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Ditemukan 21 dokumen yang sesuai dengan query
Julian Eva Arifa
Abstrak :
Identification of new HIV infection in a population is required for the evaluation of intervention strategy of HIV-1 transmission. The avidity assay has been promoted for estimation of HIV incidence. Avidity assay is an assay based on affinity strength of the epitopes of the HIV antigen against its specific corresponding antibodies. The antigen - antibody complex that is formed in the initial phase of infection is relatively weak and easy to break with chaotropic reagents. In contrary, the antigen-antibody binding in long-term infection is strong and not easily broken by addition of chaotropic reagents. Commercial avidity assays are available, however the antigens used might not be compatible with the circulating HIV strains in Indonesia. In order to identify the most appropriate antigen candidate for avidity assay, three structural proteins from HIV were used in this research namely, p24, IDR-gp41 and ID2-Pol from circulating HIV strains in Indonesia. The avidity assay was performed based on ELISA with sodium citrate, pH 3, chaotropic reagent. Serum samples were previously determined for their reactivity to HIV antigen by the Indonesian Red Cross. Each of the samples was tested in triplicate. The results of the avidity index were compared with the corresponding pattern of reactivity shown by Western Blotting. Comparative analysis of the avidity index using the IDR-Gp41 antigen showed correlation of increased value of avidity index with the completeness of the Western Blot reactivity pattern. This finding, however, not true in antigen ID2-Pol, and p24. Based on the results of the study, it can be concluded that IDR-Gp41 antigen has potential to be used in HIV avidity assay that is based on circulating strains of HIV in Indonesia. ......Penentuan infeksi baru HIV-1 pada level populasi diperlukan guna evaluasi strategi intervensi pencegahan penularan HIV-1.  Uji aviditas telah diajukan sebagai salah satu uji deteksi HIV-1. Prinsip uji aviditas adalah kekuatan afinitas epitope antigen HIV terhadap antibodi spesifik yang mengenali epitop tersebut. Ikatan antigen - antibodi yang terbentuk pada fase awal infeksi merupakan ikatan yang lemah dan mudah diputuskan dengan pemberian reagensia chaotropic. Pada fase infeksi lama, ikatan antigen - antibodi yang terbentuk merupakan ikatan yang kuat sehingga tidak mudah diputuskan oleh pemberian reagensia chaotropic. Uji aviditas komersial telah tersedia namun antigen yang digunakan belum tentu sesuai dengan galur HIV yang beredar di Indonesia. Pada penelitian ini digunakan 3 kandidat antigen yaitu p24, IDR-gp41 dan ID2-Pol dari galur HIV yang beredar di Indonesia, untuk menentukan kandidat yang sesuai. Uji aviditas dilakukan dengan prinsip ELISA dengan sodium sitrat pH 3 sebagai reagensia chaotropic. Sampel yang diujikan adalah sampel serum yang telah ditentukan reaktivitasnya sebagai positif dan negatif oleh Palang Merah Indonesia. Sampel diuji secara triplikat. Hasil indeks aviditas sampel dibandingkan dengan pola reaktivitasnya pada uji Western Blot. Sampel dengan indeks aviditas tinggi akan menunjukkan korelasi dengan kelengkapan pola pita reaktivitas uji Western Blot. Analisis perbandingan menunjukkan bahwa peningkatan nilai indeks aviditas yang menggunakan antigen IDR-Gp41 berkorelasi dengan kelengkapan pola reaktivitas uji Western Blot. Hal ini tidak ditemukan pada pengujian menggunakan antigen IDR-Pol2, dan p24. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian, dapat disimpulkan bahwa antigen IDR-Gp41 berpotensi untuk digunakan lebih lanjut dalam pengembangan uji aviditas HIV berbasis galur HIV yang beredar di Indonesia.
Depok: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2018
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Abstrak :
Infections may be caused by bacteria, viruses, fungi, and parasites. The diagnosis can established on the basis of signs and symptoms, should be representative of the disease process, and should be obtainal before drug administration. Diagnosis may be asded by different techniques such as investigation on microscopic examination, enzymatic activity ; immunoassays ; serodiagnosis and genetic probes. The recently applied methods of immunohistochemistry, immunoflourescence and immunoperoxidase staining, can detect specific microbial antigens. Principle of the immunoflourescence technique is recognitian of a specific antibody-antigen reaction and its visualization by labeling a chromogenic substrate. The immunoenzyme techniques require the attachment of an enzyme to a specific antibody. The antibody-antigen complex can be recognized by an enzyme label (peroxidase), resulting in a coloured product after reaction with a specific substrate and chromogenic substrate. These techniques are histologically used for visualization tissue specimen labeling, and to detec localization of antigen.
