in every aspect of life. An important aspect that becomes human need is education. Over the information technology distance education or distance learning can be implemented in various models with various technology and media. One of the most used media is internet with a very rapid growth rate all over the world. This thesis will discuss strategic plan of distance learning over internet media in Indonesia. Higher education institution as the service provider can implement distance learning in three models, i.e. Single Mode, Dual Mode or Consortium Mode. After due consideration of environmental condition and service provider readiness, the most effective model predicted to be implemented in Indonesia is consortium mode. Through this model, distance learning carry out by higher education institution cooperate with other institution/party. Based on distance learning user segmentation, Consortium Mode developed into three models, i.e. Model A (Limited Class), Model B (Short Class) and Model C (Integrated Class). These Three models analyzed to find each condition/position and formulate the strategy to be implemented; with tools analysis used are EFAS and IFAS matrix, Internal External matrix (IE), SWOT matrix and Grand Strategy matrix. Analysis showed that Model A position is Growth in cell 1 (concentration strategy through vertical integration), thus the grand strategy is in quadrant 1 (S-0 Strategy). Model B condition is Growth in cell 5 (concentration strategy through horizontal integration) and the grand strategy is in quadrant 2 (S-T Strategy). Model C is in cell 8, Growth condition too (Concentric diversification strategy) with the grand strategy is in quadrant 2 (S-T Strategy).
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2000
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Mutia Rahmi
Abstrak :
Makalah proyek akhir ini mengkaji perilaku informasi mahasiswa Program Sarjana Sekolah Tinggi Manajemen Logistik (STIMLOG) dalam pembelajaran jarak jauh (PJJ). Selama COVID-19, mahasiswa terkendala dalam mengakses koleksi perpustakaan secara langsung. Sementara, Perpustakaan STIMLOG sebagai penyedia sarana dan prasarana informasi belum memiliki gambaran perilaku informasi mahasiswa selama PJJ sehingga upaya adaptasi dalam layanan yang diberikan kepada mahasiswa belum dilakukan secara optimal. Penelitian ini adalah penelitian kualitatif dengan metode studi kasus. Pengumpulan data dilakukan selama enam bulan (Oktober 2021 hingga Maret 2022). Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa perilaku informasi mahasiswa STIMLOG yang menyangkut dimensi perasaan, pikiran, dan tindakan mahasiswa selama PJJ sesuai dengan Tahapan ISP Process, terdapat perbedaan hasil dilapangan yaitu pada tahapan inisiasi mahasiswa STIMLOG awalnya belum memiliki minat dalam topik yang ada sehingga merasa terpaksa untuk membuat karya tulis. Mahasiswa tetap melakukan pencarian informasi karena tuntutan deadline tugas yang diberikan. Pada tahapan koleksi informasi ditemukan mahasiswa masih melakukan tahap pencarian informasi secara bersamaan sehingga perasaan bingung dirasakan mahasiswa dari awal pencarian hingga berakhir. Pada tahapan merepresentasikan hasil, mahasiswa menyajikan hasil informasi secara subyektif tergantung dari dosen atau juri yang memberikan tugas. ......This final project paper examines the information behavior of undergraduate school students Higher Logistics Management (STIMLOG) in distance learning (PJJ). During COVID-19, students are constrained in accessing library collections directly. Meanwhile, STIMLOG Library as a provider of information facilities and infrastructure has not have a description of student information behavior during PJJ so that adaptation efforts in the services provided to students have not been carried out optimally. This research is a qualitative research with case study method. Data collection was carried out during six months (October 2021 to March 2022). The results showed that the behavior of STIMLOG student information concerning the dimensions of feelings, thoughts, and actions students during PJJ in accordance with the ISP Process Stages, there are differences in results in the field, namely at the initiation stage, STIMLOG students did not initially have interest in the existing topic so that they feel compelled to write a paper. Permanent student search for information because of the demands of the given task deadlines. In stages collection of information found students are still doing the information search stage simultaneously so that students feel confused from the beginning of the search until end. At the stage of representing the results, students present the results of information subjectively depends on the lecturer or jury who gives the assignment.
