ASBTRAKPenelitian ini bertujuan untuk menguji pengaruh dari growth opportunity yang
diukur dengan Market To Book Value of Assets (MVABVA), net working capital
diukur dengan perbandingan antara net current assets minus kas dengan total aset
nonkas, dan profitability yang diukur dengan Return On Equity (ROE) terhadap
cash holding yang diukur dengan perbandingan antara kas dan setara kas dengan
total aset nonkas, menggunakan sampel perusahaan nonkeuangan yang terdaftar di
BEI periode 2010 ? 2014. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa growth
opportunity berpengaruh positif terhadap cash holding, net working capital
berpengaruh negatif terhadap cash holding dan profitability berpengaruh positif
terhadap cash holding.
ABSTARCTThis study aimed to examine the effect of growth opportunity that measured by
Market To Book Value of Assets (MVABVA), net working capital that measured
by comparing the amount of net current assets minus cash and cash equivalents
with total non cash assets, and profitability measured by Return On Equity (ROE)
on cash holding that measured by comparing the amount of cash and cash
equivalents with total non cash assets, using non financial company listed in BEI
2010-2014 as samples. The result shows that growth opportunity is positively
correlated with cash holding, net working capital is negatively correlated with
cash holding, and profitability is positively correlated with cash holding;This study aimed to examine the effect of growth opportunity that measured by
Market To Book Value of Assets (MVABVA), net working capital that measured
by comparing the amount of net current assets minus cash and cash equivalents
with total non cash assets, and profitability measured by Return On Equity (ROE)
on cash holding that measured by comparing the amount of cash and cash
equivalents with total non cash assets, using non financial company listed in BEI
2010-2014 as samples. The result shows that growth opportunity is positively
correlated with cash holding, net working capital is negatively correlated with
cash holding, and profitability is positively correlated with cash holding;This study aimed to examine the effect of growth opportunity that measured by
Market To Book Value of Assets (MVABVA), net working capital that measured
by comparing the amount of net current assets minus cash and cash equivalents
with total non cash assets, and profitability measured by Return On Equity (ROE)
on cash holding that measured by comparing the amount of cash and cash
equivalents with total non cash assets, using non financial company listed in BEI
2010-2014 as samples. The result shows that growth opportunity is positively
correlated with cash holding, net working capital is negatively correlated with
cash holding, and profitability is positively correlated with cash holding;This study aimed to examine the effect of growth opportunity that measured by
Market To Book Value of Assets (MVABVA), net working capital that measured
by comparing the amount of net current assets minus cash and cash equivalents
with total non cash assets, and profitability measured by Return On Equity (ROE)
on cash holding that measured by comparing the amount of cash and cash
equivalents with total non cash assets, using non financial company listed in BEI
2010-2014 as samples. The result shows that growth opportunity is positively
correlated with cash holding, net working capital is negatively correlated with
cash holding, and profitability is positively correlated with cash holding;This study aimed to examine the effect of growth opportunity that measured by
Market To Book Value of Assets (MVABVA), net working capital that measured
by comparing the amount of net current assets minus cash and cash equivalents
with total non cash assets, and profitability measured by Return On Equity (ROE)
on cash holding that measured by comparing the amount of cash and cash
equivalents with total non cash assets, using non financial company listed in BEI
2010-2014 as samples. The result shows that growth opportunity is positively
correlated with cash holding, net working capital is negatively correlated with
cash holding, and profitability is positively correlated with cash holding;This study aimed to examine the effect of growth opportunity that measured by
Market To Book Value of Assets (MVABVA), net working capital that measured
by comparing the amount of net current assets minus cash and cash equivalents
with total non cash assets, and profitability measured by Return On Equity (ROE)
on cash holding that measured by comparing the amount of cash and cash
equivalents with total non cash assets, using non financial company listed in BEI
2010-2014 as samples. The result shows that growth opportunity is positively
correlated with cash holding, net working capital is negatively correlated with
cash holding, and profitability is positively correlated with cash holding, This study aimed to examine the effect of growth opportunity that measured by
Market To Book Value of Assets (MVABVA), net working capital that measured
by comparing the amount of net current assets minus cash and cash equivalents
with total non cash assets, and profitability measured by Return On Equity (ROE)
on cash holding that measured by comparing the amount of cash and cash
equivalents with total non cash assets, using non financial company listed in BEI
2010-2014 as samples. The result shows that growth opportunity is positively
correlated with cash holding, net working capital is negatively correlated with
cash holding, and profitability is positively correlated with cash holding]"