Journal of Dentistry Indonesia, 2004
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Nining Ratna Ningrum
Abstrak :
Deteksi antibodi bertujuan untuk mendeteksi adanya antibodi ireguler terhadap sel darah merah di dalam plasma pasien. Sampai saat ini, kegiatan pelayanan transfusi darah di Indonesia masih bergantung pada uji silang serasi yang masih kemungkinan adanya antibodi ireguler yang tidak terdeteksi. Antibodi tersebut dapat menyebabkan terjadinya reaksi transfusi tipe lambat yang ditandai dengan penurunan hemoglobin dan peningkatan kadar bilirubin. Upaya keamanan pada pasien transfusi perlu ditingkatkan dengan diterapkan uji saring antibodi secara rutin pada pemeriksaan pra-transfusi. Tujuh ratus sampel pasien yang meminta darah ke laboratorium pelayanan pasien di UTD PMI DKI Jakarta dilakukan uji saring antibodi dan uji silang serasi secara otomatis dengan alat Ortho AutoVue Innova dengan Column Agglutination Technology. Untuk membuktikan kompatibel palsu dipilih 10 plasma pasien yang mengandung antibodi untuk dilakukan uji silang serasi mayor dengan 70 sampel darah donor. Hasil kompatibel dilakukan konfirmasi dengan antigen typing pada donor. Semua sampel pasien yang tidak memiliki antibodi 100 kompatibel pada uji silang serasi mayor. Dari 70 sampel dengan hasil kompatibel pada uji silang serasi mayor ditemukan 14 20 hasil negatif palsu. Dari penelitian ini disimpulkan uji saring antibodi lebih mampu mendeteksi antibodi pada plasma pasien dan aman digunakan dalam pemeriksaan pra-transfusi.
Detection of antibody aims to detection of irregular antibody on the blood cell in patient plasma. Until now, blood transfusion in Indonesia in terms still depending on the crossmatch is still risking on undetected irregular antibody. The irregular antibody may cause a delayed hemolytic transfusion with hemoglobin reduction and bilirubin increase as the symptoms. Patient with blood transfusion 39 s safety needs to be improved by routine antibody screening on pre transfusiontest. 700 samples of patients who requested blood to the patient care laboratory in UTD PMI DKI Jakarta were antibody screening and major crossmatch automatically with Ortho tool AutoVue Innova with Column Agglutination Technology. To prove false compatible, 10 patient 39 s plasma containing antibodies have been selected to be tested by major of crossmatch with 70 blood donor samples. Compatible Results were confirmed with antigen typing. All samples of patients who did not have antibodies 100 compatible on crossmatch test. from 70 samples which compatible on major crossmatch test was found 14 20 of false negative results. This study suggests the antibody screening which capable of detecting antibodies in the patient 39 s plasma and safely used in the pre transfusion test.