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Pengetahuan dan Budaya Universitas Indonesia, 2022
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Gemma Stamina Kurniawan
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2003
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Yuriko Yeshi Sangtoki
Abstrak :
Latar Belakang: Mahasiswa kedokteran gigi sudah selayaknya memiliki pengetahuan dan pemahaman yang mumpuni terkait Ilmu Kedokteran Gigi Anak, sehingga ketika menjadi dokter gigi dapat menangani permasalahan gigi dan mulut anak secara komprehensif. Kegiatan belajar mengajar di FKG UI dialihkan menjadi pembelajaran jarak jauh ketika pandemi COVID-19. Perubahan metode pembelajaran yang terjadi mungkin mempengaruhi kemampuan mahasiswa untuk memahami materi pembelajaran serta keterampilan klinis akibat tidak adanya interaksi langsung. Tujuan: Untuk mengetahui gambaran tingkat pemahaman dan tingkat keterampilan mahasiswa preklinik FKG UI yang menerima materi pembelajaran Ilmu Kedokteran Gigi Anak dengan pembelajaran jarak jauh. Metode: Penelitian deskriptif potong lintang pada 92 mahasiswa preklinik FKG UI angkatan 2019 dengan menggunakan kuesioner yang telah diuji validitas dan reliabilitasnya (Cronbach’s alpha > 0,9). Data dianalisis menggunakan aplikasi SPSS versi 25. Hasil: Tingkat pemahaman mahasiswa preklinik FKG UI mengenai teori IKGA tergolong dalam kategori paham (78,3% responden), dimana pemahaman dengan rata-rata tertinggi adalah terkait topik faktor risiko Early Childhood Caries (ECC) (X=4,00) dan yang terendah adalah terkait topik prosedur restorasi Celluloid Strip Crowns (X=3,13). Tingkat keterampilan mahasiswa preklinik FKG UI mengenai skills lab IKGA tergolong dalam kategori terampil (60,9% responden) dengan rata-rata tertinggi adalah terkait dengan topik perawatan pit and fissure sealant pada pasien anak (X=4,00) dan yang terendah adalah terkait dengan topik terapi pulpa pada pasien anak, yaitu Direct Pulp Therapy (X=2,80). Kesimpulan: Tingkat pemahaman dan keterampilan responden terkait materi Ilmu Kedokteran Gigi Anak yang diberikan dengan pembelajaran jarak jauh termasuk dalam kategori paham dan terampil. ......Background: Dental students should have qualified knowledge and understanding related to Pediatric Dentistry so that when they become a dentist, they can deal with children's dental and oral problems comprehensively. Teaching and learning activities at FKG UI were transferred to distance learning during the COVID-19 pandemic. Changes in learning methods that occur may affect students' ability to understand the learning material as well as clinical skills due to the absence of direct interaction. Objective: To identify the level of understanding and skill level of FKG UI preclinical students who receive Pediatric Dentistry learning materials with distance learning. Methods: A cross-sectional descriptive study was conducted on 92 preclinical dental students of the Faculty of Dentistry, Universitas Indonesia, class of 2019, using a questionnaire that had been tested for validity and reliability (Cronbach's alpha > 0.9). Data were analyzed using SPSS version 25. Result: The level of understanding of preclinical students of FKG UI regarding Pediatric Dentistry theory was classified in the category of understanding (78.3% of respondents), where the highest average understanding was related to the topic of risk factors for Early Childhood Caries (ECC) (X=4.00) and the lowest was related to the topic of Celluloid Strip Crowns restoration procedures (X=3.13). The skill level of FKG UI preclinical students regarding IKGA lab skills was classified in the skilled category (60.9% of respondents) with the highest average related to the topic of pit and fissure sealant treatment in pediatric patients (X=4.00) and the lowest related to the topic of pulp therapy in pediatric patients, namely Direct Pulp Therapy (X=2.80). Conclusion: The level of understanding and skills of respondents related to Pediatric Dentistry materials provided by distance learning are included in the category of understanding and skilled.
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Gigi Universitas Indonesia, 2023
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Abstrak :
Facebook (FB) and WhatsApp (WA) have become the “communication portal” for social networking, which has rapidly transformed the way people communicate and stay connected. From an educational perspective, social networking sites have received ambiguous review. Some studies have shown that the use of FB is becoming more widespread in language learning and it can be an effective tool. FB is not only easy to use, but it also helps encourage autonomous learning within a social environment for students and puts control for learning into the students’ have. This article focuses on the social netwotking site, FB, WA application within the context of UT. It attempts to shed light on an information-sharing activity conducted via online discussion using FB and WA groups and involving distance learning students. This study investigated student’s participation in the online discussion and their feedback on the use of FB’s and WA’s forums as the platform for the activity. FB and WA were adopted for supporting an online tutorial at the Open University of Indonesia with a view to highten tutor-student and per-based participation, and enhance pedagogical delivery and inclusive learning in formal and informal spaces. The findings suggest FB and WA transformed pedagogy by fostering social constructivist environments for tutor-student and peer –based co-contruction of knowledge. The teacher’s role was transformed from an instructor to a facilitator and mentor providing guidance on demand. Student roles were also transformed from information receivers to information generators, collaborators, information organizer/seekers/givers, critical thinkers and group leaders. However, the challenges of using Facebook and WhatsApp included tutor’s resentment of the merging of academic and family life occasioned by WhatsApp consultations after hours.