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Ni Ken Ritchie
Abstrak :
Resipien yang mendapat transfusi berulang berisiko membentuk aloantibodi anti-HLA Kelas I karena masih adanya leukosit dalam komponen darah dan upaya pengurangan jumlah leukosit tersebut dengan filter atau radiasi belum merata tersedia di Indonesia. Antibodi anti-HLA Kelas I dapat bereaksi dengan trombosit donor pada transfusi berikutnya menyebabkan platelet refractoriness. Untuk mencegah terjadinya platelet refractoriness, pasien harus mendapat trombosit yang HLA-match atau antigen negative cell, namun belum memungkinkan karena keterbatasan jumlah donor darah yang telah diketahui antigen HLA Kelas I. Untuk itu, dilakukan pemilihan trombosit donor yang memiliki CREG HLA Kelas I yang sama dengan resipien dan selanjutnya dipastikan bahwa inkompatibilitas trombosit tidak terjadi dengan uji silang serasi trombosit pre-transfusi. Dua puluh delapan sampel pasien anemia aplastik yang mendapat transfusi berulang dilakukan skrining antibodi trombosit dengan metode whole-platelet ELISA dan dilanjutkan dengan identifikasi antibodi trombosit dengan metode MAIPA (Monoclonal Antibody Immobilization Platelet Antigen). Sampel yang terdeteksi antibodi HLA Kelas I dianalisis genotip HLA-A dan HLA-B dan dilakukan uji silang serasi dengan trombosit donor yang dipilih berdasarkan kelompok alel CREG HLA. Dari hasil skrining antibodi, terdeteksi 8 dari 28 sampel terdapat antibodi anti-trombosit. Tujuh dari 8 sampel tersebut atau 7 dari keseluruhan sampel (25%) yang memiliki antibodi HLA Kelas I. Trombosit donor yang CREG HLA Kelas I nya sama dengan resipien cocok berdasarkan hasil uji silang serasi trombosit pre-transfusi dan sebaliknya trombosit donor yang CREG HLA Kelas I nya tidak sama dengan resipien dapat menghasilkan ketidakcocokan atau inkompatibilitas pada uji silang serasi trombosit pre-transfusi. Terdapat antibodi HLA Kelas I pada 25% penderita anemia aplastik yang mendapat transfusi berulang. Dengan melakukan pemilihan trombosit yang berasal dari kelompok CREG HLA Kelas I yang sama antara donor dengan pasien maka didapatkan hasil uji silang serasi yang cocok. Studi ini sebaiknya dilanjutkan untuk melihat respon transfusi trombosit pasien yang medapat trombosit yang cocok ini.
Allo-immunization risk to HLA class I antigen is very high in multi-transfusion patients because leukocyte contamination in blood components and At next transfusion, the patients could have platelet refractoriness due to HLA antigen and alloantibody reaction. To avoid platelet refractoriness, he should be transfused with HLA-match platelet or HLA negative-cell but the blood centre doesn`t have enough donors who have been HLA class I typed. Therefore, in this study we want to know whether donor`s platelet with the same CREG HLA class I with patients is compatible. Whole-platelet ELISA for platelet antibody screening was conducted on 28 samples of Aplastic Anemia patients from Hematology-Oncology Clinic of Cipto Mangunkusumo Hospital. We identify the samples with MAIPA (Monoclonal Antibody Immobilization Platelet Antigen). Positive sample were amplified using PCR-ssp method to analyze the genotype of HLA class I. We also analyze the platelet cross-match. With ELISA method we found 8 of 28 samples have platelet antibody. Seven of those positive samples or 7 of all samples (25%) have HLA class I antibodies. From platelet crossmatch, we found that if CREG HLA Class I between donor and patient are same, the result is compatible. 25% of aplastic anemia who received blood transfusion routinely have antibody to HLA class I. With selected platelet based on the same CREG between donor and patient, we can provide compatible platelet to those patients. But this compatible platelet must be evaluated in patients.
Depok: Universitas Indonesia, 2015
UI - Disertasi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Muhammad Reyhan Pasha
Abstrak :
Komposit aluminium dewasa ini umum digunakan untuk berbagai macam aplikasi, salah satunya adalah untuk kampas rem kereta api yang umumnya terbuat dari besi tuang kelabu. Substitusi ini terjadi dikarenakan komposit aluminium yang lebih ringan dan aman. Studi literatur dilakukan untuk mengidentifikasi pengaruh dari variasi temperatur artificial aging terhadap sifat mekanik dan mikrostruktur komposit AC4B/mikro-SiC. Temperatur yang optimum akan membentuk presipitat Mg2Si dan Al2Cu yang akan berdampak pada peningkatan kekuatan mekanik dari komposit. Disimpulkan bahwa tren Ultimate Tensile Strength (UTS) meningkat seiring dengan meningkatnya temperatur artificial aging sampai pada temperatur optimum tertentu. Setelahnya nilai UTS akan berangsur menurun. Nilai kekerasan juga akan dipengaruhi oleh variasi temperatur artificial aging, dimana nilai kekerasan maksimum akan dicapai dengan temperatur yang optimum, lalu setelahnya menurun jika temperatur ditingkatkan. Ketahanan impak komposit AC4B/mikro SiC akan meningkat sampai nilai peak aging dikarenakan adanya perubahan morfologi butir yang menjadi lebih bulat sehingga mudah untuk menyerap energi. Temperatur artificial aging juga akan mempengaruhi ketahanan aus komposit yang berbanding lurus dengan nilai kekerasan. Diambil kesimpulan bahwa komposit AC4B/mikro SiC dapat digunakan sebagai material alternatif besi tuang kelabu pada aplikasi brake shoe kretea api.
Aluminium composites are widely used in many applications such as train brake shoe to replace grey cast iron, because of its light weight and safety. A literature study is conducted to identify the effects of artificial aging temperature variation on the mechanical properties and the microstructure of AC4B/SiC. The optimum artificial aging temperature will assist the formation of the Mg2Si and Al2Cu precipitates which will have an effect on increasing the mechanical properties of AC4B/SiC composite. The ultimate tensile strength showed that there was an increasing trend of UTS until it reaches peak aging prior to decreasing afterwards. Artificial aging temperature also affects the material hardness, where the data trend is likely has the peak hardness where the sample exceeds its maximum hardness number, after reaching its peak, the hardness number decreased with increasing temperature. Impact toughness is one of the mechanical properties that affected by the artificial aging, one of the factors is the change in grain morphology to a more rounded shape, which will make the impact toughness better. Optimum aging temperature is needed to maximize the impact toughness of the composite. Wear is also affected by variation in artificial aging temperature and in line with the hardness of the material, with increasing temperature to a certain point, the optimum wear resistance will be obtained. It was concluded that AC4B/micro SiC composite is a suitable alternative material for train brake shoe application.
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2020
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Abstrak :
[Infeksi parasit usus merupakan infeksi yang banyak terjadi di daerah tropis dan subtropis terutama daerah dengan fasilitas sanitasi, air dan kebersihan yang tidak adekuat. Terbatasnya sumber air konsumsi diperkirakan menjadi penyebab tingginya infeksi. Anak-anak merupakan populasi yang rentan terhadap infeksi parasit usus. Penelitian bertujuan mengetahui prevalensi infeksi parasit usus pada anak-anak dan hubungannya dengan sumber air konsumsi. Penelitian dilakukan di TPA Bantar Gebang Bekasi, Jawa Barat tahun 2012. Metode penelitian yaitu Cross-Sectional. Pengambilan data melalui kuesioner dan pemeriksaan feses yang melibatkan 139 anak usia 0-15 tahun. Pemeriksaan feses menggunakan metode Kato Katz dan teknik identifikasi protozoa usus dengan larutan lugol atau eosin. Data yang diperoleh diproses dengan SPSS versi 16.0 dan dianalisis dengan uji Chi-square. Hasil penelitian menunjukan prevalensi infeksi parasit usus 72,7%. Infeksi disebabkan oleh Blastocystis hominis 53,5%, Giardia lamblia 30,9%, Trichuris trichura 20,9%, Ascaris lumbricoides 4,3% dan Entamoeba histolytica 2%. Uji Chi-square tidak menunjukan perbedaan bermakna antara prevalensi infeksi parasit usus yang dihubungkan dengan sumber air konsumsi (p>0,05). Disimpulkan bahwa prevalensi infeksi parasit usus pada anak-anak di TPA Bantar Gebang tinggi dengan Blastocystis hominis merupakan parasit yang paling banyak menginfeksi. Selain itu, sumber air konsumsi tidak berhubungan dengan infeksi parasit usus.;Intestinal parasitic infection is the most infection in tropic and subtropics regions where sanitation facilities, water and hygiene are inadequate. Limited of consumption water resource is estimated to be the cause of high infection. Children is a susceptible population of intestinal parasitic infection. The aim of this study was determine the prevalence of intestinal parasitic infection among children and its relationship with consumption water resource. This study was conducted in TPA Bantar Gebang Bekasi, West Java on 2012. The method of study was cross-sectional. Data was collected by questioner and stool examination on 139 children within 0-15 years old. Stool examination was determined using Kato Kats method and intestinal protozoa identification technique using lugol or eosin solution. Data was processed by SPSS version 16.0 and analyzed by Chi-square test. The result showed prevalence of intestinal parasitic infection was 72,7%. The infection caused by Blastocystis hominis (53,5%), Giardia lamblia (30,9%), Trichuris trichura (20,9%), Ascaris lumbricoides (4,3%) and Entamoeba histolytica (2%). Chi-square test did not showed significant difference of prevalence of intestinal parasitic infection and its relationship with consumption water resource (p>0,05). In conclusion, prevalence of intestinal parasitic infection among children in TPA Bantar Gebang was high that mostly caused by Blastocystis hominis. Moreover, consumption water resource had not relationship with prevalence of intestinal parasitic infection.;Intestinal parasitic infection is the most infection in tropic and subtropics regions where sanitation facilities, water and hygiene are inadequate. Limited of consumption water resource is estimated to be the cause of high infection. Children is a susceptible population of intestinal parasitic infection. The aim of this study was determine the prevalence of intestinal parasitic infection among children and its relationship with consumption water resource. This study was conducted in TPA Bantar Gebang Bekasi, West Java on 2012. The method of study was cross-sectional. Data was collected by questioner and stool examination on 139 children within 0-15 years old. Stool examination was determined using Kato Kats method and intestinal protozoa identification technique using lugol or eosin solution. Data was processed by SPSS version 16.0 and analyzed by Chi-square test. The result showed prevalence of intestinal parasitic infection was 72,7%. The infection caused by Blastocystis hominis (53,5%), Giardia lamblia (30,9%), Trichuris trichura (20,9%), Ascaris lumbricoides (4,3%) and Entamoeba histolytica (2%). Chi-square test did not showed significant difference of prevalence of intestinal parasitic infection and its relationship with consumption water resource (p>0,05). In conclusion, prevalence of intestinal parasitic infection among children in TPA Bantar Gebang was high that mostly caused by Blastocystis hominis. Moreover, consumption water resource had not relationship with prevalence of intestinal parasitic infection., Intestinal parasitic infection is the most infection in tropic and subtropics regions where sanitation facilities, water and hygiene are inadequate. Limited of consumption water resource is estimated to be the cause of high infection. Children is a susceptible population of intestinal parasitic infection. The aim of this study was determine the prevalence of intestinal parasitic infection among children and its relationship with consumption water resource. This study was conducted in TPA Bantar Gebang Bekasi, West Java on 2012. The method of study was cross-sectional. Data was collected by questioner and stool examination on 139 children within 0-15 years old. Stool examination was determined using Kato Kats method and intestinal protozoa identification technique using lugol or eosin solution. Data was processed by SPSS version 16.0 and analyzed by Chi-square test. The result showed prevalence of intestinal parasitic infection was 72,7%. The infection caused by Blastocystis hominis (53,5%), Giardia lamblia (30,9%), Trichuris trichura (20,9%), Ascaris lumbricoides (4,3%) and Entamoeba histolytica (2%). Chi-square test did not showed significant difference of prevalence of intestinal parasitic infection and its relationship with consumption water resource (p>0,05). In conclusion, prevalence of intestinal parasitic infection among children in TPA Bantar Gebang was high that mostly caused by Blastocystis hominis. Moreover, consumption water resource had not relationship with prevalence of intestinal parasitic infection.]
Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2014
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Selvia Ganiesa
Abstrak :