JPUT 15:2 (2014)
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Hasmiati Sessu
Abstrak :
Penelitian ini bertujuan menganalisis penyelenggaraan Pendidikan Jarak Jauh (PJJ) bagi tenaga bidan lulusan Diploma I Kebidanan yang diselenggarakan di Poltekkes Kemenkes Kupang, dengan pendekatanevaluasi menggunakan model logika (Logic Model). Subyek penelitian adalah pengelola, tutor, admin dan mahasiswa program PJJ. Hasil penelitian pada komponen input menunjukkan bahwa kriteria dan persyaratan mahasiswa sudah memenuhi ketentuan, kurikulum yang digunakan sudah sesuai dengan standar, sumber daya manusia baik tenaga pendidik maupun kependidikan masih kurang baik dari jumlah maupun jenisnya, sarana prasarana masih terbatas terutama penyediaan koneksi jaringan yang stabil serta manajemen penyelenggaraan yang masih harus ditingkatkan kualitasnya. Pada komponen proses menunjukkan adanya hambatan dalam proses belajar mandiri maupun tatap muka (langsung dan online) terkait dengan koneksi jaringan dan jarak mahasiswa ke tempat belajar yang jauh. Pada komponen output, hasil capaian belajar cukup baik, 72.3% mahasiswa memiliki Indeks Prestasi Kumulatif (IPK) dalam kisaran 2,76-3,50, dengan IPK tertinggi 3,42 dan IPK terendah 1,46. ......This study aimed to analyze the implementation of Distance Learning for midwives graduate Diploma I in Midwifery held in Poltekes Kemenkes Kupang, with the evaluation approach using logic model. Subjects were managers, tutors, administrators and students. Results of research on the component input showed that the criteria and requirements of the students already meet the requirements, the curriculum used is in conformity with the standards, human resources both educators and education are still lacking both the number and kind, the infrastructure is still limited, especially the provision of a stable network connection and the management of which still has to be improved. In the process component showed a bottleneck in the process of self-learning and face-to-face (live and online) associated with a network connection and distance learning students to learning institution. At the output component, the result is quite good learning outcomes, 72.3% of students have Grade Point Average (GPA) in the range of 2.76 to 3.50, with the highest GPA 3.42 and 1.46 lowest GPA.
Depok: Fakultas Kesehatan Masyarakat Universitas Indonesia, 2015
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Muhammad Ibrahim
Abstrak :
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menguji faktor individual (power distance orientation) dan kontekstual (perceived organizational support) yang mempengaruhi voice behavior. Penelitian menggunakan metode online survey menggunakan google form pada 103 karyawan yang berada di daerah DKI Jakarta dan sekitarnya menggunakan alat ukur dengan reliabilitas antara 0,77–0,81. Hasil analisis moderated regression menunjukkan bahwa: (1) power distance orientation berpengaruh negatif terhadap voice behavior, (2) terdapat peran penting perceived organizational support sebagai moderator untuk menjelaskan hubungan antara power distance orientation dengan voice behavior. Perceived organizational support berperan dalam memperlemah hubungan negatif antara power distance orientation dengan voice behavior. Model penelitian ini menjelaskan 38% terbentuknya voice behavior. Perceived organizational support tinggi menjadi faktor signifikan dalam memperkuat karyawan dengan power distance orientation rendah untuk semakin menunjukkan voice behavior. Penelitian ini berkontribusi pada interaksi antara power distance orientation, perceived organizational support, dan voice behavior.
This study aims to examine individual (power distance orientation) and contextual (perceived organizational support) factors that affect voice behavior. The study utilized online survey method using google form on 103 employees in DKI Jakarta and its surrounding areas using a measuring instrument with reliability between 0.77-0.81. The results of moderated regression analysis show that: (1) power distance orientation has a negative effect on voice behavior, (2) perceived organizational support as a moderator has important role in explaining the relationship between power distance orientation and voice behavior. Perceived organizational support dampens the negative relationship between power distance orientation and voice behavior. This research model explains 38% of the formation of voice behavior. High perceived organizational support is a significant factor in strengthening employees with low power distance orientation to increasingly show voice behavior. This research contributes to the interaction between power distance orientation, perceived organizational support and voice behavior.