Latar Belakang. Saat ini sedang terjadi pandemi COVID-19 di seluruh dunia, pandemi ini dimulai dari Wuhan, Cina. Virus SARS-CoV-2 penyebab COVID-19 sangat menular dan penyebarannya sangat cepat, sehingga memerlukan penanganan khusus seperti isolasi atau karantina. Gejala penyakit COVID-19 menyerupai gejala infeksi saluran pernapasan akut yang disebabkan oleh patogen lain seperti SARS, influenza, rhinovirus, dll. Diagnosis penyakit COVID-19 perlu ditentukan untuk membedakan dari ISPA yang diakibatkan oleh patogen lain. Beberapa uji diagnostik telah di kembangkan untuk deteksi cepat penyebab COVID-19. Tujuan. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah membandingkan alat diagnostik kit antigen ”Genbody COVID-19 Test Ag®” dengan rRT-PCR yang menjadi refensi test, untuk mendapatkan alat diagnostik yang murah, cepat dan akurat serta memiliki kemampuan yang setara dengan rRT-PCR. Metode. Penelitian ini merupakan uji banding dengan desain penelitian potong lintang dan metode pengumpulan spesimen secara consecutive sampling pada pasien contact tracing COVID-19. Penelitian dilakukan di Fasilitas Pelayanan Kesehatan (FASYANKES) Puskesmas Kecamatan Tanah Abang, Sawah Besar, Senen dan Laboratorium Mikrobiologi Klinik (LMK) FKUI pada bulan Oktober 2020-Desember 2020. Sampel penelitian merupakan swab Nasofaring dan oropharing dari pasien contact tracing COVID-19 yang dilakukan pemeriksaan rRT-PCR menggunakan reagen LiliF COVID-19 Real Time PCR kit dan pemeriksaan antigen menggunakan “Genbody COVID-19 Test Ag®”. Analisis penelitian ini menggunakan tabel 2x2. Hasil. Dari 233 sampel sebanyak 80 (34,33%) sampel positif rRT-PCR dan 53 (22,74%) sampel yang positif pada kit antigen. Kit antigen yang digunakan pada penelitian ini mempunyai sensitivitas 66,25% (55,89-76,61), spesifisitas 100% (100-100), Nilai Duga Positif (NDP) 100% (100-100), Nilai Duga Negatif (NDN) 85% (79,78-90,22) dan akurasi 88,41%. Pada hasil rRT-PCR dengan CT < 20, kit test antigen mempunyai sensitivitas 97,14% (91,62-102,66), spesifisitas 100% (100-100) dan pada CT ≥ 21-≥ 30 sensitivitas kit antigen terus menurun. Kesimpulan. Pemeriksaan COVID-19 menggunakan kit test antigen “Genbody COVID-19 Test Ag®” mempunyai sensitivitas rendah yang tidak sesuai dengan rekomendasi WHO. Kit antigen ini mempunya sensitivitas yang tinggi pada sampel dengan hasil rRT-PCR pada CT rendah (CT <20). ......Introduction. Currently, the COVID-19 pandemic is happening over the world, this pandemic started in Wuhan, China. The SARS-CoV-2 virus that causes COVID-19 is highly contagious, spreads very quickly and requiring special handling such as isolation or quarantine. The symptoms of COVID-19 resemble an acute respiratory infection caused by other pathogens such as SARS, influenza, rhinovirus, etc. The diagnosis of COVID-19 disease needs to be determined to distinguish it from acute respiratory infection caused by other pathogens. Several diagnostic tests have been developed for rapid detection of the cause of COVID-19. Aim. The research aims to compare the antigen kit "Genbody COVID-19 Test Ag®" with rRT-PCR as a reference test to obtain an affordable, fast and accurate diagnostic tool and have equivalent capabilities as rRT-PCR. Method. The research is a comparative testing with a cross-sectional design and consecutive sampling method for collecting specimens in COVID-19 contact tracing patients. The research was conducted at the Health Service Facility (FASYANKES) Puskesmas Kecamatan Tanah Abang, Sawah Besar, Senen and Laboratorium Mikrobiologi Klinik (LMK) FKUI in October 2020-December 2020. The research samples were nasopharyngeal and oropharyngeal swabs from COVID-19 contact tracing patients who were carried out rRT-PCR test using LiliF COVID-19 Real Time PCR kit and antigen test using “Genbody COVID-19 Test Ag®”. The research analysis used a 2x2 table. Results. Of the 233 samples, 80 (34.33%) were positive for rRT-PCR and only 53 (22.74%) were positive for the antigen kit. The antigen kit used in this research had a sensitivity of 66.25% (55.89-76.61), specificity 100% (100-100), Positive Prediction Value (NDP) 100% (100-100), Negative Suggestion Value ( NDN) 85% (79.78-90.22) and accuracy 88.41%. On the results of rRT-PCR with CT < 20, the antigen test kit had a sensitivity of 97.14% (91.62-102.66), specificity 100% (100-100) and at CT 21-30 the sensitivity of the antigen kit continued to decrease. Summary. The COVID-19 examination using the “Genbody COVID-19 Test Ag®” antigen test kit has a low sensitivity which is not in accordance with WHO recommendations. This antigen kit has high sensitivity in rRT-PCR results at CT (CT < 20).
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2022
UI - Tugas Akhir  Universitas Indonesia Library
G. Alit Artha
Abstrak :
Kasus ?Primitive Neuro Ectodermal Tumor? (PNET) sangat jarang dan sangat sukar didiagnosis. Sebuah kasus PNET didiagnosis dengan teknik histopatologi dan pemeriksaan imunohistokimia. Seorang bayi laki-laki umur 4 bulan diperiksakan ke rumah sakit dengan benjolan pada dinding dada sejak bayi tersebut berumur 3 hari. Benjolan tersebut makin lama makin membesar hingga akhirnya mencapai diameter ± 10 cm, selanjutnya penderita dibawa ke klinik. Benjolan tersebut terfiksir pada dinding dada dengan batas tidak tegas, pada kulit diatas tumor tampak dua ulkus. Selanjutnya tumor tersebut didiagnosis sebagai suatu hemangioma. Secara makroskopis tumor berukuran 17 x 13 x 5,5 cm, berbatas tidak tegas, berwarna putih dan lunak. Secara mikroskopis massa tumor terdiri atas sel-sel berukuran kecil yang tidak berdiferensiasi, berbentuk bulat-oval, dengan inti hiperkromatik, dan sebagian membentuk struktur roset, Homer-Wright di antara bagian lainnya yang difus. Mitosis 7/10 HPF, nekrosis minimal kurang dari 25%. Gambaran ini sesuai dengan suatu ?malignant small round sel tumor?, Pada pemeriksaan imunohistokimia dengan panel antibodi meliputi Vimentin, NSE, Chromogranin dan CD99 menunjukkan Vimentin positif lemah-sedang, NSE negatif-positif lemah, Chromogranin negatif-positif lemah dan CD99 positif lemah-sedang. Secara keseluruhan, berdasarkan pemeriksaan makroskopis, histopatologik, dan imunohistokimia disimpulkan sebagai suatu ?Malignant Small Round Cell Tumor? yang sesuai dengan PNET / ES (Ewing?s sarcoma) yang perlu di konfirmasi dengan pemeriksaan sitogenetik. (Med J Indones 2007; 16:108-12).
Primitive Neuro Ectodermal Tumor (PNET) is rare and difficult to diagnose. A case of PNET was diagnosed based on histopathological and immunohistochemical findings. A 4-month-old infant was admitted to the hospital with a tumor on the midline of his chest wall since he was 3 days old. The tumor was fixed on the chest wall and had ill-defined margin, enlarged over time and reached more than 10 cm in diameter when he was brought to a clinician. Two small ulcers were seen on the skin overlying the tumor. It was diagnosed as soft tissue tumor suggestive of a hemangioma. The tumor was 17 x 13 x 5.5 cm in size, white colored and firm to the touch. Microscopic examination revealed malignant small round cells with round to ovoid nuclei, coarse chromatin and scanty cytoplasm. Most cells were arranged in a solid pattern with scattered Homer-Wright rosettes. The mitotic count was 7/10 HPF, and necrosis was minimal (less than 25%). On immunohistochemical examination, the cells showed weak to moderate immunoreactivity to Vimentin and CD99, but showed negative to weak positive reactivity to NSE and Chromogranin. Based on the clinical features, gross findings, histopathologic and immunohistochemical examinations, the case was diagnosed as a malignant small round cell tumor consistent with PNET / ES (Ewing?s Sarcoma). To confirm the diagnosis, cytogenetic examination is suggested. (Med J Indones 2007; 16:108-12).
Medical Journal of Indonesia, 2007
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Diah Anjarini
Abstrak :
Pengembangan diagnosis DBD dengan pendekatan deteksi antigen saat ini adalah deteksi IgM/IgG antibodi dan circulating dengue virus non-structural protein 1 yang bersirkulasi dalam serum atau plasma penderita. Nonstructaral protein I (NS1) merupakan glikoprotein yang diperlukan dalam proses replikasi virus. Pada infeksi akut NSI disekresikan dari sel yang terinfeksi dan akan bersirkulasi dalam darah penderita DBD baik pada infeksi primer maupun infeksi sekunder. NSI dapat dideteksi pada penderita terinfeksi virus dengue serotipe 1, 2, 3 maupun 4. NSI disekresi pada hari 1 sampai hari 9 saat onset demarn, sehingga dengan deteksi NSI diharapkan diagnosis DBD dapat ditegakkan lebih dini, atau secepatnya pada hari 1 onset demam. Saat ini sudah tersedia secara komersial Diagnostik Kit SD Dengue Duo (Dengue NS1 Ag+Ab Combo). Penelitian ini bertuiuan untuk mendapatkan alternatif diagnosis infeksi virus dengue dengan melakukan uii validasi produk tersebut terhadap IgM, IgG dan NS1 pada tersangka penderita DBD di Rumah sakit Imanuel Bandar Lampung. Uji validasi meliputi sensitivitas, spesifisitas, nilai duga positif, nilai duga negatif, rasio kecenderungan positif, rasio kecenderungan negatif dan akurasi. Hasil uji dibandingkan dengan RT-'PCR sebagai baku emas (gold standard). Hasilnya menunjukkan Dengue NSI Ag menunjukkan sensitivitas (sebesar 100%), spesifisitas sebesar 92%, nilai duga positif (NDP) sebesar 58%, nilai duga negatif (NDN) sebesar 100% dan akurasi sebesar 92,5%, nilai ROC sebesar 95.8% menunjukkan bahwa NS-1 dapat mendiagnosis Dengue dengan baik sekali. Disimpulkan bahwa Diagnostik Kit SD Dengue Duo (Dengue NS1 Ag+Ab Combo ) layak dan memadai sebagai perangkat diagnosis DBD.