Depok: Fakultas Psikologi Universitas Indonesia , 2020
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Shelly Shalihat
Abstrak :
Latar Belakang: Berdasarkan data per 20 September 2021 di 46.500 sekolah, ada 2,8 persen atau 1.296 sekolah yang melaporkan klaster COVID-19. Klaster COVID-19 paling banyak terjadi di SD/MI yaitu 2,78 persen. Per tanggal 18 Maret 2021 Angka kematian di Provinsi Lampung mencapai 5,32 persen atau berada di atas rata-rata nasional, yakni 2,71 persen. Berdasarkan SE Kepala Dinas Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan Bandar Lampung Nomor : 420/1254/IV.40/2022 tentang pembelajaran tatap muka pada masa pandemi COVID-19 dilaksanakan pada hari senin tanggal 14 Maret 2022. MIN 8 Bandar Lampung adalah MIN percontohan yang terletak sangat dekat dengan pemukiman padat penduduk, luas bangunan sekolah yang tidak terlalu besar memiliki jumlah siswa paling banyak serta memiliki interaksi dengan masyarakat luar yang sangat aktif. Berdasarkan dari studi pedahuluan yang sudah peneliti lakukan ternyata didapatkan hasil bahwa perilaku 3M siswa MIN 8 Bandar Lampung masih kurang disiplin.Tujuan: Mengetahui faktor-faktor yang berhubungan dengan penerapan perilaku 3M pencegahan COVID-19 pada siswa MIN 8 Bandar Lampung Tahun 2022. Metode: Menggunakan desain penelitian cross sectional survey, subjek diukur dan diamati hanya satu kali dalam penelitian ini. Hasil: Siswa kelas 5 (62,9%) MIN 8 Bandar Lampung tahun 2022 menerapkan perilaku 3M. Variabel pengetahuan (56,7%), sikap (62,9%), pola asuh (58,8%), dukungan guru (70,1%), dukungan teman sebaya (62,9%), peraturan sekolah (50,5%) dan sarana prasarana (56,7). Variabel terpenting yang terkait dengan penggunaan perilaku 3M adalah kebiasaan orang tua, dengan OR 3.095 (95% CI: 1.315-7.284). Kesimpulan: Kebiasaan orang tua dan peraturan sekolah secara signifikan berhubungan dengan perilaku 3M. Variabel yang paling dominan terkait dengan perilaku 3M adalah kebiasaan orang tua dan peraturan sekolah setelah mengontrol dukungan teman sebaya ......Background: Based on data as of September 20, 2021 in 46,500 schools, there were 2.8 percent or 1,296 schools that reported COVID-19 clusters. Most of the COVID-19 clusters occurred in SD/MI, namely 2.78 percent. As of March 18, 2021, the death rate in Lampung Province reached 5.32 percent or was above the national average, which was 2.71 percent. Based on the SE Head of the Education and Culture Office of Bandar Lampung Number: 420/1254/IV.40/2022 regarding face-to-face learning during the COVID-19 pandemic, it was held on Monday, March 14, 2022. MIN 8 Bandar Lampung is a pilot MIN located very close to with densely populated settlements, the school building area is not too large and has the largest number of students and has very active interactions with the outside community. Based on the preliminary study that has been carried out by the researchers, it turns out that the 3M students of MIN 8 Bandar Lampung still lack discipline. Objective: To determine the factors related to the application of 3M behavior as a prevention of COVID-19 in students of MIN 8 Bandar Lampung in 2022. Methods: using a cross sectional study design where in this study the subject was only measured and observed once. Result: 5th grade students of MIN 8 Bandar Lampung in 2022 (62.9%) apply 3M behavior. Variables of knowledge (56.7%), attitudes (62.9%), parenting (58.8%), teacher support (70.1%), peer support (62.9%) school regulations (50.5%) and infrastructure (56.7). The most dominant variable related to the application of 3M behavior is the habituation of parents with OR 3,095 (95% CI: 1.315-7,284). Conclusion: There is a significant relationship between parental habits and school rules with 3M behavior. The most dominant variables related to 3M behavior are parental habits after controlling for peer support, and school rules.
Depok: Fakultas Kesehatan masyarakat Universitas Indonesia, 2022
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
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