New approach of dengue diagnosis is detecting of circulating dengue nonstructural protein 1 (NS1) IgM/IgG antibodies, antigen in patient sera or plasma. NSI is a glycoprotein essential use for virus replication process. It is secreted from infected cells and detectable in blood from the lst day afterthe onset of fever up to day 9. This protein could be detected in dengue virus infection either serotype 1,2,3 and 4 by NS1 detection and IgM/IgG. Prompt diagnosis could be made as soon as on day 1 onset of fever. The NS I antigen assay has been developed for commercial use Diagnostik Kit SD Dengue Duo (Dengue NS1 Ag+Ab Combo). To find out an alternative dengue diagnostic tool Dengue NS1. Ag was validated for early diagnosis of febrile stage in patients with suspect dengue infection as a gold standard of the test was rely on RT-PCR. The diagnostik Kit SD Dengue Duo (Dengue NS1 Ag+Ab Combo) shows sensitivity 100%, spesificity 92%, positive predictive value (PPV) 58%, negatif predictive value (NPV) 100% and accuracy 94,5% respectively, ROC 95.8% the agreement between both tests were good. It was concluded that Diagnostik Kit SD Dengue Duo (Dengue NS1 Ag+Ab Combo) and NSI Ag good and could be used for early diagnosis of dengue virus infection.
Fakultas Kesehatan Masyarakat Universitas Indonesia , 2013
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Dian Amirulloh
Abstrak :
Hepatitis C virus HCV menginfeksi lebih dari 170 juta penduduk dunia dan menyebabkan penyakit hati kronis yang berkembang menjadi sirosis dan kanker hati. Diagnosis yang akurat sangat diperlukan untuk memberikan penanganan tepat secara dini, termasuk mencegah penularan virus tersebut secara lebih luas. Pada penelitian ini plasmid pQE80L-HCV_ME telah berhasil dibuat untuk produksi antigen rekombinan HCV. Gen pengkode antigen tersebut dirancang berdasarkan multiepitop yang bersifat imunodominan, lestari, mewakili subtipe HCV di Indonesia dan global. Gen tersebut dibuat dengan teknik DNA sintetik kemudian diklona dari plasmid pUC57 ke pQE80L. Pengklonaan dilakukan menggunakan situs restriksi BamHI dan HindIII dalam sel E. coli Top10. Plasmid pQE80L-HCV_ME kemudian diverifikasi dengan PCR koloni, analisis restriksi, dan sekuensing.
Hepatitis C virus HCV have been infected more than 170 million people in the world and caused chronic liver disease that lead to liver cirrhosis and hepatocellular carcinoma. Accurate diagnosis is very important to give early proper treatment and to prevent HCV transmission broadly. In this research pQE80L HCV ME plasmid has been successfully created to produce HCV recombinant antigen. Gene that encodes antigen was designed based on multiepitop sequences from immunodominat region, conserve, and represent the most prevalence HCV subtypes in Indonesia and global. The gene was generated through synthetic DNA then be cloned from pUC57 plasmid to pQE80L. Cloning was performed by using BamHI dan HindIII in E. coli Top10 cell. pQE80L HCV ME plasmid then be verified by colonies PCR, restriction analysis, and sequencing.
Depok: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2018
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
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